Gennadius feels the panic swelling, a lump in his throat. This is not how he is used to fighting - he needs to move, withdraw and harry constantly! How does one fight hundreds of vermin underfoot and an opponent engaging directly in melee?! He wants to step back, to escape, to hurl a javelin or hold at bay with spear. But he does know melee, at least his version of it. Tricks, misdirection. His friends in the arena will help him here. Dear friends that he can rely on.
His whip lashes out, cracking in the air next to the thin man's head. The mis-direction masks Gennadius' offhand drawing the net from his belt pouch and casting it over his opponent.
Wrestling attempt with net. Then withdraw if possible
Instead of making a melee attack, a combatant may attempt to
wrestle with his opponent. To wrestle an opponent, a combatant
must succeed on a melee attack throw with a -4 penalty. The
opponent must then make a saving throw versus Paralysis. If
the combatant is significantly larger than the opponent (an
ogre wrestling a man, for instance) the opponent suffers a -4
penalty on his saving throw. If the opponent succeeds on his
saving throw, he has shrugged off the combatant. If he fails, he
has been grabbed in a wrestling hold. A combatant who has
grabbed an opponent may perform a brawl, force back, disarm,
or knock down action each round without having to make an
attack throw so long as the hold continues (the opponent still
receives a saving throw). A knock down or force back will end
the hold, unless the wrestling combatant chooses to move with
his held opponent. Other combatants are at +4 on attack throws
against the held opponent, and thieves may backstab him. The
held opponent may make another saving throw versus Paralysis
each round to attempt to escape the hold.