Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 11, 2023 1:08 pm
"What about the three step rope?," Baudecca asks her companion. "We were thinking something like this."
May 11, 2023 1:37 pm
"Not for everyone, but...", Aduorix answers, then trails off, thinking as she looks at her bag and then back over her shoulder at the fort.

"I just need a little time to get in the chain room and unbolt that bar. But Galopan would see the danger right away, and there wouldn't be enough time to move the bar and open the door. Especially if Igolio joins."

She raises a finger in the air, to accent an exception, "BUT....if Galopan was distracted out to the north wall for a moment, and if someone else could be ready inside at the door to throw the bolt once I unlock it, then...SWIIIINGGG!..."
She makes a motion with her hands moving from together to opening wide apart "...we could have the front gate wide open before shiny-head or skinny-bean could even think straight. You bruisers outside the door could RUN in and WRAP THEM UP!"
She holds her fists up and shakes them back and forth beside each other in enthusiasm.

She slows down for the last part of her plan. "Syrena could glide up and over the wall after me. I know she could. I can hang the three step rope, ...," she shows a specialized rope apparatus with intermittent bars and brackets. Aduorix looks at Syrena with a thin smile that is more than a little devilish "...and she's a spritely one."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 11, 2023 1:50 pm
I'll say out in the open that with one or more sentries (and one very active and alert), a full team stealth climb up and over the wall is going to be next to impossible.
But distraction at one site and partial team stealth over the wall at an opposite site seems in the realm of the possible, maybe even likely - at least for a stealth sub-team to get on the inside.
Then there is the next step of getting the bolt unpinned, then the bolt thrown, and then the door open. A risk no matter what, but potential for full success (gate opened, no one alerted) or acceptable partial success (someone is alerted, but the gate is open and the rest of the team is in to react).
So there is something to work with. If not a final plan, a pretty simple suggestion from a seemingly experienced sneaker who claims to know the target setting (if she's legitimate of course). At least its a stealth infil possibility that you could alter or build off of. Aduorix hasn't incorporated any other capabilities of the collective party either - magic, proficiencies, class skills/powers - so maybe there are other ways to alter or augment.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 11, 2023 1:53 pm
Required Action, PC Party: Decide on and post infiltration strategy and next actions. Provide detail on roles, sub-groups, or multiple simultaneous action lines as necessary.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 12, 2023 2:08 pm
Alright, Players' Club. I hate to even say this at risk of speaking it into existence, but I think we're approaching a stall-out.

Possible reasons:
1) I've made the game and situation too complicated.
2) I haven't made the game interesting enough.
3) Paralysis by Analysis. Party can't arrive at a decision.

There have been 2 plans proposed for fort infiltration.
[ +- ] Draft Plan 1
[ +- ] Draft Plan 2
Or (my gut feeling of what would be best, btw) . . . Plan 3 could be devised
[ +- ] ??? Plan 3 ???
So, I'm open to ideas of what to do to get back into flow. Boards open today if anyone wants to post up in or out-of Character.

Goal would be to get into a direction here on Frey Day (Friday), in preparation for Casual Pace Weekend.

If Players can get an intent and plan on the board, Characters can engage, and we can move the story along to some degree over the weekend. Though I'll be sure over the weekend to stop progress at whatever moment requires more Player(s) input to see results.

Hopefully that would set us up for return to full motion next week.


Hope so. But if not, we could address if Reasons 1 or 2 above, or some other reason, puts us at a full stall-out and we need to pause or stop the game.


May 12, 2023 4:12 pm
To me plan 2 works. The only issue is finding out which of the four other PCs is going to make the distractions and to whether anyone is going be hiding up front and the gate to immediately sneak or rush in when it gets opened. As for the distraction, maybe some animal noises or something like that? Fake goblin attack? I don't think the distraction should be easily perceived from the sentinels' point of view as a couple dudes making like bandits.
Last edited May 12, 2023 4:13 pm
May 12, 2023 4:45 pm
"I don't think the prisoner farce would work, but maybe something similar could. Syrena, a fake goblin attack is perfect, but we can't attack the fort. Instead, I can run up to the gates, screaming and crying to be let in. I will tell them that our camp was attacked by goblins. Syrena and Aduorix go over the rear. I will keep distracted whomever I can. But I suspect at least one of them will become extra vigilant. This is when Gundus runs out of the forest to the side or rear of the fort. Gundus, you too will be in flight from the goblins and running through the forest to lose them. This is why you nearly missed the fort, say you saw the light and diverted to it. Your distraction will lend credence to mine and they should all come to see you at the far wall. Be panicked, and wary of moving once you get to the wall. Make the guards have to talk you into moving around to the gate. While the distraction is underway, open the gate and get everyone through."
I think Gennadius' slight bump in CHA and performance makes him a good choice to lead the deception. He will basically tell the same cover story we have been using, including our reason for staying encamped in a dangerous area.
Last edited May 12, 2023 4:54 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 12, 2023 7:30 pm
OK. CB builds on Red's suggestion and proposes the above.

