Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 9:27 am
Xenophon, Galopan, and Baudecca struggle to regain their footing within the rat horde.

Gennadius is fighting for his life dodging the deadly swords of the crazed Igolio.

Damanandros sees the horror of the swarm overrun.

Gundus stands steady in the storm, holding the divine icon high in the air.

Syrena reaches the higher ground of the rampart catwalk.

Required Action, PC Party: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.

Armor Classes:
Igolio: +1
Giant Rat: +2
Rat Swarm: 0*
Galopan: +5 (+6)

[ +- ] SF Map 15
May 23, 2023 4:40 pm
Damanandros watches as his companions are swallowed up by the writhing mass of rats.
He knows that this cannot be a natural occurrence and scans the scene for the cause, but he doesn't have much time and must act.

Will it be enough to target the swarm, or will its creator be able to awaken them?
This may be an important decision. To attack the rats or cut them off at the source. How much can Damanandros figure out about the source of the rats and will sleeping the "Piper" cause the rats to disperse?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 5:10 pm
I understand the questions, and understand the desire for the answers, but realistically I don't think all the "what if...?" results could be known with certainty, with the limited information available and discernible. There will be some gamble and decision making inherit, whether by a hunch or calculated guess.

I would think though that Damanadros would be confident in his experience putting animals to sleep. He perfected the spell working on birds, rats, mice, and crabs in his old tower out by the shoreline in Kourithos harbor. When animals are put down, they are difficult to awaken. And even if they are awakened, they are groggy and slow, not springing back to full fight or flight intensity at the snap of a finger. As for the "piper", I think it would be fair to say that Damanandros would wonder if this man could be put to sleep or not. He has shown to be strong-willed, committed, and competent in his ferocity at least - if not under some other more powerful mind-control or corruption driving him onward. Damanandros knows from research that the spell has a top limit of effectiveness, that it usually cannot overpower formidable or experienced personalities. He may not have firsthand experience knowing where that exact line is, but Igolio might be somewhere close to the line in all likelihood.

So there you go - take this however you wish.
May 23, 2023 5:58 pm
DMJ says:
I understand the questions, and understand the desire for the answers, but realistically I don't think all the "what if...?" results could be known with certainty, with the limited information available and discernible. There will be some gamble and decision making inherit, whether by a hunch or calculated guess.

I would think though that Damanadros would be confident in his experience putting animals to sleep. He perfected the spell working on birds, rats, mice, and crabs in his old tower out by the shoreline in Kourithos harbor. When animals are put down, they are difficult to awaken. And even if they are awakened, they are groggy and slow, not springing back to full fight or flight intensity at the snap of a finger. As for the "piper", I think it would be fair to say that Damanandros would wonder if this man could be put to sleep or not. He has shown to be strong-willed, committed, and competent in his ferocity at least - if not under some other more powerful mind-control or corruption driving him onward. Damanandros knows from research that the spell has a top limit of effectiveness, that it usually cannot overpower formidable or experienced personalities. He may not have firsthand experience knowing where that exact line is, but Igolio might be somewhere close to the line in all likelihood.

So there you go - take this however you wish.
That's exactly what I was wanting to suss out of the situation.
Sleeping the rats will buy needed time for everyone involved and get them back on their feet.
Hopefully, the party can surround and overwhelm the rat king when they aren't being swallowed in a mound of rats. Makes my skin crawl and I am not very squeamish about such things. The mechanics of the swarm perfectly invoke the correct visceral response.

Holding his hands in the direction of the rats, he calls out to them, "ξεχάστε την εποχή και την εγρήγορσή σας, είναι η ώρα σας να κοιμηθείτε"

Nicean Translation: Forget the season and your wakefulness. It is your time to slumber!
Signaling the closing flux of mystical energies he summons with a tightened fist, he attempts to seal the spell, causing affected creatures to forget their place and begin to hibernate where they stand.
[ +- ] Sleep
May 23, 2023 7:10 pm
Gennadius feels the panic swelling, a lump in his throat. This is not how he is used to fighting - he needs to move, withdraw and harry constantly! How does one fight hundreds of vermin underfoot and an opponent engaging directly in melee?! He wants to step back, to escape, to hurl a javelin or hold at bay with spear. But he does know melee, at least his version of it. Tricks, misdirection. His friends in the arena will help him here. Dear friends that he can rely on.

