Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 10, 2023 1:04 pm
Aduorix gives a funny face of agreement when Syrena pledges to protect her against the mysterious Isheir-Rothu.

"Oooo, yes! Shoot HIM if he intrudes," she says, crinkling her nose and shaking her head. "Ishi sounds TERRIBLE! - and I don't want him to change me. I'm a girl, not a beastgirl!"

As she talks she is putting on a harness of some sort. She steps into a set of belts and pulls them up to her crotch like a saddle, then pulls the rest of the apparatus up through each arm and over each shoulder. She clasps and thightens buckles at the waist and at the center of her chest. A collection of straps with rings on the end hang loose on her sides, and she starts to snap attachments on the rings - pins, hooks, knives, and eyelets.

She has already taken her cloak off and stored it in a carried satchel. Now she replaces the wear with a coil of thin rope that she loops crossways over her shoulder and chest. She cinches her hair up into a high pony tail and pulls on a peculiar pair of textured leather gloves.

After one last equipment check, she gives a tough but playful glare at Baudecca and Syrena nearby.

"Ready!", she snaps, then baring her clinched teeth.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 1:16 pm
The group approaches the fortifications cautiously. The fort is now somewhat illuminated, different than before.

A few torches have been lit atop the palisade walls. It seems that a central fire might be burning within the compound as well, its light projecting up in an orange glow in the air above and the high edges of the surrounding trees.

The timber palisades of the wall are about 20' tall. There is a prominent build-out for the gate, with large structure around and over the double doors.

The group moves to the side of the trail some 60 meters away, a last area of cover and concealment that might be expected in the darkness.

Aduorix launches out on a short scouting mission, to scale the wall once and observe the stance of the guards. After checking the defenses, she will report back.

The others set to full alert and wait, observing what they can.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:05 pm
At this angle, the top of the tower is visible, though most of the tower is hidden from view by the palisade walls.

There are two or more torches that burn on sconces set on the exterior brick wall along the high balcony.

This is the lighting that almost everyone sees. Everyone except Damanandros, who sees much more.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:07 pm
[ +- ] Optional: Damanandros's WizVision
May 10, 2023 2:36 pm
Aduorix returns to share the results of her quick reconnaissance. She speaks clearly, but in a tactical whisper.

"It is true as we thought: almost everyone is gone. All I see are Galopan and Igolio.

Galopan is on patrol. Scanning and checking lights - a fine job at that, but he's spread thin. I have easy openings. The big fire and the torch-posts give full lighting, but heavy shadows cast everywhere.

Weird Igolio stands staring into the central bonfire near the well. He didn't move the whole while.

No activity at the tower.
Middle entry door is closed.
Balcony door closed.
Balcony shutters: 2 closed, 1 open.

The two mules are in the stable.

No sign of anyone else."

She wipes away the sweat beading on her reddish cheeks. "As usual," she adds, "it's hot up there ... and rats are scurrying and creeping in the edges all around. STINKERS! - so filthy - uggk!", she sticks her tongue out squeamishly and squints her eyes tight to show her revulsion.

Adjusting her gloves and harness, the little expert looks to the group casually. "I could get in the chain room and move that bolt bar if Galopan wasn't patrolling. Or at least if he stayed away from the gate area for some minutes.

Sooo...., what's the plan?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:39 pm
Watching back at the fortifications, the group can see the lone silhouette of young Galopan, only intermittently visible by the outline of his polished helmet.

The dedicated sentry patrols along the inner palisade catwalk - passing by from time to time before disappearing to continue his rounds elsewhere out of sight.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 2:45 pm
Required Action, PC Party: Decide on and post infiltration strategy and next actions. Provide detail on roles, sub-groups, or multiple simultaneous action lines as necessary.
I heard the potential plan of the fake prisoner. Frame that out more if that is the final plan, so I can understand.

Note: the recent request, if goal is to get Aduorix to lift the bolt and open the gate, is to keep the gate area cleared out. It seems that this would call for eliminating, distracting, or incapacitating Galopan. If the group approaches the gate with a prisoner and seeks entrance, that would predictably bring Galopan and/or any other sentries (Igolio, anyone unaccounted for) up to the area of the gate rather than clearing it.
May 10, 2023 3:33 pm
My thought with the fake prisoner idea is:
-If we see/hear Audorix getting into trouble, we will turn up at the gate and noisily demand entrance - on the pretense that we have captured a prisoner with important information about an attack. The prisoner refuses to speak to anyone except Eramus, and demands that we escort her. This helps us get in, and creates a distraction for Audorix to slip away.

-Same goes if a sentry spots us lurking about.

-Gundus is ethically opposed to killing Galopan (who the Kryseans vouched for as a good guy), and the other soldiers unless they seem completely beyond redemption or in a clearly life-and-death, us-or-them situation.

I'm open to other ideas, those are just my initial thoughts. I don't have any plan past getting inside, just 'improvise' from there.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 3:58 pm
Robago says:
My thought with the fake prisoner idea is:
Got it.

