He raises the Icon of Tuweigh high, boldly reciting an invocation. A glowing aura of white light expands rapidly from the icon, covering the party. Those within feel the essence of Türas surrounding them: an implacable devotion to the ideal of Justice and a cold, unfaltering opposition to all agents of Chaos.
Gundus uses the Icon to cast Protection from Evil:
This spell creates a magical barrier of protection around the caster with a 10' radius. The barrier surrounds the caster for the duration of the spell and provides some protection from attacks by "evil" creatures. For purposes of this spell, evil creatures include hostile creatures of an alignment other than the caster's alignment, and inherently evil creatures such as undead and summoned creatures of Chaotic alignment. All within the radius gain a +1 bonus to AC and a +1 bonus on saving throws against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures. Those who leave and then re-enter, or who enter after the spell is cast, receive the protection as well.
In addition, the spell prevents bodily contact by enchanted (constructed, summoned, or undead) creatures, regardless of whether they are "evil" or not. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. The spell's protection against contact by enchanted creatures ends if the caster or any protected creature makes an attack against, casts a spell on, or tries to force the barrier against a blocked creature.
The protection lasts as long as the caster remains stationary and concentrates on it.
TLDR: Stay within 10' of Gundus and get +1 AC and +1 to Saving throws.
@Leo9sign This might be enough that you can save your Sleep spell for another encounter.
Also: Shouldn't Xenophon get an extra Cleave attack from dropping the giant rat?