Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 2, 2023 5:25 pm
Gundus first sees the wild ground-birds strutting and scrimmaging all about.

Then he sees the walking corpse of Igolio, slowly approaching the tower.

Some of the others are beyond, near the tower - consolidating to decide what to do next.
Jun 2, 2023 7:24 pm
Grabbing up an arm-length piece of firewood, recently caught on one end from the fire pit, in her archer's gloved hand Syrena draws her blade and moves to stand between the walking corpse and the tower. "Should have known you would not stay dead." She redirects to Igolio. "If not for that horrible item in the yon tower, your head would already be on a pike or burning in the flames."
Last edited June 2, 2023 7:25 pm
Jun 2, 2023 10:44 pm
Rising from the dead? This place truly is hell on earth. Xenophon sees Syrena wielding the flaming log and concurs with her plan - fire will be the fastest way to destroy the body. He leaves his friend to descend the tower and stand by Syrena's side.

"Back for more?" he taunts Igolio, looking at the hole he ripped in his rib cage. He hoists the spear that delivered his death blow above his head, while presenting his shield up front. He hopes to draw his attack to give Syrena an opening to light him up.
Last edited June 2, 2023 11:16 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 3, 2023 10:25 am
It floats down from the upper floor, through the port door of the ceiling to hover there beside Damanandros as he stands looking out from the second floor doorway to the outside.

His technique had worked, well enough in this instance at least. The floating disk underneath carries the device perfectly. Linked with its mind and his own, the disc will float close to Damanandros and respond to simple mental commands to move. He will have to experiment with the limits of the operation, but this system will be good enough for tonight. That is all that will be needed, no matter what the ending that is soon to come.

Damanandros gains Floating Disk to Known 1st Level Spells list

Damanandros surveys the device fully, finally seeing it for the first time in its true form.

Its green crystal: both unnerving and captivating. Its fossilized bone-turned-metal: as terrifying as it is spectacular.

The blend of life, death, craft, and sorcery manifests here in a single sublime, conscious technology with potential for power beyond belief.

In ultimate origin, it is from the eldritch mind of the Old Serpent, who was with The Gods and The Giants when they heard Language from The One and first stood in the presence of the Primordial Fire.

The many Spawn of the Serpent roved through the early domains and usurped the world millennia ago, imposing their bestial reign during the Age of the Serpent Kingdoms. This artifact is the remnant of the alien mind of a powerful snakeman sorcerer - a captured echo of his primal, reptilian will.

The masterfully converted skull, then, is more like an Entity than a mere conglomeration of bone, metal, and stone. It is a dangerous, corruptive Power - mind-bending and degenerative to Men.

Even so, it might reveal esoteric secrets from an ancient epoch, to wizards who are skilled and daring enough to engage with its essence.

These are the Dreams of Sekki.

And for now, The Dreams are bound with Damanadros Kappelis, the young Nicean Seer from Kourithos.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 3, 2023 10:54 am
Xenophon with spear and shield.

Syrena with flame and blade.

Gennadius with bolas and net.

The three companions stand united in defense of Tower Four, and their recovering companion Damanandros who looks on from the second floor port.

On the other side of the compound, Gundus strides forward from the gate, strong in his authority.

Young Galopan, helm gleaming in the light of the bonfire, draws his polished sword and follows dutifully behind his kyrazenus. Angry axebeak birds flock about, ruffled and unsettled, making way for the two men's path through.

The undead corpse, now surrounded, shuffles forward towards the tower, animated by the dark magic of the Device that has brought so much corruption and strife.

It is not Igolio Crausus who lumbers along now, only an empty shell that was the deadly Krysean man's body when he lived. Scuffing its feet in the dirt with every step, the corpse holds its groping hands forward in awkward spasms. The undead atrocity tries to cry out in rage, or agony, or despair - but its damaged lungs can no longer yield any breath.

So then, with only an empty, oblivious face contorted to an ugly scowl, the zombie lunges forward in a final assault against life and beauty.

