Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 31, 2023 10:02 am
Galopan cracks a rare smile and nods, visibly inspired by Gundus's agreement to recover the statue.

The young soldier hands Gundus a lantern.

"Follow me, Ius," he says with confidence, and then turns to lead the way out the gate and beyond the perimeter.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 31, 2023 7:53 pm
Galopan leads the way through the woods, mostly south but bearing east. Soon they reach the crest of a steep dropoff, and then descend down in a roundabout way to the landing far below. This is where Galopan said that the statue landed after being profaned, damaged, and then cast from the high peak above.

The statue is, however, not found where Galopan thought it was. The young legionnaire explains that he saw it at the same location previously, but then wonders if he might be at the wrong spot due to the darkness.

The two men spread out a bit with the two lanterns, making loops to canvas the area hoping to discover the cherished but lost icon.

That is when Gundus encounters The Great Stag for the second time.

It is like seeing a powerful ally crest over a hill when the fate of battle is teetering between victory and defeat.

This time the exalted Champion beckons Gundus to follow, turns, and then lopes into a gallop.
Jun 1, 2023 3:23 am
Damanandros ascends the ladder and encounters the source of magic. He ignores any attempts to talk him out of it. With this new treasure he can grow in power, with it he can perhaps become one of the great mages.
If he doesn’t try, he will forever wonder what may have been. Live or die, he must try.
Jun 1, 2023 5:44 am
Gundus' heart lightens at the sight before him. "Galopan! This way!" he calls, without taking his eyes completely off the majestic creature. He follows the Stag with renewed vigour.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 1, 2023 3:01 pm
Damanandros ascends the ladder and enters the high chamber of the tower.

He sees the illusion field sitting there on the side table beside the desk. He resists looking directly at it lest his mind suggest some image that the device would latch onto and attempt to exploit. The young mage knows he must keep his head clear to master this technology.

The first thing he sees that he can do is adjust the rifts that are causing the heat. He concentrates, studying the patterns. It takes a few minutes, but he configures the outer edges that are available to his knowledge.

It is sufficient. The heat generation ceases; the temperature in the room falls to normal as Damanandros continues his focus.

This is an ancient artifact indeed, and a kaleidoscope of different techniques. Some of them present in familiar symbology. Others are built in a framework completely beyond his comprehension. In fact they seem alien to the Higher Order, but he cannot know for sure.

But he must not get distracted contemplating the things that he will not be able to do. Now that he is here, he can see that he must focus his effort on three main priorities that are within his reach:
1) avoiding catastrophic trigger mechanisms,
2) closing the most aggressive projected malignant effects,
3) understanding right purpose and assigned function.

If he is afforded a fourth effort, it must be: mobility. It was said that the item could not be moved previously.

Pacing a few lines of the generative patterns, Damandros gathers enough control to recover his own cast reservoir. What power! It takes only an instant.

Recover one (1) 1st level spell cast slot.

Now the difficult task begins.

As much as he had come to anticipate the depth of the device's mystery and power, now that he is in the presence of it, it surpasses even his wildest estimations.

This will be a monumental effort, the most fascinating and challenging thing Damanandros has ever attempted. Few mages would ever get a chance to encounter such an artifact in their entire careers.

Yet here he is - afforded a date with Destiny.

Taking a seat in the wooden chair from the desk, he sits squarely before the device and prepares himself, summoning his highest mind.

He breathes out and peers directly into the spherical central field. Slipping into a trance-like state, Damanandros ponders the orb.

Required Action, Damanadros: Encounter Unearthed Arcana.
Roll 1d20. Add INT Modifier. Add Mage Level.

Effects and knowledge gained will be described after results of roll, but the following chart is published in advance as a general guide for roll results:

2 - 8 : Basic Knowledge. Mixed effects.
9 - 16: Expanded knowledge. Negative effects avoided.
17 - 20: Focused knowledge. Negative effects avoided.
21+: Focused knowledge. Boon effects.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 1, 2023 3:27 pm
Xenophon, Syrena, and Gennadius decide whether to remain at the ready or make limited exploration around the close vicinity within the compound.

