Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 25, 2023 1:32 am
Xenophon shakes off the drowsiness and rises from the overwhelming swarm of rats as they suddenly go limp. He knows Damanandros is to thank; his ace in the hole, always. He doesn't even notice them start turning into birds in the flickering firelight, as he is singularly focused on making the most of his opportunity. He thrusts his spear at the strange red-eyed swordsman, Igolio, then tosses his pack at Gennadius's feet, which contains his armour and has his spear strapped to the side.


Attack Igolio (10+ to hit, -1 for AC, +1 for Str, +1 for Bard Song) - (1d20+1, 1d6+1)

1d20+1 : (20) + 1 = 21

1d6+1 : (3) + 1 = 4


May 25, 2023 2:02 am
I announce "Possible Critical" as per the house rules.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 2:04 am
Xenophon's thrust is perfection. The spear breaks through the left side of Igolio's rib cage, tearing through a lung and the heart inside.

Hit. Critical by default (normal damage was the kill, autofail on Save assumed).

The sword in the left hand is jolted loose from the impact, flung away in a wobbly spin.

Xenophon holds the position to set for the exit. In a sharp snap, he snatches the spear back and racks the dying man to his shield. A loud thud against the metal and the defeated swordsman is flung to the ground like a rag doll, his eyes closing to the darkness.

The broken body of Igolio Ratmaster lays face down on the ground amidst the sleeping shorebirds. The thin plants stretch up all around for a few moments longer. Their leaves fill in full and wide, and then the stalks bloom - a pale white flower that opens up to the light of the moon.

Split seconds later, all the blooms wilt and evaporate into wisps of cloudy vapor.

The group scans for danger, but the scene is clear.

After these wild minutes of stress and chaos, all is now still within the compound of Tower Four, even if only for a moment.

The central fire crackles steadily.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 2:12 am
Wow. I really love that whole scene, Players' Club! Well done, everyone, and thanks. Very captivating and well-played throughout. Mechanics. Strategy. Great narrative input. Character definition and style. On the fly decisions. The Raid on Saromen Fro. Quite unexpected for me, but far better than anything I previously thought more likely.

I've got to check out for the night, so will leave it there for open boards - looking forward to seeing what Party wants to do next after wrecking shop so hard.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 2:17 am
[ +- ] SF Map 19
May 25, 2023 10:30 am
The stolen moment of calm and wonder passes. Galopan takes a few steps back from the group, assessing his predicament.

Weighing it over, he sighs and offers a small gesture of truce, "There is fresh water there at the well," he motions briefly towards the covered well beyond the stack of wood and next to a large shelter. "Perhaps we could wash ourselves clean from .... this...." He looks down and motions with his sword to indicate the bloodied bodies and the strangeness of the sleeping birds that were formerly ravenous filthy rats.

Galopan nods to Gundus. Clearly he is overwhelmed, still wary and confused.
May 25, 2023 3:26 pm
Xenophon flicks the blood and bits of flesh from his spear tip, completely by habit rather than thought. He doesn't waste time with pleasantries, or water. He addresses Galopan: "I demand to know what has happened to Calus Eramus Andra, Castellan of the 3rd Imperial Legion!"
Last edited May 25, 2023 3:30 pm
May 25, 2023 4:05 pm
"I don't know," Galopan answers after a short thought. "They say he's dead, but..."

He hesitates.

When demanded to continue, he drops the hesitancy.

"I think they did something to him, at the Vault."

Who is "they"?

"The foreign woman and her lackey brothers....," he hesitates again, knowing what it means for him to state the next. He breathes in and out and makes his decision. "Centurion Omander." Galopan accuses his Superior Officer of crime and treason.

Galopan goes on to say that seven days ago (OOC: 4th of Pendaelon. It is currently 11th of Pendaelon.), Castellan Eramus led a sizeable group of Legionnaires to a Dwarven Vault that was discovered a few weeks prior in the mountains. The foreigners went with them. The next morning, only about half of the group returned. Eramus, among others, did not.

It was said that goblins attacked in an ambush, and that the missing half of the cohort was killed. Centurion Omander took charge as ranking officer.

