Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 16, 2023 10:14 am
"Move to the table," Galopan says again to Gennadius.

He waits for Gennadius's movement, and then follows along on parallel path towards the tower.
[ +- ] SF Map, References 3
May 16, 2023 10:29 am
Seeing the developments from the hidden position between the remnant stone circle and the stable, Aduorix makes moves to exploit.

She signals silently to Syrena to keep watch on Igolio. She points up to both the circular ruin structure and to the nearby ladder that climbs up to the flat roof of the stone stable building, wondering if Syrena might take advantage of a higher position to provide watch and cover if it comes to that.

Also she signals to herself moving to the gate.

Without further delay, she slips away into the shadows along the south side of the ruined structure, quickly moving behind the small tent and disappearing in the shadows under the south wall rampart balcony.
[ +- ] SF Map, References 4
[ +- ] More detail on ruins and stable features

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 10:35 am
Required Action, Gundus: Provide update to position and action from northwest corner lumberyard.
Just an open-ended invitation, if needed. I find myself wondering for an update on Gundus. Original plan was, I think, cause another diversion?
But then even if that was the plan, maybe this changes because Gennadius actually got into the compound?
Does Gundus regroup with the others outside closer to the gate?
Something else?
May 16, 2023 11:47 am
Gundus has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing as he watches Gennadius approach the gate. The young man had missed his destiny – he ought to be an actor.

He doesn't want to follow too closely on Gennadius' heels. He reckoned he could count on the bard's caterwauling and magnetic personality to keep the guards' attention for at least a minute or two. His task would be to extend the distraction, to buy Audorix and Syrena the most time possible to get inside and move freely.

He rubs some dirt over his knees and elbows, to look as if he had stumbled through the forest, tripping and falling in the dark, and jogs briskly on the spot to build a sweat. Then he, too, approaches the gate, though not in quite the crazed state Gennadius did. He was a kyrazenus, after all. He had to maintain some dignity.

"Hail the gate!" he calls. "I must take counsel with your leaders. Goblins are on the march!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:15 pm
Galopan moves over to the tower as Gennadius drifts towards the table and benches near the outdoor kitchen.

Igolio does not follow Gennadius, but instead keeps his position near the fire and watches him.

In a short moment, Galopan climbs up the ladder to the tower entrance and raps on the door, calling to someone within.
[ +- ] Reminder: visual aides repeat, basic tower structure
The door of the tower opens. There is a quick exchange between the two men, the Galopan hopes back down off of the ladder to the ground.

Soon another man climbs out from the entrance, down the ladder, and begins walking over to the table and benches area.

This man is sweating from the heat as well. His arms are bleeding through shoddy bandages. He looks questioningly and cautiously at Gennadius, and then around the area.
May 16, 2023 1:17 pm
"This is Baseo Mennic, our butcher and cook." Galopan says to Gennadius.

"He's recently injured. The wounds are bad. Can you help him?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:28 pm
Syrena can see that Aduorix has moved to the area under the gate bridge in no time at all.

She appears from one shadow briefly and then disappears again.

She is near the chain room.

Igolio and Galopan are center compound and north. Now another troop has emerged from the tower. Gennadius is in the mix among them. Is covering him the priority?

Aduorix will likely make a move of some sort with the gate soon. Will she need Syrena's help with the door?

It is not entirely clear, but the critical moments are surely approaching. Syrena must choose a position and prepare for whatever is next.
[ +- ] SF Map, References 5

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:28 pm
Required Action, Gennadius, Syrena: Describe any responses, movement, method, action, goals, intentions, etc. to update circumstance framed above.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 1:31 pm
Pausing here to let Gennadius and Syrena send input before releasing Gundus's action for impacts.
May 16, 2023 4:08 pm
Robago says:
Then he, too, approaches the gate,
My original thoughts on the second distraction was to come from the side or rear of the fort to draw attention away from the gate, allowing Syrena and Aduorix to capture the gatehouse and open it for the reinforcements. But if Gundus thinks approaching the gate directly is best, then let's roll with it.
Gasping and catching his breath, Gennadius nods his understanding and moves to the table, pausing after a few steps to put his hands on his knees, stoop forward, and just breath for a moment.

