From the north catwalk, Syrena can see the real view from Saromen Fro. To the northwest edge there is a lumberyard a short distance away. Directly north and angling off to the north east is a downward sloping open hill that descends into the valley below.
The tower then sits overlooking the pinnacle of a ridgeline that ends out against an even higher ascent upward into the Mearleigh Mountains to the east.
The tower itself is covered in shadow on its north face, which is on the other side of the bonfire light. But there is a shutter open on the north side, the only shutter open on the entire upper balcony.
A green glow emits from this open north-facing window.
Revealed: previously a Private Note to RageRed...
Syrena is not trained like a circus performer to walk a tightrope, but she is agile enough to shimmy over easily by straddling the rope, leaning forward, and then hooking one foot as a stabilizer on the rope behind her as she pulls across hand over hand.
Aduorix is waiting to help her over the railing on the other side. She takes hold of Syrena's hand once she is on the balcony and leads her inside through the wide shutter window with a bright smile, as if escorting her to an anticipated presentation.
The room inside is a simple square, 15' x 15'.
The door to the room is on the opposite side of the room, facing south into the compound. To the right side of the door is a wooden chest of drawers. In the far left corner are 2 large lockable chests on the floor. A trap door to the lower level is offset from the corner. The shutter is closed with a bar clasp lock here on the inside.
To the right (east) wall is a bed with fine cotton blankets and silk sheets. Pillows and a bear fur are on top as throws.
Both the left and right wall on the north wall, on either sides of the open shuddered window, are lined with racks of weapons and ammunition. Bows, crossbows, javelins, spears, arrows, bolts, and several blades.
On the right (west) wall is a cluttered table, topped with writing materials, candles, lantern, some wooden plates, goblets, a jug, and two gourd containers.
But on a side table stand is what attracts all attention. Alone on the square wooden platform, with nothing else around it, is an upright ornately designed dial wheel with a brilliant glowing emerald set in its center. The artifact is mesmerizing.
Aduorix opens the two chests in the corner. There are leather bags inside marked with the Eagle Crest, the sign of the Imperium. She opens the top flaps of one bag and shows that it is full of Imperial Mint Silver Eagles. Surely thousands of them.
Aduorix gently slides her hand up Syrena's arm and moves to stand beside her. Leaning in, touching her lips to Syrena's ear,
"We did it," she whispers.
"We have become rich."
Now moving to Syrena's other side, running her delicate hand across Syrena's shoulder, down her arm, and taking hold of her other hand - Aduorix speaks softly in her alluring voice as Syrena stares ahead again at the Emerald Dial on the table stand, her heartbeat quickening
"...wealth and power beyond our wildest dreams - a masterpiece tool of ancient magic: the Heart of the Earth."
Syrena can feel Aduorix's supple body against her own. Her soft skin. Her pert breasts beneath her thin shirt.
Both women are glazed in sweat, their skin glistening in the reflective glow. The room is like a sauna, with passions rising to match the thick humid heat there at the pinnacle of the Tower.