Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 9:01 pm
Seeing her comrade disarmed, the captive freed, herself surrounded, and a bow drawn on her - the plucky warrior begrudgingly swallows her pride. She lowers her axe and shifts her buckler out and away, a signal of parley.

"If you try to hurt us, I'll fight to the death," she says plainly, backing up to stand protectively over her injured companion.

She gives a look of defeat to Gundus. "My only hope now I suppose," she says with a sigh, "is that you really are a priest."

She talks in the accent of a rural Krysean.
May 5, 2023 2:47 am
"I am servant of Türas, known to you as Tuweigh," Gundus says. "We have no desire to harm you. We only wish to know what is happening here." He speaks reassuringly, but keeps vigilant. If the pair were bandits they might have friends nearby.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 5, 2023 10:06 am
The Krysean warrior woman is cautious for a moment remaining, but then she responds quite candidly, "There is a happening here indeed. The men of the fortification ahead have fallen to sorcery. There is magic as well as treasure in that tower, guarded by corrupt men and a foreign witch."

She does look at everyone as she speaks, but she seems to drift towards addressing Xenophon primarily.

"Only now is a rare moment when they are slim on their guard. The foreigners and Omander have departed in a hurry."

Now her enthusiasm is building and her boldness is apparent. She signals to her comrade, to include her in the proclamation. "We mean to breach the defenses tonight under the Full Moon, sneak into the tower, and take the treasure for our own. We might see the magic if we could - to gaze on its wonder perhaps - but we will not stir it. We are wary of its corruptive power."

She speaks directly to Xenophon first, "Your company should throw in lots with us. We can share in the adventure as well as the spoils."

Then she turns outward to everyone. "We have already learned your prowess - the hard way for us - but my instincts tell me you are bold.

Whether you seek fame, glory, or wealth - join with us tonight and gain it, if you have the will."
May 5, 2023 2:17 pm
Damanandros listens as the women spin their web. With the mention of the full moon, he feels the aching of his joints and frowns deeply.

He can’t shake the feeling that this is out of place and possibly connected to the harpy in some way. The promise of treasure, a lure to set the trap.

"What do you know of Dreams of Sekki or Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu?"he watches closely to see if a reaction will betray they know more.
"Perhaps Ish'tauxi?"

He wonders if he is only going mad.
May 5, 2023 3:15 pm
He looks the knavish girl over. It cannot be denied, she has spirit. Her mention of treasure sparks a knee-jerk lust for treasure from Xenophon, but he immediately remembers this is Saromen Fro, the place where they were supposed to meet with Eramus. Would not this be his treasure? He'd just as soon rob the Packer's Guild.

The news about witches and foreign influence did match with what Gundus told them of Eramus's message. It would also explain the delays in Gullyloft. He addresses the party.

"I think she speaks true. Her story matches with our own fragments, and would explain a lot."

He turns to the woman, lowering his spear and setting aside his shield.

"What is your name, and how did you come by this knowledge of corruption and witchcraft? Tell us all the details."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 1:27 pm
The group withdraws further from the fortifications, to an advantageous terrain feature for cover and concealment. This allows for safety to talk and the use of small lighting without detection.

The women are Baudecca (armored axe warrior)....
[ +- ] Repeat - reference portrait, Baudecca

...and Aduorix (fleet-footed cloaked acrobat).

Both of the women are Kryseans. It becomes clear over the conversation that Baudecca is quite familiar with the places and people of this rural region (Skausen Spen, foothills and highlands of the Mearleigh Mountains).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 1:58 pm
The following entries will be broken up by topic and explained in direct or listed content for brevity and clarity. The actually conversation for the characters would be in dialogue, with interaction through questions, answers, follow up, etc.

I think it goes without saying, but these represent the statements and claims of the women. Whether they are true, accurate, complete, properly interpreted, etc. will be up to PCs to judge or discover over time, if it turns out to be possible.
[ +- ] Background, treasure, magic

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 2:31 pm
[ +- ] Factions, Foreigners, Witch, Corruption

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 3:00 pm
[ +- ] Eramus, Patrols and Movement, The Plan

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 3:33 pm
[ +- ] Recent Departures, Expected Defenders

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 6, 2023 3:37 pm
Will stop there. That was a lot I know, but I figured Players' Club would like to know more details rather than less to make a plan.

And after all...
Len says:

" did you come by this knowledge of corruption and witchcraft? Tell us all the details."
Digest as time permits. Please post any entries in response.

Hoping to use the weekend for clarification if/as necessary and give ample time for y'all to decide on next actions.

Would like to be ready to launch whatever plan the PCs have on Monday (Moon Day).

May 6, 2023 5:37 pm
Leo9sign says:
Damanandros ...

"What do you know of Dreams of Sekki or Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu?"he watches closely to see if a reaction will betray they know more.
"Perhaps Ish'tauxi?"