His whip lashes out, cracking in the air next to the thin man's head. The mis-direction masks Gennadius' offhand drawing the net from his belt pouch and casting it over his opponent.
Wrestling attempt with net. Then withdraw if possible

Instead of making a melee attack, a combatant may attempt to
wrestle with his opponent. To wrestle an opponent, a combatant
must succeed on a melee attack throw with a -4 penalty. The
opponent must then make a saving throw versus Paralysis. If
the combatant is significantly larger than the opponent (an
ogre wrestling a man, for instance) the opponent suffers a -4
penalty on his saving throw. If the opponent succeeds on his
saving throw, he has shrugged off the combatant. If he fails, he
has been grabbed in a wrestling hold. A combatant who has
grabbed an opponent may perform a brawl, force back, disarm,
or knock down action each round without having to make an
attack throw so long as the hold continues (the opponent still
receives a saving throw). A knock down or force back will end
the hold, unless the wrestling combatant chooses to move with
his held opponent. Other combatants are at +4 on attack throws
against the held opponent, and thieves may backstab him. The
held opponent may make another saving throw versus Paralysis
each round to attempt to escape the hold.

Last edited May 23, 2023 7:11 pm


Wrestling +1 Dex,+1 two weapon,+2 net,+1 pfe,+1 courage-4 wrestle - (1d20+2)

(2) + 2 = 4

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 8:38 pm
Damanandros has put many rats to sleep before, groups of them even, but nowhere near this many at once.

Despite the added number of creatures, the basic technique would be the same. He weaves the spell along that technique - familiar words, familiar gestures - he's practiced this hundreds of times - now there they are: familiar edges and lines of power. He is manipulating them...

...but something is different. A sudden fissure...?

He wraps the final words; the verbal frame is complete... now another counterbalance...

*crack*, an audible sound, not just a sub-sensory.

Something is unraveling - it's a chain reaction...!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 8:45 pm
Gennadius cracks the whip in the air and slings the net in an attempt to capture or at least harass the crazed swordsman.

The rat swarm continues to clutter the area and obstruct, and Igolio dodges the swipe of the net.


Gennadius attempts to use the distracting strikes to manage a controlled withdrawal, hoping to regain a better position.

He hears a popping and cracking sound, and the air around him is suddenly ... charged and ... cold?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 8:57 pm
A loud crackling and popping sound clatters all around the area of the swarm. The hot temperature drops so suddenly that a chill wind whirls through like the passing of a ghost.

The increasing clatter of pops quickens and intensifies until it culminates to a final startling snap. It steals the breath out from everyone standing in the area.

In the split second, the rat swarm is knocked instantly to slumber - whether running or in mid-leap, climbing or gnawing - each is dropped to sleep and cast rolling in their momentum.

What an unnerving yet satisfying sight it is yet to see! For now some of the rats are changing color ... yes, lightening they are ... from black to pale - light gray, now even white... and in the same fast moment their bodies are changing shape!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 9:02 pm
Gennadius, Xenophon, Gundus, Galopan, Baudecca - perhaps they do not know it of the others yet, but each of them feels a wave of grogginess fall over them. It is like they are exhausted.

Even there in the heat of battle, they nearly drop forward to the ground, on the brink of falling asleep!

Their knees and feet wobble, but they regather their senses. Their heads are still cloudy though.

And all around they see the rats falling away. Asleep. A few still cling to their victims' clothes and armor, but these tenacious ones too are dropping free - as they change...

... a mere few seconds, but it is clear. In their grogginess they see it, though it is difficult to believe:

The rats' hair is turning to feathers.

The rats are turning into ... birds!

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 9:56 pm
Damanandros is the only one who can see the reverberations, the cracking fault lines, and then the disruption of the mystic fabric that blankets the area, projecting out from the tower.

The effects are rendered out into the spell. Sleep is the beginning, but the cascade quickly shifts the energy to reorganize the biological matter. A polymorph effect ensues!

Fascinated yet terrified to see the ripple effects, Damanandros attempts to maintain control to avoid hurting anyone - or worse. He tries to adjust.

In the end though it happens so fast; there is little he can do.

The rats are converting to birds. Perhaps he had something to do with it though - subconsciously. They are one of the gentlest species, and among his favorites from the pebbled shores back at the harbor so far away.

The birds are little sanderlings. Sleeping.
[ +- ] Sanderling, reference pictures
May 23, 2023 10:16 pm
Everyone is speechless for a moment, overwhelmed by the vision of magic unfolding before their eyes and experiencing the temporary but intense feelings of fatigue.

Baudecca is perhaps the first to break out of the stall. The Krysean woman snatches up her axe and surges from her kneeling position on the ground.

"rrrRRRRAAAA!", she shouts out loud, dealing with the disgust of the rats just put to an end and forcing herself to regain control from the mental sluggishness.

Still stumbling a bit, she stomps over, circling around behind Igolio, steadying herself on the move.

Finally stabilized with heavy breaths, she belts out a call to arms. "Up, Nicean!", she challenges Xenophon. "No rest for you now."

Eyes still fixed on the thin swordsman, now trapped between herself on one side and Xenophon on the other, she threatens overtly, "We have to put this degenerate wretch out of his misery."

Working with the Nicean spearman, she begins to pace and encircle, developing the flank maneuver.

