Mystery of Saromen Fro

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DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 8:52 pm
Syrena moves with urgency but maintains her stealth as best as possible.

She can hear the noise and can see blurry silhouettes of a skirmish ahead, but in the darkness the details are hidden until she can close in.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 3, 2023 9:15 pm
Stumbling to keep footing and maintain mobility, the stalker commits and crashes headlong into Gundus. The sudden and violent rush is surprising, and sends Gundus backpedaling several steps.

Xenophon closes in quickly to support though, not letting the target capitalize on the admittedly effective maneuver.

The assailant is not quite surrounded, but is forced back on the trail - downhill. Xenophon, Gundus, and Gennadius stand online and press forward in an inverted wedge formation, blocking side exits. They guard the uphill route entirely, the distant fortifications now to their backs.

The lone defendant stands defiant, backing downhill slowly and carefully - outnumbered but at the ready for a clash, defending with a mighty battle axe that gleams in the moonlight!

The plan in motion, Damanandros should be coming up from behind - to catch the hapless stalker unaware in a web of magic...
Leo, report in - let me know confirmation or rebuttal on my previous post. And either way, tell what Action!

Anyone else, send input as desired!
May 4, 2023 7:35 am
Syrena closes in stealthily with her bow in hand, ready to take down the enemy.
May 4, 2023 7:43 am
"In the name of Türas, halt!" Gundus demands. "Who goes there? Why are you following us?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 9:31 am
"Keep your voice down, you blowhard!", the defendant hisses - a shouting whisper with a tone of angry frustration.

The voice gives Gundus a first suspicion of it. Now the shadowy outline and way of movement perhaps ... Gundus believes that the armed defendant is a woman.

She retreats the downhill trail in controlled withdrawal, with the polished axe poised ready and a small shield at guard.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 10:12 am
Syrena is closing in on the left woodline alongside the trail, well within range to shoot in daylight but still too far to decipher close detail in the darkness.

Closer. She sees an armed defendant retreating from the others - backing downhill on the trail at guard.

Closer. Syrena can tell it is a woman now. She remains unaware of Syrena's approach behind her.

Damanadros is quietly limping in closer all the while as well, though Syrena has passed him now in her brisk advance on the sideline.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 2:47 pm
DMJ says:
Seeing the commotion ahead, Damanadros steps into action - picking up the pace to close the distance and support with his spell.

... his spell...

A sudden moment of panic... Damanandros feels that he may not be prepared!
Ok - let me know if I'm off here. My current contention is that Damanandros does not have any remaining spells. He casts the now infamous Magic Mouth (IAMYOURS!) spell somewhere around 3am "last night" which was really interchangeable with "this morning". The whole day has been on the move - short stop at logger shelter, another short stop at Tower 3 ruins, and then lastly a short stop at tonight's partial camp before the arrival of soldiers, plus another strategy talk-through right after. None of these have allowed time for multi hours of study. In previous post (would have to look where), I thought I heard mention that it would take multiple hours of study to recover spells.
Again - maybe I'm off base. If so, sorry for the confusion - and this entry will be easily dismissed.
Leo set me straight on this. I was INCORRECT in my concern. Damanandros has completed all rest and study requirements for spell readiness. Sorry for the confusion there, with special apologies to Leo. That entry is hereby stricken from the record.

Action and story should be considered revised retrospectively, but I'm leaving the old writing covered in strike-through for visibility and reference.
May 4, 2023 2:58 pm
Xenophon is ready to lash out at the stalker at the slightest indication he is going to run or raise an alarm. He's expecting Damanandros any second now.

"Surrender and be spared. We would have taken your life already if that's what we wanted."
May 4, 2023 3:07 pm
Damanandros gives a brief whistle to signal to Xenophon that he is in position. He checks the distances and readies his spell, if the subject attempts to flee, he will cast sleep to immobilize her. He would rather hold onto the spell for a more dire need, but this could prevent the sentry from betraying their presence and she may be a source of information.
[ +- ] Sleep

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:01 pm
"Ha! Try to take my life at your peril!" the woman retorts, swiping a controlled swing of her axe to accent the threatening boast. Again her voice is severe, but disciplined to a lower volume.

"And I said - KEEP YOUR VOICES DOWN! If you want to shout, let us move downhill and you sound your bray there, donkeys!"

The darkness veils her face and finer features, but she stands ready in a blended armor set, wielding weapon and buckler. She is fit in physique, and a head-full of long hair spills around her shoulders. Her adroit movements suggest that she may be formidable, certainly no hapless villager brandishing a wood chopper.