I'll leave the space open for a while - to see if others weigh in with character entries, or OOC commentary on the infil plan.
May 10, 2023 4:08 pm
the fake prisoner idea sounds like a bad idea. We don't have the trappings of a patrol and there wouldn't be much reason for a patrol from afar to escort prisoners to a frontier post like this.

Just getting that out there. More thoughts coming shortly...

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 4:10 pm
[ +- ] Imperfect visual aids

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 10, 2023 7:37 pm
Constablebrew says:
the fake prisoner idea sounds like a bad idea. We don't have the trappings of a patrol and there wouldn't be much reason for a patrol from afar to escort prisoners to a frontier post like this.

Just getting that out there. More thoughts coming shortly...

I'll enjoy hearing the debate, but I interpreted this not as an impersonation of a patrol on long range movement. Instead as your known group (whom these forces left down at the junction earlier tonight, accepting that y'all were builders, sculptors, religious architects, etc.) now approaching the tower a couple hours after the previous contact. As if to say that the group captured some bandit who was lurking around in the woods just moments ago, and your team nabbed her or accepted her surrender recently somewhere down on the spur trail.

I'll hear what Robago thinks of that interpretation. But again, and either way independent of this, I think it's worthwhile for Players' Club to talk out ideas to make sure that a final plan is fine tuned or agreed upon before we put the story into action for impacts.
May 10, 2023 8:57 pm
Syrena has no problem simply picking off anyone who stands in our way.
How difficult would it be for any of the rest of us to climb the wall and get into the front palisade?

I'd rather not have to kill Galopan, if possible, but we need to be as stealthy as possilbe as well to keep whoever is hiding in the tower from detecting our presence too soon (Of course, if this is all a trap, they already do).
Last edited May 10, 2023 8:58 pm
May 10, 2023 10:53 pm
If it turns out there is no evil conspiracy, then going in with swords drawn really burns our bridges to going back on peaceful terms with the men in the tower. Especially if we take lives.

But, If it turns out there is an evil conspiracy, going in with prisoners seems like going in with one hand tied behind our backs. They can catch us in a bad spot and use superior numbers to overwhelm us.

As a player, I think the girls are suspicious, but it seems too round-about for them to be drawing us into the tower to trap us. I generally believe their story at face value.

From Xenophon's perspective, he'd prefer to go in stealthily, but I don't have a good enough sense of the mechanics yet to estimate the chances of success. But, to hell with that, sneaking in would be a lot of fun!

Last edited May 10, 2023 10:54 pm
May 11, 2023 5:00 am
[ +- ] #team-sneakers
Not only have I not come up with any better idea, climbing the wall and *attempting* to sneak in sounds like fun.

Also, if we show up as ourselves and some stuff goes missing, it would be real hard to shake off the suspicion that it was us.
Last edited May 11, 2023 5:03 am
May 11, 2023 7:25 am
Yes I meant as @DMJ read it – not pretending to be soldiers, but as ourselves having caught a prisoner. It gives us a reason to rock up to the camp in the middle of the night, having refused their earlier invitation. It's also purely a contingency for if we are spotted or challenged at the gate. Hopefully Audorix is going to open it for us without any problems.
May 11, 2023 8:07 am
Damanandros gestures towards the tower, his eyes gleaming with a green light that only the most perceptive can see. "I tell you, I have never witnessed anything like this before. There's an aura of potent magic emanating from that place, the likes of which I've never encountered in all my days."
May 11, 2023 8:17 am
I also find the girls suspicious, but Damanandros would, given his perspective. His dependability in this matter is broken.
If I were a witch with deployed sentinels to compromise anyone with an idea to undo my agenda, this is how I would do it. A seductress and enchantress would have her agents infiltrate any threat they could not immediately overcome.
Is there a way to test them? Now that we are in the thick of it, seems a bit too late and my theory is circumstantial at best.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 11, 2023 12:32 pm
yeah so these are the moments that are tough in PBP. A talk-through and debate at the table allows for more give and take, clarification, and in a short time to pull together for a final decision that's clear on all the edges. I get it. We'll work with the medium we're in though.

I'm feeling the trend of Team-Sneaker leaning towards some manner of stealth infiltration. Seems like we should peel in to that to guess what's possible and maybe what's likely / unlikely.

I'll throw up some input, mixed between NPC comments (which may still include all of their untrustworthyness, if they are untrustworthy - I recognize these broads are under high suspicion, and I can see why) and some added OOC on a few topics. Hopefully will lead towards some agreement on strategy - and I do think strategy is important here.

And for reference, these are the rules that I can see frame out mechanics for stealth...
[ +- ] Rules on Sneaky?
[ +- ] Optional commentary...
May 11, 2023 1:04 pm
Aduorix hears the suggestion of everyone sneaking over the walls.

"No, sillies! You lugs couldn't sneak past a snoring grandfather at nap time after chicken and dumplings!"

She points at Xenophon and Gundus, in their bulky armor "You're so clunky and heavy...", and next at Damanandros "...and you're too wobbly - (sorry) ." She adds a funny face to the vulnerable mage, like an awkward cringe to soften the blunt criticism.

She scans the rest of the crowd, and seems to think it over when she looks at Syrena.
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