Fighter Flank Achieved
Experimenting with potential House Rule addition here. I don't see any rules about Flanking in the rule book - anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. So at this moment, fielding the Fighter Flank criteria...
If 2 or more allied Fighters cooperate and surround an opponent, each can use technique to capitalize off of the other's step and engagement, gaining a +1 to Attack Throws against the flanked target.
So...Xenophon gains +1 Attack Throw v. Igolio (former) Ratlord.
[ +- ] SF Map 16
May 23, 2023 10:33 pm
Galopan's mind is reeling from the sudden popping followed by the transformation of the rats to birds. He knows though to be grateful for being saved from a terrifying doom at the tooth and claw of 1000 rats!

The giant rat still ahead of him is momentarily sluggish. Its grotesque form is still so repulsive, triggering a primal disgust deep in Galopan. Though groggy himself and baffled by the confusion, his warrior instincts take over.

Conscripted Legionnaire Larus Galopan, the last sentry of Saromen Fro, slashes fanatically to put an end to the foul creature that is his nemesis.

Attack R3

With his sharp, gleaming, punishing blade, Galopan slices the last giant rat in half.
[ +- ] SF Map 17


Attack R3 (+1 PFE, +1 Ability, +4 rat sleepiness) - (1d20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

damage - (1d8+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 10:42 pm
Required Action, Xenophon, Gundus, Syrena: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.
Note: Xenophon +1 Attack Throws v. Igolio from Fighter Flank cooperative with Baudecca

Opponent Armor Class, Igolio: +1
[ +- ] SF Map 17
May 23, 2023 10:42 pm
Syrena aims from her vantage point. Her eyes widens as she beholds the magical transformation, but she wants to use its suddeness to her advantage, firing once more upon the unnatural swordsman, Igolio.
Adding the height advantage and subtracting the precision into melee. If there is actually no one in melee with Igolio, the roll is +4 to that rolled (15).
Last edited May 23, 2023 10:44 pm


Longbow attack - (1d20+1)

(10) + 1 = 11

Damage - (1d6+1)

(2) + 1 = 3

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 23, 2023 10:51 pm

Igolio, also shaky from the tiring effects of the magic, is caught vulnerable in the moment.

Syrena's arrow bites into his leg just above the knee. It sticks full, lodged in the muscle at the high tilted angle.


Wincing from the pain, the obstinate swordsman stumbles and hops slightly before he can reset his weight.

Now surrounded, he readies himself for a final stand against his enemies all around.
May 24, 2023 6:14 am
Gundus continues to hold the Icon high, his posture rigid and jaw clenched as he strives to hold his footing and maintain his concentration on the spell amidst the flood of sorcery around him.
Unless @DMJ differs, I take this: "The protection lasts as long as the caster remains stationary and concentrates on it." to mean Gundus can't do anything else without dropping the spell, so his action for this round would be to maintain it.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 24, 2023 9:46 am

Gundus concentrates on channeling the divine favor of Turas, bolstering and empowering everyone around him.

Gundus looks down to see the unbridled magic continue. On the ground under his own feet and beneath the sleeping shoreline birds, slender plant seedlings begin to emerge from the ground and grow rapidly.
I had not read the spell closely, but it does seem like your interpretation is correct, @Robago.
May 24, 2023 9:50 am
Igolio is already slashing at both Baudecca and Xenophon, in an effort to keep them off step and lose position.

Baudecca stays focused and moves in to strike when she sees an opening in the swordsman's formidable defense.


She swings strong at the moment when Igolio follows through on a swipe of his own. He knows the strike is coming in and instinctively steps forward to tuck and dodge.

Too slow! - perhaps because of the arrow in his leg.

The axe blade carries past but slices deep into the back edge of Igolio's right side. He flinches from the pain, and blood steadily slides out from the open wound.

Plants are growing up from the ground beneath, tiny stalks stretching forth between the crowd of sleeping sanderlings laying all about.


Attack Igolio, Needs 11+ (adjust: PFE, STR, FF) - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

damage - (1d8+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 24, 2023 10:01 am
Required Action, Xenophon: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.
Note: Xenophon +1 Attack Throws v. Igolio, from Fighter Flank cooperative with Baudecca

Opponent Armor Class, Igolio: +1
[ +- ] SF Map 18

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 12:58 am
Last Action remaining for TR3…
Required Action, Xenophon: Take Action(s) for Round 3.

Note: +1 AC and +1 Saving Throws endures from PFE, for everyone within 10' of Gundus.
Note: Bardic Inspire Courage effects (+1 Attack & Damage) for Xenophon, Baudecca, Gundus, Damanandros.
Note: Xenophon +1 Attack Throws v. Igolio, from Fighter Flank cooperative with Baudecca

Opponent Armor Class, Igolio: +1
[ +- ] SF Map 18
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