Still, she looks tense at the prospect of being outnumbered and one false step away from being surrounded.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:03 pm
Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to RageRed...
As Syrena is targeting the woman on the trail, someone runs past from the forest and spanks Syrena on the bottom!

Startled, Syrena looks over to spot the swift spanker dash out onto the road. It is ... another woman? Fast as lightening, she is diving and tucking into a roll - towards Damanandros! [/note]

A few paces behind the retreating warrior woman, Xenophon and the assault team see nothing more than a quick dash of movement in the dark.

Damanadros sees someone charging him - now leaping - now tumbling in a roll past him!

There is a fluttering sound of a cloak swooshing. The next thing he knows, someone is behind and has grabbed a strong hold of his shoulder strap that goes across his chest. A quick snatch of it and he is shifted off balance to a stumble.

"Don't move, wobbly" a feminine voice says behind him, hugging in close, "... and tell your friends to BACK OFF!"

There is a slight delay on pace, then she adds "... or ... I'll SKEWER YE!"

Syrena sees now that a cloaked woman has leaped onto the trail and taken a cover position behind Damanadros.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:27 pm
Seeing her ally roll in to support, the warrior makes a hurried drop back to a close position nearby. She sets her stance - crouching, shield out, axe cocked back and high. "RAA!" she sounds out a threat, gritting her teeth with a snarl.

She whispers something back to her comrade. Only Damanandros is close enough to hear.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to Leo9sign...
"Draw your weapon!" whispers the warrior woman.

"Ahh!" answers the unseen acrobat behind him. He hears the slight sound of a blade being snatched from a holster.[/note]

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!" the smaller woman growls, in her smaller voice. She holds Damanandros's cross-body bag strap in one hand and brandishes a short thin sword in the other.

The two women stand back-to-back on the trail, weapons out, with Damanandros in between. But now surrounded...

Xenophon, Gundus, and Gennadius encircle them. Syrena still stands on the edgeline of the trail.
May 4, 2023 7:43 pm
All that and Syrena can take no action or reaction or shot at either of the unknowns?
Last edited May 4, 2023 7:44 pm

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:50 pm
Syrena can take any Action she wants.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 7:55 pm
Damanandros soon restabilizes. He has full mobility of his hands and generally feels that he could fairly easily pull away and/or take other action (spell?).

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 8:03 pm
RageRed says:
All that and Syrena can take no action or reaction or shot at either of the unknowns?

Armor Classes:

*Warrior: +5
*Acrobat: +3
May 4, 2023 8:26 pm
Syrena whips about as the spanker moves off toward Damanandros to ruin his spell and fires at her attacker.
Last edited May 4, 2023 8:28 pm


Longbow attack - (1d20+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Damage - (1d6+1)

(6) + 1 = 7

May 4, 2023 8:37 pm
Gennadius approaches the stalkers with the others. He shifts his spear to his off-hand and then quietly reaches to his back and unfastens the loop of leather holding his coiled whip to his belt. Continuing to hold his hand behind his back, he lets the loops of the whip out slowly, such that they start to trail behind him as he advances. As the short woman brandishes her weapon, Gennadius feints with his spear and then lashes out with the whip, aiming for the sword in an attempt to disarm her!
Disarm says:
A combatant may try to disarm his opponent in lieu of making a melee attack. To disarm an opponent, the combatant must succeed on a melee attack throw with a -4 penalty. The opponent must then make a successful saving throw versus Paralysis to hold onto his weapon. If he fails, the weapon is knocked 5' away.
Forgot to add the AC. Successful attack throw on 13+
Last edited May 4, 2023 8:40 pm


Atk Acrobat, Whip, +2 Disarm, -4 special attack, +1 two weapons: 10+ - (1d20-1)

(17) - 1 = 16

Whip damage - (1d2)

(2) = 2

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 4, 2023 8:44 pm
Gennadius's whip snaps out and wraps the little acrobat's wrist.

Save vs. Paralysis

"OOOOUCCH!!" she laments as her weapon is snatched away from her.

She lets go of Damanadros and cradles her injured hand with her other. With a look of frustration, she glares at young Gennadius.

"STOP!" she commands at him in her girlish voice. "Can't we talk about this?! Ugh." She looks down at her wrist in worry, apparently losing focus on the standoff.


Save vs. Paralysis to resist Disarm (needs 12+) - (1d20)

(4) = 4

May 4, 2023 8:53 pm
Syrena reloads her bow and readies another attack should the two continue to brandish weapons against her comrades.
Last edited May 4, 2023 8:53 pm
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