"We have had so many troubles here," Galopan says, looking at Xenophon squarely, and then to Gundus. "It has been a burden to understand what to do that is right.

I do not know where Castellan Eramus is - alive or dead - I have wished him here as well.

Instead I have struggled to know how to stay at post, and mostly how to get home alive and with honor."
May 25, 2023 5:30 pm
"I think it is her Black Magick," Galopan adds, taking off his helmet to wipe the sweat from his brow. The heat has returned.

"She has driven all of them mad," he says, looking down at his former leader. "Decanus Igolio was the worst off, but they are all ... becoming animals."

"And we are all under the bad spell," with the last he points up to the top of the tower.
May 25, 2023 5:42 pm
The cook, called Mennic, comes forward cautiously, with his hands up. He makes it clear he means no harm.

He reaches out to Gennadius first, "Are you alright, kid? I thought you were done for by those rats."

Mennic is dumbfounded when he sees for the birds for the first time. After hearing a brief explanation, he asks fearfully, "Will they turn back into rats?" He recoils and looks nervously at Gundus and then the others for answers.

In an impromptu cross examination, Mennic corroborates the same story as Galopan about Eramus. He is not so reluctant to talk negatively about the others.

"Omander is a fucking villain," he says. "And that Opelenean desert bitch is a devil. They are all devils. They killed Eramus, Hasto, Destitius, Cotta - all of them. I know it."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 5:52 pm
Damanandros reflects on the enigmatic phenomenon just witnessed. The rift field that blankets the entire compound is as fascinating as it is troubling.

From this point on, the young mage will know that anything could happen if he isn't masterfully careful with his use of arcane magic. The shapeshift of the birds was completely unplanned. It turned out in their favor it seems for the moment, but he has no idea how long the effects will last.

And he knows too that the chaos that ensued could have easily gone differently. The air with the entire area of effect could have just as possibly ignited into flames. Or he might have put even his friends to comatose unintentionally.

What is in that tower?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 6:10 pm
As the others talk there on the ground, Syrena patrols the western catwalk to survey what she can from the higher vantage point.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to RageRed...
Syrena carefully scans the perimeter high and low as she moves cautiously along the rampart walkway.

When she reaches the northwest corner, she can see around to the north side of the tower, the darkened side that is shielded from the bright light of the central bonfire.

Ahead on the north rampart catwalk that continues, there is a rope that is tied taunt - one end on the high point of a palisade post, the other end slanting upward and across an open expanse to connect to a grapple latched to the tower balcony.

It is easy guesswork to surmise who is responsible, and the suspicion is soon confirmed. Looking up at the tower balcony, Syrena sees that Aduorix is there. The green light from within the high open window illuminates the north balcony in a soft glow.

The athletic thief has taken off her spider harness and pullover, and now wears only a thin undershirt. She is retying her hair high and wiping the sweat from her face with a towel. The heat is sweltering here at the tower.

Aduorix looks over the balcony to see Syrena at the corner.

She smiles ear-to-ear with excitement and waves affectionately.

She gives hand signals, first like celebration and victory - pointing inside at the upper level room. Then the raised pointer finger ahead of the lips and nose: ssshhh - the signal for quiet.

Then she points to the rope line and waves for Syrena to come up. Beaming and bouncy in her nymph-like manner, she is beckoning Syrena to take the tightrope crossing from the palisade catwalk to the tower balcony.

May 25, 2023 6:58 pm
"I don’t understand." Damanandros picks up one of the sleeping birds and attempts to awaken it.
"It was only supposed to put them to sleep. Just the rats."
He looks up to the tower. "Something up there is influencing the fort, my spell, and who knows what else."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 25, 2023 7:12 pm
The satterling awakens when Damanandros jostles it.

Startled, the bird chirps out in the fear of a captured prey. It wriggles out of his hand and falls to the ground in a flutter.

Landing hard, it sprints away in a straight line, head down and little legs striding so quickly that they look blurred.
May 25, 2023 8:18 pm
Syrena quickly assesses her surroundings and the positioning of areas and features, now that she has a moment to study them more closely.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 26, 2023 1:22 am
From the north catwalk, Syrena can see the real view from Saromen Fro. To the northwest edge there is a lumberyard a short distance away. Directly north and angling off to the north east is a downward sloping open hill that descends into the valley below.