Required Action, PCs: Describe the ending of the animated corpse.
Players' Club, this zombie is pathetic but exemplary - This scene is more about an ending to this section of the story.
Request: a narrative entry or entries to describe your best preference of a sword-and-sorcery genre close - whether its a beatdown, overpower, rope-a-dope, or anything else you can think of for cinematic effects.
Assume all attacks hit, all power attempts work, all zombie saves are fails, etc. Paint the picture however you see fit to showcase the skill and cool style of the team, plus a suitable end to The Mystery.
And discuss as you need it - casual weekend, so this is an attempt for casual time heading towards chapter wrap.
[ +- ] SF Map 21
Jun 3, 2023 11:45 pm
Gennadius is climbing down the ladder as the cry goes out, alerting to the rise of Igolio. The wooden rungs of the ladder creak under the combined weight of the man and four bags tied together and hanging off his shoulders by short lengths of rope.

He approaches the shambling Igolio, marveling at the grotesque scene. It is strange how one can be so shocked, so beguiled, that one's instinct of self preservation is abandoned. Observing a spectacle can strip common sense and place the observer in direct danger. This is what happened with Gennadius.

"By the god's left tit!" he mummers, watching intently as organs and offal pulse and ooze from the gaping wound. A weird academic analytical study holding him fascinated as Igolio approached.

To one side, Syrena shouts something and pulls a burning log from the fire. To the other, Xenophon is closing in with weapon drawn. Before him, Igolio lunges.

Suddenly struck by the unholy, life hating nature of this creature, Gennadius stumbles back a step. One pair of bags slides off and nearly trip him as he is put off balance by the weight of the remaining bags over the opposite shoulder. He catches his balance and slides the other two bags off, catching them by the loop of cord.

He steps back again to evade another lurch. Only now he spins, swimging the bags low and then following through to bring them up high with the momentum of the spin. The bags of silver crash onto the head of Igolio, sending the creature toppling to the ground.
Last edited June 3, 2023 11:48 pm
Jun 4, 2023 12:33 am
Xenophon rounds the undead swordsman as Gennadius engages in his unorthodox style. When he topples the unholy creature to the ground, face in the dirt, he makes his move.

He closes, his spear held high. He slams his foot on the thing's shoulder blades, driving it flat. Then he brings the point of his spear down on the creature's rotting skull. The stamped metal tip cracks bone, and the blade slices through grey matter until it bursts through the back of its mouth. The metal trip grates against teeth as the spear drives into the ground, up to the hilt buried into packed earth.

With Igolio's face pinned to the ground, he kicks the thing's swords free from its grasp. He leaves the spear, still shaking in the ground, and avails himself to Igolio's shinier sword. As he regards its craftsmanship, the fire reflects red like blood along the blade.
Last edited June 4, 2023 12:33 am
Jun 4, 2023 2:40 am
Syrena moves in and severs clean the ruined head of the prone undead swordsman. Though, even as the gore slides down her own gleaming blade, the unnatural foe stands..headless. "Die! Die will you? You thrall of darkness!" She thrusts the flaming end of the firelog hard against the zombie's chest and it staggers again. The fire leaps covetously and spreads over the headless corpse. It thrashes about, accompanied by an obscene eerie bellow from the skewered ruined head, as if they are still connected.

Syrena takes a step back from the lick of the flames engulfing Igolio and casts a quick glance to Gundus and his holy burden.
"Finish it for good, Kyrazenus. This world is no place for the living dead."
Last edited June 4, 2023 2:42 am
Jun 4, 2023 7:42 am
With an effort born of zeal, Gundus and Galopan raise the Lusetem Türas to shoulder height. "Undead! Your presence is a stain upon the natural order. The soul of Igolio Crausus goes to face the judgment of divine Türas. Cease this befoulment of his remains! Be free of your torment!" He speaks like a judge pronouncing a sentence, his voice filled with deep power.

