It floats down from the upper floor, through the port door of the ceiling to hover there beside Damanandros as he stands looking out from the second floor doorway to the outside.
His technique had worked, well enough in this instance at least. The floating disk underneath carries the device perfectly. Linked with
its mind and his own, the disc will float close to Damanandros and respond to simple mental commands to move. He will have to experiment with the limits of the operation, but this system will be good enough for tonight. That is all that will be needed, no matter what the ending that is soon to come.
Damanandros gains Floating Disk to Known 1st Level Spells list
Damanandros surveys the device fully, finally seeing it for the first time in its true form.
Its green crystal: both unnerving and captivating. Its fossilized bone-turned-metal: as terrifying as it is spectacular.
The blend of life, death, craft, and sorcery manifests here in a single sublime, conscious technology with potential for power beyond belief.
In ultimate origin, it is from the eldritch mind of the
Old Serpent, who was with
The Gods and
The Giants when they heard
Language from
The One and first stood in the presence of the
Primordial Fire.
The many
Spawn of the Serpent roved through the early domains and usurped the world millennia ago, imposing their bestial reign during the
Age of the Serpent Kingdoms. This artifact is the remnant of the alien mind of a powerful snakeman sorcerer - a captured echo of his primal, reptilian will.
The masterfully converted skull, then, is more like an Entity than a mere conglomeration of bone, metal, and stone. It is a dangerous, corruptive Power - mind-bending and degenerative to Men.
Even so, it might reveal esoteric secrets from an ancient epoch, to wizards who are skilled and daring enough to engage with its essence.
These are the
Dreams of Sekki.
And for now, The Dreams are bound with Damanadros Kappelis, the young Nicean Seer from Kourithos.