Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:46 am
Holding the hidden position there with Aduorix near the ruined stone building and stables, Syrena takes notice of the unusual heat in the area.

This phenomenon was described in advance; now Syrena can confirm it. The air is hot, like the hottest summer day under the full high sun. Syrena feels the perspiration already after the quick exertion of climbing the wall.

Syrena keeps her eyes on the gate house. The thin man staring into the fire, the Krysean whose name is said to be Igolio, is just out of sight behind the building from this vantage point, but Syrena can still see his long shadow casting out from the light of the large central fire.

All seems well enough, but the tension is thick in the air.
May 15, 2023 6:34 pm
"Take this and drop it for me once you get inside." Gennadius says, passing his javelin quiver and leather breastplate to Xenophon. "I need to look the part of a man disturbed in his bed, not one well donned for combat."

After checking his tunic, weapon belt with bolases and whip, he unsheathes the crude goblin knife from his boot and slides it across his brow and into his hairline with a wince. Blood pours down the side of his face. He wipes at it a few times, missing it into his hair an cleaning his palm on his tunic. Costume and makeup check complete, he signals he is ready to the group.

"Not but a few weeks ago you lot were little more than tips to be made as I entertained at a snakes den. Now we strike out, grasping at the threads of fate and weaving the first lashes of the tapestry that will grow into a story of adventure, treasure, and secrets discovered. The deception I put on tonight is the first step along that journey. It will be a long one with many tales to be told from it! I couldn't have asked for a better, stronger, more skilled lot to start this journey with, tonight!"
Bardic inspiration for the group. This would have come a bit late into the start of the mission, after Syria set out, while Gennadius is still preparing and psyching himself up. Probably just the small group waiting near the gate, but also possibly Gundus before he separated.
Another post coming in about an hour with approach to the gates.
Last edited May 15, 2023 7:45 pm
May 15, 2023 7:10 pm
Gennadius quietly jobs back down the trail, away from the fort, and begins to mentally rehearse his story.

We are a survey team. I am a laborer hired for general tasks as needed. It has been slow going along the trail from town. He begins to puff with exertion a bit and picks up the pace. We set up camp near the spur trail. Commander Omander and his patrol passed by and questioned us. Ordered us to check in at Saromen Fro in the morning. Gundus was on watch, the rest of us sleeping when he called an alarm.

He stops, turns around, and then begins sprinting full speed along the trail towards the fort. Spear half lowered, knife in offhand. I rolled out of my bed roll and strapped on my belt. I looked around to see what the alarm was. I was tackled by a goblin, his dark shape coming out from the edge of the fire's light. I rolled with the beast before turning its own knife against and pressing it down into its chest. I got up. the group... He gasps, for breath, pausing his internal monologue as if the breath were necessary for the mental telling of the story. Our camp was scattered! I could only see twice as many shapes fighting as our own numbers. Four came at me and I ran. I ran to the fort. He gasps for breath continually now, the sprint winding him and bringing sweat to mingle with the smears of blood.

"OPEN THE GATES! OPEN THE GATES! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE OPEN!" Three gasps and five more sprinting paces. "GOBL... he chokes on the word ...GOBLINS!!! He crashes into the gate.

Pounding the shaft of his spear, he yells his plea again "PLEASE!! THEY ARE CLOSE STILL!" He turns and brandishes his knife out to the shadows and presses his back up tight against the wall. His panicked form making his spear useless as it is held vertically.
May 15, 2023 7:54 pm
The sentry patrolling the palisade ramparts comes to the covered balcony over the gate. From a caged sight window, he peers down at Gennadius below.

He is quiet for a time, listening to Gennadius's pleading and watching him carefully.

"Where are the rest of your group?,"
the young soldier asks first.

Hearing Gennadius's response he listens and waits further.

"I'll open the gate briefly to let you in - give you some help and we'll try to keep a look for your mates. But you have to do what I say EXACTLY."

Gennadius hears the soldier going downstairs. It happens quickly, but a small window opens, and he is talking to him again, from a lower caged portal on ground level.

"Now you throw that spear out as far as you can into the field. Same for that knife. No one enters Tower Four armed for battle like that. Do it fast, and I'll open the gate.

But NO TRICKS, YOU! One chance I'll give you.

You need to get inside if you're telling the truth. So come along then, Auran. Let's go - toss those weapons."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 8:14 pm
Syrena and Aduorix watch as Galopan jogs the west wall rampart bridge to the bulky balcony structure over the gate. He is talking outwardly, but it is unclear what he is saying.

Then he descends the stairs, disappearing into the chain room below.
May 15, 2023 8:15 pm
Aduorix smiles with excitement. She grasps Syrena's hand, and then whispers closely in her ear.

"He's in the chain room. I think he is going to open the gate!"
May 15, 2023 8:21 pm
"Ianna's tits!" Gennadius looks frantically up at the sentry and back out into the darkness. "OK OK, but be quick! I DON'T WANT TO BE OUT HERE!!!" he cries. A couple beats pass as he looks left and right, straining to see what's in the black woods. Then he takes a step forward and hurls his spear. The throw is half laterally and it spins lazily head to butt before it lands a good 40 feet out. He immediately stands with knife thrust out, as if a goblin was charging at him that very moment. A few beats more and he chucks it with a short flick of his wrist and pump of the arm. It lands about fifteen feet away into the dusty trail.

He spins back to the gate and pounds on it. "OK OK PLEEASE!" He gasps for breath and spins around again looking wild eyed into the woods. "OH GODS PLEASE!!!"
Hoping to add the impression that Gennadius is no warrior as he throws the spear.
Last edited May 15, 2023 8:28 pm
May 15, 2023 9:26 pm
"Alright, fellow," the solder commands clearly, "I'll crack the gate, you move through quickly. Nothing more."

