Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 1, 2023 8:43 pm
Early in the night, just after the soldiers depart up the spur trail…

The group reconvenes to assess their situation.

Xenophon and Gennadius are still recovering from injuries. Damanandros seems to be in better health, though still reduced in mobility.

Xenophon no longer suffers from -1 to Attack throws from yesterday's beetle poison.
Damanandros: Movement Rate(s) 75% to Normal
I've lost track of HPs unless I go back to look up, so injured players report in if desired.
Even with their challenges, the party members know that they must be ready for anything this night, here in Skausen Spen.

The full moon manifests high as a glowing yellowy white, looming large and surrounded by an ethereal vapor. All the stars remain hidden behind a ghost-grey veil of fog that hangs here on the mountains' edge.

Required Action, PC Party: Decide what to do for the night.
May 1, 2023 9:43 pm
"I have doubt that those men last night were as they claimed." Syrena speaks up. "More likely they are bandits than legionnaires. My experience with those under the command of our patron would never appear so unlike the legion."

"A trap is likely what will face us at the tower of Saromen Fro. Our contact is to meet us here at midday if he is yet able."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 2, 2023 1:57 am
Robago says:

Gundus is conflicted. After the dangers braved on the road, the safety of Saromen Fro beckons eagerly. He longs to embrace it. And he might learn valuable news at the legion camp. But Gennadius and Syrena appear openly reluctant - perhaps even outright suspicious - of the centurion's invitation. After the encounter at the Saromen Gen, he can't blame them. He is unwilling to leave them, especially with the night so charged; he can feel the power of the rising full moon. Inside his pack, the icon of Tuweigh seems to thrum with energy. The stag - the divine messenger - had appeared in the forest, and lead away rather than to the watchtower. Was it an omen? A warning?

He trusts his companions with his life. He would trust their judgment, too, and stand by them.

Gundus holds the small token icon of Tuweigh, who is Turas to the Kryseans, in the palm of his hand as he seeks the wisdom to know what is best to do. This strange moment feels like a heavy weight upon him.

Revealed: previously exclusive Note to Robago...

Gundus feels restless. His soul is stirring, as it has been since he encountered the Great Stag.

It is unclear what exactly to do, but Gundus knows that he cannot do nothing. This moment is not meant to be squandered camping, waiting idle until a possible meeting midday with Eramus tomorrow.

Now a worry sets in. If the suspicion is true, if there is foul play at the tower, then Eramus could be in danger. Or worse.

Today before the setting of the sun, Gundus was called to take risk, to seek honor, to challenge the Night.

He was given powers during this darkness, not forever but now - in this time.

The Full Moon reigns. Whether for ill or good, Gundus is not sure. The light of night is part of the Natural Order, even though it is steeped in mystery and esoteric influence.

The Moon will have its way, but so shall the Stag.

And that Great Champion called Gundus to take action - to evoke a Will to Power, to compete and win.

The future of this night is as obscure as the fog that hides the starry sky above, yet Gundus knows that he must not let the moment pass him by.

The Eternal Dawn will come, and it must be ushered in with glory.

May 2, 2023 4:08 am
Xenophon agrees with Syrena.

"Eramus did say not to trust Legionaries, although that group hardly counts. But, if we avoid the tower, they will surely think we are bandits. If we take a different path, we will need to push hard to stay ahead of them. Do you know of a path we might take to circumvent the tower, Syrena?"
HP is holding steady at 5/10.
May 2, 2023 5:27 am
The soldiers' departure fails to ease Gundus' tension. Instead, the knot in his stomach tightens unbearably. He stalks restlessly about the camp, fists clenched. "You may well be right," he answers Syrena. "I don't know what to make of anything in this strange land. But I have a sense of foreboding. And I am tired of being on the back foot!" he cries.

"Tonight the gods cast their eye closely upon this place. It is not a time to sit idle. They grant power to those in their favour – power to be to used, to act! Witness the proof!"

The icon gleams in the glow of the full moon. Gundus presses it to Xenophon, chanting softly in High Auran. A nimbus of pale silver light emanates from the icon and envelops the Nicean, suffusing him with healing energy.

He then springs upon Gennadius, holding the icon high in one hand and seizing the bard's wounded leg with the other. There is a flash of the same light as Gundus channels the restorative power through himself.

"I will have some answers tonight," he says. "It is those who stand against us that should talk of avoidance! I mean to see Saromen Fro with my own eyes. It may be that we find Eramus there in peril. Who will come with me?"
Gundus is using the icon to cast Cure Light Wounds on Xenophon, and using Lay on Hands on Gennadius for 2hp.


Cure light wounds - Xenophon - (1d6+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

May 2, 2023 6:29 am
Gennadius is concerned that the soldiers want us to report in at noon, which happens to be at the same time as our boss should be showing up. He is betting that the soldiers will send a scout or two to make sure our group is indeed doing what we say we will and that we are heading toward the fort at the proper time. They might even have observed our boss coming out here every day and are highly suspicious about the activity.
Also, sorry for the trash ooc exposition!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 2, 2023 12:24 pm
Len says:
Xenophon agrees with Syrena.

"Eramus did say not to trust Legionaries, although that group hardly counts. But, if we avoid the tower, they will surely think we are bandits. If we take a different path, we will need to push hard to stay ahead of them. Do you know of a path we might take to circumvent the tower, Syrena?"
HP is holding steady at 5/10.
Providing some content of what Syrena would know ...
DMJ sent a note to RageRed
May 2, 2023 3:30 pm
Gundus's gifts have proved immeasurably useful so far in this journey, Xenophon reflects. His body is almost healed thanks to his faith and magic, and the strength of his conviction wipes away his doubts. He pledges to join him in his journey to Saromen Fro.
May 2, 2023 7:56 pm
"My experience on this trail does not extend beyond this point." Syrena says to the others. "The Lusetem ends somewhere in this vicinity and no maps of the region beyond have I seen. Circumventing the trail to Saromen Fro would be slow and could bring us to impassible terrain, especially should this attempt be in the dark of night beneath the canopy of the forest."
Last edited May 2, 2023 7:58 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 1:35 am
My general understanding is that the party will move up the spur trail to investigate Tower 4 and fortifications.

Goals to scope it out, not be seen if possible, pull some reconnaissance. Avoid confrontation or detection or interaction until/unless it's unavoidable.

Divert me if I'm off course on that assumption. Or clarify with any details.

A question: would this be the whole group moving up together? Or possibly move up part of the way together, then make a rally point off to the side and let Syrena do the SCOUT job? She moves quietly, better on surprise, slides through bad terrain, can disappear into the forest if necessary. Not trying to assume anything just asking - b/c it seems up her alley, but also there is the risk of being alone.

I had hoped to post game tonight, but cannot. Will have to shift to early morning 2maro.
May 3, 2023 4:30 am
Damanandros is in with the others but is concerned about being a liability.
"I may lag behind if the pace requires swiftness, but I do my best work from the back of the line anyway."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 10:24 am
The group stalks up the spur trail for a ways. After the initial slight slump into open low ground, the path takes a sharp climb and through old growth hardwoods and conifers.

Syrena is out ahead a short ways on point lead. Damanandros' limitations and the concern for stealth make for a slower pace than normal.

At distance estimate of a one-third mile, Syrena senses something ahead. The group moves to the side of the trail and takes cover.

In a quick investigation a short way's further, Syrena scouts to see that the fort wall is ahead. A little over 300 meters forward, the tall timber palisades stand tall on a flat platform clearing.

It is deathly quiet. There are no torches, lanterns, nor fires to be seen - only the wooden wall. From this vantage she cannot see the tower itself, but it must be behind the palisade wall. It would take more investigation around the perimeter to know more.

Syrena drops back the short distance towards the others. She makes it without issue, but notices some movement out in the woods nearby.

It could have been an animal in the night, but Syrena's instincts tell her that it is something - or someone - else that is stalking about.

The group reconvenes this short distance away from the fortifications. From here forward they will have to use stealth if they wish to know more and remain undetected. Everyone is on guard and at the ready.

Required Action, PCs: Describe next effort and method on close approach to the fortifications.
So far, fort location is identified. All that can be seen is one stretch of a palisade wall. Gate entrance is unclear. Size of area unclear. No lighting detected anywhere yet. Give any general strategy - I'll be back on end of day to incorporate any input and update.
May 3, 2023 2:23 pm
It's midnight here (we live in the future down in Aus) and I just got home from band practise. Won't be able to check in until late afternoon/evening tomorrow (my time), so I'll just drop Gundus' two cents here:
Gundus finds the darkened, quiet watchtower (so far as they can see) very strange. It validates his companions' suspicion of the soldiers they encountered earlier. It also heightens his concern for his friend Eramus, whom he expected to find stationed here. He is keen to find out more, even if that means approaching the tower openly – though perhaps his companions will think of something else to try. Perhaps they could catch who-/what-ever is skulking around and plumb them for information.
May 3, 2023 3:21 pm
Xenophon nods at the idea of taking a captive, or at least identifying what is stalking about in the dark. The group of five of them would struggle to out-stealth a single sentry. The cover of dark was a two-edged sword - it blinded observers, but it also made it very hard to avoid snapping twigs or knocking loose stones along the way. And in armour, they were not particularly stealthy as a group.

But something he learned on campaign with Damanandros - sometimes it doesn’t matter too much what choice you make, as long as you make it quick and stick to it.

He proposes that Gennadius, Gundus, and Xenophon can continue on, acting as bait to draw out the stalker in the night. In armour, they will pitiful at stealth anyway. Damanandros and Syrena can hang back to find the sneaker, with Damanandros using his excellent Sleep spell to down the target, avoiding a chase through the dark woods and guaranteeing taking the target alive.
Now at 9/10 hp, thanks Robago!
May 3, 2023 4:31 pm
Gennadius agrees with Xenophon's plan.
Again, sorry for the short post, just trying to make use of the little time I have today.
May 3, 2023 6:21 pm
Len says:
Xenophon nods at the idea of taking a captive, or at least identifying what is stalking about in the dark. The group of five of them would struggle to out-stealth a single sentry. The cover of dark was a two-edged sword - it blinded observers, but it also made it very hard to avoid snapping twigs or knocking loose stones along the way. And in armour, they were not particularly stealthy as a group.

But something he learned on campaign with Damanandros - sometimes it doesn’t matter too much what choice you make, as long as you make it quick and stick to it.

He proposes that Gennadius, Gundus, and Xenophon can continue on, acting as bait to draw out the stalker in the night. In armour, they will pitiful at stealth anyway. Damanandros and Syrena can hang back to find the sneaker, with Damanandros using his excellent Sleep spell to down the target, avoiding a chase through the dark woods and guaranteeing taking the target alive.
Now at 9/10 hp, thanks Robago!
Damanandros nods to Xenophon, indicating that he understands. He trusts his tactical decisions, having learned their importance during the last campaign.

He turns to Syrena and watches her closely, looking for any reaction to the news that she will be paired with the least mobile member of the group. The corners of his lips turn down, signaling his seriousness about the plan.
Last edited May 3, 2023 6:21 pm
May 3, 2023 7:26 pm
Syrena nods her agreement with the plan, as she remains quiet. She gives Damanandros a brief glance and places one hand on his shoulder, before turning off into the shadows to hide and conceal her own presence while the three decoys continue on. The experienced scout listens carefully to every sound in their surroundings. Finding the sizable bole of a large tree, she stands against it to hide her silhouette against the view of their stalker.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 8:27 pm
Xenophon leads the way, with Gundus and Gennadius joining for the explicit approach up the spur trail. Damanandros waits back, with Syrena under concealment nearby the mage.

Slowly the bait team steps forward, listening and watching intently. Damanandros begins his trailing walk to remain in a reasonable range, with Syrena moving along quietly under cover.

After about 100 meters of the cat and mouse ruse, Xenophon feels certain that his plan has revealed the lurker. He hears the ever so slight sound of twigs snap, to the left of the trail - soft and surely not noticeable in normal observance, yet in his heightened senses he is convinced. Whoever it is is very close.

Not letting on, he nods to Gennadius discreetly to support him. The young bard confirms with eye contact and a slight nod in response.

The Xenophon makes his move...

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 8:42 pm
Xenophon surges forward in a burst, up the slight rising edge of the trail and through the mass of brush!

The sentry is already on the move, but Xenophon crashes in with his shield, charging forward to knock his sneaky opponent off balance.

Gennadius quickly loops forward and around, cutting off access to the forward path of the trail that leads to the fort. He presses in close, swiftly tightening the flank.

On the move to avoid capture, the lurker has no choice except to spring out onto the trail where Gundus is waiting...

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 8:49 pm
Seeing the commotion ahead, Damanadros steps into action - picking up the pace to close the distance and support with his spell.

... his spell...

A sudden moment of panic... Damanandros feels that he may not be prepared!
Ok - let me know if I'm off here. My current contention is that Damanandros does not have any remaining spells. He casts the now infamous Magic Mouth (IAMYOURS!) spell somewhere around 3am "last night" which was really interchangeable with "this morning". The whole day has been on the move - short stop at logger shelter, another short stop at Tower 3 ruins, and then lastly a short stop at tonight's partial camp before the arrival of soldiers, plus another strategy talk-through right after. None of these have allowed time for multi hours of study. In previous post (would have to look where), I thought I heard mention that it would take multiple hours of study to recover spells.
Again - maybe I'm off base. If so, sorry for the confusion - and this entry will be easily dismissed.

UPDATE/EDIT: This concern was incorrect. All rest/study requirements fulfilled.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 8:52 pm
Syrena moves with urgency but maintains her stealth as best as possible.

She can hear the noise and can see blurry silhouettes of a skirmish ahead, but in the darkness the details are hidden until she can close in.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 9:15 pm
Stumbling to keep footing and maintain mobility, the stalker commits and crashes headlong into Gundus. The sudden and violent rush is surprising, and sends Gundus backpedaling several steps.

Xenophon closes in quickly to support though, not letting the target capitalize on the admittedly effective maneuver.

The assailant is not quite surrounded, but is forced back on the trail - downhill. Xenophon, Gundus, and Gennadius stand online and press forward in an inverted wedge formation, blocking side exits. They guard the uphill route entirely, the distant fortifications now to their backs.

The lone defendant stands defiant, backing downhill slowly and carefully - outnumbered but at the ready for a clash, defending with a mighty battle axe that gleams in the moonlight!

The plan in motion, Damanandros should be coming up from behind - to catch the hapless stalker unaware in a web of magic...
Leo, report in - let me know confirmation or rebuttal on my previous post. And either way, tell what Action!

Anyone else, send input as desired!
May 4, 2023 7:35 am
Syrena closes in stealthily with her bow in hand, ready to take down the enemy.
May 4, 2023 7:43 am
"In the name of Türas, halt!" Gundus demands. "Who goes there? Why are you following us?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 9:31 am
"Keep your voice down, you blowhard!", the defendant hisses - a shouting whisper with a tone of angry frustration.

The voice gives Gundus a first suspicion of it. Now the shadowy outline and way of movement perhaps ... Gundus believes that the armed defendant is a woman.

She retreats the downhill trail in controlled withdrawal, with the polished axe poised ready and a small shield at guard.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 10:12 am
Syrena is closing in on the left woodline alongside the trail, well within range to shoot in daylight but still too far to decipher close detail in the darkness.

Closer. She sees an armed defendant retreating from the others - backing downhill on the trail at guard.

Closer. Syrena can tell it is a woman now. She remains unaware of Syrena's approach behind her.

Damanadros is quietly limping in closer all the while as well, though Syrena has passed him now in her brisk advance on the sideline.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 2:47 pm
DMJ says:
Seeing the commotion ahead, Damanadros steps into action - picking up the pace to close the distance and support with his spell.

... his spell...

A sudden moment of panic... Damanandros feels that he may not be prepared!
Ok - let me know if I'm off here. My current contention is that Damanandros does not have any remaining spells. He casts the now infamous Magic Mouth (IAMYOURS!) spell somewhere around 3am "last night" which was really interchangeable with "this morning". The whole day has been on the move - short stop at logger shelter, another short stop at Tower 3 ruins, and then lastly a short stop at tonight's partial camp before the arrival of soldiers, plus another strategy talk-through right after. None of these have allowed time for multi hours of study. In previous post (would have to look where), I thought I heard mention that it would take multiple hours of study to recover spells.
Again - maybe I'm off base. If so, sorry for the confusion - and this entry will be easily dismissed.
Leo set me straight on this. I was INCORRECT in my concern. Damanandros has completed all rest and study requirements for spell readiness. Sorry for the confusion there, with special apologies to Leo. That entry is hereby stricken from the record.

Action and story should be considered revised retrospectively, but I'm leaving the old writing covered in strike-through for visibility and reference.
May 4, 2023 2:58 pm
Xenophon is ready to lash out at the stalker at the slightest indication he is going to run or raise an alarm. He's expecting Damanandros any second now.

"Surrender and be spared. We would have taken your life already if that's what we wanted."
May 4, 2023 3:07 pm
Damanandros gives a brief whistle to signal to Xenophon that he is in position. He checks the distances and readies his spell, if the subject attempts to flee, he will cast sleep to immobilize her. He would rather hold onto the spell for a more dire need, but this could prevent the sentry from betraying their presence and she may be a source of information.
[ +- ] Sleep

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:01 pm
"Ha! Try to take my life at your peril!" the woman retorts, swiping a controlled swing of her axe to accent the threatening boast. Again her voice is severe, but disciplined to a lower volume.

"And I said - KEEP YOUR VOICES DOWN! If you want to shout, let us move downhill and you sound your bray there, donkeys!"

The darkness veils her face and finer features, but she stands ready in a blended armor set, wielding weapon and buckler. She is fit in physique, and a head-full of long hair spills around her shoulders. Her adroit movements suggest that she may be formidable, certainly no hapless villager brandishing a wood chopper.

Still, she looks tense at the prospect of being outnumbered and one false step away from being surrounded.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:03 pm
Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to RageRed...
As Syrena is targeting the woman on the trail, someone runs past from the forest and spanks Syrena on the bottom!

Startled, Syrena looks over to spot the swift spanker dash out onto the road. It is ... another woman? Fast as lightening, she is diving and tucking into a roll - towards Damanandros! [/note]

A few paces behind the retreating warrior woman, Xenophon and the assault team see nothing more than a quick dash of movement in the dark.

Damanadros sees someone charging him - now leaping - now tumbling in a roll past him!

There is a fluttering sound of a cloak swooshing. The next thing he knows, someone is behind and has grabbed a strong hold of his shoulder strap that goes across his chest. A quick snatch of it and he is shifted off balance to a stumble.

"Don't move, wobbly" a feminine voice says behind him, hugging in close, "... and tell your friends to BACK OFF!"

There is a slight delay on pace, then she adds "... or ... I'll SKEWER YE!"

Syrena sees now that a cloaked woman has leaped onto the trail and taken a cover position behind Damanadros.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:27 pm
Seeing her ally roll in to support, the warrior makes a hurried drop back to a close position nearby. She sets her stance - crouching, shield out, axe cocked back and high. "RAA!" she sounds out a threat, gritting her teeth with a snarl.

She whispers something back to her comrade. Only Damanandros is close enough to hear.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to Leo9sign...
"Draw your weapon!" whispers the warrior woman.

"Ahh!" answers the unseen acrobat behind him. He hears the slight sound of a blade being snatched from a holster.[/note]

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!" the smaller woman growls, in her smaller voice. She holds Damanandros's cross-body bag strap in one hand and brandishes a short thin sword in the other.

The two women stand back-to-back on the trail, weapons out, with Damanandros in between. But now surrounded...

Xenophon, Gundus, and Gennadius encircle them. Syrena still stands on the edgeline of the trail.
May 4, 2023 7:43 pm
All that and Syrena can take no action or reaction or shot at either of the unknowns?
Last edited May 4, 2023 7:44 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:50 pm
Syrena can take any Action she wants.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:55 pm
Damanandros soon restabilizes. He has full mobility of his hands and generally feels that he could fairly easily pull away and/or take other action (spell?).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 8:03 pm
RageRed says:
All that and Syrena can take no action or reaction or shot at either of the unknowns?

Armor Classes:

*Warrior: +5
*Acrobat: +3
May 4, 2023 8:26 pm
Syrena whips about as the spanker moves off toward Damanandros to ruin his spell and fires at her attacker.
Last edited May 4, 2023 8:28 pm


Longbow attack - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Damage - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

May 4, 2023 8:37 pm
Gennadius approaches the stalkers with the others. He shifts his spear to his off-hand and then quietly reaches to his back and unfastens the loop of leather holding his coiled whip to his belt. Continuing to hold his hand behind his back, he lets the loops of the whip out slowly, such that they start to trail behind him as he advances. As the short woman brandishes her weapon, Gennadius feints with his spear and then lashes out with the whip, aiming for the sword in an attempt to disarm her!
Disarm says:
A combatant may try to disarm his opponent in lieu of making a melee attack. To disarm an opponent, the combatant must succeed on a melee attack throw with a -4 penalty. The opponent must then make a successful saving throw versus Paralysis to hold onto his weapon. If he fails, the weapon is knocked 5' away.
Forgot to add the AC. Successful attack throw on 13+
Last edited May 4, 2023 8:40 pm


Atk Acrobat, Whip, +2 Disarm, -4 special attack, +1 two weapons: 10+ - (1d20-1)

(17) - 1 = 16

Whip damage - (1d2)

(2) = 2

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 8:44 pm
Gennadius's whip snaps out and wraps the little acrobat's wrist.

Save vs. Paralysis

"OOOOUCCH!!" she laments as her weapon is snatched away from her.

She lets go of Damanadros and cradles her injured hand with her other. With a look of frustration, she glares at young Gennadius.

"STOP!" she commands at him in her girlish voice. "Can't we talk about this?! Ugh." She looks down at her wrist in worry, apparently losing focus on the standoff.


Save vs. Paralysis to resist Disarm (needs 12+) - (1d20)

(4) = 4

May 4, 2023 8:53 pm
Syrena reloads her bow and readies another attack should the two continue to brandish weapons against her comrades.
Last edited May 4, 2023 8:53 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 9:01 pm
Seeing her comrade disarmed, the captive freed, herself surrounded, and a bow drawn on her - the plucky warrior begrudgingly swallows her pride. She lowers her axe and shifts her buckler out and away, a signal of parley.

"If you try to hurt us, I'll fight to the death," she says plainly, backing up to stand protectively over her injured companion.

She gives a look of defeat to Gundus. "My only hope now I suppose," she says with a sigh, "is that you really are a priest."

She talks in the accent of a rural Krysean.
May 5, 2023 2:47 am
"I am servant of Türas, known to you as Tuweigh," Gundus says. "We have no desire to harm you. We only wish to know what is happening here." He speaks reassuringly, but keeps vigilant. If the pair were bandits they might have friends nearby.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 5, 2023 10:06 am
The Krysean warrior woman is cautious for a moment remaining, but then she responds quite candidly, "There is a happening here indeed. The men of the fortification ahead have fallen to sorcery. There is magic as well as treasure in that tower, guarded by corrupt men and a foreign witch."

She does look at everyone as she speaks, but she seems to drift towards addressing Xenophon primarily.

"Only now is a rare moment when they are slim on their guard. The foreigners and Omander have departed in a hurry."

Now her enthusiasm is building and her boldness is apparent. She signals to her comrade, to include her in the proclamation. "We mean to breach the defenses tonight under the Full Moon, sneak into the tower, and take the treasure for our own. We might see the magic if we could - to gaze on its wonder perhaps - but we will not stir it. We are wary of its corruptive power."

She speaks directly to Xenophon first, "Your company should throw in lots with us. We can share in the adventure as well as the spoils."

Then she turns outward to everyone. "We have already learned your prowess - the hard way for us - but my instincts tell me you are bold.

Whether you seek fame, glory, or wealth - join with us tonight and gain it, if you have the will."
May 5, 2023 2:17 pm
Damanandros listens as the women spin their web. With the mention of the full moon, he feels the aching of his joints and frowns deeply.

He can’t shake the feeling that this is out of place and possibly connected to the harpy in some way. The promise of treasure, a lure to set the trap.

"What do you know of Dreams of Sekki or Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu?"he watches closely to see if a reaction will betray they know more.
"Perhaps Ish'tauxi?"

He wonders if he is only going mad.
May 5, 2023 3:15 pm
He looks the knavish girl over. It cannot be denied, she has spirit. Her mention of treasure sparks a knee-jerk lust for treasure from Xenophon, but he immediately remembers this is Saromen Fro, the place where they were supposed to meet with Eramus. Would not this be his treasure? He'd just as soon rob the Packer's Guild.

The news about witches and foreign influence did match with what Gundus told them of Eramus's message. It would also explain the delays in Gullyloft. He addresses the party.

"I think she speaks true. Her story matches with our own fragments, and would explain a lot."

He turns to the woman, lowering his spear and setting aside his shield.

"What is your name, and how did you come by this knowledge of corruption and witchcraft? Tell us all the details."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 1:27 pm
The group withdraws further from the fortifications, to an advantageous terrain feature for cover and concealment. This allows for safety to talk and the use of small lighting without detection.

The women are Baudecca (armored axe warrior)....
[ +- ] Repeat - reference portrait, Baudecca

...and Aduorix (fleet-footed cloaked acrobat).

Both of the women are Kryseans. It becomes clear over the conversation that Baudecca is quite familiar with the places and people of this rural region (Skausen Spen, foothills and highlands of the Mearleigh Mountains).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 1:58 pm
The following entries will be broken up by topic and explained in direct or listed content for brevity and clarity. The actually conversation for the characters would be in dialogue, with interaction through questions, answers, follow up, etc.