May the rat bless me for my trickery, for I have no idea what to do next! Everyone is going to die. These soldiers are going to recognize my facade. Idiot, idiot, idiot!

At the table he places his kit down. "Ok, let me see those wounds." This is ok. This is comfortable. He has done this before.

Moving quickly, he unwraps the old bandages. "I need boiled water to clean the bandages and form a poultice. I will have to mince the herbs - I need a knife and clean board to cut upon. The board and knife will have to be washed in boiled water too. Help me to ready these materials."
Gennadius does need to chop up the herbs. He is hoping to get near enough to a knife to have it available as a weapon as well as to use the whole production as distraction.
May 16, 2023 4:15 pm
DMJ says:
He notices Gennadius's healer bag and asks what is in it. Hearing the answer, he instructs him to open it to verify.
For clarity, Gennadius' belt also has a couple other smaller, pouches, but these house the bolases and net. He also has his whip coiled around a loop of leather hanging from the back of the belt.
May 16, 2023 6:52 pm
Is there a gap in the structures immediately northwest of where Syrena is shown on the map? It looks completely open.

I think, originally that Aduorix said she needed someone to open the gate after she got into the chain room. Is that not the case?

The flat rooftop (Is that a low wall around the top?) would be the best point for an advantage in covering both Aduorix and Gennadius.
May 16, 2023 8:35 pm
Damanandros consciously takes deep, controlled breaths, trying to steady his nerves as he observes the unfolding plan. The realization dawns upon him that he will soon confront the impending dangers lurking within the structure. He looks towards Xenophon and nods, "When the gate opens."

His recent brush with death has left him shaken, causing a tremor of fear to grip his core. Yet, with unwavering resolve, he takes one final deep breath, centering himself and regaining control over his emotions. Regardless of the uncertain outcome that awaits him, he is determined to aid his companions.

By positioning himself behind Xenophon, he knows that his chances of avoiding sword and spear increase sharply, buying him the needed time to react.
Last edited May 16, 2023 8:36 pm
May 16, 2023 10:43 pm
The cook, Mennic, looks at young Gennadius thoroughly. Then looks all around in a full survey - at Galopan, at Igolio and the fire, and then he scans the grounds all around - looking down towards the ground.

"Alright then," he says to Gennadius, "Onions is one of the few foods that we have other than salted pork lately. Follow me, kid," he says walking over to the outdoor kitchen furnace.

"And keep your eyes peeled for these rats. There all over the place now, and some of them are huge - the size of hounds!" He grumbles as he shuffles over leading the way, "...disgusting bastards..."

"So tell me: what happened for that slice on your head? Goblins is it?"

He hands Gennadius a towel from the bin. "Here. Clean yourself up. There's blood all over your face."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 10:48 pm
Constablebrew says:

For clarity, Gennadius' belt also has a couple other smaller, pouches, but these house the bolases and net. He also has his whip coiled around a loop of leather hanging from the back of the belt.
Yeah I hear you. I knew that bolas and whip was in your kit somewhere. In the inspection, it was either missed or overlooked or allowed - unclear, but you still have it all.
I did forget about the net though. That joker might be kind of bulky and maybe controversial.