I consider that either Plan 3 or a fine-tuning of Plan 2. But no matter what the numbering, this is what is on the table now.

When possible, everyone else please chime in with support, modification, or an alternative.
May 13, 2023 5:36 am
Sounds like a plan. I have no details to add.
May 13, 2023 6:03 pm
The situation seems far too risky and I don’t feel in control enough of the situation to run in. Damanandros is a single hit from dead and only one spell. I feel he is in over his head running into an attack like this. I can’t see all the pieces at play. So not sure how to navigate it.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 13, 2023 11:42 pm
I'll take all of the above as "good enough" at least. Len hasn't weighed in with Xenophon, but he was one of the founding members of Team Sneaker, so I'll guess this sneak/trick combo is acceptable for him. Understood that Damanandros is reluctant and will assume he is staying back in safety waiting to see developments before getting involved.

Will follow tonight or tomorrow with an entry or two to get the ball rolling. Seems that Syrena and Gennadius will be up first, so Red and CB can expect to be in queue.
May 13, 2023 11:57 pm
That plan would sound great to Xenophon. Fortune favours the bold, and the bold get the fortunes.
Last edited May 15, 2023 10:22 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 12:22 am
Wait. I'm a bit confused on the sequence.

When I first thought it through, I thought Aduorix and Syrena would be sneaking over the wall first to stage up on the inside.
THEN Gennadius would kick off with the frantic attention distraction at the gate, followed by Gundus's secondary distraction - allowing the stealth party to make the move the chain room.

Now that I read it again, I'm not sure.

Maybe Gennadius's distraction approach is the first step overall.

Let me know. If Gennadius's distraction is first, then CB please proceed and kick this off.

If Syrena and Aduorix stealth and stage is step 1, I'll post up the situation for Red to address.
May 14, 2023 12:27 am
My idea is that Syrena and Aduorix sneak over the wall and then Gennadius starts crying wolf goblin from a different direction than the front gate....
Last edited May 14, 2023 12:27 am

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 12:42 am
It seems to me that Gennadius will be coming up to the gate first, then Gundus's second distraction will be from the other location - pulling them away at that point?

We'll see on that, but either way the distraction goes (distractions go), I think that a necessary first step is for Stealth Team to be in position on the inside to make the move to open the gate in the first place.

Going with that.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 12:46 am
Syrena follows Aduorix's lead, looping around through the forest to approach from the south and reach the back corner of the palisade wall.
Note: Entrance and gate faces west. Map may be incoming soon - depending.
The two women stage up at a last cover and concealment position to watch for Galopan's passing along the nearest section of the palisades. After a short wait, Aduorix gives the signal to move. Quickly they dash through the exposing cleared area and tuck as close as they can to the exterior of the wall.

Syrena watches as Aduorix masterfully scales the smoothed wooden trunks of the wall. It's not clear how she gets the grip, but she scampers right up with apparent ease.

At the top of the wall, the little thief hangs her "3-step ladder" apparatus that she showed Syrena in advance. It is a creatively designed, lightweight, carryable dual-parallel rope ladder - limited in structure to only 3 small staggered step bars, 3 small staggered hand grips, and a stabilizer bar at the top for alignment and to guard from twisting. The method of climbing requires strength, coordination, and agility - and Syrena uses all of it. The step and climb is a success! Syrena rapidly scales up to the top of the wall, close enough to grab Aduorix's hand to make the critical transition over the top edge of the sharpened logs of the palisades.

Striving to keep a low silhouette coming over, Syrena makes her move to follow Aduourix over to a shadowy area near the stairs and handrails. She sees the light of the array of fires inside the compound and knows that this is the critical moment to avoid detection.

Mechanics Ruling: 18 DEX + 13 STR makes the climb attempt quick and smooth. Automatic success.

Effort to check is the attempt to move quickly and quietly enough to avoid a passing scan by Galopan on the other side of the compound.