I think it goes without saying, but these represent the statements and claims of the women. Whether they are true, accurate, complete, properly interpreted, etc. will be up to PCs to judge or discover over time, if it turns out to be possible.
[ +- ] Background, treasure, magic

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 2:31 pm
[ +- ] Factions, Foreigners, Witch, Corruption

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 3:00 pm
[ +- ] Eramus, Patrols and Movement, The Plan

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 3:33 pm
[ +- ] Recent Departures, Expected Defenders

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 3:37 pm
Will stop there. That was a lot I know, but I figured Players' Club would like to know more details rather than less to make a plan.

And after all...
Len says:

" did you come by this knowledge of corruption and witchcraft? Tell us all the details."
Digest as time permits. Please post any entries in response.

Hoping to use the weekend for clarification if/as necessary and give ample time for y'all to decide on next actions.

Would like to be ready to launch whatever plan the PCs have on Monday (Moon Day).

May 6, 2023 5:37 pm
Leo9sign says:
Damanandros ...

"What do you know of Dreams of Sekki or Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu?"he watches closely to see if a reaction will betray they know more.
"Perhaps Ish'tauxi?"

Baudecca answers simply, shaking her heard softly after listening, "I know none of these names."
May 6, 2023 10:14 pm
Initially, stubbornly perhaps, Syrena remains on overwatch as the men and the two female strangers begin to interact behind their cover. Though, she eventually conceded to curiosity and joins the rest. Clearly she is unsettled and occasionally removes herself to check their perimeter, before returning.

Could it be coincidence that Damanandros mentioned the harpy and an unknown SHE and suddenly two women suddenly appear as if from nowhere? She didn't trust them. Not one bit.

Syrena looks for reaction from the mage at the presence a closeness of the two women, to see if there were signs he might sense the presence of the one who injured him the previous night. Too, she can't help but find herself looking at the acrobat. She hopes that missing the cute female with he arrow won't come back to bite her in the ass. Aduorix was certainly the type that attracted Syrena and if they had met in a tavern or an event in Aumanuctum, the scout would attempt to engage the blue-eyed Kyrsean in conversation, at the least. She hoped her attraction wasn't obvious and wondered to herself if the two women were more than just adventuring companions.
May 7, 2023 11:42 am
"I agree, Xenophon. It does match all that we know. And if it is true, we must do something.

Omander asked us to report to him at the tower by midday – so if he is away, he'll be back soon enough. If there's a chance to get in there, tonight is it."

Gundus is wary about trusting the two Kryseans too far. His deep-seated faith in the institutions of the Empire had blinded him, causing a severe misjudgement of Omander and his retinue at their meeting; his friends had seen through the facade where he had not. He carries some lingering embarassment from this episode of naivety, and he is loath to repeat the mistake.

He leaves unspoken his speculations about Eramus. Baudecca hadn't heard of him for a month, but the letter from Eramus must have been penned more recently than that. And the signs at the junction suggested he had been trying to keep the appointment. Could Eramus be at large, free of the corrupting influence, working against Omander? His offer of treasure, warnings about foreign gods, and instructions to meet outside the tower secretly could be read that way. Might he have been captured – is that why Omander had been waiting for them at the junction?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 7, 2023 12:09 pm
As Xenophon listens, he believes that he knows the way of these women. He has seen their like before in the city mostly. And they being Krysean only increases his suspicion.

He asks the prompting question, "What code do you keep?"
May 7, 2023 12:10 pm
Both of the women lock eyes with Xenophon.

After a short pause, perhaps assessing if the question was intentional or not, Baudecca answers directly, "We are Free Thieves. Our consciences are clear, and our spirits strive for the peak of the highest mountain. We will thwart the chains of fate as we can. Only our fleeting fears limit us - and we master them by our every step forward."

She nods and sets her stare at Xenophon, without apology - instead with pride.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 7, 2023 12:10 pm
Xenophon and Gennadius both know what this means. These women consider themselves experts, and they hold to an old code of honor, even if unconventional. Gennadius actually knows the name of the tradition - saor na gadai bealach in Old Krysean, the Way of the Free Thieves.

It is considered an outlawed rite in Auran civilization. Even organized crime syndicates in most port cities reject it outright. But the "thief's bealach" is a folkish way among traveling rogues and often lionized by commoners and the downtrodden, especially those of Krysean descent.
May 7, 2023 12:11 pm
"If you question our abilities, know that Aduorix has already gained fame in Epos, the Phoenix City. Her pilfer of the Argollean Collection is already a tale of local legend there.

As for myself, I have not yet traveled widely, but I have seen the view from Mount Currugain where the Sun perches on its Winter Throne. I am the bane of goblins and gnolls, and men who underestimate my feminine hands are in terrible folly."

She stands and tightens the straps on her buckler, and continues to adjust her armor as if in preparation. "You fell upon us and gained the upper hand tonight, but we have shown you fair meeting here in the spen. We offer you adventure and camaraderie on a night of challenge, under the Reign of the Manifest Moon no less."

She picks up her ornate axe and rests it over her shoulder. "Now my restless spirit grows tired of this long talk.

Do I wonder if you stall for your own fear? Put it away and let us take our chance to win the prize.

But if you are full of doubt and small in spirit, then let us who are striving go free."
May 7, 2023 1:07 pm
Little Aduorix joins Baudecca in her boldness.

The athletic acrobat takes a stand with her arms crossed, hips tilted, the edge of her cloak draping over her best effort at a tough expression.

"Get to stride, you stallions! Or get to sleep, you wankers," she chides.

She sticks her tongue out at Gennadius who whipped her, and follows with a mean snarl of her pouty lips.
May 7, 2023 1:22 pm
"Well met, cleric," Baudecca says to Gundus, seeking to build momentum and trusting her instincts that the priest is motivated to act.

"You seem fit to win. Raid this tower with us!"
May 7, 2023 5:45 pm
Damanandros is sullen and withdrawn. He watches from outside the circle, listening in on the details and busying himself with cleaning his spellbook. The mud and rain had soiled the edges of the pages and may never fully be made crisp and flat again.

His unease with the sudden arrival of these women is palpable.

He pales over the facts she shares of the witch and her influence on Saromen Fro.

Methods he has become all too familiar with.

Likely not a coincidence.

He feels as if he is falling into the pit again, unable to stop the trajectory they find themselves on.
May 7, 2023 11:56 pm
"There is more corrupting influence in Saromen Fro than a single witch." Syrena interjects, as no one else seems compelled to share their knowledge of the prior night. "There is also a harpy, who is in league with an unknown female entity. This may be the witch or the witch may actually be a harpy."
Last edited May 7, 2023 11:57 pm
May 8, 2023 9:18 am
"That could well be the case, Syrena" says Gundus. "Either way, evil is afoot, and we must do something about it. If we don't brave the tower ourselves, then what? Seek help from Saromen Gen? The forces involved are up to something, I feel. Those trips Omander takes must be for a purpose. Can we afford delay? This is our chance to find out what's going on, and we ought to take it."
May 8, 2023 9:58 am
Syrena's words are to let our two newcomers be informed of the extra threat, not to suggest we not act.
May 8, 2023 10:30 am
I got that, I was just laying out the options as I see them.
May 8, 2023 10:43 am
When Syrena mentions the harpy, Baudecca and Aduorix look at one another as if a worry has been realized.

After Gundus's response that follows, Baudecca says to Syrena, "You mentioned seeing a harpy? A woman crossed with a bird - is this what you mean?"

She continues after a confirmation. "This is troubling to hear. Some of the highlanders claimed that bird women were screeching on the high cliffs near Carantacus Leap overlooking the lake. The story seemed a fable at first, but then others claimed it was true."

She nods to Syrena. "If you saw a bird woman, now I must believe the highlanders' accounts are more accurate than embellishment."

"Harpies?! I did not even know they were real." she says, as if thinking it over in frustration. And she continues a fearsome list. "Goblins on the move. Wargs. Giant scorpions. A two-headed devil dog. What is next?! What is amiss in the spen?"

Pondering further, "This strangeness seems to have begun with this last Cycle. Perhaps Annuba the Opelenean is a Moon Witch."

She turns to Gundus. "Can your favor with the gods be called to counter her Night Magic?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 8, 2023 10:47 am
Xenophon and Syrena both realize that Baudecca's assessment of timing is reminiscent of cryptic comments made by the veteran Krysean Optio at Saromen Gen.

He too mentioned a strangeness emerging with the recent Moon Cycle.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 8, 2023 10:57 am
Not sure of my availability during the day today - I think I'll be in and out intermittently.

If y'all can, steer us towards next actions. If there is to be an engagement with/against Saromen Fro perimeter, help me zero in on the general strategy or approach.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 8, 2023 9:23 pm
Damanandros reflects on the ideas that continue to perplex him in his stress.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to Leo9sign...
Damanandros is reflecting on the names and terms that he heard. He cannot help but wonder their meaning.

When he spoke to the Goddess...the Harpy, to Ish'tauxi, it was quite fascinating to hear her fluent use of ancient Zaharan. For Damanandros, who learned the dead language like all others do, by formal study in an academic setting, her speech seemed wrong to what he learned - yet it was clear that her version of the language was correct. He was quite certain of it.

It was not entirely different, but the inflection, the syntax, the ordering, the pronunciation - it all came together differently than he was used to. Certain vocabulary he did not know. Certain conjugation, gendering, and application of adjectives and adverbs were new to him.

Meanwhile, it seemed as if Ish'tauxi was learning the proper use of Low Auran for the first time. She had started the interaction with only a crude version of the common speech, more akin to the manner in which the few beastmen speakers use the language of men, with severe limitation and inaccuracy.

Through the day today he has been sifting through his memory of the fateful conversation, reliving it almost - and reflecting on the strangeness of it all.

"Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu."

Nur-Hunzu seems more like a title. The word "holy" is usually converted as "nara", but with the descriptive conjugation scheme that Ish-tauxi was using, "nara" could have been converted to "nuru" for masculine. And then for formality or definite connotation, the shift to "Nur" seems possible.

And the "Hunzu", Damanadros is coming to believe, is some reference to "moon" which normally is "hansar". But again with the older trends, he might guess it would be more like "hunsr". Yes, the "Hunzu" would still be an unknown. It could be a proper name. But on the other hand, it could be something "moon - ish", related to "moon".

"Moonish"? Perhaps not. "moon man" ? "Moon Lord"? "Sign of the Moon"?

Damanandros cannot pinpoint it. He can recognize the possibility that he is overthinking it or drawing associations because of the ongoing references to the full moon - an imposing presence at this point.

But..."Holy Moon Lord Isiratuu" ... it is taking root in his mind as a possible candidate for translation. It is difficult to dismiss the theory of it.

What would a Holy Moon Lord of Zahar be, during the long ago age of the Sorcerer Kings?[/note]
May 8, 2023 11:01 pm
Syrena nods. "Yes. The same. A harpy." She looks over to the mage as she answers. "It was not seen by my eyes or the foul bitch would now be dead. She fled her torments before tasting the sting of my arrows."
May 9, 2023 5:46 am
Damanandros jumps back into the conversation, his mind still grappling with the events of the past few days. He feels raw and on edge, quick to take offense at even the slightest provocation, intended or not.

"Consider yourself lucky you didn't fall under her spell with her singing," he says, with a hint of bitterness in his voice. He knows Syrena isn't implying that she would have done better, but he can't help feeling defensive.

"I've been thinking about the language she spoke and the words she used," he continues, his tone becoming more animated. "It was a nuanced form of ancient Zaharan, and the full moon seemed to be an important point in her questioning. Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu could be translated as Holy Moon Lord Isiratuu. Maybe she's still after it." He looks to the newcomers, hoping to gauge their reactions.
May 9, 2023 10:22 am
Gennadius is put at ease as the two women, the theive's bealach speak. He grew up idolizing and play-acting as a sly bealach, raiding the treasure room of fat merchants.

"Isheir-Rothu." Gennadius says to Damanandros. To the group. "Not Isiratuu. Isheir-Rothu. I recognize the name now. It's an old one from children's rhymes. ...Ishi-Rotten in the rhymes. ancient wizard that created beastmen. Like goblins. Like harpies." He relays, pausing as he looks thoughtful, remembering tales and lore before divulging each bit remembered.

'What children come?' The Moon King spoke
'So far from hearth and home'

Only a mistake my Lord I'll go
My children wait at home.

'The silvered moon has brought you here'
'A thrall caught in my claws'
'Thine legs are scaled snakes, my son'
'And hunger shall be yours'

A single word, a single word
That Isheir-Rothu spoke
And now the beast weeps for his home
And not a soul to hear
Accompanying soundtrack:
"These creatures, these witches seek powerful magic. That magic and their treasures are in that tower and they are gone. We act now. Together."
May 9, 2023 10:30 am
Baudecca, now standing and at-arms, moves over to Syrena as the group conference begins to break into smaller conversations.

"You said you would have shot the harpy had you the chance," she nods at Syrena's bow then looks back up at her. "I believe you," she says with her pleasant smile.

"You carry your longbow like the Arrisae hunters. They are a tribe with renown archers, of the old hardwood forests of Loem. And you are sure-footed here in the spen hills. It is a sight to see you dressed as you are and ranging here with these city men and mercenaries. I have wondered if you are from the Drakonir Mountains."

She takes interest in Syrena's responses, and any information shared.

Soon though she prompts for action. "If it came to it, could you send an arrow into the throat of Annuba Opelenean - if she stood there on the tower balcony and you on the ground? It is a 30 foot rise at least.

I do not wish for the guard Galopan to be shot with an arrow. Spare him if you can. I admire his commitment, and Aduorix believes he is a kind soul. At least he is a worthy adversary."

Carrying on with her obvious restlessness, she asks Syrena, "What can we do to get these stubborn mules into stride?" She signals at the men.

But then she listens to young Gennadius's harrowing song intently.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 9, 2023 10:33 am
[ +- ] Optional: Rornish History reference
May 9, 2023 10:53 am
Aduorix's bright eyes widen as she experiences Gennadius's scary dirge.

She slowly moves her dainty hand to cover her mouth that has drifted agape; she is visibly filled with worry.

"Oh no!" Aduorix eeks at the end. "Ishi-Rotten paints the moon. Ishi-Rotten splits open your back and sticks a BUG INSIDE YOU!", she recounts the old childish rhyme.

"Yuck!" she says, contorting her face and wiggling her body in disgust.

Listening next to Gennadius's call to alliance and action, Aduorix gives a little clap. She balls her small fists and sets to a ready stance.

Then she hesitates, looking to Gennadius and Baudecca for a last assurance, "But we'll have to sneak away and run if Ishi-Rottoo is here, right?"
May 9, 2023 3:27 pm
Robago says:
"That could well be the case, Syrena" says Gundus. "Either way, evil is afoot, and we must do something about it. If we don't brave the tower ourselves, then what? Seek help from Saromen Gen? The forces involved are up to something, I feel. Those trips Omander takes must be for a purpose. Can we afford delay? This is our chance to find out what's going on, and we ought to take it."
Xenophon agrees with all the points that Gundus makes. He has even more reasons to sign onto this task.

"I fully support this action, Gundus. I don't know about you all, but I was hired to do a job, and now something's in the way of that. If ill fortune has befallen Eramus, it is in all our interest to extricate him. We can't get paid if we don't have an employer."

Xenophon doesn't mention that he personally vouched to The Ion that Eramus's operation would bear fruit, but he doesn't remind everyone that his balls are on the line here.

"And if he truly is lost, dead, or worse - then avenging him is our right and our duty." That part was for Gundus's benefit, although he did feel it in his heart. But, he added a more mercenary rejoinder:

"And, if that is the case, his treasures should be liberated and not allowed to fall into the hands of a witch. If that is the case. Hopefully we find The Lion alive and well, and help him get back on his feet and out from whatever ill luck has befallen him."
Last edited May 9, 2023 3:28 pm
May 9, 2023 4:06 pm
"What is your plan then?," Baudecca turns to Xenophon.

"Aduorix can scale over that palisade wall as a matter of course.

If we can give her full cover and safety, she can sneak to the chain room, unlock the pin, and move the bar plank on that gate door. She's learned the mechanism already."

She looks over at Gundus now "Or..." and back to Xenophon, "...can a reputable priest simply approach the gate and appeal for entry?"
May 9, 2023 8:04 pm
"The Jutting Mountains were long the ancestral warrens of mother's blood. My beginning were in the coastal city of Vellën. Though, Amanuctum became the family home from childhood. I have spent many days and nights amongst the hills and forests of the Dragonir, mostly in its northwestern reaches." She answers Baudecca. "Into the throat and her eyes." Syrena assures the Krysean warrior. "And...those of the harpy as well. Its feathers would make for fine fletchings on future arrows."

"Baudecca is a name known well in the legends of the Rornish people."
She adds. "If you have but a small measure of the courage and skill she possessed, the success of our night's raid is certain. If it were not already by the numbers of our cadre."

She glances over to Aduorix. "Safe journey over the wall, nimble one. On this moon, Ishi- would have to contend with my hand should he wish to harm a hair on your head."
Last edited May 10, 2023 7:05 am
May 10, 2023 6:31 am
Gundus nods. "I think Aduorix should climb the wall and open the gate," he says.

"We'll intervene as necessary. If we need to explain our presence, you could pose as our prisoner, Baudecca, brought to the camp to be interrogated. It should be plausible enough."
"Can your favor with the gods be called to counter her Night Magic?"
"The gods grant us a trifle of their power tonight. But their blessings are subtle, and will chiefly enhance our own store of skill and courage. It is not their way to do mortals' work for them.

He turns to the wizard. "Have faith, Damanandros! This time we are striking the blow. Evil can know fear too, and tonight we shall teach its meaning!"
May 10, 2023 12:59 pm
Baudecca takes interest in Syrena's background shared.

She also enjoys Syrena's boastings immensely. She smiles full when she hears of piercing eyes and throat, of witch and harpy, and taking feather trophies. "Aye! I would say so!", she proclaims in support with a laugh. "You are something different. I am glad to be behind your drawn bow rather than down the sight of it."

When Syrena recognizes her name reference, Baudecca responds gratefully and with some shyness. "Ahh" she says, tucking a loose lock of her hair behind her ear, "Rarely does anyone recognize that name from the stories. My mother gave me the name."

There is perhaps a brief glimpse of vulnerability, of something she might say but then does not. She resets with another smile. "Thank you, Syrena."

And she hardens again quickly. "And as you say, harpy or witch, both can feel the sting of sharp steel." She claps the hilt of her axe in the palm of her other hand. "Beheading might be their schedule tonight if they challenge us."
May 10, 2023 1:04 pm
Aduorix gives a funny face of agreement when Syrena pledges to protect her against the mysterious Isheir-Rothu.

"Oooo, yes! Shoot HIM if he intrudes," she says, crinkling her nose and shaking her head. "Ishi sounds TERRIBLE! - and I don't want him to change me. I'm a girl, not a beastgirl!"

As she talks she is putting on a harness of some sort. She steps into a set of belts and pulls them up to her crotch like a saddle, then pulls the rest of the apparatus up through each arm and over each shoulder. She clasps and thightens buckles at the waist and at the center of her chest. A collection of straps with rings on the end hang loose on her sides, and she starts to snap attachments on the rings - pins, hooks, knives, and eyelets.

She has already taken her cloak off and stored it in a carried satchel. Now she replaces the wear with a coil of thin rope that she loops crossways over her shoulder and chest. She cinches her hair up into a high pony tail and pulls on a peculiar pair of textured leather gloves.

After one last equipment check, she gives a tough but playful glare at Baudecca and Syrena nearby.

"Ready!", she snaps, then baring her clinched teeth.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 1:16 pm
The group approaches the fortifications cautiously. The fort is now somewhat illuminated, different than before.

A few torches have been lit atop the palisade walls. It seems that a central fire might be burning within the compound as well, its light projecting up in an orange glow in the air above and the high edges of the surrounding trees.

The timber palisades of the wall are about 20' tall. There is a prominent build-out for the gate, with large structure around and over the double doors.

The group moves to the side of the trail some 60 meters away, a last area of cover and concealment that might be expected in the darkness.

Aduorix launches out on a short scouting mission, to scale the wall once and observe the stance of the guards. After checking the defenses, she will report back.

The others set to full alert and wait, observing what they can.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:05 pm
At this angle, the top of the tower is visible, though most of the tower is hidden from view by the palisade walls.

There are two or more torches that burn on sconces set on the exterior brick wall along the high balcony.

This is the lighting that almost everyone sees. Everyone except Damanandros, who sees much more.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:07 pm
[ +- ] Optional: Damanandros's WizVision
May 10, 2023 2:36 pm
Aduorix returns to share the results of her quick reconnaissance. She speaks clearly, but in a tactical whisper.

"It is true as we thought: almost everyone is gone. All I see are Galopan and Igolio.

Galopan is on patrol. Scanning and checking lights - a fine job at that, but he's spread thin. I have easy openings. The big fire and the torch-posts give full lighting, but heavy shadows cast everywhere.

Weird Igolio stands staring into the central bonfire near the well. He didn't move the whole while.

No activity at the tower.
Middle entry door is closed.
Balcony door closed.
Balcony shutters: 2 closed, 1 open.

The two mules are in the stable.

No sign of anyone else."

She wipes away the sweat beading on her reddish cheeks. "As usual," she adds, "it's hot up there ... and rats are scurrying and creeping in the edges all around. STINKERS! - so filthy - uggk!", she sticks her tongue out squeamishly and squints her eyes tight to show her revulsion.

Adjusting her gloves and harness, the little expert looks to the group casually. "I could get in the chain room and move that bolt bar if Galopan wasn't patrolling. Or at least if he stayed away from the gate area for some minutes.

Sooo...., what's the plan?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:39 pm
Watching back at the fortifications, the group can see the lone silhouette of young Galopan, only intermittently visible by the outline of his polished helmet.

The dedicated sentry patrols along the inner palisade catwalk - passing by from time to time before disappearing to continue his rounds elsewhere out of sight.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:45 pm
Required Action, PC Party: Decide on and post infiltration strategy and next actions. Provide detail on roles, sub-groups, or multiple simultaneous action lines as necessary.
I heard the potential plan of the fake prisoner. Frame that out more if that is the final plan, so I can understand.

Note: the recent request, if goal is to get Aduorix to lift the bolt and open the gate, is to keep the gate area cleared out. It seems that this would call for eliminating, distracting, or incapacitating Galopan. If the group approaches the gate with a prisoner and seeks entrance, that would predictably bring Galopan and/or any other sentries (Igolio, anyone unaccounted for) up to the area of the gate rather than clearing it.
May 10, 2023 3:33 pm
My thought with the fake prisoner idea is:
-If we see/hear Audorix getting into trouble, we will turn up at the gate and noisily demand entrance - on the pretense that we have captured a prisoner with important information about an attack. The prisoner refuses to speak to anyone except Eramus, and demands that we escort her. This helps us get in, and creates a distraction for Audorix to slip away.

-Same goes if a sentry spots us lurking about.

-Gundus is ethically opposed to killing Galopan (who the Kryseans vouched for as a good guy), and the other soldiers unless they seem completely beyond redemption or in a clearly life-and-death, us-or-them situation.

I'm open to other ideas, those are just my initial thoughts. I don't have any plan past getting inside, just 'improvise' from there.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 3:58 pm
Robago says:
My thought with the fake prisoner idea is:
Got it.

I'll leave the space open for a while - to see if others weigh in with character entries, or OOC commentary on the infil plan.
May 10, 2023 4:08 pm
the fake prisoner idea sounds like a bad idea. We don't have the trappings of a patrol and there wouldn't be much reason for a patrol from afar to escort prisoners to a frontier post like this.

Just getting that out there. More thoughts coming shortly...

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 4:10 pm
[ +- ] Imperfect visual aids

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 7:37 pm
Constablebrew says:
the fake prisoner idea sounds like a bad idea. We don't have the trappings of a patrol and there wouldn't be much reason for a patrol from afar to escort prisoners to a frontier post like this.

Just getting that out there. More thoughts coming shortly...

I'll enjoy hearing the debate, but I interpreted this not as an impersonation of a patrol on long range movement. Instead as your known group (whom these forces left down at the junction earlier tonight, accepting that y'all were builders, sculptors, religious architects, etc.) now approaching the tower a couple hours after the previous contact. As if to say that the group captured some bandit who was lurking around in the woods just moments ago, and your team nabbed her or accepted her surrender recently somewhere down on the spur trail.

I'll hear what Robago thinks of that interpretation. But again, and either way independent of this, I think it's worthwhile for Players' Club to talk out ideas to make sure that a final plan is fine tuned or agreed upon before we put the story into action for impacts.
May 10, 2023 8:57 pm
Syrena has no problem simply picking off anyone who stands in our way.
How difficult would it be for any of the rest of us to climb the wall and get into the front palisade?

I'd rather not have to kill Galopan, if possible, but we need to be as stealthy as possilbe as well to keep whoever is hiding in the tower from detecting our presence too soon (Of course, if this is all a trap, they already do).
Last edited May 10, 2023 8:58 pm
May 10, 2023 10:53 pm
If it turns out there is no evil conspiracy, then going in with swords drawn really burns our bridges to going back on peaceful terms with the men in the tower. Especially if we take lives.

But, If it turns out there is an evil conspiracy, going in with prisoners seems like going in with one hand tied behind our backs. They can catch us in a bad spot and use superior numbers to overwhelm us.