There is a loud clank - K-CHHHKKK!

"I'm sealing it again right after, so don't hesitate." Gennadius can still hear him in the control room.

Now the rattling of chains and a thud bump of a wooden beam moving.

Another crank of a wheel ....

...the gate cracks open!
Only slightly though.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:11 pm
From the edge of the forest line, Xenophon, Damanandros, and Baudecca watch the exchange between Gennadius and the person within the gate. They cannot see the guard directly from this position, but they feel certain Gennadius is talking to someone.

Gennadius throws his weapons away.

Then the distance clanking and thumping sounds of the gate mechanism. Is it opening?

They don't see any movement yet.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:18 pm
Gundus watches from the lumber yard. He sees Gennadius move up to the gate and apparently speak with the guard there.

Gundus can hear Gennadius's loud pleading, but it's impossible to make out the exact conversation at this distance. Gundus does not hear the guard talking.

Gundus has been watching the tower, which is offset within the compound and closest to this north west corner nearest his position.

The window shudder of the tower that faces north has remained open throughout. Gundus has seen a green glow emitting from the window since he arrived. It continues now.

Damanandros mentioned powerful magic in the tower. Perhaps this glow is confirmation of that, but at the same time the strange lighting has stayed consistent, and Gundus sees no activity at the tower window or balcony so far.

Gundus watches as Gennadius throws two weapons out onto the trail and nearby clearing.
May 15, 2023 10:18 pm
Holy hells that gate mechanism is loud enough to be an alarm itself!

"THANK YOU!!" Gennadius claws at the gate as it creeks open, squeezing in as soon as possible, looking over his shoulder back to the woods one last time as he does.
Gennadius will stumble in a good ten paces before stopping and turning to watch the gate shut, so long as there isn't a spear tip blocking his movement.
Immediate goals are to spot how Galopan moves into/out of the gate house, identify where other guards are, and then move to them like a cowering child looking for the safety of his parents.
Last edited May 15, 2023 10:21 pm
May 15, 2023 10:20 pm
Xenophon takes the quiver and breastplate from Gennadius, and tries to wrap it up and stuff it in his pack so that carrying it will not be so obvious. Fortunately, his poor state at the start of this expedition meant his bag was mostly empty. He watches Gennadius's performance from the concealed position with admiration.

I brought this man into the team for the silver, but he is proving his weight in gold!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:54 pm
The first thing that Gennadius notices as he enters is how hot it is. When he moves through the gate and inward, he hears the gate close behind him and sees the bonfire ahead in the center of the compound.

It is extremely hot. Sweltering.

There is a thin shirtless man just ahead, staring into the fire.

He turns to look at Gennadius, and holds a gaze that is empty and strange. His attention is unnerving in the light of the fire.

The fierce contrast between light and shadow is dramatic throughout the area. The imposing tower stands like a juggernaut to Gennadius's left. Ahead and right is an old ruined stone structure that has been converted to a barn. A tent and another small square wooden building are nearby off to the right.

Gennadius turns back towards his left shoulder to see the sentry, Galopan, whom Gennadius had seen previously on the trail, emerging from the chain room that is beneath the gate balcony, just to the north side of the gate.

The young lad looks soaked in perspiration.

Gennadius gives another scan of the surroundings.
[ +- ] FIRST REVEAL! - Map of Saromen Fro - FULL RETRO MODE
May 15, 2023 11:14 pm
"Show me your hands, fellow. Don't approach me," Galopan commands. He is clearly still on alert. His polished and oiled sword gleams in the firelight.

"Do you have any weapons? I want to help, but no tricks."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 11:20 pm
Syrena watches. Gennadius is in the gate!
[ +- ] SF Map, References 2
Syrena and Aduorix are at/near position #2.
May 15, 2023 11:29 pm
The gate closes as soon as it opens. Gennadius slips in and is gone.

There is a short silence among the onlooking overwatch team.

Then Baudecca breaks it, "Well that worked better than I predicted."

Another short silence, and she turns to Xenophon. "What now?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 11:30 pm
I'm probably out for the night, Players' Club (USA EST).
Anybody post up anything PCs want to do. Ask what questions you need - I'll get back on game tomorrow morning. Mix with in-character entries when possible.

Split team. In the compound.
5 PCs in 4 different locations.
Let's GO!
May 16, 2023 12:49 am
"We rush the gate when they open it," he responds to Baudecca, calmly. His eyes never leave the gate.
May 16, 2023 9:58 am
Galopan steps forward and inspects Gennadius, still from a distance.

He notices Gennadius's healer bag and asks what is in it. Hearing the answer, he instructs him to open it to verify. When Gennadius complies, the young soldier takes interest and says, "We have an injured man here. If you will show your help to him as you treat your own injuries, then we would be grateful. You can prove your good will, and we can continue the watch for the others in your group."

When Gennadius agrees to the offer, Galopan instructs again, "Move there to the table." He points to an outdoor seating area near a furnace grill and kitchen. There is a large table, some stools, and a sturdy bench there.

"I will get our fellow - he has scratch and bite wounds on his arms. I'll send him to you."

He looks to Igolio, who is on the other side - behind Gennadius. "Decanus?," Galopan asks, and nods to Gennadius, signaling a transfer of attention and control.
May 16, 2023 10:03 am
Igolio had moved a few steps closer already, and he stands there staring at Gennadius. The bonfire is billowing behind him.

He takes his empty eyes off of Gennadius to look at Galopan. He nods in response but says nothing.

He sets his deadpan gaze back to Gennadius.

Igolio's two long swords hang menacingly in the scabbards at his sides.
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