Mystery of Saromen Fro

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Jun 5, 2023 6:36 am
In the immediate aftermath of the burning, Syrena finds herself staring at the scorched and bloodied ground. Something catches her eye there. stirring around in the gore, where the undead Igolio had been impaled and beheaded, she finds the swordsman's medallion. Lifting it carefully with the tip of her blade, she carries it over to Damanandros. "I found this over there." She tells him with a gesture. "When you have a moment, could you tell me if it shows any signs of magic?"

Syrena leaves the starcat medallion with the mage, as she glances with concern toward the tent where Baudecca is sitting with Aduorix. Continuing on, she climbs back into the third floor room of the tower and looks through the arsenal. She selects a group arrows to replenish her quiver and takes note of the several gold and platinum coins. "This is more like what was imagined when I first received the message from Castellan Eramus." She utters to anyone near to might hear her words. "I will only accept any of the Auran silver coins after the legionnaires' back pay is transported to them, to my agreed fee for guiding this group to the Spur. If then coin left...and only then will I accept a fair share of it."

As the others gather to discuss their immediate plans, Syrena chimes in, "I would join in returning the instrument of all this misfortune to befall Saromen Fro to it cradle and perhaps learn for certain what has happened to our missing patron."
Last edited June 5, 2023 6:37 am
Jun 5, 2023 7:59 am
A feeling of hollowness descends on Gundus. He had been touched by the Ultimate this night, had moved in concert with the divine will. The heavenly flame had burned within him. Now only faint embers remain, fading. Mortals could not long endure the glory of the gods. Yet the memory is a treasure more precious than gold or jewels, and he would cherish it all his life.

Triumph he felt too, and pride – pride for the brave men and women that fought beside him. But there was still much to do before justice could claim to be satisfied.

"Both of you speak for me also. I would see this silver restored to its rightful owners, and learn the true fate of Calus Eramus and his comrades. If Mennic has it right, if indeed they have been slain, then all involved must answer for the crime.

"Galopan and Mennic, if you wish, I will name you Witnesses of what has happened here, in accordance with the laws of my Order, and extend you my protection. You will be escorted to Saromen Gen, and I will strongly urge Centurion Gala to offer you posts there.

"But first, the..." he searches for a word, "...artefact... must be dealt with, before it wreaks further chaos. Already it has caused much death and corruption. I believe we have been guided here for this purpose, that this task is appointed to us."

At these last words, he feels the embers flare.
Gundus would look around for some plate armour, if available (expensive ask), and maybe some useful dungeoneering equipment for the party, if we are going to travel to the vaults. (Stuff like rope, grappling hook, good old ten-foot pole...)
Jun 5, 2023 4:28 pm
It is hard to collect himself at first, as the rest begin to buzz about in preparation for the next leg of the journey. He just needed a few moments to take it all in. The escalation within a week's time from simply hiking out to some vaguely defined job to goblins, and then summoned vermin, and then to the undead of all things!

Life with the troupe was filled with stories of the fantastic. Wanderers from afar always brought correspondingly wondrous tales. He knew there was an element of truth, but always expected the travelers fabricated more than a morsel to fill their mouths as they talked.

But now goblins, the simple, vicious nation them was so much... cleaner... than undead and glowing artifacts that turned minds to mush at a mere glance.

He worried for the girl. For Damanandros. Was his mind really still sound?

Well, no bother, time to get moving.
Gennadius will replace the crappy goblin knife with a proper dagger and work on outfitting the pack animals with as diverse a set of equipment as he can dream up for the task ahead. Foraging and rations as well.

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