Inspecting the five bags of silver and the written notes within, the companions arrive at the estimate that there is a combined total of 27,000 silver eagles.

Potential Treasure: approx 27,000 Silver

Igolio is seen again laying dead in the thin new vegetation, and among the shore birds, most of which are still sleeping.

Igolio's swords lay on the ground nearby. Upon inspection, both of the blades are weapons of fine workmanship, but one of them is a masterpiece. Exceptionally well balanced. Incredibly sharp. Forged from fine steel.

The fallen swordsman also wears a necklace with a copper cast medal shaped like both a starburst and the face of a lion.

Potential Treasure: Masterwork Longsword (non-magical +1 Damage), Starcat Medal (Value: unknown)
[ +- ] items

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 1, 2023 6:12 pm
Gundus breaks to a full run, faster than he has ever been able to move before.

Despite the weight of the armor, the rough terrain, the darkness - the invigorated disciple glides through the forest like the wind, feeling the essence of speed and fitness coursing through his veins.

Gundus knows that he is in the midst of a Divine Event. An Omen. He opens his spirit to the full experience.

Whether in this world, across the veil in another, or somewhere in between, the Initiate is swept up in a series of encounters with the many manifestations of Türas - each representing different aspects, different places, different eras - of the mighty God who has been with his Folk since the First Man and Woman were made from the Bones of the Earth and the Breath of the Sky.

Each of the Türas Gods speak to Gundus with a short message.
[ +- ] Türas among his Folk throughout the Ages

Then Gundus returns from his travels to see that he has found what he was questing for.

The Lusetem Türas sits there in a gathering of stones. Tilted and scuffed, but not defiled, the Bronze Statue measures about four and a half feet tall. It is a hefty and sturdy cast, pulled from the mountain forges of the Krysean smiths.

Gundus stands there for a time alone, basking in the glory of it all. Surely few in his Order have experienced such an Encounter.

Then young Galopan catches up, elated at the find and ready to help with the carry.
Jun 1, 2023 7:35 pm
With no acknowledgement from Baudecca of her words of explanation and Aduorix still seemingly in a trance, Syrena sits by and tries to sort it all out in her head. She notices that Gundus, Galopan, and Damamandros are all missing from their number there.
Jun 1, 2023 10:45 pm
Xenophon holds the bag of silver in his hands, his arms struggling to heft it. Normally, the strain of lifting this weight would have plastered a smile on his face, but given the supernatural events taking place, he had a strong urge to be gone.

When Demanandros ascends the ladder, he is immediately concerned for his friend. Whatever power as in that chamber bedevilled both Syrena and Aduorix, and he is certain he will be no better equipped to deal with whatever forces wait. But, Demanandros was there to save them against the rats, and this far from the first time Demanandros tipped the scales of battle so that Xenophon might survive.

He had to go up the ladder, to pull him out in case he becomes ensorcelled like when the Harpy took him.
Jun 1, 2023 11:17 pm
Damanandros pulls out his spell book to have quick reference of the position of the heavenly bodies and cosmic arrangements if needed.
As he begins to interact with the orb and its fields he opens his awareness to allow all of the subtleties in to be processed. Much like the aperture of the eye can be relaxed to take in a wider field of vision if not less distinct.
Bringing all of his faculties to the task at hand, he begins to untangle the web of energies.
That figures, dice fuckage when I am in my element!
Last edited June 2, 2023 12:16 pm


Unearthed Arcana - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 11:55 am
Baudecca has moved Aduorix to the large tent at the north side of the compound.

Upon investigation, it is discovered that the tent is roughly divided in half. The west portion is a sort of housing suite for officers. The east half is used for storage of gear and equipment.

