Shmautz looks around and it akes some time but eventually Servitor reacts to something and you pull out an ancient looking stone tablet that Servitor presses its token to for several minutes before indicating it is done.
Next please.
5 - Philosophy section Moving on you look through the next section and find a few items on works on natural philosophy, and theories on a variety of subjects
[ +- ] Fyerdetha's Discourses on Power
'fountains and pools holdgreat power
that can only Be reached By performing
proper ceremonies. (Most sure of these is
irrunersion, for in this way the Bather sur-
reiulers himself to the spirit cf the water.
That spirit, or some portion of it, enters
into the Bather , whereby hie gains great
powers. "Woe to the weak-willed whose
spirits are sure to Be consumed By spirits
that put even the strong at great risk,
(fura^ holds that the falls cf I?(ce are
greatest of all these. (Morden writes that
the Eool of (Rgdance is greater still.'
Later in the Book,
'(Places of magical power are not neces
sarily tied to one physical location. Power
often moves from plane to plane along the
path of least resistance. The termination
of the path determines the place's location
on this plane, l/olatile upheavals Between
the planes may lead to a change in the
path cf least resistance. This can change
zoftere tf ie path- terminates on tf iis plane,
tfms moving tHe place of power.
'Some wf ic wield strong supernatural
forces can Bend the path lihc an engineer
damming a river. ^Ben the path is Sent,
it can terminate in a new location, mov
ing the place of power on this plane. If
the supernaturalforu that Bent the path
is removed, the path will snap Bachto its
original form and the place of power will
return to its original location. Such
disruption can have violent and
unpjidktaBle results.
'%us, inter-planar upheavals and
directed supernatural forces mag hold the
answer to the seemingly ever-changing
location of placefcf power, such as the
Pool of Rfuliance.
[ +- ] Urgund's Description of Darkness
JA Black.hound tome written in a
strange halting hand
'...and settled foremost in the had cf
9dinor Courtiers were the lesser powers:
9daram of the Qreat Spear; Slaaski Voice
of Sfaigut; T yranthrw^us the Jlamed One;
'Borem of the Lak^ cf Boiling Mud; Orcus
the seeker of Death; and Camnod the
Unseen. These too fed down and
Became servants cf the great lord Bane.'
A few other marginally useful books
(a) Meditations
(b) The Harmony of the Rock
(c) Strom's Discussions of Poetics
(d) Chronicles of Arram
(e) Discourse on the Nature of Writing
Through all of this Servitor reacts to nothing You check out all of the smaller studies but find nothing interesting and move back to the intersection but this time move through it quickly and avoid meeting the librarian again.
The two side rooms along the southern hallway have rows of tables and chairs with excelent lighting for reading as well as shelves along the walls. Inspecting these you discover they hold educational materials but nothing of inerest to you.
Returning to the hallway you are left facing your first door since you entered the library.