As a player, I think the girls are suspicious, but it seems too round-about for them to be drawing us into the tower to trap us. I generally believe their story at face value.

From Xenophon's perspective, he'd prefer to go in stealthily, but I don't have a good enough sense of the mechanics yet to estimate the chances of success. But, to hell with that, sneaking in would be a lot of fun!

Last edited May 10, 2023 10:54 pm
May 11, 2023 5:00 am
[ +- ] #team-sneakers
Not only have I not come up with any better idea, climbing the wall and *attempting* to sneak in sounds like fun.

Also, if we show up as ourselves and some stuff goes missing, it would be real hard to shake off the suspicion that it was us.
Last edited May 11, 2023 5:03 am
May 11, 2023 7:25 am
Yes I meant as @DMJ read it – not pretending to be soldiers, but as ourselves having caught a prisoner. It gives us a reason to rock up to the camp in the middle of the night, having refused their earlier invitation. It's also purely a contingency for if we are spotted or challenged at the gate. Hopefully Audorix is going to open it for us without any problems.
May 11, 2023 8:07 am
Damanandros gestures towards the tower, his eyes gleaming with a green light that only the most perceptive can see. "I tell you, I have never witnessed anything like this before. There's an aura of potent magic emanating from that place, the likes of which I've never encountered in all my days."
May 11, 2023 8:17 am
I also find the girls suspicious, but Damanandros would, given his perspective. His dependability in this matter is broken.
If I were a witch with deployed sentinels to compromise anyone with an idea to undo my agenda, this is how I would do it. A seductress and enchantress would have her agents infiltrate any threat they could not immediately overcome.
Is there a way to test them? Now that we are in the thick of it, seems a bit too late and my theory is circumstantial at best.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 11, 2023 12:32 pm
yeah so these are the moments that are tough in PBP. A talk-through and debate at the table allows for more give and take, clarification, and in a short time to pull together for a final decision that's clear on all the edges. I get it. We'll work with the medium we're in though.

I'm feeling the trend of Team-Sneaker leaning towards some manner of stealth infiltration. Seems like we should peel in to that to guess what's possible and maybe what's likely / unlikely.

I'll throw up some input, mixed between NPC comments (which may still include all of their untrustworthyness, if they are untrustworthy - I recognize these broads are under high suspicion, and I can see why) and some added OOC on a few topics. Hopefully will lead towards some agreement on strategy - and I do think strategy is important here.

And for reference, these are the rules that I can see frame out mechanics for stealth...
[ +- ] Rules on Sneaky?
[ +- ] Optional commentary...
May 11, 2023 1:04 pm
Aduorix hears the suggestion of everyone sneaking over the walls.

"No, sillies! You lugs couldn't sneak past a snoring grandfather at nap time after chicken and dumplings!"

She points at Xenophon and Gundus, in their bulky armor "You're so clunky and heavy...", and next at Damanandros "...and you're too wobbly - (sorry) ." She adds a funny face to the vulnerable mage, like an awkward cringe to soften the blunt criticism.

She scans the rest of the crowd, and seems to think it over when she looks at Syrena.
May 11, 2023 1:08 pm
"What about the three step rope?," Baudecca asks her companion. "We were thinking something like this."
May 11, 2023 1:37 pm
"Not for everyone, but...", Aduorix answers, then trails off, thinking as she looks at her bag and then back over her shoulder at the fort.

"I just need a little time to get in the chain room and unbolt that bar. But Galopan would see the danger right away, and there wouldn't be enough time to move the bar and open the door. Especially if Igolio joins."

She raises a finger in the air, to accent an exception, "BUT....if Galopan was distracted out to the north wall for a moment, and if someone else could be ready inside at the door to throw the bolt once I unlock it, then...SWIIIINGGG!..."
She makes a motion with her hands moving from together to opening wide apart "...we could have the front gate wide open before shiny-head or skinny-bean could even think straight. You bruisers outside the door could RUN in and WRAP THEM UP!"
She holds her fists up and shakes them back and forth beside each other in enthusiasm.

She slows down for the last part of her plan. "Syrena could glide up and over the wall after me. I know she could. I can hang the three step rope, ...," she shows a specialized rope apparatus with intermittent bars and brackets. Aduorix looks at Syrena with a thin smile that is more than a little devilish "...and she's a spritely one."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 11, 2023 1:50 pm
I'll say out in the open that with one or more sentries (and one very active and alert), a full team stealth climb up and over the wall is going to be next to impossible.
But distraction at one site and partial team stealth over the wall at an opposite site seems in the realm of the possible, maybe even likely - at least for a stealth sub-team to get on the inside.
Then there is the next step of getting the bolt unpinned, then the bolt thrown, and then the door open. A risk no matter what, but potential for full success (gate opened, no one alerted) or acceptable partial success (someone is alerted, but the gate is open and the rest of the team is in to react).
So there is something to work with. If not a final plan, a pretty simple suggestion from a seemingly experienced sneaker who claims to know the target setting (if she's legitimate of course). At least its a stealth infil possibility that you could alter or build off of. Aduorix hasn't incorporated any other capabilities of the collective party either - magic, proficiencies, class skills/powers - so maybe there are other ways to alter or augment.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 11, 2023 1:53 pm
Required Action, PC Party: Decide on and post infiltration strategy and next actions. Provide detail on roles, sub-groups, or multiple simultaneous action lines as necessary.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 12, 2023 2:08 pm
Alright, Players' Club. I hate to even say this at risk of speaking it into existence, but I think we're approaching a stall-out.

Possible reasons:
1) I've made the game and situation too complicated.
2) I haven't made the game interesting enough.
3) Paralysis by Analysis. Party can't arrive at a decision.

There have been 2 plans proposed for fort infiltration.
[ +- ] Draft Plan 1
[ +- ] Draft Plan 2
Or (my gut feeling of what would be best, btw) . . . Plan 3 could be devised
[ +- ] ??? Plan 3 ???
So, I'm open to ideas of what to do to get back into flow. Boards open today if anyone wants to post up in or out-of Character.

Goal would be to get into a direction here on Frey Day (Friday), in preparation for Casual Pace Weekend.

If Players can get an intent and plan on the board, Characters can engage, and we can move the story along to some degree over the weekend. Though I'll be sure over the weekend to stop progress at whatever moment requires more Player(s) input to see results.

Hopefully that would set us up for return to full motion next week.


Hope so. But if not, we could address if Reasons 1 or 2 above, or some other reason, puts us at a full stall-out and we need to pause or stop the game.


May 12, 2023 4:12 pm
To me plan 2 works. The only issue is finding out which of the four other PCs is going to make the distractions and to whether anyone is going be hiding up front and the gate to immediately sneak or rush in when it gets opened. As for the distraction, maybe some animal noises or something like that? Fake goblin attack? I don't think the distraction should be easily perceived from the sentinels' point of view as a couple dudes making like bandits.
Last edited May 12, 2023 4:13 pm
May 12, 2023 4:45 pm
"I don't think the prisoner farce would work, but maybe something similar could. Syrena, a fake goblin attack is perfect, but we can't attack the fort. Instead, I can run up to the gates, screaming and crying to be let in. I will tell them that our camp was attacked by goblins. Syrena and Aduorix go over the rear. I will keep distracted whomever I can. But I suspect at least one of them will become extra vigilant. This is when Gundus runs out of the forest to the side or rear of the fort. Gundus, you too will be in flight from the goblins and running through the forest to lose them. This is why you nearly missed the fort, say you saw the light and diverted to it. Your distraction will lend credence to mine and they should all come to see you at the far wall. Be panicked, and wary of moving once you get to the wall. Make the guards have to talk you into moving around to the gate. While the distraction is underway, open the gate and get everyone through."
I think Gennadius' slight bump in CHA and performance makes him a good choice to lead the deception. He will basically tell the same cover story we have been using, including our reason for staying encamped in a dangerous area.
Last edited May 12, 2023 4:54 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 12, 2023 7:30 pm
OK. CB builds on Red's suggestion and proposes the above.

I consider that either Plan 3 or a fine-tuning of Plan 2. But no matter what the numbering, this is what is on the table now.

When possible, everyone else please chime in with support, modification, or an alternative.
May 13, 2023 5:36 am
Sounds like a plan. I have no details to add.
May 13, 2023 6:03 pm
The situation seems far too risky and I don’t feel in control enough of the situation to run in. Damanandros is a single hit from dead and only one spell. I feel he is in over his head running into an attack like this. I can’t see all the pieces at play. So not sure how to navigate it.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 13, 2023 11:42 pm
I'll take all of the above as "good enough" at least. Len hasn't weighed in with Xenophon, but he was one of the founding members of Team Sneaker, so I'll guess this sneak/trick combo is acceptable for him. Understood that Damanandros is reluctant and will assume he is staying back in safety waiting to see developments before getting involved.

Will follow tonight or tomorrow with an entry or two to get the ball rolling. Seems that Syrena and Gennadius will be up first, so Red and CB can expect to be in queue.
May 13, 2023 11:57 pm
That plan would sound great to Xenophon. Fortune favours the bold, and the bold get the fortunes.
Last edited May 15, 2023 10:22 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 12:22 am
Wait. I'm a bit confused on the sequence.

When I first thought it through, I thought Aduorix and Syrena would be sneaking over the wall first to stage up on the inside.
THEN Gennadius would kick off with the frantic attention distraction at the gate, followed by Gundus's secondary distraction - allowing the stealth party to make the move the chain room.

Now that I read it again, I'm not sure.

Maybe Gennadius's distraction approach is the first step overall.

Let me know. If Gennadius's distraction is first, then CB please proceed and kick this off.

If Syrena and Aduorix stealth and stage is step 1, I'll post up the situation for Red to address.
May 14, 2023 12:27 am
My idea is that Syrena and Aduorix sneak over the wall and then Gennadius starts crying wolf goblin from a different direction than the front gate....
Last edited May 14, 2023 12:27 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 12:42 am
It seems to me that Gennadius will be coming up to the gate first, then Gundus's second distraction will be from the other location - pulling them away at that point?

We'll see on that, but either way the distraction goes (distractions go), I think that a necessary first step is for Stealth Team to be in position on the inside to make the move to open the gate in the first place.

Going with that.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 12:46 am
Syrena follows Aduorix's lead, looping around through the forest to approach from the south and reach the back corner of the palisade wall.
Note: Entrance and gate faces west. Map may be incoming soon - depending.
The two women stage up at a last cover and concealment position to watch for Galopan's passing along the nearest section of the palisades. After a short wait, Aduorix gives the signal to move. Quickly they dash through the exposing cleared area and tuck as close as they can to the exterior of the wall.

Syrena watches as Aduorix masterfully scales the smoothed wooden trunks of the wall. It's not clear how she gets the grip, but she scampers right up with apparent ease.

At the top of the wall, the little thief hangs her "3-step ladder" apparatus that she showed Syrena in advance. It is a creatively designed, lightweight, carryable dual-parallel rope ladder - limited in structure to only 3 small staggered step bars, 3 small staggered hand grips, and a stabilizer bar at the top for alignment and to guard from twisting. The method of climbing requires strength, coordination, and agility - and Syrena uses all of it. The step and climb is a success! Syrena rapidly scales up to the top of the wall, close enough to grab Aduorix's hand to make the critical transition over the top edge of the sharpened logs of the palisades.

Striving to keep a low silhouette coming over, Syrena makes her move to follow Aduourix over to a shadowy area near the stairs and handrails. She sees the light of the array of fires inside the compound and knows that this is the critical moment to avoid detection.

Mechanics Ruling: 18 DEX + 13 STR makes the climb attempt quick and smooth. Automatic success.

Effort to check is the attempt to move quickly and quietly enough to avoid a passing scan by Galopan on the other side of the compound.

I'm judging to consider this the same as not being noticed by a distracted monster. Not that Galopan is distracted - contrarily he is on high alert. But mainly just because there is some distance involved. There are shadows on the edges. And Syrena has 18 DEX - a subjective factor incorporated for high chance of success.
90% success for this check.

Red rolls instead of the DM, to keep dice out in the Players' hands for visibility and control on important risk/results.

2 choices:
1) 1d20. 1 or 2 is fail. 3+ is success.
2) Percentile d100. 01-90 is success. 91-00 is failure.

Required Action, Syrena: Attempt Step 1 infiltration, to stage for upcoming gate release.
May 14, 2023 12:59 am
Syrena lets out a slow quiet breath and goes for it.


Infiltration - (1d20)

(11) = 11

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 11:32 am
Syrena makes it across the open space on the balcony walkway that lines the inside of the palisade walls.

It is startling to see the large fire in the center of the compound and one shirtless man standing there staring into it. He has his back turned to her direction, but still he is not far away. Had he been vigilant in the same spot, it would have been difficult if not impossible to make this move.

Success: Infiltration Step 1

Syrena meets Aduorix at the switchback stairway at the southeast corner. They quickly and quietly descend the stairs and take cover in a shadowy area behind an old square ruined building that has been refitted as a livestock corral and storage. Syrena notices rats creeping around in the corners and sees the mules sifting about lazily in the stables. The structure is a good place for hiding, and the situation seems safe enough for the moment.

Aduorix is very happy. She takes Syrena's hand and squeezes it tightly for a quick moment to signal her enthusiasm.

Now the women set up to watch what develops at the gate and chain house, just across the compound.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 11:50 am
Xenophon, Baudecca, and Damanandros stage up concealed just off the trail way. They take the last position of cover that is still closest to the palisade wall gate.

Large lantern canisters hang from poles on the balcony that sits over the gate and at the corners of the palisade wall. This illuminates the open area around the compound in a quaking firelight. With the looming light of the full moon, visibility is high everywhere within the shadowy surrounding treeline.

From this position, if the gate is opened, the group would be called upon to cover about 30 meters of ground in the open area to reach the gate for invasion.

Gundus loops first over to take position near the north wall, claiming a similar spot in the shadowy edge before the open space.

Gennadius, there on the spur trail, steels himself - readying for his upcoming ruse attempt.

Required Action, Gennadius: Control and describe next phase of infiltration mission, including diversion attempt details of approach to the gate.
Intention is for this to be an in-character entry. More OOC talk is welcome, but I request that it's not exclusively that.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 9:27 am
When Gundus loops further north, hand-railing the trail to stay well out of the light, he sees the areas that Baudecca had described to him in advance. He soon reaches the lumber yard and saw mill area. Large trees are laid down. Various lengths of logs and planks are loosely organized. Other trunks and blocks are rough cut and in piles.

The area provides good cover as well as easy travel to the approach towards the north side. As Gundus continues through, he sees the gradual downhill slope begin. Off in the distance to the north of the fort there is a relatively open space, the top edge of two ridge lines with a wide wedge-like descent in between.

Now Gundus sees the positioning of Saromen Fro firsthand: it sits atop a large crest of the forest, overlooking an open valley below. If it were not such a tense circumstance, it would be quite a sight to see in the moonlight - and surely even more majestic during the light of day.

Gundus turns back to task though. He gets a good position and focuses full attention on the fortifications.

From this edge of the lumber yard, Gundus is about 30 yards away from the northwest corner of the palisade wall. From here he has good cover out of the light's cast. He has visibility of the large open space to the north, and the full length of both the north and west length of the palisade wall.

He can easily see the gate area that is most well lit by lanterns.
(Approx distance to gate on west face of wall: 50-60 yards)

He could also move to the north face of the fort wall fairly quickly for the planned secondary distraction ruse.
(Approx distance to middle of north face of wall: 40 - 50 yards)

He is staged well to watch developments with Gennadius from a distance.
This scenario has Gundus alone. Doesn't seem like a problem at the moment, but let me know if it should be adjusted.
Reading the entries that is the assumption I made, since it seemed like heavy invaders Xenophon and Baudecca would likely stage for the quickest rush to the gate if it is eventually opened. And Damanandros's stance of hanging back to see developments, as well as his reduced pace, seemed like he would not be involved in a flank loop secondary mobile distraction.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:46 am
Holding the hidden position there with Aduorix near the ruined stone building and stables, Syrena takes notice of the unusual heat in the area.

This phenomenon was described in advance; now Syrena can confirm it. The air is hot, like the hottest summer day under the full high sun. Syrena feels the perspiration already after the quick exertion of climbing the wall.

Syrena keeps her eyes on the gate house. The thin man staring into the fire, the Krysean whose name is said to be Igolio, is just out of sight behind the building from this vantage point, but Syrena can still see his long shadow casting out from the light of the large central fire.

All seems well enough, but the tension is thick in the air.
May 15, 2023 6:34 pm
"Take this and drop it for me once you get inside." Gennadius says, passing his javelin quiver and leather breastplate to Xenophon. "I need to look the part of a man disturbed in his bed, not one well donned for combat."

After checking his tunic, weapon belt with bolases and whip, he unsheathes the crude goblin knife from his boot and slides it across his brow and into his hairline with a wince. Blood pours down the side of his face. He wipes at it a few times, missing it into his hair an cleaning his palm on his tunic. Costume and makeup check complete, he signals he is ready to the group.

"Not but a few weeks ago you lot were little more than tips to be made as I entertained at a snakes den. Now we strike out, grasping at the threads of fate and weaving the first lashes of the tapestry that will grow into a story of adventure, treasure, and secrets discovered. The deception I put on tonight is the first step along that journey. It will be a long one with many tales to be told from it! I couldn't have asked for a better, stronger, more skilled lot to start this journey with, tonight!"
Bardic inspiration for the group. This would have come a bit late into the start of the mission, after Syria set out, while Gennadius is still preparing and psyching himself up. Probably just the small group waiting near the gate, but also possibly Gundus before he separated.
Another post coming in about an hour with approach to the gates.
Last edited May 15, 2023 7:45 pm
May 15, 2023 7:10 pm
Gennadius quietly jobs back down the trail, away from the fort, and begins to mentally rehearse his story.

We are a survey team. I am a laborer hired for general tasks as needed. It has been slow going along the trail from town. He begins to puff with exertion a bit and picks up the pace. We set up camp near the spur trail. Commander Omander and his patrol passed by and questioned us. Ordered us to check in at Saromen Fro in the morning. Gundus was on watch, the rest of us sleeping when he called an alarm.

He stops, turns around, and then begins sprinting full speed along the trail towards the fort. Spear half lowered, knife in offhand. I rolled out of my bed roll and strapped on my belt. I looked around to see what the alarm was. I was tackled by a goblin, his dark shape coming out from the edge of the fire's light. I rolled with the beast before turning its own knife against and pressing it down into its chest. I got up. the group... He gasps, for breath, pausing his internal monologue as if the breath were necessary for the mental telling of the story. Our camp was scattered! I could only see twice as many shapes fighting as our own numbers. Four came at me and I ran. I ran to the fort. He gasps for breath continually now, the sprint winding him and bringing sweat to mingle with the smears of blood.

"OPEN THE GATES! OPEN THE GATES! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE OPEN!" Three gasps and five more sprinting paces. "GOBL... he chokes on the word ...GOBLINS!!! He crashes into the gate.

Pounding the shaft of his spear, he yells his plea again "PLEASE!! THEY ARE CLOSE STILL!" He turns and brandishes his knife out to the shadows and presses his back up tight against the wall. His panicked form making his spear useless as it is held vertically.
May 15, 2023 7:54 pm
The sentry patrolling the palisade ramparts comes to the covered balcony over the gate. From a caged sight window, he peers down at Gennadius below.

He is quiet for a time, listening to Gennadius's pleading and watching him carefully.

"Where are the rest of your group?,"
the young soldier asks first.

Hearing Gennadius's response he listens and waits further.

"I'll open the gate briefly to let you in - give you some help and we'll try to keep a look for your mates. But you have to do what I say EXACTLY."

Gennadius hears the soldier going downstairs. It happens quickly, but a small window opens, and he is talking to him again, from a lower caged portal on ground level.

"Now you throw that spear out as far as you can into the field. Same for that knife. No one enters Tower Four armed for battle like that. Do it fast, and I'll open the gate.

But NO TRICKS, YOU! One chance I'll give you.

You need to get inside if you're telling the truth. So come along then, Auran. Let's go - toss those weapons."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 8:14 pm
Syrena and Aduorix watch as Galopan jogs the west wall rampart bridge to the bulky balcony structure over the gate. He is talking outwardly, but it is unclear what he is saying.

Then he descends the stairs, disappearing into the chain room below.
May 15, 2023 8:15 pm
Aduorix smiles with excitement. She grasps Syrena's hand, and then whispers closely in her ear.

"He's in the chain room. I think he is going to open the gate!"
May 15, 2023 8:21 pm
"Ianna's tits!" Gennadius looks frantically up at the sentry and back out into the darkness. "OK OK, but be quick! I DON'T WANT TO BE OUT HERE!!!" he cries. A couple beats pass as he looks left and right, straining to see what's in the black woods. Then he takes a step forward and hurls his spear. The throw is half laterally and it spins lazily head to butt before it lands a good 40 feet out. He immediately stands with knife thrust out, as if a goblin was charging at him that very moment. A few beats more and he chucks it with a short flick of his wrist and pump of the arm. It lands about fifteen feet away into the dusty trail.

He spins back to the gate and pounds on it. "OK OK PLEEASE!" He gasps for breath and spins around again looking wild eyed into the woods. "OH GODS PLEASE!!!"
Hoping to add the impression that Gennadius is no warrior as he throws the spear.
Last edited May 15, 2023 8:28 pm
May 15, 2023 9:26 pm
"Alright, fellow," the solder commands clearly, "I'll crack the gate, you move through quickly. Nothing more."

There is a loud clank - K-CHHHKKK!

"I'm sealing it again right after, so don't hesitate." Gennadius can still hear him in the control room.

Now the rattling of chains and a thud bump of a wooden beam moving.

Another crank of a wheel ....

...the gate cracks open!
Only slightly though.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:11 pm
From the edge of the forest line, Xenophon, Damanandros, and Baudecca watch the exchange between Gennadius and the person within the gate. They cannot see the guard directly from this position, but they feel certain Gennadius is talking to someone.

Gennadius throws his weapons away.

Then the distance clanking and thumping sounds of the gate mechanism. Is it opening?

They don't see any movement yet.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:18 pm
Gundus watches from the lumber yard. He sees Gennadius move up to the gate and apparently speak with the guard there.

Gundus can hear Gennadius's loud pleading, but it's impossible to make out the exact conversation at this distance. Gundus does not hear the guard talking.

Gundus has been watching the tower, which is offset within the compound and closest to this north west corner nearest his position.

The window shudder of the tower that faces north has remained open throughout. Gundus has seen a green glow emitting from the window since he arrived. It continues now.

Damanandros mentioned powerful magic in the tower. Perhaps this glow is confirmation of that, but at the same time the strange lighting has stayed consistent, and Gundus sees no activity at the tower window or balcony so far.

Gundus watches as Gennadius throws two weapons out onto the trail and nearby clearing.
May 15, 2023 10:18 pm
Holy hells that gate mechanism is loud enough to be an alarm itself!

"THANK YOU!!" Gennadius claws at the gate as it creeks open, squeezing in as soon as possible, looking over his shoulder back to the woods one last time as he does.
Gennadius will stumble in a good ten paces before stopping and turning to watch the gate shut, so long as there isn't a spear tip blocking his movement.
Immediate goals are to spot how Galopan moves into/out of the gate house, identify where other guards are, and then move to them like a cowering child looking for the safety of his parents.
Last edited May 15, 2023 10:21 pm
May 15, 2023 10:20 pm
Xenophon takes the quiver and breastplate from Gennadius, and tries to wrap it up and stuff it in his pack so that carrying it will not be so obvious. Fortunately, his poor state at the start of this expedition meant his bag was mostly empty. He watches Gennadius's performance from the concealed position with admiration.

I brought this man into the team for the silver, but he is proving his weight in gold!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 10:54 pm
The first thing that Gennadius notices as he enters is how hot it is. When he moves through the gate and inward, he hears the gate close behind him and sees the bonfire ahead in the center of the compound.

It is extremely hot. Sweltering.

There is a thin shirtless man just ahead, staring into the fire.

He turns to look at Gennadius, and holds a gaze that is empty and strange. His attention is unnerving in the light of the fire.

The fierce contrast between light and shadow is dramatic throughout the area. The imposing tower stands like a juggernaut to Gennadius's left. Ahead and right is an old ruined stone structure that has been converted to a barn. A tent and another small square wooden building are nearby off to the right.

Gennadius turns back towards his left shoulder to see the sentry, Galopan, whom Gennadius had seen previously on the trail, emerging from the chain room that is beneath the gate balcony, just to the north side of the gate.

The young lad looks soaked in perspiration.

Gennadius gives another scan of the surroundings.
[ +- ] FIRST REVEAL! - Map of Saromen Fro - FULL RETRO MODE
May 15, 2023 11:14 pm
"Show me your hands, fellow. Don't approach me," Galopan commands. He is clearly still on alert. His polished and oiled sword gleams in the firelight.

"Do you have any weapons? I want to help, but no tricks."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 11:20 pm
Syrena watches. Gennadius is in the gate!
[ +- ] SF Map, References 2
Syrena and Aduorix are at/near position #2.
May 15, 2023 11:29 pm
The gate closes as soon as it opens. Gennadius slips in and is gone.

There is a short silence among the onlooking overwatch team.

Then Baudecca breaks it, "Well that worked better than I predicted."

Another short silence, and she turns to Xenophon. "What now?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 11:30 pm
I'm probably out for the night, Players' Club (USA EST).
Anybody post up anything PCs want to do. Ask what questions you need - I'll get back on game tomorrow morning. Mix with in-character entries when possible.