Baudecca answers simply, shaking her heard softly after listening, "I know none of these names."
May 6, 2023 10:14 pm
Initially, stubbornly perhaps, Syrena remains on overwatch as the men and the two female strangers begin to interact behind their cover. Though, she eventually conceded to curiosity and joins the rest. Clearly she is unsettled and occasionally removes herself to check their perimeter, before returning.

Could it be coincidence that Damanandros mentioned the harpy and an unknown SHE and suddenly two women suddenly appear as if from nowhere? She didn't trust them. Not one bit.

Syrena looks for reaction from the mage at the presence a closeness of the two women, to see if there were signs he might sense the presence of the one who injured him the previous night. Too, she can't help but find herself looking at the acrobat. She hopes that missing the cute female with he arrow won't come back to bite her in the ass. Aduorix was certainly the type that attracted Syrena and if they had met in a tavern or an event in Aumanuctum, the scout would attempt to engage the blue-eyed Kyrsean in conversation, at the least. She hoped her attraction wasn't obvious and wondered to herself if the two women were more than just adventuring companions.
May 7, 2023 11:42 am
"I agree, Xenophon. It does match all that we know. And if it is true, we must do something.

Omander asked us to report to him at the tower by midday – so if he is away, he'll be back soon enough. If there's a chance to get in there, tonight is it."

Gundus is wary about trusting the two Kryseans too far. His deep-seated faith in the institutions of the Empire had blinded him, causing a severe misjudgement of Omander and his retinue at their meeting; his friends had seen through the facade where he had not. He carries some lingering embarassment from this episode of naivety, and he is loath to repeat the mistake.

He leaves unspoken his speculations about Eramus. Baudecca hadn't heard of him for a month, but the letter from Eramus must have been penned more recently than that. And the signs at the junction suggested he had been trying to keep the appointment. Could Eramus be at large, free of the corrupting influence, working against Omander? His offer of treasure, warnings about foreign gods, and instructions to meet outside the tower secretly could be read that way. Might he have been captured – is that why Omander had been waiting for them at the junction?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 7, 2023 12:09 pm
As Xenophon listens, he believes that he knows the way of these women. He has seen their like before in the city mostly. And they being Krysean only increases his suspicion.

He asks the prompting question, "What code do you keep?"
May 7, 2023 12:10 pm
Both of the women lock eyes with Xenophon.

After a short pause, perhaps assessing if the question was intentional or not, Baudecca answers directly, "We are Free Thieves. Our consciences are clear, and our spirits strive for the peak of the highest mountain. We will thwart the chains of fate as we can. Only our fleeting fears limit us - and we master them by our every step forward."

She nods and sets her stare at Xenophon, without apology - instead with pride.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 7, 2023 12:10 pm
Xenophon and Gennadius both know what this means. These women consider themselves experts, and they hold to an old code of honor, even if unconventional. Gennadius actually knows the name of the tradition - saor na gadai bealach in Old Krysean, the Way of the Free Thieves.

It is considered an outlawed rite in Auran civilization. Even organized crime syndicates in most port cities reject it outright. But the "thief's bealach" is a folkish way among traveling rogues and often lionized by commoners and the downtrodden, especially those of Krysean descent.
May 7, 2023 12:11 pm
"If you question our abilities, know that Aduorix has already gained fame in Epos, the Phoenix City. Her pilfer of the Argollean Collection is already a tale of local legend there.

As for myself, I have not yet traveled widely, but I have seen the view from Mount Currugain where the Sun perches on its Winter Throne. I am the bane of goblins and gnolls, and men who underestimate my feminine hands are in terrible folly."

She stands and tightens the straps on her buckler, and continues to adjust her armor as if in preparation. "You fell upon us and gained the upper hand tonight, but we have shown you fair meeting here in the spen. We offer you adventure and camaraderie on a night of challenge, under the Reign of the Manifest Moon no less."

She picks up her ornate axe and rests it over her shoulder. "Now my restless spirit grows tired of this long talk.

Do I wonder if you stall for your own fear? Put it away and let us take our chance to win the prize.

But if you are full of doubt and small in spirit, then let us who are striving go free."
May 7, 2023 1:07 pm
Little Aduorix joins Baudecca in her boldness.

The athletic acrobat takes a stand with her arms crossed, hips tilted, the edge of her cloak draping over her best effort at a tough expression.

"Get to stride, you stallions! Or get to sleep, you wankers," she chides.

She sticks her tongue out at Gennadius who whipped her, and follows with a mean snarl of her pouty lips.
May 7, 2023 1:22 pm
"Well met, cleric," Baudecca says to Gundus, seeking to build momentum and trusting her instincts that the priest is motivated to act.

"You seem fit to win. Raid this tower with us!"
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