Aduorix is still unresponsive. Her overheating seems to have subsided though. She rests there in the tent on a pine needle-stuffed mattress, with Baudecca tending to her.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:17 pm
Damanandros delves into the recondite secrets of the device. He learns many things that he hopes he can retain, though he knows already that in the exchange his mind is opened. There is a real risk that parts of it might be tampered with or shut off by the entity within this ancient technology.

But Damanandros vies for understanding. Though his power is at this point limited, he is able to make discoveries and even assert some measure of control.

But will it be enough?

The device must be moved back to its place, that much is clear now. In fact, it will return there. The question will be: how much chaos will be unleashed before its restoration?

There at its cradle, with its function restored under this relentlessly fateful Full Moon, Damanandros could gain so much. If only he could control the return.

The young mage sees an opportunity and takes it, matching the alignment of the cosmic arrangement that he had put forefront in his mind when he approached.

The effort is all that he can do though, and he can only hope that his technique works. Now he must withdraw at all cost, lest he lose his sanity.

He swims towards the surface, climbing from the depths, straining to retain as much as he can when he emerges.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:30 pm
Xenophon hears Damanandros muttering and speaking in a strange language. It sounds as if the mage is talking back and forth with another speaker, though Xenophon is only hearing one side of the conversation and cannot understand the words.

Damanandros's tone changes to increased worry and strain. Eventually he is speaking with clear distress. After a final shout, Xenophon hears him step over and collapse.

Xenophon does not delay any longer. The athletic Nicean ascends the ladder in a leap and enters the upper chamber. In a feat of strength, he gathers his friend up and carries him back through the floor opening and down the ladder.

There on the second floor, Xenophon works with purpose to help Damanandros recover. The young mage is coming back to his senses quickly.

Then Xenophon hears the commotion outside.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:37 pm
Syrena and Gennadius are the first to see it.

Igolio gets up. The crazed swordsman thought to be dead is now standing, though unstable and off-balance.

Despite the gaping spear wound that completely shattered the left side of his rib cage, he moves. Though not with the grace of life, not with the spirit of a living man.

It is an animated corpse that stands now. Turning precariously, the walking dead stumbles forward, arms raised out with no purpose. It is a profanity to the living, disturbing and shameful in its degradation.

The undead atrocity lumbers slowly towards the tower.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:44 pm
Even as the animated corpse of Igolio rises and walks, the sleeping shore birds begin to tumble and contort.

They are changing again!

In mere moments, the satterlings have converted to another sort of bird.

These birds are still small - standing less than 1 foot tall. They begin to skitter around actively.

They have thick feathers, rugged stalk legs, and axe-like beaks. Though they do not attack anyone, they clamor about skirmishing one against another. They are agitated and aggressive!
Jun 2, 2023 12:48 pm
Mennic is horrified by the macabre scene of Igolio's bloodied and ruptured corpse walking.

"What the fuck is going on here?!," he shouts from the rampart balcony, overwhelmed in the shock of it all.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 12:51 pm
Required Action, Xenophon, Syrena, Gennadius: Describe Actions, intent, reaction.
If Movement and/or Attack is selected, proceed at will.
Jun 2, 2023 4:55 pm
Awed, humbled, elated all at once, Gundus feels that uttering spoken word (if he was even capable of doing so) would sully the holiness of the moment. Sharing a silent, determined glance with Galopan, he prepares to lift the Lusetem Türas and make haste back to the camp. He would have much to meditate upon later, but this was a time for action – of that he was certain.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 5:18 pm
Gundus and Galopan embrace the struggle of the carry and climb. Sweat and strain is part of their payment, but so too is the glory of returning the coveted statue after such a powerful omen.

Upon reaching the fort, they call up to the gate for entrance.

Covering the station and on the lookout for their return, Mennic operates the mechanism at the chain room and cracks open the gate.
Jun 2, 2023 5:24 pm
Before Gundus and Galopan can get through, Mennic is already moving out to meet them at the entryway.

"Come on - get inside...," the dour cook says. "Another curse is upon us!"

He points to the center of the compound.
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