Split team. In the compound.
5 PCs in 4 different locations.
Let's GO!
May 16, 2023 12:49 am
"We rush the gate when they open it," he responds to Baudecca, calmly. His eyes never leave the gate.
May 16, 2023 9:58 am
Galopan steps forward and inspects Gennadius, still from a distance.

He notices Gennadius's healer bag and asks what is in it. Hearing the answer, he instructs him to open it to verify. When Gennadius complies, the young soldier takes interest and says, "We have an injured man here. If you will show your help to him as you treat your own injuries, then we would be grateful. You can prove your good will, and we can continue the watch for the others in your group."

When Gennadius agrees to the offer, Galopan instructs again, "Move there to the table." He points to an outdoor seating area near a furnace grill and kitchen. There is a large table, some stools, and a sturdy bench there.

"I will get our fellow - he has scratch and bite wounds on his arms. I'll send him to you."

He looks to Igolio, who is on the other side - behind Gennadius. "Decanus?," Galopan asks, and nods to Gennadius, signaling a transfer of attention and control.
May 16, 2023 10:03 am
Igolio had moved a few steps closer already, and he stands there staring at Gennadius. The bonfire is billowing behind him.

He takes his empty eyes off of Gennadius to look at Galopan. He nods in response but says nothing.

He sets his deadpan gaze back to Gennadius.

Igolio's two long swords hang menacingly in the scabbards at his sides.
May 16, 2023 10:14 am
"Move to the table," Galopan says again to Gennadius.

He waits for Gennadius's movement, and then follows along on parallel path towards the tower.
[ +- ] SF Map, References 3
May 16, 2023 10:29 am
Seeing the developments from the hidden position between the remnant stone circle and the stable, Aduorix makes moves to exploit.

She signals silently to Syrena to keep watch on Igolio. She points up to both the circular ruin structure and to the nearby ladder that climbs up to the flat roof of the stone stable building, wondering if Syrena might take advantage of a higher position to provide watch and cover if it comes to that.

Also she signals to herself moving to the gate.

Without further delay, she slips away into the shadows along the south side of the ruined structure, quickly moving behind the small tent and disappearing in the shadows under the south wall rampart balcony.
[ +- ] SF Map, References 4
[ +- ] More detail on ruins and stable features

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 10:35 am
Required Action, Gundus: Provide update to position and action from northwest corner lumberyard.
Just an open-ended invitation, if needed. I find myself wondering for an update on Gundus. Original plan was, I think, cause another diversion?
But then even if that was the plan, maybe this changes because Gennadius actually got into the compound?
Does Gundus regroup with the others outside closer to the gate?
Something else?
May 16, 2023 11:47 am
Gundus has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing as he watches Gennadius approach the gate. The young man had missed his destiny – he ought to be an actor.

He doesn't want to follow too closely on Gennadius' heels. He reckoned he could count on the bard's caterwauling and magnetic personality to keep the guards' attention for at least a minute or two. His task would be to extend the distraction, to buy Audorix and Syrena the most time possible to get inside and move freely.

He rubs some dirt over his knees and elbows, to look as if he had stumbled through the forest, tripping and falling in the dark, and jogs briskly on the spot to build a sweat. Then he, too, approaches the gate, though not in quite the crazed state Gennadius did. He was a kyrazenus, after all. He had to maintain some dignity.

"Hail the gate!" he calls. "I must take counsel with your leaders. Goblins are on the march!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:15 pm
Galopan moves over to the tower as Gennadius drifts towards the table and benches near the outdoor kitchen.

Igolio does not follow Gennadius, but instead keeps his position near the fire and watches him.

In a short moment, Galopan climbs up the ladder to the tower entrance and raps on the door, calling to someone within.
[ +- ] Reminder: visual aides repeat, basic tower structure
The door of the tower opens. There is a quick exchange between the two men, the Galopan hopes back down off of the ladder to the ground.

Soon another man climbs out from the entrance, down the ladder, and begins walking over to the table and benches area.

This man is sweating from the heat as well. His arms are bleeding through shoddy bandages. He looks questioningly and cautiously at Gennadius, and then around the area.
May 16, 2023 1:17 pm
"This is Baseo Mennic, our butcher and cook." Galopan says to Gennadius.

"He's recently injured. The wounds are bad. Can you help him?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:28 pm
Syrena can see that Aduorix has moved to the area under the gate bridge in no time at all.

She appears from one shadow briefly and then disappears again.

She is near the chain room.

Igolio and Galopan are center compound and north. Now another troop has emerged from the tower. Gennadius is in the mix among them. Is covering him the priority?

Aduorix will likely make a move of some sort with the gate soon. Will she need Syrena's help with the door?

It is not entirely clear, but the critical moments are surely approaching. Syrena must choose a position and prepare for whatever is next.
[ +- ] SF Map, References 5

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:28 pm
Required Action, Gennadius, Syrena: Describe any responses, movement, method, action, goals, intentions, etc. to update circumstance framed above.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:31 pm
Pausing here to let Gennadius and Syrena send input before releasing Gundus's action for impacts.
May 16, 2023 4:08 pm
Robago says:
Then he, too, approaches the gate,
My original thoughts on the second distraction was to come from the side or rear of the fort to draw attention away from the gate, allowing Syrena and Aduorix to capture the gatehouse and open it for the reinforcements. But if Gundus thinks approaching the gate directly is best, then let's roll with it.
Gasping and catching his breath, Gennadius nods his understanding and moves to the table, pausing after a few steps to put his hands on his knees, stoop forward, and just breath for a moment.

May the rat bless me for my trickery, for I have no idea what to do next! Everyone is going to die. These soldiers are going to recognize my facade. Idiot, idiot, idiot!

At the table he places his kit down. "Ok, let me see those wounds." This is ok. This is comfortable. He has done this before.

Moving quickly, he unwraps the old bandages. "I need boiled water to clean the bandages and form a poultice. I will have to mince the herbs - I need a knife and clean board to cut upon. The board and knife will have to be washed in boiled water too. Help me to ready these materials."
Gennadius does need to chop up the herbs. He is hoping to get near enough to a knife to have it available as a weapon as well as to use the whole production as distraction.
May 16, 2023 4:15 pm
DMJ says:
He notices Gennadius's healer bag and asks what is in it. Hearing the answer, he instructs him to open it to verify.
For clarity, Gennadius' belt also has a couple other smaller, pouches, but these house the bolases and net. He also has his whip coiled around a loop of leather hanging from the back of the belt.
May 16, 2023 6:52 pm
Is there a gap in the structures immediately northwest of where Syrena is shown on the map? It looks completely open.

I think, originally that Aduorix said she needed someone to open the gate after she got into the chain room. Is that not the case?

The flat rooftop (Is that a low wall around the top?) would be the best point for an advantage in covering both Aduorix and Gennadius.
May 16, 2023 8:35 pm
Damanandros consciously takes deep, controlled breaths, trying to steady his nerves as he observes the unfolding plan. The realization dawns upon him that he will soon confront the impending dangers lurking within the structure. He looks towards Xenophon and nods, "When the gate opens."

His recent brush with death has left him shaken, causing a tremor of fear to grip his core. Yet, with unwavering resolve, he takes one final deep breath, centering himself and regaining control over his emotions. Regardless of the uncertain outcome that awaits him, he is determined to aid his companions.

By positioning himself behind Xenophon, he knows that his chances of avoiding sword and spear increase sharply, buying him the needed time to react.
Last edited May 16, 2023 8:36 pm
May 16, 2023 10:43 pm
The cook, Mennic, looks at young Gennadius thoroughly. Then looks all around in a full survey - at Galopan, at Igolio and the fire, and then he scans the grounds all around - looking down towards the ground.

"Alright then," he says to Gennadius, "Onions is one of the few foods that we have other than salted pork lately. Follow me, kid," he says walking over to the outdoor kitchen furnace.

"And keep your eyes peeled for these rats. There all over the place now, and some of them are huge - the size of hounds!" He grumbles as he shuffles over leading the way, "...disgusting bastards..."

"So tell me: what happened for that slice on your head? Goblins is it?"

He hands Gennadius a towel from the bin. "Here. Clean yourself up. There's blood all over your face."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 10:48 pm
Constablebrew says:

For clarity, Gennadius' belt also has a couple other smaller, pouches, but these house the bolases and net. He also has his whip coiled around a loop of leather hanging from the back of the belt.
Yeah I hear you. I knew that bolas and whip was in your kit somewhere. In the inspection, it was either missed or overlooked or allowed - unclear, but you still have it all.
I did forget about the net though. That joker might be kind of bulky and maybe controversial.

Thanks for the honesty.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 11:35 pm
RageRed says:
Is there a gap in the structures immediately northwest of where Syrena is shown on the map? It looks completely open.
Yes there is a gap, but a tight one. The walls of the two structures were once attached, but now the tower has been broken away. There is a place to step through, but also a bulky chunk of tower wall that juts up to begin the 3 o'clock circle, starting at about 4' and rising as it goes clockwise. So it has been a good place to watch through, allows for careful passage through, but also gives a good hiding spot there on either side of the lowered structure.
RageRed says:
I think, originally that Aduorix said she needed someone to open the gate after she got into the chain room. Is that not the case?
Yes she did say that. Removing the pin and raising the bar is a two-step process completed step by the control operator from the chain room. After that, the door(s) could be swung completely open (they open inwardly btw, into the compound not out) by someone on the ground. In the last iteration though, it was displayed that Galopan opened one door and shut it even from the chain room. Unclear if Aduorix knows how to do that or not, or if her plan has changed from original. Although she did seem to hand signal for Syrena to stay there and provide coverage. Still might be unclear. But certainly the original plan would still work. Person 1 throws pin and lifts bolt bar. Person 2 pulls the gate door or doors in to open fully.
RageRed says:
The flat rooftop (Is that a low wall around the top?) would be the best point for an advantage in covering both Aduorix and Gennadius.[/ooc]
Not really a low wall. More like a lip or a raised edge. If someone was standing on the new plank beam roof, the surrounding stone rim which the beams are set down within, would rise up somewhere on the persons shins. It would be a near perfect perch for shooting people, but probably tough to swoop up there unseen, and not much cover if there were return fire.
Holy cow descriptions! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!
May 17, 2023 7:21 am
Does the front palisades of the gate have a covered walk to defend the gate from above?
Syrena considers her options. The climb up to the top of the flat building is tempting, but she follows into the shadows behind Aduorix as was planned. She listens for their cues to start the opening process. The second distraction should be along any minute.
May 17, 2023 9:55 am
As Gennadius is beginning the nerve-wracking charade conversation with Mennic, Igolio approaches there at the outdoor kitchen.

The slender man scuffs his feet as he walks. His pale dull eyes are locked on Gennadius.

"Was it you who made her leave?," he asks. He has paused a few paces away before reaching the table. The question is mysterious at least, if not senseless, but he is directing it at Gennadius.

After a pause of the pregnant silence, he rephrases to a statement, "You made her leave."

He tilts his head down slightly but keeps his watch on his target. He purses his lips together tightly. His jaw and prominent mustache move up and down slowly, as if he is pressing his tongue to his teeth inside his mouth.

He has the look of a man gone mad.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 10:08 am
After surveying potential positions, Syrena makes her way around behind the south side of the ruins, slowly in the direction of the gate while maintaining stealth in movement.

While Galopan is on coming back down from the ladder, she makes it past the back of the small tent and then makes the quick step to reposition behind a small square wooden building offset from the gate in the southeast corner.

She tucks close, remaining hidden in the long shadows cast by the building from the light of the center bonfire.

Syrena looks ahead to her goal of reaching the gate. It is a short dash away, but hiding places are scant. There is no cover or obstruction, and the only shadows available are the thin ones in the small corner just between the chain room and the gate itself. This is the position where Syrena last caught site of Aduorix - a place the expert skulker made use of for hiding, but Syrena doubts that she could stage up there herself without being detected.

Syrena scans the area, but cannot spot Aduorix at the moment.

She steals a quick glance around the corner, but then ducks back quickly into her hide position.

Galopan is walking back this way, toward the gate.
Here in the interior, the balcony over the gate is larger and has more structure than the walkway everywhere else (with exception maybe of the southwest corner, which is also built up). There are some framing beams that rise up from the ground, support the balcony, and then continue up to support the overhead roof cover. Between these, there are some railings, but this isn't full cover for true defensive position. The balcony over the gate would be a good place to cover the gate from interior threats though, high position and visibility, but it's not armored up - though the rails and beams may or may not be some minimal obstruction against fire.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 10:20 am
There is a call from outside the gate, a loud voice summoning response.

Syrena is closest. She can tell it is Gundus.

Further away, Gennadius cannot understand the words of the call, but he too knows it is Gundus.

But Gennadius is distracted by the cold stare of the slender swordsman who stands before him, silhouetted by the bright light of the bonfire beyond him.
May 17, 2023 10:22 am
Hearing the call outside the gate, Galopan picks up his pace to approach the gate.

Looking back briefly over his shoulder he shouts to Igolio and Mennic, "Keep your eyes on that man!"
May 17, 2023 10:25 am
Mennic stops the conversation and looks carefully at Gennadius.

Then he looks carefully at Igolio.

The injured cook takes a small step back away from the table, in the direction of the stone furnace.

Holding his position and with a steady watchfulness, he waits for developments in the rising tension.
May 17, 2023 10:36 am
Galopan quickly climbs the switch back stair case to reach the covered gate balcony.

From the high caged port, he speaks to Gundus.

"It's you, the priest. Hail the Dawn!" he calls down in response. Gundus can detect what seems to be a sign of relief in the soldier's voice.

"One of your men is inside. You claim goblins, and I want to believe you, but ... I'm on orders to be cautious of you, Ius.

What is your intent? Where are the others who are with you? What is the truth here, kyrazenus?"
after a short pause, he adds "Turas hold you."

The young lads voice is sincere, even as he maintains his committed military bearing.

He waits for an answer, watching Gundus intently from the high port window.
May 17, 2023 10:42 am
Igolio keeps eyes on Gennadius.

"You made her leave," he says again in his raspy voice, quieter this time, just above a whisper.

The thin man does not step forward at all, but the movement of his hands are slow and measured. He grips one sword and with a masterful control slides it out of its sheath.

He holds the weapon low and casually, almost lazily, at his side.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 12:16 pm
Gennadius feels the danger he is in.

He had hoped to get close to a knife, but hasn’t been shown one thus far.

Now he has full attention on Igolio, but in his last glance around he had seen a cast iron fire stoker laying atop the waist level bricks of the side shelf of the furnace structure.

If push comes to shove, Gennadius could step over and grab the tool - not an ideal weapon, but perhaps something that could give him a fighting chance to defend himself.

It is so very hot here close to the tower.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 1:49 pm
Damanadros tries to keep his mind focused on the gate door.

Still his attention is drawn to the tower. Even when he doesn’t look over directly at it, he is aware of the power aura there within the highest part of the tall structure.

Even all around the area within the compound, rift and disturbance disrupts the air.

Something fascinating though is in that tower. Damanadros knows. It has not called to him by voice, he doesn’t think so at least - but the mystery of the tower is magnetic.
May 17, 2023 2:24 pm
Damanandros is awestruck by the immense display of magic unfolding before his eyes. His mind races, contemplating various ways to investigate the phenomenon from a safe distance. However, his current abilities only grant him a heightened awareness of the magical aura, leaving him yearning for additional tools and spells that could provide deeper insights into the nature of these powerful emanations.

Glancing towards the gate, he assesses the situation, taking note of Gundus' favorable rapport with the locals. This could prove to be a significant advantage in their endeavors. The allure of the tower's hidden secrets tugs at his curiosity, tempting him to join Gundus and enter through the gate. However, the presence of Xenophon holds him back, reminding him of the importance of their collective mission.
May 17, 2023 3:35 pm
"The others are dead, fled or taken!" Gundus says. "A whole tribe's on the war-path, led by some winged horror. We never had a chance. I think they're headed this way, and you'll need to muster every man and woman that can bear arms to hold the fort. I've come to warn you, and give what help I may."

Well, that ought to stir up this hornet's nest. He could only trust in Türas to guide him, and pray he was doing the right thing.
Sorry, CB. The gate just seemed the natural place to go.
May 17, 2023 6:54 pm
Galopan listens attentively to Gundus's plea.

The soldier thinks through the quandary he is in for a long moment, but makes his decision in a difficult circumstance.

"I believe the spirit of my father would say to let you in, kyrazenus. I knew you should not have stayed out at the trail.

We'll try to find your fellows, and I need your help as well - Gods know! - we have many troubles here at the fort.

Hold there. I'll come down and open the gate."
May 17, 2023 7:29 pm
"She's gone," Igolio says, as if in resignation.

He looks down from Gennadius briefly, "She's gone now."

But then back up again. His eyes are different. They are pale red and aglow.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 7:30 pm
A loud sound. CHKUUUUKKK!!
And now the rattling of sliding chains, a cranking wheel, and a heavy oak board thumping and bumping as it is raised clear.

Syrena sees, directly across from her, the bolt beam being lifted from its hanger.

The gate doors are unlocked!
May 17, 2023 7:30 pm
A loud shrill sound pierces the night when Aduorix blows her bone and reed whistle. The signal carries throughout the compound and beyond.

The dainty saboteur steps out from the chain room, shouting while cupping her hands around the sides of her mouth, "OPEN THE DOORS! OPEN THE DOORS! THE BOLT IS UP! OPEN THE DOORS!!"
May 17, 2023 7:31 pm
Startled by Igolio's glowing eyes, Mennic curses aloud, "Gods' Fire!"

He starts backing away then feels the first rat scurry to his foot.

"EYYAAA!!!", he shouts again. "The RATS!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 7:32 pm
Gennadius looks down. Rats are running towards him from every direction. One pounces onto his pants leg. Another leaps from a stool and barely falls short of him.

They are closing in - everywhere.

The whistle sounds out through the compound. Gennadius glances across to see Aduourix calling to open the gate.
May 17, 2023 7:32 pm
The whistle sounds out just when Galopan turns from Gundus on the upper balcony.

"What?!?", Galopan steps across and looks over the balcony at the gate below. He sees a small woman below him near the chain room. She is yelling to open the gate.

"No. NOOO!!!," Galopan shouts in frustration. He lurches to the stairwell.

"I trusted you, priest!", he yells at the top of his lungs at Gundus outside. "Dishonor! DISHONOR ON YOU!!"

The bewildered soldier barrels down the stairs towards the chain room, cursing his own foolishness and dereliction of duty.
May 17, 2023 7:33 pm
The whistle sounds out, even as Gundus is waiting there at the gate.

Even from the overwatch position, they can hear Aduorix's shouts. The door gate is unlocked!

"ADUORIX!", Baudecca says aloud to the group. "Let's go!"

She claps Xenophon on the shoulder and charges forward across the clearing, axe in hand.
May 17, 2023 7:33 pm
"Now your flesh will BE EATEN!!", Igolio decrees his sentence of doom upon Gennadius.

The thin swordsman draws his other sword and raises both blades up in the air as the droves of rats horde to him and swarm forward.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 7:43 pm
Required Action, Gennadius: Roll Initiative
Required Action, Syrena: Roll Initiative
Required Action, Remaining PCs as a group: Roll Initiative

**Important**: Announce Action and intent before Initiative Roll
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning, Reference 6
May 17, 2023 8:06 pm
Syrena rushes the gate, with bow in hand, even as the first sounds of the sliding bolt can be heard. She hurries to open the doors for the rest to enter.


Initiative - (1d10+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 8:13 pm
Initiative Tracking List, working...
Remember, Initiative Modifiers are negative in Retro Initiative. Low numbers are what you want.
Syrena: 2
May 17, 2023 8:22 pm
Now I'm confused. The rules on page 100 say...

Initiative: This roll is adjusted by the combatant’s Dexterity bonus, if any. High numbers act first. Any combatants with equal numbers act simultaneously. Combatants wishing to move defensively or cast spells in the upcoming round must inform the Judge before the initiative dice are rolled.

As the Judge counts down the initiative numbers, each combatant may act on his number

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 8:24 pm
House Rule: Retro Initiative
May 17, 2023 8:24 pm
Yep! just looked that up too.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 8:26 pm
Thanks for bearing with the nostalgia, Red. ;)
And either way, Syrena is the FASTEST.
May 17, 2023 10:59 pm
Xenophon leaps to his feet the moment the gates begin to open. "Like a charm ..." he says as he breaks into a sprint for the gates, spear and shield in hand.
Not sure what modifier to use for rolling initiative for multiple players, so I just used mine


Init - (1d10-1)

(3) - 1 = 2

May 18, 2023 6:32 am
Gennadius stammers "I... I'm sorry sir I... I don't know what you are on about." Then he sees the rats. Eyes wide, he takes a step back. As he does so, a rat climbs onto his leg, its tiny claws are sharp pricks of pain through his trousers. He gasps out "No! and swipes at it and is unable to suppress a shaking chill from shooting up his back.

Never before has Gennadius had such a terror seize his throat. "RUN!" He tugs on the sleeve of Mennic, pulling him with his first tilt as he sprints at full speed.
Intended *Full Retreat* for a couple paces north-west and then towards the gate.


Initiative -DEX - (1d10-1)

(2) - 1 = 1

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 9:48 am
Initiative Tracking List:

Gennadius: 1
Syrena: 2
Rest of PC Party: 2
Whoa! Players' Club QUICK on the draw! THAT will pay off, I feel certain.

I'll read Gundus' Action/intent through Robago's post first, but after that CB, will be making what might be the most important roll in Gennadius's career so far: Igolio's Initiative.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 10:29 am
DMJ sent a note to Robago
May 18, 2023 11:44 am
Galopan's words fall upon Gundus like heavy blows. He cannot find words to answer.

Well, he'd done it and it could not be undone. The road to hell, as they say, is paved with good intentions.

What Gundus could do is prevent any bloodshed, until the truth of Saromen Fro became clear.
Gundus' priorities are first of all to make sure the others get through the gate (he will try to hold it open if necessary), and secondly to find his companions, make sure they are safe, and try to prevent any deaths.

If Xeno & co getting through the gate is an obvious non-issue, he'll move inside and presumably spot or hear Gennadius, then go to his aid.

He remains staunchly opposed to lethal force until faced with stronger evidence of corruption than the word of two strangers - that position remains unchanged, although the strange glow adds some credibility to their tale. If faced with combat he will try to disarm or overbear human opponents.

Robago sent a note to DMJ
Last edited May 18, 2023 11:44 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 2:42 pm
Driven by the powers of corruption that have overtaken Igolio, the rats chase forward after Gennadius, gathering as a murderous swarm.

Rat Team (Igolio + Rats) Initiative

DMJ sent a note to Robago


Bad Guy Initiative - (1d10)

(6) = 6

May 18, 2023 3:07 pm
Xenophon races toward the gates. As he enters, he sees the alarm has already been raised, and he can't help but comment to Baudecca: "So much for sneaking!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 3:24 pm
Players' Club delivers a CLEAN SWEEP on Initiative to the PCs!
That will pay off, plus it makes it a lot easier for the poor DM on staff. Ha!
PCs win Initiative.

Movement Assumptions: I have not poured back over the game rules, but my base assumption is that a PC can normally move up to 6 squares per round and Attack, or he can run up to 12 squares per round if devoted to movement exclusively without Attack or other Action. I'll stand by for the Rules Legal Team Review if I need to adjust that assumption - just an effort here to keep it moving well enough.

Ruling on PCs starting at an outside distance:
Xenophon, Baudecca, Damanandros have a distance of 30+ yards to cover in a run first.
I'll say that brings Baudecca and Xenophon up to the area of the gate at the end of Round 1. They can Attack if they find opponents within range when they get there, but if there are no opponents within range then their (Xenophon and Baudecca's) round will end without Attack options.
Damanandros is still suffering mobility difficulty after injury, so is a slow runner. He will have to spend the entire Round 1 moving close to the fort, but will not be able to make it through the gate until 6 more squares of Movement are used in Round 2 (this should allow for any other Actions by Damanandros in Round 2 as well).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 3:35 pm
Syrena covers the ground to the gate in a flash and then latches a strong grip on the left (south) door.

Heaving backward, she pulls the door completely open inward into the compound. She has a cover position behind the opened door as she readies her bow.

Syrena: Movement options exhausted, Ranged Attack options remain

Gundus pushes the other gate door forward as he enters the compound, swinging the second door wide open to his left.

Gundus: expends majority of Movement for opening door. 2 squares Movement and Attack option remain.

Gennadius runs as fast as he can, looping out and around a lower palisade fence near the tower to avoid the crazed swordsman, and then sprinting towards his friends he sees at the gate.

Gennadius: All Movement and Attack options used.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 3:50 pm
Syrena and Gundus scan outward to see Gennadius running to them at full steam.

A swarming horde of ravenous rats chases him.

Just beyond the raging fire, the corrupted swordsman Igolio is marching steadily forward with three giant rats the size of dogs leading before him.
May 18, 2023 3:59 pm
Galopan barrels down the stairwell and dives into the chain room. He jerks and heaves at the controls, but it is all for naught.

The invader has jammed the chains and gears with iron pitons, and both gate doors are now flung wide open.

Saromen Fro is breached.
May 18, 2023 4:07 pm
As Galopan storms down the stairs, Aduorix jumps up and grabs a cross brace of the opening north door that is swinging in. With a push launch off of a passing support beam, she surges up and switches her grip to catch an upper deck railing.