For a moment, the eyes of the Lusetem Türas seem to shine - whether lit by the dancing fire-light or the power of some sacred magic, none could later say for sure. The flames engulfing the undead abombination blaze impossibly high in answer. The creature writhes, straining futilely against Xenophon's spear. It screams a scream of inhuman horror as the kyrazenus set his will against the sorcery animating it.

"Damanandros! Aid me!" Gundus calls to the mage.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 10:47 am
Gundus's words take hold of the corpse like Divine Authority. Unable to resist the demands put upon it, the affront against Nature is compelled to destroy itself.

In a frightful last movement, the flaming headless corpse leans wobbly to its feet, turns, and runs headlong into the raging bonfire, diving into the flames.

Seeing the shocking spectacle, Xenophon makes a quick step back to his spear. The Nicean warrior pulls the spear from the ground with the remnant of the head still stuck on it. In one fluid motion, he flings the separating pieces of the broken head into the fire to join its burning body.

Finally the accursed corpse is consumed, flesh and bone reduced to ash in the high heat of the bonfire. It is a purifying fire - one that reclaims the Natural Order there at the compound.

A feeling of calm is finally won in the Night, and the companions steal a collective sigh of relief amidst their struggle.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 11:37 am
Some other entries over in Admin and Ascendancy that talk about the game wins and the moment of the victory.

I'm going to follow here with a few more entries, some using NPCs, some sterile and info-transfer, some maybe a little prodding just to move the scene along, open up a few idea threads, and deliver a bit more score.

I'd invite any entries from y'all. There is probably still some debate to be had to reflect on the Charaters' response and next intentions, many of which may be different or may align. We'll see. And would also enjoy hearing any Character commentary and reflection on the entire event, something the rest of us might read to continue to define each character and have an end-of-chapter framing from different vantage points. Optional of course, just an invitation.

Jun 4, 2023 11:45 am
Baudecca comes out from the tent, axe in hand, to see the final fate of the animated corpse. She does not get involved in the assault, but she regroups among the ranks afterwards to hear everyone's immediate assessment at the first won moment of calm.

Most of Baudecca's questions are directed at Damanandros.

"Can you use your magic to awaken Aduorix? What can be done to lift this cursed stupor set upon her?"

Aduorix is still unconscious and unresponsive in the officers' tent. After the short time engaging, Baudecca returns to monitor her ailed companion.
Jun 4, 2023 11:51 am
The axebeak birds are small but anxious, and aggressive. They chop with their hard beaks and scratch with their rugged talons. In the end, their attacks are inconsequential, but the intermittent harassment they bring becomes an annoyance.

Mennic is especially hostile to the birds. Soon he works with Galopan to open the gate and run them out of the compound. He accepts the help of anyone in support, and dismisses any objections.

In a short time, most of the birds are gone, dispersed into the open area outside of the palisade walls and the forest beyond.

A few birds are seen here and there within the compound, skittering about and chopping one another in their little dominance bouts.
Jun 4, 2023 12:01 pm
Galopan shows Gundus where the Lusetem Türas was once set and helps enthusiastically to restore the statue to its proper place upon the base stand near the tower.

The young soldier is well-satisfied once the restoration is accomplished. He stands there in admiration beside Gundus.

"Castellan Eramus said that Steadfast Türas would carry us through," he says to his priest. "It has been a dark time, but now a miracle has come, and I dare to hope for a way home."
[ +- ] SF Map 22
Gundus learns that Galopan was pressed into Legion service by Eramus only three short months ago. Before that, Galopan was a port guard in Amanuctum. He was assigned to a convoy that brought resupply out to Saromen Fro, one of the last full supply runs that was completed in recent months.

Tower Four was low on troops after some desertion, so the Castellan conscripted Galopan and another guard, named Tinemus Onstelus. Legionnaire Onstelus was one of the troops who went to the Vault but did not return a week ago.

Galopan's story explains why he has different armor than the normal Legionnaire issue.