I'm judging to consider this the same as not being noticed by a distracted monster. Not that Galopan is distracted - contrarily he is on high alert. But mainly just because there is some distance involved. There are shadows on the edges. And Syrena has 18 DEX - a subjective factor incorporated for high chance of success.
90% success for this check.

Red rolls instead of the DM, to keep dice out in the Players' hands for visibility and control on important risk/results.

2 choices:
1) 1d20. 1 or 2 is fail. 3+ is success.
2) Percentile d100. 01-90 is success. 91-00 is failure.

Required Action, Syrena: Attempt Step 1 infiltration, to stage for upcoming gate release.
May 14, 2023 12:59 am
Syrena lets out a slow quiet breath and goes for it.


Infiltration - (1d20)

(11) = 11

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 11:32 am
Syrena makes it across the open space on the balcony walkway that lines the inside of the palisade walls.

It is startling to see the large fire in the center of the compound and one shirtless man standing there staring into it. He has his back turned to her direction, but still he is not far away. Had he been vigilant in the same spot, it would have been difficult if not impossible to make this move.

Success: Infiltration Step 1

Syrena meets Aduorix at the switchback stairway at the southeast corner. They quickly and quietly descend the stairs and take cover in a shadowy area behind an old square ruined building that has been refitted as a livestock corral and storage. Syrena notices rats creeping around in the corners and sees the mules sifting about lazily in the stables. The structure is a good place for hiding, and the situation seems safe enough for the moment.

Aduorix is very happy. She takes Syrena's hand and squeezes it tightly for a quick moment to signal her enthusiasm.

Now the women set up to watch what develops at the gate and chain house, just across the compound.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 14, 2023 11:50 am
Xenophon, Baudecca, and Damanandros stage up concealed just off the trail way. They take the last position of cover that is still closest to the palisade wall gate.

Large lantern canisters hang from poles on the balcony that sits over the gate and at the corners of the palisade wall. This illuminates the open area around the compound in a quaking firelight. With the looming light of the full moon, visibility is high everywhere within the shadowy surrounding treeline.

From this position, if the gate is opened, the group would be called upon to cover about 30 meters of ground in the open area to reach the gate for invasion.

Gundus loops first over to take position near the north wall, claiming a similar spot in the shadowy edge before the open space.

Gennadius, there on the spur trail, steels himself - readying for his upcoming ruse attempt.

Required Action, Gennadius: Control and describe next phase of infiltration mission, including diversion attempt details of approach to the gate.
Intention is for this to be an in-character entry. More OOC talk is welcome, but I request that it's not exclusively that.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 15, 2023 9:27 am
When Gundus loops further north, hand-railing the trail to stay well out of the light, he sees the areas that Baudecca had described to him in advance. He soon reaches the lumber yard and saw mill area. Large trees are laid down. Various lengths of logs and planks are loosely organized. Other trunks and blocks are rough cut and in piles.

The area provides good cover as well as easy travel to the approach towards the north side. As Gundus continues through, he sees the gradual downhill slope begin. Off in the distance to the north of the fort there is a relatively open space, the top edge of two ridge lines with a wide wedge-like descent in between.

Now Gundus sees the positioning of Saromen Fro firsthand: it sits atop a large crest of the forest, overlooking an open valley below. If it were not such a tense circumstance, it would be quite a sight to see in the moonlight - and surely even more majestic during the light of day.

Gundus turns back to task though. He gets a good position and focuses full attention on the fortifications.

From this edge of the lumber yard, Gundus is about 30 yards away from the northwest corner of the palisade wall. From here he has good cover out of the light's cast. He has visibility of the large open space to the north, and the full length of both the north and west length of the palisade wall.

He can easily see the gate area that is most well lit by lanterns.
(Approx distance to gate on west face of wall: 50-60 yards)

He could also move to the north face of the fort wall fairly quickly for the planned secondary distraction ruse.
(Approx distance to middle of north face of wall: 40 - 50 yards)

He is staged well to watch developments with Gennadius from a distance.
This scenario has Gundus alone. Doesn't seem like a problem at the moment, but let me know if it should be adjusted.
Reading the entries that is the assumption I made, since it seemed like heavy invaders Xenophon and Baudecca would likely stage for the quickest rush to the gate if it is eventually opened. And Damanandros's stance of hanging back to see developments, as well as his reduced pace, seemed like he would not be involved in a flank loop secondary mobile distraction.
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