"Too late, shiny top!", she taunts Galopan as he dives into the chain room.

The little acrobat does a swing and then a heaving pull-up to cast her leg up and onto the high rampart platform. In a quick pull and roll, she is on the upper deck.

"You've got visitors! Tee-HEE!", she laughs with a parting jab at the hapless soldier below and scampers away on the catwalk.
May 18, 2023 4:24 pm
"Hahahaha!", Baudecca laughs at Xenophon's jest. She savors the thrill of the moment.

"Don't slow, Nicean!", she teases and picks up the pace, trying to beat Xenophon in a race to the gate.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 4:26 pm
Required Action, Gundus and Syrena: Take any remaining Actions desired in Top of Round 1 (TR1)
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 7

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 6:10 pm
For whenever it might come up...
Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rats: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5
*Note: some types of Attacks v. The Swarm may be ineffective. Example: single arrows or javelins into the swarm should be expected to be ineffective. Sweeping swaths with hammers or clubs or spear poles are likely to be the most effective. Other ideas may work as well. "It" is a strange opponent, and will be treated as such for devising damage.
May 18, 2023 9:22 pm
Syrena aims for the ratmaster, upon seeing him leading the swarm and his hound-sized rodents after Gennadius. She fires and immediately begins to weigh her options to get to higher ground. The catwalk above was the closest.


Bow attack - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Damage - (1d6+1)

(1) + 1 = 2

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 18, 2023 10:02 pm
Top of Round 1 (TR1)

The arrow sails out past the fire. Igolio flinches to the side at the last minute, avoiding being killed, but the arrow grazes his side as it speeds into the darkness beyond.


Syrena sees the nearby route to the stair at the southwest corner. The route is unobstructed and the quickest route to the rampart walkway. She starts making her way there.
Since reading through some rules, the norm seems to be 40' Movement instead of 30' as I originally thought, we can say everyone gets a few extra steps towards direction by the end of the round. The SW corner route up will put Syrena on the rampart catwalk and ready for Ranged Attack during next Action opportunity (in TR2).
May 19, 2023 7:11 am
Gundus will move to the front and brace for the swarm's impact. He turns briefly towards the gate. "It's my turn to ask you, Galopan," he shouts. "What has happened to the others? What is really going on here?"
Don't think Gundus has enough movement to reach the swarm and make an attack.

Does anyone have oil? Is it time to go Indiana Jones on these rodents?
Last edited May 19, 2023 7:11 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 19, 2023 7:33 am
Gundus sees an oil-fueled lantern on a hanger, mounted on a support column that he is passing by. The fire of the lamp is already lit and burning brightly.
May 19, 2023 9:28 am
Hastily swathing his hand to prevent burns, Gundus seizes the lantern and hurls it at the advancing swarm of vermin!
You know, I realise this could go badly wrong (and burn the entire camp down), but being eaten alive by rats seems horrible enough to justify the risk.


Attack roll - hurl lantern (+1 bardic insp.) - (1d20+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 19, 2023 11:40 am
The full lantern hits the ground hard, breaking the oil reservoir. Flame spews out like a bloom and coats the ground, scorching some of the rats at the back edge of the swarm.


Along with the bonfire and the many other torches, the new blaze adds to the wild dance of light and shadow - the chaos that is Saromen Fro.
Dang I wish that was a hit! The more mayhem the better in Sword and Sorcery - Let's GO!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 19, 2023 11:41 am
I'm on full attention at work today. This is it for me until evening. Sorry, Players' Club.
May 19, 2023 1:27 pm
Sorry for missing a day, I had a live session to prepare for along with other responsibilities. Not a great excuse, but my attention was taken.

Damanandros will try and keep pace with Xenophon, to stay within 15 feet or so behind him. He has the sleep spell on the ready, holding it for a worthy target. Otherwise, he just tries to avoid direct confrontation.
May 19, 2023 2:53 pm
Xenophon charges through the gates, and tries to take a split-second read of the tactical situation, attempting to form up with the rest of the squad. He keeps his shield high in case of arrow attacks from the walls, and spear low to defend against those on the ground. He looks behind him to make sure Damanandros is keeping up; he very well might be their ace in the hole, like so many times before.
I am assuming there are no targets for Xenophon once he enters. He will try to at least guard somebody's flank.
May 20, 2023 11:49 am
Bottom of Round 1 (BR1)

Igolio strides forward and takes position within the horde, building its numbers with dozens more rats.

His eyes glow a pale red. He brings his swords up to a ready guard as he drives his vermin minions to swarm the area at the gate.

Movement, Delay/Hold

He waits for his large rats to attack first. They dive at Gundus, Galopan, and Gennadius with enhanced viciousness.
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 8


Rat 3 (R3) Attacks Galopan - (1d20)

(15) = 15

R3 Damage - (1d3)

(2) = 2

R1 Attacks Gundus - (1d20)

(1) = 1

R1 Damage - (1d3)

(1) = 1

R2 Attacks Gennadius - (1d20)

(3) = 3

R2 Damage - (1d3)

(2) = 2

May 20, 2023 11:57 am
Just as Galopan is stepping out from the chain room, one of the giant rats pounces on him and bites him high on his shoulder at the collar.

Hit by R3. Suffers 2 HP damage.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 20, 2023 12:22 pm
Xenophon makes it to the threshold of the gate, with Baudecca just a step behind.

The high temperature of the place is palpable, like walking through a thick wall of heat.

Initially Xenophon's vision to his left and outward is obstructed by the now wide open large north gate door. He does see Syrena moving away to the right, towards the southwest corner of the compound.

Straight ahead, Xenophon sees Gennadius being attacked by a dog-sized rat! And Gundus, ahead and left, may be fighting the same - his back is turned, the door partially obstructs the line of sight, and the full scene is not yet clear at this step.

Beyond Gennadius ahead is a large bonfire that is basking the entire area is bright firelight.
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 9

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 20, 2023 12:30 pm
Required Action, PC Party: Take Action(s) for Round 2!

Note: Damanandros is still off screen approaching the gate. He can use all Movement available in Round 2 to make it to the gate threshold. He can take Action at that point, with assumption that he quickly assesses the scene as best as he can in the split seconds of barely coming around the edge of the inward opened gate door, but the Action will occur at the end of Round 2 (after all PCs and bad guy actions).

Note: PCs close to Rat Swarm can anticipate imminent impact. Players interested can read Swarm, Rat in rules resource to get preview. Defensive measures detailed there are available, but would call for forgoing other potential Actions such as Attack. Just mentioning to consider for options during Round 2, as PCs can see the moment developing.

Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rats: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 9
May 20, 2023 12:38 pm

Baudecca charges in and chops at the giant rat attacking Gennadius.

Movement, Charge - Attack

The rat's head and shoulders are split completely apart as the axe swings in heavy, full weight in a downward strike. Blood and brains splatters out in a gruesome burst.

[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 10


Attack R2, Charge - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Damage - (1d8+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

May 20, 2023 8:09 pm
Syrena stops, takes another shot at Igolio, then races for the corner access to the catwalk to get a better vantage point.


Longbow attack - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Damage - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 20, 2023 9:24 pm

Syrena sends the arrow. Seeing the shot, Igolio lowers his profile and sets his bulky swords forward, hoping to interfere. The arrow clangs against the blades but cuts through at high speed, slicing a gash in the Krysean's left hand and forearm.


Syrena continues in motion, makes it to the southwest ladder, and climbs up to the palisade rampart balcony.
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning
May 21, 2023 10:15 am
Damanandros slows once he begins to get close to the gates. Looking for a place to observe from cover he heads to the north corner of the gate to peek around.
Once Damanandros arrives on the scene, He will want to assess the situation from a relatively safe vantage point.

Just outside the wall where the top left corner of "Box 4" is pointing. He will hug the corner and peek around if this location is clear.

He probably will not just fire off his sleep spell without finding a worthy target, so would it be acceptable for him to spend the remainder of the round getting a good take on the scene and then act early in the next round?

He has only one spell to make his contribution to the combat, and the Swarm is likely the most appropriate target, but he doesn't know about it yet.


May 21, 2023 11:27 am
Seeing the battle already uncerway, Xenophon shores up the middle of his allies' line and gets to work. He spear turns red after a quick thrust at the nearest giant rat.
Xenophon will move to the square the the right of T that is just above G to form up the wall. Attacking Rodent of Unusal Size #3. Need 12+ to hit, 10 plus the ROUS's AC of 2.
Last edited May 21, 2023 11:28 am


Attack ROUS #3, damage - (1d20+1, 1d6+1)

1d20+1 : (11) + 1 = 12

1d6+1 : (6) + 1 = 7

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 21, 2023 11:28 am
Leo9sign says:
Once Damanandros arrives on the scene, He will want to assess the situation from a relatively safe vantage point.
He probably will not just fire off his sleep spell without finding a worthy target, so would it be acceptable for him to spend the remainder of the round getting a good take on the scene and then act early in the next round?
This all sounds fine.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 21, 2023 11:47 am

Xenophon steps through the crowd and kills the giant rat attacking Gundus at the head of the swarm.


As he sets his shield forward, Xenophon sees the droves of rats run underneath his feet and begin to jump at him. There are so many.

And the slender swordsman Igolio marches forward with murder in his glowing red eyes.


Damanandros moves to the edge of the gate, keeping cover for a brief moment at the north threshold that is the hinge point of the north gate door that is opened inward.


The young mage has forgotten the pain in his legs, the heightened senses of battle are upon him. Ahead he sees his friends forming a defensive stand against an encroaching horde of rats!

A bonfire blazes beyond - ahead in the center of the compound. The heat here at the doorway is oppressive, far beyond the natural heat of the fire.

Damanandros can see the telltale signs of magical energy whisping through the air like ethereal smoke.
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 12

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 21, 2023 11:57 am
Required Action, Gennadius, Gundus: Take Action(s) for Round 2!

Note: PCs close to Rat Swarm can anticipate imminent impact. Players interested can read Swarm, Rat in rules resource to get preview. Defensive measures detailed there are available, but would call for forgoing other potential Actions such as Attack. Just mentioning to consider for options during Round 2, as PCs can see the moment developing.

Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rats: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 12
May 21, 2023 12:47 pm
When Xenophon dispatches the giant rat menacing him, Gundus finds himself momentarily un-engaged. He seizes the opportunity to manoeuvre, repositioning behind Gennadius. "Stay inside the circle!" he yells. "You too, soldier!" he adds to the beleaguered Galopan.

He raises the Icon of Tuweigh high, boldly reciting an invocation. A glowing aura of white light expands rapidly from the icon, covering the party. Those within feel the essence of Türas surrounding them: an implacable devotion to the ideal of Justice and a cold, unfaltering opposition to all agents of Chaos.

Gundus uses the Icon to cast Protection from Evil:
This spell creates a magical barrier of protection around the caster with a 10' radius. The barrier surrounds the caster for the duration of the spell and provides some protection from attacks by "evil" creatures. For purposes of this spell, evil creatures include hostile creatures of an alignment other than the caster's alignment, and inherently evil creatures such as undead and summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment. All within the radius gain a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures. Those who leave and then re-enter, or who enter after the spell is cast, receive the protection as well.

In addition, the spell prevents bodily contact by enchanted (constructed, summoned, or undead) creatures, regardless of whether they are "evil" or not. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The spell's protection against contact by enchanted creatures ends if the caster or any protected creature makes an attack against, casts a spell on, or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.

The protection lasts as long as the caster remains stationary and concentrates on it.

TLDR: Stay within 10' of Gundus and get +1 AC and +1 to Saving throws.

@Leo9sign This might be enough that you can save your Sleep spell for another encounter.

Also: Shouldn't Xenophon get an extra Cleave attack from dropping the giant rat?
May 21, 2023 1:27 pm
The filthy beast bears in at him again with frightening ferocity. Galopan slashes at the giant rat with his sword...

Attack v. R3

... but in the confusion and chaos he cannot land a strike.

The other rats begin to swell forward, overtaking him. Desperately, Galopan clears himself from the door of the chain room lest he get overwhelmed and trapped.

Falling away from the tidal wave of rats, the harried soldier stumbles towards the gate and finds himself in the midst of the invaders.

He looks up to see the priest raising his fist high in the air. " too, soldier!" , he hears the command. Galopan suddenly realizes that the kyrazenus is speaking to him.

Confused, but clinging to whatever motivation he is offered, Galopan steadies himself and takes a stand, shoulder to shoulder with the Priest of Türas.

"Gods help me!", Galopan pleads quietly under his breath as the rats surge in upon him.


Galopan Attacks R3 - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

damage - (1d8+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 21, 2023 1:42 pm
Robago says:
Also: Shouldn't Xenophon get an extra Cleave attack from dropping the giant rat?
Ahh. Yes, indeed. There would be option to sweep-strike out against the incoming swarm.
Len, have at it if you want...
Optional Action, Xenophon: Use Cleave success to make additional Round 2 Attack v. Rat Swarm.
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 13

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 21, 2023 1:51 pm
Required Action, Gennadius: Take Action(s) for Round 2!

Note: PCs close to Rat Swarm can anticipate imminent impact. Players interested can read Swarm, Rat in rules resource to get preview. Defensive measures detailed there are available, but would call for forgoing other potential Actions such as Attack. Just mentioning to consider for options during Round 2, as PCs can see the moment developing.

Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rats: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 13
May 21, 2023 5:52 pm
Xenophon pulls the spear free of the giant rat and immediately sweeps it low through the swarm that is rushing toward them.


Attack swarm (10+ to hit) - (1d20+1, 1d6+1)

1d20+1 : (15) + 1 = 16

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

May 21, 2023 11:36 pm
Fingers crossed!
Robago says:
When Xenophon dispatches the giant rat menacing him, Gundus finds himself momentarily un-engaged. He seizes the opportunity to manoeuvre, repositioning behind Gennadius. "Stay inside the circle!" he yells. "You too, soldier!" he adds to the beleaguered Galopan.

He raises the Icon of Tuweigh high, boldly reciting an invocation. A glowing aura of white light expands rapidly from the icon, covering the party. Those within feel the essence of Türas surrounding them: an implacable devotion to the ideal of Justice and a cold, unfaltering opposition to all agents of Chaos.

Gundus uses the Icon to cast Protection from Evil:
This spell creates a magical barrier of protection around the caster with a 10' radius. The barrier surrounds the caster for the duration of the spell and provides some protection from attacks by "evil" creatures. For purposes of this spell, evil creatures include hostile creatures of an alignment other than the caster's alignment, and inherently evil creatures such as undead and summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment. All within the radius gain a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures. Those who leave and then re-enter, or who enter after the spell is cast, receive the protection as well.

In addition, the spell prevents bodily contact by enchanted (constructed, summoned, or undead) creatures, regardless of whether they are "evil" or not. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The spell's protection against contact by enchanted creatures ends if the caster or any protected creature makes an attack against, casts a spell on, or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.

The protection lasts as long as the caster remains stationary and concentrates on it.

TLDR: Stay within 10' of Gundus and get +1 AC and +1 to Saving throws.

@Leo9sign This might be enough that you can save your Sleep spell for another encounter.

Also: Shouldn't Xenophon get an extra Cleave attack from dropping the giant rat?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 22, 2023 12:55 am

Xenophon's sweeping strike knocks a handful of rats up in the air and rolls a few others, disrupting and separating them from the living swarm.

Cleave Hit.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 22, 2023 12:58 am
Required Action, Gennadius: Take Action(s) for Round 2!

Note: PCs close to Rat Swarm can anticipate imminent impact. Players interested can read Swarm, Rat in rules resource to get preview. Defensive measures detailed there are available, but would call for forgoing other potential Actions such as Attack. Just mentioning to consider for options during Round 2, as PCs can see the moment developing.

Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rats: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning 13
May 22, 2023 4:35 pm
This is not how Gennadius envisioned the assault. He was not supposed to be on the front line. He did not imagine that he'd be fighting alongside the fort's own guardsmen. Nor did he consider that some FUCKED UP RAT SWARM would overrun everyone.

That man controls them?! His baffled mind repeats the realization over and over as he seeks some stance, weapon, and sanctum against the swarm.

He looks to Xenophon, who is focused on the vermin with shield and sword. He does not see his spear. Surely it is here somewhere, but Xenophon is doing the right thing and jumped into action and hasn't had a moment to direct Gennadius to the weapon.

His hand finds the whip at his belt and draws a bolas from a pouch. It's all he has. Woefully useless against this roiling black mass. A flash of movement catches his attention, despite the churn of motion of the swarm before him. An arrow. Syrena attacks HIM. That must be his target too. Maybe the swarm will leave once their master falls.


Bolas knockdown attack, +Dex, +Courage, +Protection, +2 bolas -4 knockdown - (1d20+1)

(12) + 1 = 13

May 22, 2023 5:54 pm

Gennadius's spinning bolas whirls towards Igolio.

Save vs. Paralysis.

The thin swordsman makes a quick side step. The trapping weapon hits his legs but does not wrap and catch, instead it flutters past and into the dirt beyond.


Save vs. Paralysis (needs 13+) - (1d20)

(14) = 14

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 22, 2023 6:04 pm

The rat swarm overruns the group gathered there at the gate. The volume of rats fall upon them like a heavy weight. It is an effort to keep stable and remain standing - yet to fall is to be buried in a smothering blanket of teeth, claws, and filth.

Required Action, Gennadius, Gundus, Xenophon, Baudecca, Galopan: Save vs. Paralysis, to remain standing and avoid damage from Rat Swarm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 22, 2023 6:06 pm

The giant rat keeps its pursuit of Galopan, diving at him again with sharp chomping teeth.

R3 Attack Galopan (AC +5)

Correction: AC +6, because of Protection from Evil from Gundus (so R3 needs 16+)


R3 Attack (needs 15+) - (1d20)

(15) = 15

damage - (1d3)

(3) = 3

May 22, 2023 6:13 pm
The giant rat leaps and digs its claws into Galopan's chest. Its rugged teeth snap, certain to tear Galopan's face off. Except....

...something makes the rat falter. It is the power of Turas, making the rat recoil as it gets close to Gundus. The split second opportunity allows Galopan to push the lead rat away, shoving it back to the ground.

R3 Attack: Miss

Fighting with everything he's got, Galopan tries to stabilize himself as the wave of rats crashes over him, clinging to him - smothering - seeking to topple him.

Save vs. Paralysis
Result: Fail

He cannot do it. Galopan stumbles and crashes to the ground. The hundreds begin to feast on his flesh.

Suffer Swarm Damage


Save vs. Paralysis (needs 15 +, receives +1 for PFE) - (1d20+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Rat swarm damage - (1d6)

(1) = 1

May 22, 2023 6:18 pm
Baudecca tries to stay upright under the attack of the rat swarm.

Save vs. Paralysis.
Result: Fail

But she too is knocked off balance. She stumbles to the ground and is smothered.

Suffer Rat Swarm Damage


Save vs. Paralysis (needs 15 +, receives +1 for PFE) - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Rat swarm damage - (1d6)

(4) = 4

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 22, 2023 6:25 pm

The rat horde swarms!

Required Action, Gennadius, Gundus, Xenophon: Save vs. Paralysis, to remain standing and avoid damage from Rat Swarm
Rolling individual potential damage for each person, since I think it could be better or worse at each location. Of course damage only applies if Save vs. Paralysis is failed.
[ +- ] SF Map 14


Potential Rat Swarm Damage Gundus - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Potential Rat Swarm Damage Gennadius - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Potential Rat Swarm Damage Xenophon - (1d6)

(3) = 3

May 22, 2023 6:40 pm
Xenophon braces for the rush of red-eyed rodents, but the tide of clawing, gnawing hunger brings him to his knees.
Taking 3 damage, bringing Xenophon to 6/10 hp
Last edited May 22, 2023 6:42 pm


Save vs. Paralysis (15+) - (1d20)

(6) = 6

May 22, 2023 9:21 pm
Gennadius kicks and hops wildly as the swarm closes in about him.
Last edited May 22, 2023 9:22 pm


Save vs paralysis 13+ - (1d20)

(17) = 17

May 22, 2023 9:59 pm
Focusing his hate, Igolio strides forward to kill the interloper who drove her away.

He brings the two fearsome swords to bear against Gennadius in a flurry of relentless slashes, even as the rats swarm all about him.

Attack Gennadius. Weapon Focus: Natural 20 on sword Attack Throw is double damage.
Hit AC 0 @ 8+
[ +- ] SF Map 15


Attack Gennadius - (1d20+3)

(6) + 3 = 9

Damage - (1d8+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 22, 2023 10:02 pm
Last Action for Round 2...
Required Action, Gundus: Save vs. Paralysis, to remain standing and avoid damage from Rat Swarm

(Damage if fail Save: 3)
May 23, 2023 4:22 am
Gundus plants his feet firmly and brushes the swarming rats from him with his free hand.


Save vs Paralysis 13+ - (1d20+1)

(13) + 1 = 14

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 9:27 am
Xenophon, Galopan, and Baudecca struggle to regain their footing within the rat horde.

Gennadius is fighting for his life dodging the deadly swords of the crazed Igolio.

Damanandros sees the horror of the swarm overrun.

Gundus stands steady in the storm, holding the divine icon high in the air.

Syrena reaches the higher ground of the rampart catwalk.

Required Action, PC Party: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.

Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rat: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5 (+6)

[ +- ] SF Map 15
May 23, 2023 4:40 pm
Damanandros watches as his companions are swallowed up by the writhing mass of rats.
He knows that this cannot be a natural occurrence and scans the scene for the cause, but he doesn't have much time and must act.

Will it be enough to target the swarm, or will its creator be able to awaken them?
This may be an important decision. To attack the rats or cut them off at the source. How much can Damanandros figure out about the source of the rats and will sleeping the "Piper" cause the rats to disperse?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 5:10 pm
I understand the questions, and understand the desire for the answers, but realistically I don't think all the "what if...?" results could be known with certainty, with the limited information available and discernible. There will be some gamble and decision making inherit, whether by a hunch or calculated guess.

I would think though that Damanadros would be confident in his experience putting animals to sleep. He perfected the spell working on birds, rats, mice, and crabs in his old tower out by the shoreline in Kourithos harbor. When animals are put down, they are difficult to awaken. And even if they are awakened, they are groggy and slow, not springing back to full fight or flight intensity at the snap of a finger. As for the "piper", I think it would be fair to say that Damanandros would wonder if this man could be put to sleep or not. He has shown to be strong-willed, committed, and competent in his ferocity at least - if not under some other more powerful mind-control or corruption driving him onward. Damanandros knows from research that the spell has a top limit of effectiveness, that it usually cannot overpower formidable or experienced personalities. He may not have firsthand experience knowing where that exact line is, but Igolio might be somewhere close to the line in all likelihood.

So there you go - take this however you wish.
May 23, 2023 5:58 pm
DMJ says:
I understand the questions, and understand the desire for the answers, but realistically I don't think all the "what if...?" results could be known with certainty, with the limited information available and discernible. There will be some gamble and decision making inherit, whether by a hunch or calculated guess.

I would think though that Damanadros would be confident in his experience putting animals to sleep. He perfected the spell working on birds, rats, mice, and crabs in his old tower out by the shoreline in Kourithos harbor. When animals are put down, they are difficult to awaken. And even if they are awakened, they are groggy and slow, not springing back to full fight or flight intensity at the snap of a finger. As for the "piper", I think it would be fair to say that Damanandros would wonder if this man could be put to sleep or not. He has shown to be strong-willed, committed, and competent in his ferocity at least - if not under some other more powerful mind-control or corruption driving him onward. Damanandros knows from research that the spell has a top limit of effectiveness, that it usually cannot overpower formidable or experienced personalities. He may not have firsthand experience knowing where that exact line is, but Igolio might be somewhere close to the line in all likelihood.

So there you go - take this however you wish.
That's exactly what I was wanting to suss out of the situation.
Sleeping the rats will buy needed time for everyone involved and get them back on their feet.
Hopefully, the party can surround and overwhelm the rat king when they aren't being swallowed in a mound of rats. Makes my skin crawl and I am not very squeamish about such things. The mechanics of the swarm perfectly invoke the correct visceral response.

Holding his hands in the direction of the rats, he calls out to them, "ξεχάστε την εποχή και την εγρήγορσή σας, είναι η ώρα σας να κοιμηθείτε"

Nicean Translation: Forget the season and your wakefulness. It is your time to slumber!
Signaling the closing flux of mystical energies he summons with a tightened fist, he attempts to seal the spell, causing affected creatures to forget their place and begin to hibernate where they stand.
[ +- ] Sleep
May 23, 2023 7:10 pm
Gennadius feels the panic swelling, a lump in his throat. This is not how he is used to fighting - he needs to move, withdraw and harry constantly! How does one fight hundreds of vermin underfoot and an opponent engaging directly in melee?! He wants to step back, to escape, to hurl a javelin or hold at bay with spear. But he does know melee, at least his version of it. Tricks, misdirection. His friends in the arena will help him here. Dear friends that he can rely on.

His whip lashes out, cracking in the air next to the thin man's head. The mis-direction masks Gennadius' offhand drawing the net from his belt pouch and casting it over his opponent.
Wrestling attempt with net. Then withdraw if possible

Instead of making a melee attack, a combatant may attempt to
wrestle with his opponent. To wrestle an opponent, a combatant
must succeed on a melee attack throw with a -4 penalty. The
opponent must then make a saving throw versus Paralysis. If
the combatant is significantly larger than the opponent (an
ogre wrestling a man, for instance) the opponent suffers a -4
penalty on his saving throw. If the opponent succeeds on his
saving throw, he has shrugged off the combatant. If he fails, he
has been grabbed in a wrestling hold. A combatant who has
grabbed an opponent may perform a brawl, force back, disarm,
or knock down action each round without having to make an
attack throw so long as the hold continues (the opponent still
receives a saving throw). A knock down or force back will end
the hold, unless the wrestling combatant chooses to move with
his held opponent. Other combatants are at +4 on attack throws
against the held opponent, and thieves may backstab him. The
held opponent may make another saving throw versus Paralysis
each round to attempt to escape the hold.