The tower then sits overlooking the pinnacle of a ridgeline that ends out against an even higher ascent upward into the Mearleigh Mountains to the east.

The tower itself is covered in shadow on its north face, which is on the other side of the bonfire light. But there is a shutter open on the north side, the only shutter open on the entire upper balcony.

A green glow emits from this open north-facing window.

Revealed: previously a Private Note to RageRed...
Syrena is not trained like a circus performer to walk a tightrope, but she is agile enough to shimmy over easily by straddling the rope, leaning forward, and then hooking one foot as a stabilizer on the rope behind her as she pulls across hand over hand.

Aduorix is waiting to help her over the railing on the other side. She takes hold of Syrena's hand once she is on the balcony and leads her inside through the wide shutter window with a bright smile, as if escorting her to an anticipated presentation.

The room inside is a simple square, 15' x 15'.

The door to the room is on the opposite side of the room, facing south into the compound. To the right side of the door is a wooden chest of drawers. In the far left corner are 2 large lockable chests on the floor. A trap door to the lower level is offset from the corner. The shutter is closed with a bar clasp lock here on the inside.

To the right (east) wall is a bed with fine cotton blankets and silk sheets. Pillows and a bear fur are on top as throws.

Both the left and right wall on the north wall, on either sides of the open shuddered window, are lined with racks of weapons and ammunition. Bows, crossbows, javelins, spears, arrows, bolts, and several blades.

On the right (west) wall is a cluttered table, topped with writing materials, candles, lantern, some wooden plates, goblets, a jug, and two gourd containers.

But on a side table stand is what attracts all attention. Alone on the square wooden platform, with nothing else around it, is an upright ornately designed dial wheel with a brilliant glowing emerald set in its center. The artifact is mesmerizing.

Aduorix opens the two chests in the corner. There are leather bags inside marked with the Eagle Crest, the sign of the Imperium. She opens the top flaps of one bag and shows that it is full of Imperial Mint Silver Eagles. Surely thousands of them.

Aduorix gently slides her hand up Syrena's arm and moves to stand beside her. Leaning in, touching her lips to Syrena's ear, "We did it," she whispers. "We have become rich."

Now moving to Syrena's other side, running her delicate hand across Syrena's shoulder, down her arm, and taking hold of her other hand - Aduorix speaks softly in her alluring voice as Syrena stares ahead again at the Emerald Dial on the table stand, her heartbeat quickening "...wealth and power beyond our wildest dreams - a masterpiece tool of ancient magic: the Heart of the Earth."

Syrena can feel Aduorix's supple body against her own. Her soft skin. Her pert breasts beneath her thin shirt.

Both women are glazed in sweat, their skin glistening in the reflective glow. The room is like a sauna, with passions rising to match the thick humid heat there at the pinnacle of the Tower.

May 26, 2023 4:04 am
Syrena can feel the heat and not just that coming from the unnatural dweomer. Its rising from her own desires and that of the remarkably agile and dextrous, blue-eyed woman close at her side.

She nods at Aduorix's assessment of the vast amount of coins and slips a hand about the svelte young woman's waist. The glimpse of the Auran eagle minting leads the scout to immediate recall the accountings of legionnaires along their journey here to Saromen Fro, of absence pay. Surely most, if not all of these coins, were the missing wages of soldiers. She was not above taking her due, but this was not the treasure Eramus had lured them here with.

"You are the greatest treasure I see in this room. The clear blue of your eyes..the touch of your hand...your breath at my ear...and the promise of your excited breasts, as they caress against me." She says honestly and leans in to brush her own lips along the Krysean's ear. She stops there momentarily and takes a playful nip at the soft ear, then lightly kisses the spot. "Its just you and me here. Now. I can think of a few ways to celebrate the moment, before the others arrive and rattle the door or the trap in yon floor..." Syrena's tone and the breath along Aduorix's ear leave no doubt to her meaning, as she glances over at the well-appointed bed.
Last edited May 27, 2023 6:10 pm
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