Thanks for the honesty.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 16, 2023 11:35 pm
RageRed says:
Is there a gap in the structures immediately northwest of where Syrena is shown on the map? It looks completely open.
Yes there is a gap, but a tight one. The walls of the two structures were once attached, but now the tower has been broken away. There is a place to step through, but also a bulky chunk of tower wall that juts up to begin the 3 o'clock circle, starting at about 4' and rising as it goes clockwise. So it has been a good place to watch through, allows for careful passage through, but also gives a good hiding spot there on either side of the lowered structure.
RageRed says:
I think, originally that Aduorix said she needed someone to open the gate after she got into the chain room. Is that not the case?
Yes she did say that. Removing the pin and raising the bar is a two-step process completed step by the control operator from the chain room. After that, the door(s) could be swung completely open (they open inwardly btw, into the compound not out) by someone on the ground. In the last iteration though, it was displayed that Galopan opened one door and shut it even from the chain room. Unclear if Aduorix knows how to do that or not, or if her plan has changed from original. Although she did seem to hand signal for Syrena to stay there and provide coverage. Still might be unclear. But certainly the original plan would still work. Person 1 throws pin and lifts bolt bar. Person 2 pulls the gate door or doors in to open fully.
RageRed says:
The flat rooftop (Is that a low wall around the top?) would be the best point for an advantage in covering both Aduorix and Gennadius.[/ooc]
Not really a low wall. More like a lip or a raised edge. If someone was standing on the new plank beam roof, the surrounding stone rim which the beams are set down within, would rise up somewhere on the persons shins. It would be a near perfect perch for shooting people, but probably tough to swoop up there unseen, and not much cover if there were return fire.
Holy cow descriptions! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!
May 17, 2023 7:21 am
Does the front palisades of the gate have a covered walk to defend the gate from above?
Syrena considers her options. The climb up to the top of the flat building is tempting, but she follows into the shadows behind Aduorix as was planned. She listens for their cues to start the opening process. The second distraction should be along any minute.
May 17, 2023 9:55 am
As Gennadius is beginning the nerve-wracking charade conversation with Mennic, Igolio approaches there at the outdoor kitchen.

The slender man scuffs his feet as he walks. His pale dull eyes are locked on Gennadius.

"Was it you who made her leave?," he asks. He has paused a few paces away before reaching the table. The question is mysterious at least, if not senseless, but he is directing it at Gennadius.

After a pause of the pregnant silence, he rephrases to a statement, "You made her leave."

He tilts his head down slightly but keeps his watch on his target. He purses his lips together tightly. His jaw and prominent mustache move up and down slowly, as if he is pressing his tongue to his teeth inside his mouth.

He has the look of a man gone mad.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 10:08 am
After surveying potential positions, Syrena makes her way around behind the south side of the ruins, slowly in the direction of the gate while maintaining stealth in movement.

While Galopan is on coming back down from the ladder, she makes it past the back of the small tent and then makes the quick step to reposition behind a small square wooden building offset from the gate in the southeast corner.

She tucks close, remaining hidden in the long shadows cast by the building from the light of the center bonfire.

Syrena looks ahead to her goal of reaching the gate. It is a short dash away, but hiding places are scant. There is no cover or obstruction, and the only shadows available are the thin ones in the small corner just between the chain room and the gate itself. This is the position where Syrena last caught site of Aduorix - a place the expert skulker made use of for hiding, but Syrena doubts that she could stage up there herself without being detected.

Syrena scans the area, but cannot spot Aduorix at the moment.

She steals a quick glance around the corner, but then ducks back quickly into her hide position.

Galopan is walking back this way, toward the gate.
Here in the interior, the balcony over the gate is larger and has more structure than the walkway everywhere else (with exception maybe of the southwest corner, which is also built up). There are some framing beams that rise up from the ground, support the balcony, and then continue up to support the overhead roof cover. Between these, there are some railings, but this isn't full cover for true defensive position. The balcony over the gate would be a good place to cover the gate from interior threats though, high position and visibility, but it's not armored up - though the rails and beams may or may not be some minimal obstruction against fire.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 10:20 am
There is a call from outside the gate, a loud voice summoning response.

Syrena is closest. She can tell it is Gundus.

Further away, Gennadius cannot understand the words of the call, but he too knows it is Gundus.

But Gennadius is distracted by the cold stare of the slender swordsman who stands before him, silhouetted by the bright light of the bonfire beyond him.
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