Last edited May 23, 2023 7:11 pm


Wrestling +1 Dex,+1 two weapon,+2 net,+1 pfe,+1 courage-4 wrestle - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 8:38 pm
Damanandros has put many rats to sleep before, groups of them even, but nowhere near this many at once.

Despite the added number of creatures, the basic technique would be the same. He weaves the spell along that technique - familiar words, familiar gestures - he's practiced this hundreds of times - now there they are: familiar edges and lines of power. He is manipulating them...

...but something is different. A sudden fissure...?

He wraps the final words; the verbal frame is complete... now another counterbalance...

*crack*, an audible sound, not just a sub-sensory.

Something is unraveling - it's a chain reaction...!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 8:45 pm
Gennadius cracks the whip in the air and slings the net in an attempt to capture or at least harass the crazed swordsman.

The rat swarm continues to clutter the area and obstruct, and Igolio dodges the swipe of the net.


Gennadius attempts to use the distracting strikes to manage a controlled withdrawal, hoping to regain a better position.

He hears a popping and cracking sound, and the air around him is suddenly ... charged and ... cold?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 8:57 pm
A loud crackling and popping sound clatters all around the area of the swarm. The hot temperature drops so suddenly that a chill wind whirls through like the passing of a ghost.

The increasing clatter of pops quickens and intensifies until it culminates to a final startling snap. It steals the breath out from everyone standing in the area.

In the split second, the rat swarm is knocked instantly to slumber - whether running or in mid-leap, climbing or gnawing - each is dropped to sleep and cast rolling in their momentum.

What an unnerving yet satisfying sight it is yet to see! For now some of the rats are changing color ... yes, lightening they are ... from black to pale - light gray, now even white... and in the same fast moment their bodies are changing shape!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 9:02 pm
Gennadius, Xenophon, Gundus, Galopan, Baudecca - perhaps they do not know it of the others yet, but each of them feels a wave of grogginess fall over them. It is like they are exhausted.

Even there in the heat of battle, they nearly drop forward to the ground, on the brink of falling asleep!

Their knees and feet wobble, but they regather their senses. Their heads are still cloudy though.

And all around they see the rats falling away. Asleep. A few still cling to their victims' clothes and armor, but these tenacious ones too are dropping free - as they change...

... a mere few seconds, but it is clear. In their grogginess they see it, though it is difficult to believe:

The rats' hair is turning to feathers.

The rats are turning into ... birds!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 9:56 pm
Damanandros is the only one who can see the reverberations, the cracking fault lines, and then the disruption of the mystic fabric that blankets the area, projecting out from the tower.

The effects are rendered out into the spell. Sleep is the beginning, but the cascade quickly shifts the energy to reorganize the biological matter. A polymorph effect ensues!

Fascinated yet terrified to see the ripple effects, Damanandros attempts to maintain control to avoid hurting anyone - or worse. He tries to adjust.

In the end though it happens so fast; there is little he can do.

The rats are converting to birds. Perhaps he had something to do with it though - subconsciously. They are one of the gentlest species, and among his favorites from the pebbled shores back at the harbor so far away.

The birds are little sanderlings. Sleeping.
[ +- ] Sanderling, reference pictures
May 23, 2023 10:16 pm
Everyone is speechless for a moment, overwhelmed by the vision of magic unfolding before their eyes and experiencing the temporary but intense feelings of fatigue.

Baudecca is perhaps the first to break out of the stall. The Krysean woman snatches up her axe and surges from her kneeling position on the ground.

"rrrRRRRAAAA!", she shouts out loud, dealing with the disgust of the rats just put to an end and forcing herself to regain control from the mental sluggishness.

Still stumbling a bit, she stomps over, circling around behind Igolio, steadying herself on the move.

Finally stabilized with heavy breaths, she belts out a call to arms. "Up, Nicean!", she challenges Xenophon. "No rest for you now."

Eyes still fixed on the thin swordsman, now trapped between herself on one side and Xenophon on the other, she threatens overtly, "We have to put this degenerate wretch out of his misery."

Working with the Nicean spearman, she begins to pace and encircle, developing the flank maneuver.

Fighter Flank Achieved
Experimenting with potential House Rule addition here. I don't see any rules about Flanking in the rule book - anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. So at this moment, fielding the Fighter Flank criteria...
If 2 or more allied Fighters cooperate and surround an opponent, each can use technique to capitalize off of the other's step and engagement, gaining a +1 to Attack Throws against the flanked target.
So...Xenophon gains +1 Attack Throw v. Igolio (former) Ratlord.
[ +- ] SF Map 16
May 23, 2023 10:33 pm
Galopan's mind is reeling from the sudden popping followed by the transformation of the rats to birds. He knows though to be grateful for being saved from a terrifying doom at the tooth and claw of 1000 rats!

The giant rat still ahead of him is momentarily sluggish. Its grotesque form is still so repulsive, triggering a primal disgust deep in Galopan. Though groggy himself and baffled by the confusion, his warrior instincts take over.

Conscripted Legionnaire Larus Galopan, the last sentry of Saromen Fro, slashes fanatically to put an end to the foul creature that is his nemesis.

Attack R3

With his sharp, gleaming, punishing blade, Galopan slices the last giant rat in half.
[ +- ] SF Map 17


Attack R3 (+1 PFE, +1 Ability, +4 rat sleepiness) - (1d20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 10:42 pm
Required Action, Xenophon, Gundus, Syrena: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.
Note: Xenophon +1 Attack Throws v. Igolio from Fighter Flank cooperative with Baudecca

Opponent Armor Class, Igolio: +1
[ +- ] SF Map 17
May 23, 2023 10:42 pm
Syrena aims from her vantage point. Her eyes widens as she beholds the magical transformation, but she wants to use its suddeness to her advantage, firing once more upon the unnatural swordsman, Igolio.
Adding the height advantage and subtracting the precision into melee. If there is actually no one in melee with Igolio, the roll is +4 to that rolled (15).
Last edited May 23, 2023 10:44 pm


Longbow attack - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Damage - (1d6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 10:51 pm

Igolio, also shaky from the tiring effects of the magic, is caught vulnerable in the moment.

Syrena's arrow bites into his leg just above the knee. It sticks full, lodged in the muscle at the high tilted angle.


Wincing from the pain, the obstinate swordsman stumbles and hops slightly before he can reset his weight.

Now surrounded, he readies himself for a final stand against his enemies all around.
May 24, 2023 6:14 am
Gundus continues to hold the Icon high, his posture rigid and jaw clenched as he strives to hold his footing and maintain his concentration on the spell amidst the flood of sorcery around him.
Unless @DMJ differs, I take this: "The protection lasts as long as the caster remains stationary and concentrates on it." to mean Gundus can't do anything else without dropping the spell, so his action for this round would be to maintain it.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 24, 2023 9:46 am

Gundus concentrates on channeling the divine favor of Turas, bolstering and empowering everyone around him.

Gundus looks down to see the unbridled magic continue. On the ground under his own feet and beneath the sleeping shoreline birds, slender plant seedlings begin to emerge from the ground and grow rapidly.
I had not read the spell closely, but it does seem like your interpretation is correct, @Robago.
May 24, 2023 9:50 am
Igolio is already slashing at both Baudecca and Xenophon, in an effort to keep them off step and lose position.

Baudecca stays focused and moves in to strike when she sees an opening in the swordsman's formidable defense.


She swings strong at the moment when Igolio follows through on a swipe of his own. He knows the strike is coming in and instinctively steps forward to tuck and dodge.

Too slow! - perhaps because of the arrow in his leg.

The axe blade carries past but slices deep into the back edge of Igolio's right side. He flinches from the pain, and blood steadily slides out from the open wound.

Plants are growing up from the ground beneath, tiny stalks stretching forth between the crowd of sleeping sanderlings laying all about.


Attack Igolio, Needs 11+ (adjust: PFE, STR, FF) - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

damage - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 24, 2023 10:01 am
Required Action, Xenophon: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.
Note: Xenophon +1 Attack Throws v. Igolio, from Fighter Flank cooperative with Baudecca

Opponent Armor Class, Igolio: +1
[ +- ] SF Map 18

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 12:58 am
Last Action remaining for TR3…
Required Action, Xenophon: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.
Note: Xenophon +1 Attack Throws v. Igolio, from Fighter Flank cooperative with Baudecca

Opponent Armor Class, Igolio: +1
[ +- ] SF Map 18
May 25, 2023 1:32 am
Xenophon shakes off the drowsiness and rises from the overwhelming swarm of rats as they suddenly go limp. He knows Damanandros is to thank; his ace in the hole, always. He doesn't even notice them start turning into birds in the flickering firelight, as he is singularly focused on making the most of his opportunity. He thrusts his spear at the strange red-eyed swordsman, Igolio, then tosses his pack at Gennadius's feet, which contains his armour and has his spear strapped to the side.


Attack Igolio (10+ to hit, -1 for AC, +1 for Str, +1 for Bard Song) - (1d20+1, 1d6+1)

1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4


May 25, 2023 2:02 am
I announce "Possible Critical" as per the house rules.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 2:04 am
Xenophon's thrust is perfection. The spear breaks through the left side of Igolio's rib cage, tearing through a lung and the heart inside.

Hit. Critical by default (normal damage was the kill, autofail on Save assumed).

The sword in the left hand is jolted loose from the impact, flung away in a wobbly spin.

Xenophon holds the position to set for the exit. In a sharp snap, he snatches the spear back and racks the dying man to his shield. A loud thud against the metal and the defeated swordsman is flung to the ground like a rag doll, his eyes closing to the darkness.

The broken body of Igolio Ratmaster lays face down on the ground amidst the sleeping shorebirds. The thin plants stretch up all around for a few moments longer. Their leaves fill in full and wide, and then the stalks bloom - a pale white flower that opens up to the light of the moon.

Split seconds later, all the blooms wilt and evaporate into wisps of cloudy vapor.

The group scans for danger, but the scene is clear.

After these wild minutes of stress and chaos, all is now still within the compound of Tower Four, even if only for a moment.

The central fire crackles steadily.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 2:12 am
Wow. I really love that whole scene, Players' Club! Well done, everyone, and thanks. Very captivating and well-played throughout. Mechanics. Strategy. Great narrative input. Character definition and style. On the fly decisions. The Raid on Saromen Fro. Quite unexpected for me, but far better than anything I previously thought more likely.

I've got to check out for the night, so will leave it there for open boards - looking forward to seeing what Party wants to do next after wrecking shop so hard.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 2:17 am
[ +- ] SF Map 19
May 25, 2023 10:30 am
The stolen moment of calm and wonder passes. Galopan takes a few steps back from the group, assessing his predicament.

Weighing it over, he sighs and offers a small gesture of truce, "There is fresh water there at the well," he motions briefly towards the covered well beyond the stack of wood and next to a large shelter. "Perhaps we could wash ourselves clean from .... this...." He looks down and motions with his sword to indicate the bloodied bodies and the strangeness of the sleeping birds that were formerly ravenous filthy rats.

Galopan nods to Gundus. Clearly he is overwhelmed, still wary and confused.
May 25, 2023 3:26 pm
Xenophon flicks the blood and bits of flesh from his spear tip, completely by habit rather than thought. He doesn't waste time with pleasantries, or water. He addresses Galopan: "I demand to know what has happened to Calus Eramus Andra, Castellan of the 3rd Imperial Legion!"
Last edited May 25, 2023 3:30 pm
May 25, 2023 4:05 pm
"I don't know," Galopan answers after a short thought. "They say he's dead, but..."

He hesitates.

When demanded to continue, he drops the hesitancy.

"I think they did something to him, at the Vault."

Who is "they"?

"The foreign woman and her lackey brothers....," he hesitates again, knowing what it means for him to state the next. He breathes in and out and makes his decision. "Centurion Omander." Galopan accuses his Superior Officer of crime and treason.

Galopan goes on to say that seven days ago (OOC: 4th of Pendaelon. It is currently 11th of Pendaelon.), Castellan Eramus led a sizeable group of Legionnaires to a Dwarven Vault that was discovered a few weeks prior in the mountains. The foreigners went with them. The next morning, only about half of the group returned. Eramus, among others, did not.

It was said that goblins attacked in an ambush, and that the missing half of the cohort was killed. Centurion Omander took charge as ranking officer.

"We have had so many troubles here," Galopan says, looking at Xenophon squarely, and then to Gundus. "It has been a burden to understand what to do that is right.

I do not know where Castellan Eramus is - alive or dead - I have wished him here as well.

Instead I have struggled to know how to stay at post, and mostly how to get home alive and with honor."
May 25, 2023 5:30 pm
"I think it is her Black Magick," Galopan adds, taking off his helmet to wipe the sweat from his brow. The heat has returned.

"She has driven all of them mad," he says, looking down at his former leader. "Decanus Igolio was the worst off, but they are all ... becoming animals."

"And we are all under the bad spell," with the last he points up to the top of the tower.
May 25, 2023 5:42 pm
The cook, called Mennic, comes forward cautiously, with his hands up. He makes it clear he means no harm.

He reaches out to Gennadius first, "Are you alright, kid? I thought you were done for by those rats."

Mennic is dumbfounded when he sees for the birds for the first time. After hearing a brief explanation, he asks fearfully, "Will they turn back into rats?" He recoils and looks nervously at Gundus and then the others for answers.

In an impromptu cross examination, Mennic corroborates the same story as Galopan about Eramus. He is not so reluctant to talk negatively about the others.

"Omander is a fucking villain," he says. "And that Opelenean desert bitch is a devil. They are all devils. They killed Eramus, Hasto, Destitius, Cotta - all of them. I know it."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 5:52 pm
Damanandros reflects on the enigmatic phenomenon just witnessed. The rift field that blankets the entire compound is as fascinating as it is troubling.

From this point on, the young mage will know that anything could happen if he isn't masterfully careful with his use of arcane magic. The shapeshift of the birds was completely unplanned. It turned out in their favor it seems for the moment, but he has no idea how long the effects will last.

And he knows too that the chaos that ensued could have easily gone differently. The air with the entire area of effect could have just as possibly ignited into flames. Or he might have put even his friends to comatose unintentionally.

What is in that tower?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 6:10 pm
As the others talk there on the ground, Syrena patrols the western catwalk to survey what she can from the higher vantage point.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to RageRed...
Syrena carefully scans the perimeter high and low as she moves cautiously along the rampart walkway.

When she reaches the northwest corner, she can see around to the north side of the tower, the darkened side that is shielded from the bright light of the central bonfire.

Ahead on the north rampart catwalk that continues, there is a rope that is tied taunt - one end on the high point of a palisade post, the other end slanting upward and across an open expanse to connect to a grapple latched to the tower balcony.

It is easy guesswork to surmise who is responsible, and the suspicion is soon confirmed. Looking up at the tower balcony, Syrena sees that Aduorix is there. The green light from within the high open window illuminates the north balcony in a soft glow.

The athletic thief has taken off her spider harness and pullover, and now wears only a thin undershirt. She is retying her hair high and wiping the sweat from her face with a towel. The heat is sweltering here at the tower.

Aduorix looks over the balcony to see Syrena at the corner.

She smiles ear-to-ear with excitement and waves affectionately.

She gives hand signals, first like celebration and victory - pointing inside at the upper level room. Then the raised pointer finger ahead of the lips and nose: ssshhh - the signal for quiet.

Then she points to the rope line and waves for Syrena to come up. Beaming and bouncy in her nymph-like manner, she is beckoning Syrena to take the tightrope crossing from the palisade catwalk to the tower balcony.

May 25, 2023 6:58 pm
"I don’t understand." Damanandros picks up one of the sleeping birds and attempts to awaken it.
"It was only supposed to put them to sleep. Just the rats."
He looks up to the tower. "Something up there is influencing the fort, my spell, and who knows what else."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 7:12 pm
The satterling awakens when Damanandros jostles it.

Startled, the bird chirps out in the fear of a captured prey. It wriggles out of his hand and falls to the ground in a flutter.

Landing hard, it sprints away in a straight line, head down and little legs striding so quickly that they look blurred.
May 25, 2023 8:18 pm
Syrena quickly assesses her surroundings and the positioning of areas and features, now that she has a moment to study them more closely.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 26, 2023 1:22 am
From the north catwalk, Syrena can see the real view from Saromen Fro. To the northwest edge there is a lumberyard a short distance away. Directly north and angling off to the north east is a downward sloping open hill that descends into the valley below.

The tower then sits overlooking the pinnacle of a ridgeline that ends out against an even higher ascent upward into the Mearleigh Mountains to the east.

The tower itself is covered in shadow on its north face, which is on the other side of the bonfire light. But there is a shutter open on the north side, the only shutter open on the entire upper balcony.

A green glow emits from this open north-facing window.

Revealed: previously a Private Note to RageRed...
Syrena is not trained like a circus performer to walk a tightrope, but she is agile enough to shimmy over easily by straddling the rope, leaning forward, and then hooking one foot as a stabilizer on the rope behind her as she pulls across hand over hand.

Aduorix is waiting to help her over the railing on the other side. She takes hold of Syrena's hand once she is on the balcony and leads her inside through the wide shutter window with a bright smile, as if escorting her to an anticipated presentation.

The room inside is a simple square, 15' x 15'.

The door to the room is on the opposite side of the room, facing south into the compound. To the right side of the door is a wooden chest of drawers. In the far left corner are 2 large lockable chests on the floor. A trap door to the lower level is offset from the corner. The shutter is closed with a bar clasp lock here on the inside.

To the right (east) wall is a bed with fine cotton blankets and silk sheets. Pillows and a bear fur are on top as throws.

Both the left and right wall on the north wall, on either sides of the open shuddered window, are lined with racks of weapons and ammunition. Bows, crossbows, javelins, spears, arrows, bolts, and several blades.

On the right (west) wall is a cluttered table, topped with writing materials, candles, lantern, some wooden plates, goblets, a jug, and two gourd containers.

But on a side table stand is what attracts all attention. Alone on the square wooden platform, with nothing else around it, is an upright ornately designed dial wheel with a brilliant glowing emerald set in its center. The artifact is mesmerizing.

Aduorix opens the two chests in the corner. There are leather bags inside marked with the Eagle Crest, the sign of the Imperium. She opens the top flaps of one bag and shows that it is full of Imperial Mint Silver Eagles. Surely thousands of them.

Aduorix gently slides her hand up Syrena's arm and moves to stand beside her. Leaning in, touching her lips to Syrena's ear, "We did it," she whispers. "We have become rich."

Now moving to Syrena's other side, running her delicate hand across Syrena's shoulder, down her arm, and taking hold of her other hand - Aduorix speaks softly in her alluring voice as Syrena stares ahead again at the Emerald Dial on the table stand, her heartbeat quickening "...wealth and power beyond our wildest dreams - a masterpiece tool of ancient magic: the Heart of the Earth."

Syrena can feel Aduorix's supple body against her own. Her soft skin. Her pert breasts beneath her thin shirt.

Both women are glazed in sweat, their skin glistening in the reflective glow. The room is like a sauna, with passions rising to match the thick humid heat there at the pinnacle of the Tower.

May 26, 2023 4:04 am
Syrena can feel the heat and not just that coming from the unnatural dweomer. Its rising from her own desires and that of the remarkably agile and dextrous, blue-eyed woman close at her side.

She nods at Aduorix's assessment of the vast amount of coins and slips a hand about the svelte young woman's waist. The glimpse of the Auran eagle minting leads the scout to immediate recall the accountings of legionnaires along their journey here to Saromen Fro, of absence pay. Surely most, if not all of these coins, were the missing wages of soldiers. She was not above taking her due, but this was not the treasure Eramus had lured them here with.

"You are the greatest treasure I see in this room. The clear blue of your eyes..the touch of your hand...your breath at my ear...and the promise of your excited breasts, as they caress against me." She says honestly and leans in to brush her own lips along the Krysean's ear. She stops there momentarily and takes a playful nip at the soft ear, then lightly kisses the spot. "Its just you and me here. Now. I can think of a few ways to celebrate the moment, before the others arrive and rattle the door or the trap in yon floor..." Syrena's tone and the breath along Aduorix's ear leave no doubt to her meaning, as she glances over at the well-appointed bed.
Last edited May 27, 2023 6:10 pm
May 26, 2023 12:18 pm
As the chaos subsides, Gundus surveys the situation.

Thank Türas. They had all survived.

"Whether you meant it or not, your magic saved us all," Gundus tells Damanandros, his gratitude plain. He watches the bird scurry away. "Perhaps they have the minds of rats, still. Ought we to scatter them?" he wonders, recalling the horror of the horde.

Gundus listens with interest to Galopan and Mennic's tale. "It is the right and duty of my order to judge the living, as Türas judges the dead. I will not do so now – by my abuse of your trust, I have forfeited that privilege. An error that I bitterly regret.

But I will offer my opinion, one man to another: you have been betrayed by your superiors. Responsibility is a commander's burden, not a soldier's. Perhaps you could have done more – say, made report to Saromen Gen – but when the demands of duty are not clear, delay is wise, and may bring clarity and safety. When the time came, you put yourself in harm's way to stand with us. I thank you."

"Now we must decide what to do. There is time to act whilst Omander and the others are away."
May 26, 2023 1:55 pm
Robago says:
As the chaos subsides, Gundus surveys the situation.

Thank Türas. They had all survived.

"Whether you meant it or not, your magic saved us all," Gundus tells Damanandros, his gratitude plain. He watches the bird scurry away. "Perhaps they have the minds of rats, still. Ought we to scatter them?" he wonders, recalling the horror of the horde.
Damanandros shrugs and scratches his head as he watches the bird sprint away.

"Who knows! I have no idea what will happen when the spell wears off, but it may be a good idea to at least get away from them."
He looks about the area to find a basket or something that can serve as a small cage to keep one of the birds in until he can construct a proper cage.
May 26, 2023 4:03 pm
After taking a moment to collect his equipment, Gennadius nudges one of the birds with his toe, observing the head loll on the relatively longer neck than a rats. Beaks, so different than the toothy bite marks he sees on the wounded. They really did change, this isn't just some glamour.

He stares at the slumbering vermin for a moment, just appreciating the spectacle of it. Then he snaps to action. Rags are soaked in spirits and his wounds washed. Not bothering to bandage himself, he moves to Galopan.

"Disease may set in if not washed immediately.", he says, nodding respectfully to the man's legs. He gets to work washing their wounds with the painful astringent soaked rags.

"Mennic!" he says, some surprise in his voice. He had fled the man when the crazed swordsman and swarm first attacked. In his haste, he had thought Mennic to be lost to the rats. He slaps Galopan on the shoulder, indicating the treatment is done and then moves to Mennic.

Before moving on to treat the others, Gennadius queries Mennic. "Why does the fire burn so strongly here? Is this part of some magic? What's in the tower? Who, really, has taken over your fort? So many questions he hopes the lowly cook can answer.
May 26, 2023 4:07 pm
Gennadius works, quickly scrubbing bites and scratches on Mennic.
Robago says:
As the chaos subsides, Gundus surveys the situation.

Thank Türas. They had all survived.

"Whether you meant it or not, your magic saved us all," Gundus tells Damanandros, his gratitude plain. He watches the bird scurry away. "Perhaps they have the minds of rats, still. Ought we to scatter them?" he wonders, recalling the horror of the horde.

Gundus listens with interest to Galopan and Mennic's tale. "It is the right and duty of my order to judge the living, as Türas judges the dead. I will not do so now – by my abuse of your trust, I have forfeited that privilege. An error that I bitterly regret.

But I will offer my opinion, one man to another: you have been betrayed by your superiors. Responsibility is a commander's burden, not a soldier's. Perhaps you could have done more – say, made report to Saromen Gen – but when the demands of duty are not clear, delay is wise, and may bring clarity and safety. When the time came, you put yourself in harm's way to stand with us. I thank you."

"Now we must decide what to do. There is time to act whilst Omander and the others are away."
These are the right questions and and put forth in the right way. Gennadius nods to himself while the cleric speaks, a sense of respect for the man passing over him.
May 29, 2023 10:21 am
Mennic accepts Gennadius's treatment graciously. He explains his take on the source of the extreme heat, "It's not the fire. It's the gem," he points to the top of the tower, "...up there." He has a look of worry and contempt, if not suppressed fear.

"A huge emerald, larger than a man's fist," he describes.

"They brought it back from the Vault. It has a ... power. It's something terrible. Puts off this heat. Gives head aches. ... and makes that desert bitch!'s what has done all of this maybe..." , he hesitates and trails off, then begins again on a different line, "It's probably worth a fortune! - ought to be sold off back at The Harvest... but it needs to be taken out of here."

He looks a Gennadius and Gundus to give yet another detail. "But they couldn't move it. Not once they brought it here. Can't even move the table it sits on..."

He seems encouraged by a last idea, proposing it with curiosity to Gundus and Damanandros. "....but maybe you could."
May 29, 2023 11:17 am
Galopan agrees with Mennic. He has never seen what is in the tower, but he believes that there are terrible items of magic and dark foreign gods up there. Before Decanus Igolio went insane, he described a masterful green-bejeweled sword in the room as well. It was also seen that Annuba used an enchanted carpet that would lift up and down in the air, carried by the god Yamel.

