Gundus breaks to a full run, faster than he has ever been able to move before.
Despite the weight of the armor, the rough terrain, the darkness - the invigorated disciple glides through the forest like the wind, feeling the essence of speed and fitness coursing through his veins.
Gundus knows that he is in the midst of a
Divine Event. An
Omen. He opens his spirit to the full experience.
Whether in this world, across the veil in another, or somewhere in between, the Initiate is swept up in a series of encounters with the many manifestations of Türas - each representing different aspects, different places, different eras - of the mighty God who has been with his Folk since the
First Man and Woman were made from the
Bones of the Earth and the
Breath of the Sky.
Each of the Türas Gods speak to Gundus with a short message.
[ +- ] Türas among his Folk throughout the Ages
First the
Great Stag, the
Champion of the Field and Forest, inspiration and guide to the
Ancestral Danean Tribes who crossed the
Great Plains and fathered the
Nations of Aurepos.
"Pursue the defilers," says the Stag, radiating in his brilliance before running away into the mists.
Lord of the Wild Hunt, emerges from the woods. The
Primordial Spearman greets Gundus with a strong forearm-to-forearm grasp, an ancient ritual of trust and alliance. Biding Gundus to continue the quest, he points up to show the guide.
"Follow the Moon," says the
Master Huntsman, just before he leaps away through a darkened thicket.
Mighty Tuweigh appears like a flash of lightening.
One with the Land,
Defender of Tradition,
Eldest Friend of Krys - Tuweigh is a pillar of the earth that reaches to the heavens.
"Delve the mountain," he says, knowing the secrets of the highest peaks and the heart of the deepest cavern.
Marching through,
The Marshall takes the field with spear and shield. Clad in brilliant armor, a terror to his enemies, the
Spirit of Valor has carried the
Sons of Tiren to victory and empire far and wide.
"Seize the door," says
The Conqueror, as he treads the unworthy defendants under his sandaled feet.
Now presiding, robed and wielding his
Hammer Staff, the
Wise Judge enters His Court. A
Sun Wheel spins in the air overhead of him, turning from
Gold to
Black and then back again. He speaks the
Wisdom of the Patriarchs and guards the
Honor of the Folk.
"Restore Order," he proclaims, his
Ruling definitive - and he takes his rightful seat back upon his unbreakable
Stone Chair.
The Steadfast Judge holds his hammer ahead of him with both hands. The
Light of the Two Suns casts out before him in a blinding brilliance.
Then Gundus returns from his travels to see that he has found what he was questing for.
The Lusetem Türas sits there in a gathering of stones. Tilted and scuffed, but not defiled, the
Bronze Statue measures about four and a half feet tall. It is a hefty and sturdy cast, pulled from the mountain forges of the Krysean smiths.
Gundus stands there for a time alone, basking in the glory of it all. Surely few in his Order have experienced such an Encounter.
Then young Galopan catches up, elated at the find and ready to help with the carry.