Gundus also learns that Galopan has a young wife, who was pregnant when he left. If all has gone well, his child was born a little over a month ago.

Galopan's great hope and prayer now is to survive and fulfill his conscription obligation, but ultimately to return to his family and be restored to his guard post in the city. His wife is waiting for him, living there in his father’s house.

From what Gundus can discern, Spearman Larus Galopan was perhaps the only soldier at the fort who successfully resisted the corrupting powers of the Sorcery Device and the sexual advances of the whore Annuba Opelenean. Galopan never set foot in the third floor chamber of the tower to encounter the foreign witch and the devilish artifact.

Galopan explains to Gundus how he moved his residence out to the small tent near the stable ruins in an effort to avoid failure and to maintain his resolve. He fought tremendous temptations to succumb, but resisted by focusing on his work at post and by performing what sacrifices he knew to Türas and his own Ancestors.

In the long exchange with Gundus, Galopan is finally overwhelmed by emotion as he shares his burdens in confidence with his trusted mentor. The young soldier tears up briefly and must look away to maintain his composure.

Soon though, he recovers and puts his helmet back on, fastening the chin strap and resetting his own military bearing.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:20 pm
What Damanandros (OOC: Damanandros Dreamsurfer?) now knows ...
[ +- ] Dreams of Sekki reveal!!!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:27 pm
With the Lusetem Türas restored, Gundus completes a perfect ritual of empowerment.

Sanctioned by the Gods of his Folk and the local Land Spirits, the righteous priest is able to visit with each of his companions to offer encouragement and bestow miraculous aid.

Upon interaction with Gundus, all PCs restore to max HP and recover/reset any Class or Proficiency capabilities.
Jun 4, 2023 12:34 pm
In the storage tent and in the third floor armory, the companions see a wide array of weapons, ammunition, and armor.

Legionnaire Spearman Larus Galopan, now the ranking soldier in command of Saromen Fro under the Imperial Legion Code of Military Orders, extends the invitation for the companions to take and make use of any of the supplies and armaments.
Open-ended option for equipment replenish and possible upgrade here. Please discuss what you'd like to get (if anything), and I'll respond on availability on a case-by-case basis. There is a lot of stuff here, most routine things will be easy, but it will also be limited to what would realistically be available at a remote military installation.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:54 pm
Sifting back through the third floor tower chamber, Damanandros and Gennadius discover a couple of loose coins on the cluttered desk.

The coins are noteworthy. They are not Imperial mint. Instead they are from an ancient empire that fell long ago.

This coinage dates to the ancient Zaharan Empire.

Damanandros identifies them, translating them as the golden Voice and the platinum Visage.

Gennadius stares in wonder at the coins, reflecting on both their mysterious history and their lure of wealth. They are marred and worn, but their precious metal is firm and heavy.

Damanandros explains to Gennadius with certainty that there are thousands of such coins within the nearby Sanctum. Hundreds and hundreds of thousands. He can assure this.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

Jun 4, 2023 12:58 pm
Alright, there it is Players' Club.

Request your input. Open mic for commentary or final thoughts entry (or entries) from each PC to take us to Chapter close.
Jun 4, 2023 5:57 pm
Damanandros' head throbs with the strain of navigating the enigmatic artifact. The boundaries between reality and the dream-like realm it conjures become hazy, blurring his perception. The valiant efforts of his friends battling the undead Igolio seem distant, like a theatrical performance unfolding on a distant stage.

The cries for help, for aid, largely go unnoticed. What could he do in the face of this overwhelming power? His own abilities pale in comparison to the formidable influence of The Dreams of Sekki. The immediate needs and struggles of mortal beings seem insignificant compared to the urgency of restoring the artifact to its rightful place of safekeeping.

"We must return it," he declares with conviction. "It is not our destiny to wield this power. We must ensure its return, lest SHE comes to claim it."
Last edited June 4, 2023 5:58 pm
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