Annuba Opelenean had stayed in the top level of the tower for the last month, taking over the former armory and converting it to her own personal chamber. Galopan believes that she was concocting a witch's brew to poison the men and was using the will of her Heshite god to curse everyone.

As for the heat, it began a month ago, when Eramus and the others first came back from the Vault. Galopan himself was not shown what had happened at the time, but it became clear in the weeks later that they had brought back some terrible treasures and stored them in the top of the tower. That is when Annuba began her spells on everyone Galopan believes.

The heat got worse and worse. Everyone began acting strange. Arguments festered up among the troops, and then a week ago Eramus and many of the others never returned from a trip to the Vault.

"I hope that you could purge this bad omen from our camp, Ius," he says to Gundus. "It has weakened us to the point of despair. Now we have no force to hold the fort.

I fear a bandit attack any night or day. We have heard that Brigand Tertulius Veruecco knows about the Vault and plots to gather a strong gang to sack Saromen Fro.

Or perhaps it will be goblins instead, or even the bird women who watch us now from the trees at night. Everyone dismisses my claim, but I have seen them."

Galopan had already cleared the obstruction in the chain room and closed the gate again previously. Now he sets his armor and checks his equipment. Recovering his resolve, he says to Gundus, "... this talk of doom reminds me that I must return to post. But before I do, Ius Tavius, can you help me venture down the hill a step to recover the Lusetem Türas?"

He explains that a bronze icon of Türas, commissioned by Castellan Eramus, was forged by the Dalagni smiths (OOC: remote Krysean town down in the valley). The statue sat here in Saromen Fro prominently until it was profaned, damaged, and discarded off a hilltop by the Opeleneans and their faction. They committed the iconoclasm on the night after returning from the Vault when Eramus and the others did not.

Danelus, Annuba's brother, said that Türas and the Emperyan Gods were weak even as they were treacherous - that Türas had placed a curse upon the Tower and all of the Aurans. Danelus and Annuba both said their Heshite god Yamel would strike Lusetem Türas and all of the Spen Land Spirits impotent, that Yamel would now be the god here - even though he would not stand here on site in icon.

"The foreigners speak constantly of their god Yamel. He reigned here for this terrible time I suppose - surely it has been disastrous for us. But I hope that now that you are here, my kyrazenus, that our God might return."

Steady now and set for action, he nods "I think it is worth the risk to forge out into the forest, even in the dark night under the Moon. It is only a short ways - but I cannot easily carry it the distance alone.

If I must redeem myself for shortcomings as you say, then let me make my best effort without delay - and under your witness.

I will restore Lusetem Türas back to his station!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 29, 2023 11:29 am
Xenophon and Baudecca cautiously patrol the compound as the others talk near the well and outdoor kitchen.

At this point the two warriors take notice that Aduorix and Syrena are missing. They focus on a search.

Investigating the area of the catwalk where both of the women were last seen, Xenophon discovers a loose rope tied high on the top of a palisade post on the north wall. The rope has a grappling hook tied to its other end.

Looking directly across, Xenophon sees the high balcony of the tower, with an open expanse below and between the two higher platforms.

The tower balcony is considerably higher than the rampart catwalk and the top of the palisade wall, but the length of the rope makes it a relatively clear: this grapple was previously hitched to the railing of the tower balcony - likely used to cross over, and then unhooked from the balcony and cast loose.

From the rampart catwalk, across the expanse to the tower, Xenophon and Baudecca see the eerie green glow casting out from the open window shutter there at the top level of the tower.
May 29, 2023 11:33 am
Baudecca confirms Xenophon's suspicions. She knows this equipment. "Aduorix...", she says when she inspects the rope and grapple.

Looking across the expanse at the tower balcony, the green glow gives her an unsettling feeling in her heart.

Baudecca speaks what she and Xenophon know must be true. "They are in the tower."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 29, 2023 11:40 am
Damandros finds several empty chicken cages in the stable. As he comes and goes, he hears some of the details relayed from the two residents of the compound, even the detail about the giant immovable emerald, but his attention continues to be pulled towards the tower.

As he is allowed some minutes to focus, he begins to see some of the patterns in the power aura emitting from the tower. It is fascinating and more complex than anything he has ever seen.

He notices again that the door to the tower is in the middle of the south-facing side of the tall and imposing structure, accessed by a ladder that climbs from the ground to the second floor.

Damandros is convinced that this powerful magic field is consolidated on the third floor, projected there by something that is...

It is difficult to describe his developing idea exactly, but Damanandros has a hunch... that something is ... out of place.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 29, 2023 11:42 am
Required Action, Syrena: Save vs. Spell.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 29, 2023 11:43 am
Required Action, Gennadius, Gundus, Xenophon, Damanandros: Describe next actions, efforts, intent.
May 29, 2023 6:46 pm
Holding Aduorix in her arms, Syrena casts an eye toward the bed. She wonders to whether she could entice the her lovely companion to it and if she could lessen the unwanted heat from the gem, by tossing the covers over it.
Yeah. Chances of making a spell save at this low level is very difficult with no mods.
Last edited May 29, 2023 6:48 pm


Save vs Spell - (1d20)

(13) = 13

May 29, 2023 7:58 pm
With the sample safely in his possession, Damanandros shifts his attention back to the ongoing conversation. The mention of the bird woman sends a shiver down his spine, but he maintains his composure, not wanting to overreact.

Concern etches his face as he speaks, his voice steady. "If there are Harpies lurking nearby, it's crucial that we don't leave anyone alone. We must remain vigilant and watch out for each other."

Turning to the topic of the tower, he shares his theory with a thoughtful expression. "Regarding the tower, I have a hypothesis about what might be happening, but I need more information to confirm it."

He rubs his temples and the back of his neck, a sign of weariness and the need for respite. "Before I can make any significant progress, I must prioritize rest. Once I have studied, I'll be better equipped to contribute to our investigation."
May 30, 2023 12:52 am
Xenophon reports back to the group with news of Syrena's disappearance. "We believe Syrena and Aduorix have entered the tower through a balcony on the north side of the tower." In his hands, he holds Aduorix's grapple and rope, which explains was likely hooked to the tower balcony and then cast loose.

Xenophon only heard the tail end of the story about the Vault and what was brought out of it, but the gist is clear. He speaks the obvious out loud: "Why would they cast the grapple loose? They could be in grave danger."

He climbs back up the stairs to the rampart walkway and makes his way back to the north side, leading any who will join him. Staring up at the balcony, he cups his hands to his mouth and calls out: "Syrena! Aduorix! Can you hear me?" He is confident that if noises of battle did not bring hell upon them, then his cries will not.
Is there a door at the base of the tower?
Last edited May 30, 2023 12:52 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 1:17 am
There is no answer when Xenophon calls out. Baudecca tries as well, but to no avail either.
May 30, 2023 1:20 am
"We've got to get up there," she says to Xenophon. "Let's go around through the ladder entrance and up."

Without delay she descends the stair and loops around to the south entrance.

The others have taken note now, starting to realize that the two women are unaccounted for and perhaps inside the tower.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 1:32 am
Even as Damanandros is speaking about study and rest, he is starting to see the patterns. The strangeness of the magical field is complex, but the more he is around it, the more he can decipher.

Now he begins to discover something uncanny. Somehow, in some intuition that perhaps is beyond normal senses, he can recognize that the mystical source at the top of the tower is emitting energy that might be harnessed and reused.

Even now he is starting to understand, elusively at least, something about the nature of the distorted sleep spell. The potential of magic from whatever is casting from the tower peak is an augmentation and allows for some sort of regenerative capture.

Damanandros is quickly becoming convinced that if he could get close enough to study the arcana, he will be able to recover his own casting capability in a fraction of the normal time of study and meditation. Rest may not be necessary at all if his hypothesis is correct - but he must confront this magic soon.

He can sense now that there is a timing that is driving forward, like a sand clock that is running out of sand and soon to be flipped!
May 30, 2023 1:51 am
Without waiting for the others, Baudecca quickly scales the ladder and enters into the central port door that opens into the second floor of the tower.
[ +- ] Visual Aide: Reminder of general tower structure
Xenophon is soon behind her and stages up on the ladder to observe and support.

The square room on the second floor has bunk beds and a sitting area. An open panel in the floor has a ladder that leads down to the storage basement. In the ceiling, there is a closed port door, with a ladder leading up to it - the route to the third floor above.

Baudecca tries the trap door leading through the ceiling. It is locked.

"Aduorix! Are you in there?", she shouts.

Again, "Aduorix! Syrena!"

With no answer, she bangs on the ceiling port door with her fists. The heavy wood rattles and shudders, but it is held fast - apparently locked from within from the floor above.

"We have to break it," she says to Xenophon.

There was an edge of worry in her voice, now turning into an open distress.
May 30, 2023 1:58 am
Mennic watches the developments of the entrance into the tower. He stands by with a look of anxiety, looking towards Gennadius first and then to Gundus.

"They shouldn't go up there," he says finally, quietly at first, perhaps reluctantly. "I don't think they should charge up there. It might get them too."

Building up his commitment, he moves over to Gundus and Damanandros, speaking back and forth between them. "You should do something. The gem, it's ... dangerous."
May 30, 2023 2:02 am
Baudecca starts the assault on the ceiling door with her axe. It is an odd angle, and standing awkwardly on the ladder.

Crash! Crash! Crash!

She slams the axe upward into the wood again and again.

The door shakes and splits and begins to crack.

Another chop and the heavy boards are beginning to break apart.

Xenophon sees she will be through in a few more strikes.
May 30, 2023 2:01 pm
As Damanandros delves deeper into his understanding of the tower and the enigmatic gem, an insatiable curiosity takes hold of him. The allure of its mystery grows stronger with each passing moment. However, as the urgency of the situation with his companions becomes apparent, he feels a sense of responsibility pulling him in their direction.

Making his way toward the base of the ladder, he calls out to Baudecca, his voice laced with concern. "Be cautious! Opening the door holds great danger. Others have succumbed to its power, and you could suffer the same fate."

Placing a hand on Zenophon's shoulder, he speaks with a urgent tone. "I can sense the immense power emanating from within. It surpasses anything I have ever witnessed. Choose your path wisely, my friend."
May 30, 2023 3:36 pm
Baudecca pauses for a minute, breathing heavy from the effort there on the ladder. She hears Damanandros's appeal - her expression shows she is considering it.

"If there's danger," she says sincerely, "I've got to get her out of there."

Making her decision, she turns back to her commitment.

Three more heavy chops. The boards splinter and the door shatters apart, fragments falling down to the floor below.

Baudecca holsters her axe and uses her hand to pull free a few remaining pieces of obstruction.

With the pathway clear, she makes the rest of the steps upward and pulls herself through the ceiling threshold, disappearing into the upper room above.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 3:56 pm
After the ecstasy of the pleasure, both given and received, Syrena closes her eyes briefly to indulge in the comfort.

She awakens with a start, realizing that she may have dosed off longer than she had intended.

Aduorix is sitting on the floor near the foot of the bed, staring at the glowing Dial. The adept young woman is like a spry fey of the old tales, mesmerizing in her beauty and in her enigma. She is wearing only her undergarments, thin silk shorts and shirt - barefooted with her knees pulled up near her chin, an ease with her limber flexibility.

Syrena rises from the bed and dresses back into her field-wear. She gathers and checks her equipment.

The dial catches her attention again, and she studies its detail - the intricacy of the workmanship, the masterful hands and gears, the unfathomable brilliance of the central gem.

The Heart of the Earth. Could it be true?

A device of legend and fable, but in every story about it, promises that it was still yearning to be found again - at the right time.

Whoever captured it would be granted the secrets of the forests, the mountains, the rivers, even time itself. Secret pathways, hidden lands, mystical means of travel. All would be revealed, it was said, to the claimant who won the Earth's Heart for the Coming Age.

Syrena thought little of it at first, but now she cannot resist letting her imagination run free. What would be done with such an artifact, if it be true?

Who would be the rightful claimant, worthy of - or at least lucky enough to win - such an eternal boon?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 3:59 pm
Xenophon and Damanadros brace for effects after Baudecca ascends into the upper chamber.

They hear her calls, "Aduorix. Aduorix! Wake up. Are you well?"

Now there are sounds of her stepping. Thumps and bumps.

"Syrena, snap out of it!", she says, with a sharp biting tone.

Baudecca comes back to the the ceiling opening.
May 30, 2023 4:05 pm
"I've got her!", Baudecca shouts down to Xenophon and Damanadros.

"She's not responding. I'm passing her down - take hold of her!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:05 pm
Xenophon puts one foot up on the ladder to reach, and takes the small woman in his arm. She is dressed only in under garments. Her skin is red and she is covered in perspiration. The heat is overwhelming on the third floor chamber - Xenophon feels the wave of it when he comes close to the ceiling port.

Carefully he moves Aduorix to one of the bunk beds on the second floor, and then turns to see what might be next with Baudecca and Syrena.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:06 pm
Now Baudecca is shouting at her.

Syrena wonders how she got into the room so quickly.
May 30, 2023 4:16 pm
"Let's go! Get out of the room, Syrena!", Baudecca is shouting now.

She takes Syrena by the arm and pulls her towards the floor door.

"Down the ladder - climb, woman! SNAP TO!"

Syrena seems out of her full mind, but is responding and making her way onto the ladder - almost automated by the commands.

Baudecca looks over and sees the green glow.

So that is it!, she thinks. Magnificent. What workmanship... what majesty!

Then there beside the floor door threshold, she sees the eagle leather bags. One is open to reveal the contents.

Her heart leaping, she cinches the top flap closed and buckles it tight.

"Look sharp, Nicean!" she shouts again to Xenophon, with glee this time. "Heavy load coming down - put your strong arm READY! HAHAHA!"

She passes them down, one at a time - the heavy leather bags, marked with the Imperial Eagle Insignia, filled to capacity with Silver.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:19 pm
Syrena is getting her wits about her, gradually coming to her senses there in the second floor chamber.

She feels as if she is waking after a deep sleep, though she remembers the moments immediately before - vividly.
May 30, 2023 4:31 pm
Responding to a request for report of the room, Baudecca gives quick details to Damanandros and Xenophon.

"It looks like an armory, but with a bed and desk in the chamber as well.

The chests held these bags, but they are empty now.

But I saw it! There on the table - glowing green. The source of the heat and magic.

You were right - you can feel its power. It is magnificent...

A necklace!"
she makes a descriptive motion: her hands coming around the sides of her neck.

"A golden torc, with intricate carvings, runes etched as inlays of nickel.

The glowing emeralds are built in on both end points - the eyes of the two wolf heads that face towards each other at the breach."
She clenches both fists and holds them close one to another with a space in between, like two heads facing off.

"It must be ancient. Surely the jewelry of Authority - from a bygone Era."

She is excited to make the revelation. "We must take it. It is a treasure worth a City, perhaps an entire Domain!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:33 pm
The group checks Aduorix again. She is breathing and has a pulse in her veins, but she still does not respond.

The mood changes from excitement back to concern.
May 30, 2023 4:37 pm
"I'm moving her out of here - away from this heat!"

She picks her companion up over her shoulder and moves towards the door that exits the second floor chamber to the outside ladder.

Baudecca knocks against Syrena on the way out. "What happened?!", she snaps. "What were you doing while she fell into this ill state?!"
The Krysean warrior woman's anger is clear.

She does not wait for an answer, but scowls at Syrena and then climbs down the ladder, carrying the limp-bodied, scantily-clad little Aduorix with her.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:43 pm
Gennadius and Mennic help Baudecca move Aduorix over to the outdoor kitchen table for treatment.

Gundus and Galopan stand by deciding priorities and trying to understand the sudden cascade of events in the tower, not all of which were clear from their vantage point on the ground outside.

Xenophon, Damanandros, and a recovering Syrena stand in the second floor chamber of the tower - 5 bags full of silver eagles at their feet, thousands and thousands of coins.

And the looming magic above them, in the higher chamber overhead - the green glow casting through the broken ceiling port door at the top of the ladder.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:45 pm
Required Action, All PCs: Describe action, character thoughts and intent.
What happens next?!
May 30, 2023 5:58 pm
Syrena glares back at Baudecca's accusing eyes and answers the Kyrsean's challenge to account for her place when Aduorix became transfixed by the gem. "Watchful upon the wall for yet unseen opposition, my attention was drawn to the tower, when the rope and grapple gained notice. There, upon the balcony, facing north, was Aduorix. Already within."

"She bid I come across as well and I did, to see that she was not alone in that chamber atop the tower." Syrena continues. "There were no lurkers hiding there to ambush us, but the heat was intense. Aduorix opened the chests and discovered the coins. Then the emerald aglow on the table. I could see the pull it was having on her."

"I sought to distract her..both of us, with other thoughts until someone else came to investigate." She adds. "It was working so well, but then I closed my eyes. It seemed but a moment. But, when the sound of the axe on the trapdoor startled me awake on the bed, there was Aduorix enthralled by the glow."

Syrena brushes a forearm across her brow, wiping away the perspiration.
Last edited May 30, 2023 5:59 pm
May 31, 2023 5:24 am
Silver, sooo much silver! This is a treasure to tell the tale about! Gennadius stares down at the fortune. "we can all do a lot with this." He gestures to the bags. Then, with a nod towards Syrena and Aduorix "And there is little we can do with that thing in there if we all end up like these two. I don't understand what this magic is here, and I don't think a night's rest is going to change that for you either. We should depart with this, split the shares, and live for years off of these gains." His emphasis indicating that there is more to the thought.

He sighs heavily looking back to to bags as he considers what he is about to say. "But Damanandros, the bitch harpy deserves to die. If we leave now, the will continue to build on whatever this dark mystic power she has. If we stay, I think we would surely perish. We need to kill her, but we can't do it alone. Infact, I would bet that you, Damanandros would be willing to hand over your entire share if that meant the death of the bitch."

Gennadius picks up a sack of silver. "We can return to the fort prior to this, bringing these wages of silver. Tell them of the harpy bitch that has stolen their coin and taken control of this place. Those soldiers would be furious! With fresh coin in hand and the promise of more, they would march into this fort and slaughter the harpy bitch in force! This is what I say we do with this coin! How storied our names will be! That! That is worth more than just a few bags of silver! he drops the bag of coins to the floor.
Last edited May 31, 2023 5:26 am
May 31, 2023 6:21 am
"Galopan – the Lusetem Türas! Let's be quick about it. This symbol of the Marshal," Gundus holds up the Icon, "has given us protection. If the girl's malady is the work of foreign gods, the Lusetem might aid her. Perhaps that is why it was removed from the camp. Let us restore Türas to His rightful place of honour, and have faith that the gods will lend us strength at need."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 31, 2023 9:41 am
Damanandros hears Gennadius talking in the background, but now that he is close to the artifact the patterns are becoming clearer and clearer.

At first Damanandros sees the green glow, but then he sees that the spectrum of the light can shift. Damanandros can change what he perceives.

There is illusion in the chamber above, as well as mental and sensory disruption for those untrained. But Damanandros knows this symbology from his years of study, preparation, and practice. As an arcanist mage he might not be able to glean all of the magic's mystery in full, but he is in no danger from it.

Already he knows he stands to gain, and quickly. His own spellcasting can be restored by this generator - whatever it is. Beyond that, perhaps the technology would yield some of its secrets, purpose, and origin.

If this is what he wishes, he knows he must ascend the ladder, encounter the device, and make the most of this fleeting moment.

Somehow Damanandros knows that an opportunity awaits, though not for long. A door is there - to be opened or closed? He cannot yet tell.
May 31, 2023 10:00 am
Mennic has approached to join cautiously, following Gennadius and watching the discovery of the bags of silver while perched on the ladder, peaking into the second floor chamber.

"I knew it!," he shouts. "They took it. They've had it here all along. Our pay!"

When questioned, Mennic explains that he heard from some of the legionnaires loyal to Eramus, before their mysterious departure and claimed demise, that the legionnaire wages would be coming soon - though not from Amanuctum.

Castellan Eramus had been working with local logging crews to cut a connector trail down to Vallo Canyon. Early in the spring he had supposedly made agreements with some landed nobleman north of the Spen to take over funding of the Lusetem Towers. So payment was supposed to be coming up the new trail, passing through the lakeside village of Baetulo and then climbing the new trail here to Tower 4.

Mennic's story seems corroborated by letters inserted in interior side pockets in the leather bags. These writings detail payments due out to officers, legionnaires, and supporters at Towers 4, 2, and 1.

"They ambushed the courier caravan. They must have!," Mennic says with contempt. "The day after Eramus and the others were gone, Omander, Regenus, and the Opeleneans went down the new trail and were gone all day. They came back late, and were fucking around with that bitch's floating carpet - over by the north wall for hours.

They killed Eramus and the others, and took our pay! It's been here for a week now, and the others are dead!

Rats! All of them are rats - just like Igolio and his filth!"

The hot-tempered cook spits and then stomps away to deal with his frustration.
May 31, 2023 10:02 am
Galopan cracks a rare smile and nods, visibly inspired by Gundus's agreement to recover the statue.

The young soldier hands Gundus a lantern.

"Follow me, Ius," he says with confidence, and then turns to lead the way out the gate and beyond the perimeter.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 31, 2023 7:53 pm
Galopan leads the way through the woods, mostly south but bearing east. Soon they reach the crest of a steep dropoff, and then descend down in a roundabout way to the landing far below. This is where Galopan said that the statue landed after being profaned, damaged, and then cast from the high peak above.

The statue is, however, not found where Galopan thought it was. The young legionnaire explains that he saw it at the same location previously, but then wonders if he might be at the wrong spot due to the darkness.

The two men spread out a bit with the two lanterns, making loops to canvas the area hoping to discover the cherished but lost icon.

That is when Gundus encounters The Great Stag for the second time.

It is like seeing a powerful ally crest over a hill when the fate of battle is teetering between victory and defeat.

This time the exalted Champion beckons Gundus to follow, turns, and then lopes into a gallop.
Jun 1, 2023 3:23 am
Damanandros ascends the ladder and encounters the source of magic. He ignores any attempts to talk him out of it. With this new treasure he can grow in power, with it he can perhaps become one of the great mages.
If he doesn’t try, he will forever wonder what may have been. Live or die, he must try.
Jun 1, 2023 5:44 am
Gundus' heart lightens at the sight before him. "Galopan! This way!" he calls, without taking his eyes completely off the majestic creature. He follows the Stag with renewed vigour.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 1, 2023 3:01 pm
Damanandros ascends the ladder and enters the high chamber of the tower.

He sees the illusion field sitting there on the side table beside the desk. He resists looking directly at it lest his mind suggest some image that the device would latch onto and attempt to exploit. The young mage knows he must keep his head clear to master this technology.

The first thing he sees that he can do is adjust the rifts that are causing the heat. He concentrates, studying the patterns. It takes a few minutes, but he configures the outer edges that are available to his knowledge.

It is sufficient. The heat generation ceases; the temperature in the room falls to normal as Damanandros continues his focus.

This is an ancient artifact indeed, and a kaleidoscope of different techniques. Some of them present in familiar symbology. Others are built in a framework completely beyond his comprehension. In fact they seem alien to the Higher Order, but he cannot know for sure.

But he must not get distracted contemplating the things that he will not be able to do. Now that he is here, he can see that he must focus his effort on three main priorities that are within his reach:
1) avoiding catastrophic trigger mechanisms,
2) closing the most aggressive projected malignant effects,
3) understanding right purpose and assigned function.

If he is afforded a fourth effort, it must be: mobility. It was said that the item could not be moved previously.

Pacing a few lines of the generative patterns, Damandros gathers enough control to recover his own cast reservoir. What power! It takes only an instant.

Recover one (1) 1st level spell cast slot.

Now the difficult task begins.

As much as he had come to anticipate the depth of the device's mystery and power, now that he is in the presence of it, it surpasses even his wildest estimations.

This will be a monumental effort, the most fascinating and challenging thing Damanandros has ever attempted. Few mages would ever get a chance to encounter such an artifact in their entire careers.

Yet here he is - afforded a date with Destiny.

Taking a seat in the wooden chair from the desk, he sits squarely before the device and prepares himself, summoning his highest mind.

He breathes out and peers directly into the spherical central field. Slipping into a trance-like state, Damanandros ponders the orb.

Required Action, Damanadros: Encounter Unearthed Arcana.
Roll 1d20. Add INT Modifier. Add Mage Level.

Effects and knowledge gained will be described after results of roll, but the following chart is published in advance as a general guide for roll results:

2 - 8 : Basic Knowledge. Mixed effects.
9 - 16: Expanded knowledge. Negative effects avoided.
17 - 20: Focused knowledge. Negative effects avoided.
21+: Focused knowledge. Boon effects.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 1, 2023 3:27 pm
Xenophon, Syrena, and Gennadius decide whether to remain at the ready or make limited exploration around the close vicinity within the compound.

Inspecting the five bags of silver and the written notes within, the companions arrive at the estimate that there is a combined total of 27,000 silver eagles.

Potential Treasure: approx 27,000 Silver

Igolio is seen again laying dead in the thin new vegetation, and among the shore birds, most of which are still sleeping.

Igolio's swords lay on the ground nearby. Upon inspection, both of the blades are weapons of fine workmanship, but one of them is a masterpiece. Exceptionally well balanced. Incredibly sharp. Forged from fine steel.

The fallen swordsman also wears a necklace with a copper cast medal shaped like both a starburst and the face of a lion.

Potential Treasure: Masterwork Longsword (non-magical +1 Damage), Starcat Medal (Value: unknown)
[ +- ] items

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 1, 2023 6:12 pm
Gundus breaks to a full run, faster than he has ever been able to move before.

Despite the weight of the armor, the rough terrain, the darkness - the invigorated disciple glides through the forest like the wind, feeling the essence of speed and fitness coursing through his veins.

Gundus knows that he is in the midst of a Divine Event. An Omen. He opens his spirit to the full experience.

Whether in this world, across the veil in another, or somewhere in between, the Initiate is swept up in a series of encounters with the many manifestations of Türas - each representing different aspects, different places, different eras - of the mighty God who has been with his Folk since the First Man and Woman were made from the Bones of the Earth and the Breath of the Sky.

Each of the Türas Gods speak to Gundus with a short message.
[ +- ] Türas among his Folk throughout the Ages

Then Gundus returns from his travels to see that he has found what he was questing for.

The Lusetem Türas sits there in a gathering of stones. Tilted and scuffed, but not defiled, the Bronze Statue measures about four and a half feet tall. It is a hefty and sturdy cast, pulled from the mountain forges of the Krysean smiths.

Gundus stands there for a time alone, basking in the glory of it all. Surely few in his Order have experienced such an Encounter.

Then young Galopan catches up, elated at the find and ready to help with the carry.
Jun 1, 2023 7:35 pm
With no acknowledgement from Baudecca of her words of explanation and Aduorix still seemingly in a trance, Syrena sits by and tries to sort it all out in her head. She notices that Gundus, Galopan, and Damamandros are all missing from their number there.
Jun 1, 2023 10:45 pm
Xenophon holds the bag of silver in his hands, his arms struggling to heft it. Normally, the strain of lifting this weight would have plastered a smile on his face, but given the supernatural events taking place, he had a strong urge to be gone.

When Demanandros ascends the ladder, he is immediately concerned for his friend. Whatever power as in that chamber bedevilled both Syrena and Aduorix, and he is certain he will be no better equipped to deal with whatever forces wait. But, Demanandros was there to save them against the rats, and this far from the first time Demanandros tipped the scales of battle so that Xenophon might survive.

He had to go up the ladder, to pull him out in case he becomes ensorcelled like when the Harpy took him.
Jun 1, 2023 11:17 pm
Damanandros pulls out his spell book to have quick reference of the position of the heavenly bodies and cosmic arrangements if needed.
As he begins to interact with the orb and its fields he opens his awareness to allow all of the subtleties in to be processed. Much like the aperture of the eye can be relaxed to take in a wider field of vision if not less distinct.
Bringing all of his faculties to the task at hand, he begins to untangle the web of energies.
That figures, dice fuckage when I am in my element!
Last edited June 2, 2023 12:16 pm


Unearthed Arcana - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 11:55 am
Baudecca has moved Aduorix to the large tent at the north side of the compound.

Upon investigation, it is discovered that the tent is roughly divided in half. The west portion is a sort of housing suite for officers. The east half is used for storage of gear and equipment.

Aduorix is still unresponsive. Her overheating seems to have subsided though. She rests there in the tent on a pine needle-stuffed mattress, with Baudecca tending to her.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:17 pm
Damanandros delves into the recondite secrets of the device. He learns many things that he hopes he can retain, though he knows already that in the exchange his mind is opened. There is a real risk that parts of it might be tampered with or shut off by the entity within this ancient technology.

But Damanandros vies for understanding. Though his power is at this point limited, he is able to make discoveries and even assert some measure of control.

But will it be enough?

The device must be moved back to its place, that much is clear now. In fact, it will return there. The question will be: how much chaos will be unleashed before its restoration?

There at its cradle, with its function restored under this relentlessly fateful Full Moon, Damanandros could gain so much. If only he could control the return.

The young mage sees an opportunity and takes it, matching the alignment of the cosmic arrangement that he had put forefront in his mind when he approached.

The effort is all that he can do though, and he can only hope that his technique works. Now he must withdraw at all cost, lest he lose his sanity.

He swims towards the surface, climbing from the depths, straining to retain as much as he can when he emerges.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:30 pm
Xenophon hears Damanandros muttering and speaking in a strange language. It sounds as if the mage is talking back and forth with another speaker, though Xenophon is only hearing one side of the conversation and cannot understand the words.

Damanandros's tone changes to increased worry and strain. Eventually he is speaking with clear distress. After a final shout, Xenophon hears him step over and collapse.

Xenophon does not delay any longer. The athletic Nicean ascends the ladder in a leap and enters the upper chamber. In a feat of strength, he gathers his friend up and carries him back through the floor opening and down the ladder.

There on the second floor, Xenophon works with purpose to help Damanandros recover. The young mage is coming back to his senses quickly.

Then Xenophon hears the commotion outside.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:37 pm
Syrena and Gennadius are the first to see it.

Igolio gets up. The crazed swordsman thought to be dead is now standing, though unstable and off-balance.

Despite the gaping spear wound that completely shattered the left side of his rib cage, he moves. Though not with the grace of life, not with the spirit of a living man.

It is an animated corpse that stands now. Turning precariously, the walking dead stumbles forward, arms raised out with no purpose. It is a profanity to the living, disturbing and shameful in its degradation.

The undead atrocity lumbers slowly towards the tower.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:44 pm
Even as the animated corpse of Igolio rises and walks, the sleeping shore birds begin to tumble and contort.

They are changing again!

In mere moments, the satterlings have converted to another sort of bird.

These birds are still small - standing less than 1 foot tall. They begin to skitter around actively.

They have thick feathers, rugged stalk legs, and axe-like beaks. Though they do not attack anyone, they clamor about skirmishing one against another. They are agitated and aggressive!
Jun 2, 2023 12:48 pm
Mennic is horrified by the macabre scene of Igolio's bloodied and ruptured corpse walking.

"What the fuck is going on here?!," he shouts from the rampart balcony, overwhelmed in the shock of it all.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:51 pm
Required Action, Xenophon, Syrena, Gennadius: Describe Actions, intent, reaction.
If Movement and/or Attack is selected, proceed at will.
Jun 2, 2023 4:55 pm
Awed, humbled, elated all at once, Gundus feels that uttering spoken word (if he was even capable of doing so) would sully the holiness of the moment. Sharing a silent, determined glance with Galopan, he prepares to lift the Lusetem Türas and make haste back to the camp. He would have much to meditate upon later, but this was a time for action – of that he was certain.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 5:18 pm
Gundus and Galopan embrace the struggle of the carry and climb. Sweat and strain is part of their payment, but so too is the glory of returning the coveted statue after such a powerful omen.

Upon reaching the fort, they call up to the gate for entrance.

Covering the station and on the lookout for their return, Mennic operates the mechanism at the chain room and cracks open the gate.
Jun 2, 2023 5:24 pm
Before Gundus and Galopan can get through, Mennic is already moving out to meet them at the entryway.

"Come on - get inside...," the dour cook says. "Another curse is upon us!"

He points to the center of the compound.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 5:25 pm
Gundus first sees the wild ground-birds strutting and scrimmaging all about.

Then he sees the walking corpse of Igolio, slowly approaching the tower.

Some of the others are beyond, near the tower - consolidating to decide what to do next.
Jun 2, 2023 7:24 pm
Grabbing up an arm-length piece of firewood, recently caught on one end from the fire pit, in her archer's gloved hand Syrena draws her blade and moves to stand between the walking corpse and the tower. "Should have known you would not stay dead." She redirects to Igolio. "If not for that horrible item in the yon tower, your head would already be on a pike or burning in the flames."
Last edited June 2, 2023 7:25 pm
Jun 2, 2023 10:44 pm
Rising from the dead? This place truly is hell on earth. Xenophon sees Syrena wielding the flaming log and concurs with her plan - fire will be the fastest way to destroy the body. He leaves his friend to descend the tower and stand by Syrena's side.

"Back for more?" he taunts Igolio, looking at the hole he ripped in his rib cage. He hoists the spear that delivered his death blow above his head, while presenting his shield up front. He hopes to draw his attack to give Syrena an opening to light him up.
Last edited June 2, 2023 11:16 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 3, 2023 10:25 am
It floats down from the upper floor, through the port door of the ceiling to hover there beside Damanandros as he stands looking out from the second floor doorway to the outside.

His technique had worked, well enough in this instance at least. The floating disk underneath carries the device perfectly. Linked with its mind and his own, the disc will float close to Damanandros and respond to simple mental commands to move. He will have to experiment with the limits of the operation, but this system will be good enough for tonight. That is all that will be needed, no matter what the ending that is soon to come.

Damanandros gains Floating Disk to Known 1st Level Spells list

Damanandros surveys the device fully, finally seeing it for the first time in its true form.

Its green crystal: both unnerving and captivating. Its fossilized bone-turned-metal: as terrifying as it is spectacular.

The blend of life, death, craft, and sorcery manifests here in a single sublime, conscious technology with potential for power beyond belief.

In ultimate origin, it is from the eldritch mind of the Old Serpent, who was with The Gods and The Giants when they heard Language from The One and first stood in the presence of the Primordial Fire.

The many Spawn of the Serpent roved through the early domains and usurped the world millennia ago, imposing their bestial reign during the Age of the Serpent Kingdoms. This artifact is the remnant of the alien mind of a powerful snakeman sorcerer - a captured echo of his primal, reptilian will.

The masterfully converted skull, then, is more like an Entity than a mere conglomeration of bone, metal, and stone. It is a dangerous, corruptive Power - mind-bending and degenerative to Men.

Even so, it might reveal esoteric secrets from an ancient epoch, to wizards who are skilled and daring enough to engage with its essence.

These are the Dreams of Sekki.

And for now, The Dreams are bound with Damanadros Kappelis, the young Nicean Seer from Kourithos.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 3, 2023 10:54 am
Xenophon with spear and shield.

Syrena with flame and blade.

Gennadius with bolas and net.

The three companions stand united in defense of Tower Four, and their recovering companion Damanandros who looks on from the second floor port.

On the other side of the compound, Gundus strides forward from the gate, strong in his authority.

Young Galopan, helm gleaming in the light of the bonfire, draws his polished sword and follows dutifully behind his kyrazenus. Angry axebeak birds flock about, ruffled and unsettled, making way for the two men's path through.

The undead corpse, now surrounded, shuffles forward towards the tower, animated by the dark magic of the Device that has brought so much corruption and strife.

It is not Igolio Crausus who lumbers along now, only an empty shell that was the deadly Krysean man's body when he lived. Scuffing its feet in the dirt with every step, the corpse holds its groping hands forward in awkward spasms. The undead atrocity tries to cry out in rage, or agony, or despair - but its damaged lungs can no longer yield any breath.

So then, with only an empty, oblivious face contorted to an ugly scowl, the zombie lunges forward in a final assault against life and beauty.

Required Action, PCs: Describe the ending of the animated corpse.
Players' Club, this zombie is pathetic but exemplary - This scene is more about an ending to this section of the story.
Request: a narrative entry or entries to describe your best preference of a sword-and-sorcery genre close - whether its a beatdown, overpower, rope-a-dope, or anything else you can think of for cinematic effects.
Assume all attacks hit, all power attempts work, all zombie saves are fails, etc. Paint the picture however you see fit to showcase the skill and cool style of the team, plus a suitable end to The Mystery.
And discuss as you need it - casual weekend, so this is an attempt for casual time heading towards chapter wrap.
[ +- ] SF Map 21
Jun 3, 2023 11:45 pm
Gennadius is climbing down the ladder as the cry goes out, alerting to the rise of Igolio. The wooden rungs of the ladder creak under the combined weight of the man and four bags tied together and hanging off his shoulders by short lengths of rope.

He approaches the shambling Igolio, marveling at the grotesque scene. It is strange how one can be so shocked, so beguiled, that one's instinct of self preservation is abandoned. Observing a spectacle can strip common sense and place the observer in direct danger. This is what happened with Gennadius.

"By the god's left tit!" he mummers, watching intently as organs and offal pulse and ooze from the gaping wound. A weird academic analytical study holding him fascinated as Igolio approached.

To one side, Syrena shouts something and pulls a burning log from the fire. To the other, Xenophon is closing in with weapon drawn. Before him, Igolio lunges.

Suddenly struck by the unholy, life hating nature of this creature, Gennadius stumbles back a step. One pair of bags slides off and nearly trip him as he is put off balance by the weight of the remaining bags over the opposite shoulder. He catches his balance and slides the other two bags off, catching them by the loop of cord.

He steps back again to evade another lurch. Only now he spins, swimging the bags low and then following through to bring them up high with the momentum of the spin. The bags of silver crash onto the head of Igolio, sending the creature toppling to the ground.
Last edited June 3, 2023 11:48 pm
Jun 4, 2023 12:33 am
Xenophon rounds the undead swordsman as Gennadius engages in his unorthodox style. When he topples the unholy creature to the ground, face in the dirt, he makes his move.

He closes, his spear held high. He slams his foot on the thing's shoulder blades, driving it flat. Then he brings the point of his spear down on the creature's rotting skull. The stamped metal tip cracks bone, and the blade slices through grey matter until it bursts through the back of its mouth. The metal trip grates against teeth as the spear drives into the ground, up to the hilt buried into packed earth.

With Igolio's face pinned to the ground, he kicks the thing's swords free from its grasp. He leaves the spear, still shaking in the ground, and avails himself to Igolio's shinier sword. As he regards its craftsmanship, the fire reflects red like blood along the blade.
Last edited June 4, 2023 12:33 am
Jun 4, 2023 2:40 am
Syrena moves in and severs clean the ruined head of the prone undead swordsman. Though, even as the gore slides down her own gleaming blade, the unnatural foe stands..headless. "Die! Die will you? You thrall of darkness!" She thrusts the flaming end of the firelog hard against the zombie's chest and it staggers again. The fire leaps covetously and spreads over the headless corpse. It thrashes about, accompanied by an obscene eerie bellow from the skewered ruined head, as if they are still connected.

Syrena takes a step back from the lick of the flames engulfing Igolio and casts a quick glance to Gundus and his holy burden.
"Finish it for good, Kyrazenus. This world is no place for the living dead."
Last edited June 4, 2023 2:42 am
Jun 4, 2023 7:42 am
With an effort born of zeal, Gundus and Galopan raise the Lusetem Türas to shoulder height. "Undead! Your presence is a stain upon the natural order. The soul of Igolio Crausus goes to face the judgment of divine Türas. Cease this befoulment of his remains! Be free of your torment!" He speaks like a judge pronouncing a sentence, his voice filled with deep power.

For a moment, the eyes of the Lusetem Türas seem to shine - whether lit by the dancing fire-light or the power of some sacred magic, none could later say for sure. The flames engulfing the undead abombination blaze impossibly high in answer. The creature writhes, straining futilely against Xenophon's spear. It screams a scream of inhuman horror as the kyrazenus set his will against the sorcery animating it.

"Damanandros! Aid me!" Gundus calls to the mage.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 10:47 am
Gundus's words take hold of the corpse like Divine Authority. Unable to resist the demands put upon it, the affront against Nature is compelled to destroy itself.

In a frightful last movement, the flaming headless corpse leans wobbly to its feet, turns, and runs headlong into the raging bonfire, diving into the flames.

Seeing the shocking spectacle, Xenophon makes a quick step back to his spear. The Nicean warrior pulls the spear from the ground with the remnant of the head still stuck on it. In one fluid motion, he flings the separating pieces of the broken head into the fire to join its burning body.

Finally the accursed corpse is consumed, flesh and bone reduced to ash in the high heat of the bonfire. It is a purifying fire - one that reclaims the Natural Order there at the compound.

A feeling of calm is finally won in the Night, and the companions steal a collective sigh of relief amidst their struggle.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 11:37 am
Some other entries over in Admin and Ascendancy that talk about the game wins and the moment of the victory.

I'm going to follow here with a few more entries, some using NPCs, some sterile and info-transfer, some maybe a little prodding just to move the scene along, open up a few idea threads, and deliver a bit more score.

I'd invite any entries from y'all. There is probably still some debate to be had to reflect on the Charaters' response and next intentions, many of which may be different or may align. We'll see. And would also enjoy hearing any Character commentary and reflection on the entire event, something the rest of us might read to continue to define each character and have an end-of-chapter framing from different vantage points. Optional of course, just an invitation.

Jun 4, 2023 11:45 am
Baudecca comes out from the tent, axe in hand, to see the final fate of the animated corpse. She does not get involved in the assault, but she regroups among the ranks afterwards to hear everyone's immediate assessment at the first won moment of calm.

Most of Baudecca's questions are directed at Damanandros.

"Can you use your magic to awaken Aduorix? What can be done to lift this cursed stupor set upon her?"

Aduorix is still unconscious and unresponsive in the officers' tent. After the short time engaging, Baudecca returns to monitor her ailed companion.
Jun 4, 2023 11:51 am
The axebeak birds are small but anxious, and aggressive. They chop with their hard beaks and scratch with their rugged talons. In the end, their attacks are inconsequential, but the intermittent harassment they bring becomes an annoyance.

Mennic is especially hostile to the birds. Soon he works with Galopan to open the gate and run them out of the compound. He accepts the help of anyone in support, and dismisses any objections.

In a short time, most of the birds are gone, dispersed into the open area outside of the palisade walls and the forest beyond.

A few birds are seen here and there within the compound, skittering about and chopping one another in their little dominance bouts.
Jun 4, 2023 12:01 pm
Galopan shows Gundus where the Lusetem Türas was once set and helps enthusiastically to restore the statue to its proper place upon the base stand near the tower.

The young soldier is well-satisfied once the restoration is accomplished. He stands there in admiration beside Gundus.

"Castellan Eramus said that Steadfast Türas would carry us through," he says to his priest. "It has been a dark time, but now a miracle has come, and I dare to hope for a way home."
[ +- ] SF Map 22
Gundus learns that Galopan was pressed into Legion service by Eramus only three short months ago. Before that, Galopan was a port guard in Amanuctum. He was assigned to a convoy that brought resupply out to Saromen Fro, one of the last full supply runs that was completed in recent months.

Tower Four was low on troops after some desertion, so the Castellan conscripted Galopan and another guard, named Tinemus Onstelus. Legionnaire Onstelus was one of the troops who went to the Vault but did not return a week ago.

Galopan's story explains why he has different armor than the normal Legionnaire issue.

Gundus also learns that Galopan has a young wife, who was pregnant when he left. If all has gone well, his child was born a little over a month ago.

Galopan's great hope and prayer now is to survive and fulfill his conscription obligation, but ultimately to return to his family and be restored to his guard post in the city. His wife is waiting for him, living there in his father’s house.

From what Gundus can discern, Spearman Larus Galopan was perhaps the only soldier at the fort who successfully resisted the corrupting powers of the Sorcery Device and the sexual advances of the whore Annuba Opelenean. Galopan never set foot in the third floor chamber of the tower to encounter the foreign witch and the devilish artifact.

Galopan explains to Gundus how he moved his residence out to the small tent near the stable ruins in an effort to avoid failure and to maintain his resolve. He fought tremendous temptations to succumb, but resisted by focusing on his work at post and by performing what sacrifices he knew to Türas and his own Ancestors.

In the long exchange with Gundus, Galopan is finally overwhelmed by emotion as he shares his burdens in confidence with his trusted mentor. The young soldier tears up briefly and must look away to maintain his composure.

Soon though, he recovers and puts his helmet back on, fastening the chin strap and resetting his own military bearing.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:20 pm
What Damanandros (OOC: Damanandros Dreamsurfer?) now knows ...
[ +- ] Dreams of Sekki reveal!!!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:27 pm
With the Lusetem Türas restored, Gundus completes a perfect ritual of empowerment.

Sanctioned by the Gods of his Folk and the local Land Spirits, the righteous priest is able to visit with each of his companions to offer encouragement and bestow miraculous aid.

Upon interaction with Gundus, all PCs restore to max HP and recover/reset any Class or Proficiency capabilities.
Jun 4, 2023 12:34 pm
In the storage tent and in the third floor armory, the companions see a wide array of weapons, ammunition, and armor.

Legionnaire Spearman Larus Galopan, now the ranking soldier in command of Saromen Fro under the Imperial Legion Code of Military Orders, extends the invitation for the companions to take and make use of any of the supplies and armaments.
Open-ended option for equipment replenish and possible upgrade here. Please discuss what you'd like to get (if anything), and I'll respond on availability on a case-by-case basis. There is a lot of stuff here, most routine things will be easy, but it will also be limited to what would realistically be available at a remote military installation.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:54 pm
Sifting back through the third floor tower chamber, Damanandros and Gennadius discover a couple of loose coins on the cluttered desk.

The coins are noteworthy. They are not Imperial mint. Instead they are from an ancient empire that fell long ago.

This coinage dates to the ancient Zaharan Empire.

Damanandros identifies them, translating them as the golden Voice and the platinum Visage.

Gennadius stares in wonder at the coins, reflecting on both their mysterious history and their lure of wealth. They are marred and worn, but their precious metal is firm and heavy.

Damanandros explains to Gennadius with certainty that there are thousands of such coins within the nearby Sanctum. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands. He can assure this.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:58 pm
Alright, there it is Players' Club.

Request your input. Open mic for commentary or final thoughts entry (or entries) from each PC to take us to Chapter close.
Jun 4, 2023 5:57 pm
Damanandros' head throbs with the strain of navigating the enigmatic artifact. The boundaries between reality and the dream-like realm it conjures become hazy, blurring his perception. The valiant efforts of his friends battling the undead Igolio seem distant, like a theatrical performance unfolding on a distant stage.

The cries for help, for aid, largely go unnoticed. What could he do in the face of this overwhelming power? His own abilities pale in comparison to the formidable influence of The Dreams of Sekki. The immediate needs and struggles of mortal beings seem insignificant compared to the urgency of restoring the artifact to its rightful place of safekeeping.

"We must return it," he declares with conviction. "It is not our destiny to wield this power. We must ensure its return, lest SHE comes to claim it."
Last edited June 4, 2023 5:58 pm
Jun 5, 2023 6:36 am
In the immediate aftermath of the burning, Syrena finds herself staring at the scorched and bloodied ground. Something catches her eye there. stirring around in the gore, where the undead Igolio had been impaled and beheaded, she finds the swordsman's medallion. Lifting it carefully with the tip of her blade, she carries it over to Damanandros. "I found this over there." She tells him with a gesture. "When you have a moment, could you tell me if it shows any signs of magic?"

Syrena leaves the starcat medallion with the mage, as she glances with concern toward the tent where Baudecca is sitting with Aduorix. Continuing on, she climbs back into the third floor room of the tower and looks through the arsenal. She selects a group arrows to replenish her quiver and takes note of the several gold and platinum coins. "This is more like what was imagined when I first received the message from Castellan Eramus." She utters to anyone near to might hear her words. "I will only accept any of the Auran silver coins after the legionnaires' back pay is transported to them, to my agreed fee for guiding this group to the Spur. If then coin left...and only then will I accept a fair share of it."

As the others gather to discuss their immediate plans, Syrena chimes in, "I would join in returning the instrument of all this misfortune to befall Saromen Fro to it cradle and perhaps learn for certain what has happened to our missing patron."
Last edited June 5, 2023 6:37 am
Jun 5, 2023 7:59 am
A feeling of hollowness descends on Gundus. He had been touched by the Ultimate this night, had moved in concert with the divine will. The heavenly flame had burned within him. Now only faint embers remain, fading. Mortals could not long endure the glory of the gods. Yet the memory is a treasure more precious than gold or jewels, and he would cherish it all his life.

Triumph he felt too, and pride – pride for the brave men and women that fought beside him. But there was still much to do before justice could claim to be satisfied.

"Both of you speak for me also. I would see this silver restored to its rightful owners, and learn the true fate of Calus Eramus and his comrades. If Mennic has it right, if indeed they have been slain, then all involved must answer for the crime.

"Galopan and Mennic, if you wish, I will name you Witnesses of what has happened here, in accordance with the laws of my Order, and extend you my protection. You will be escorted to Saromen Gen, and I will strongly urge Centurion Gala to offer you posts there.

"But first, the..." he searches for a word, "...artefact... must be dealt with, before it wreaks further chaos. Already it has caused much death and corruption. I believe we have been guided here for this purpose, that this task is appointed to us."

At these last words, he feels the embers flare.
Gundus would look around for some plate armour, if available (expensive ask), and maybe some useful dungeoneering equipment for the party, if we are going to travel to the vaults. (Stuff like rope, grappling hook, good old ten-foot pole...)
Jun 5, 2023 4:28 pm
It is hard to collect himself at first, as the rest begin to buzz about in preparation for the next leg of the journey. He just needed a few moments to take it all in. The escalation within a week's time from simply hiking out to some vaguely defined job to goblins, and then summoned vermin, and then to the undead of all things!

Life with the troupe was filled with stories of the fantastic. Wanderers from afar always brought correspondingly wondrous tales. He knew there was an element of truth, but always expected the travelers fabricated more than a morsel to fill their mouths as they talked.

But now goblins, the simple, vicious nation them was so much... cleaner... than undead and glowing artifacts that turned minds to mush at a mere glance.

He worried for the girl. For Damanandros. Was his mind really still sound?

Well, no bother, time to get moving.
Gennadius will replace the crappy goblin knife with a proper dagger and work on outfitting the pack animals with as diverse a set of equipment as he can dream up for the task ahead. Foraging and rations as well.

Thread locked