Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 17, 2023 10:22 am
Hearing the call outside the gate, Galopan picks up his pace to approach the gate.

Looking back briefly over his shoulder he shouts to Igolio and Mennic, "Keep your eyes on that man!"
May 17, 2023 10:25 am
Mennic stops the conversation and looks carefully at Gennadius.

Then he looks carefully at Igolio.

The injured cook takes a small step back away from the table, in the direction of the stone furnace.

Holding his position and with a steady watchfulness, he waits for developments in the rising tension.
May 17, 2023 10:36 am
Galopan quickly climbs the switch back stair case to reach the covered gate balcony.

From the high caged port, he speaks to Gundus.

"It's you, the priest. Hail the Dawn!" he calls down in response. Gundus can detect what seems to be a sign of relief in the soldier's voice.

"One of your men is inside. You claim goblins, and I want to believe you, but ... I'm on orders to be cautious of you, Ius.

What is your intent? Where are the others who are with you? What is the truth here, kyrazenus?"
after a short pause, he adds "Turas hold you."

The young lads voice is sincere, even as he maintains his committed military bearing.

He waits for an answer, watching Gundus intently from the high port window.
May 17, 2023 10:42 am
Igolio keeps eyes on Gennadius.

"You made her leave," he says again in his raspy voice, quieter this time, just above a whisper.

The thin man does not step forward at all, but the movement of his hands are slow and measured. He grips one sword and with a masterful control slides it out of its sheath.

He holds the weapon low and casually, almost lazily, at his side.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 12:16 pm
Gennadius feels the danger he is in.

He had hoped to get close to a knife, but hasn’t been shown one thus far.

Now he has full attention on Igolio, but in his last glance around he had seen a cast iron fire stoker laying atop the waist level bricks of the side shelf of the furnace structure.

If push comes to shove, Gennadius could step over and grab the tool - not an ideal weapon, but perhaps something that could give him a fighting chance to defend himself.

It is so very hot here close to the tower.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 1:49 pm
Damanadros tries to keep his mind focused on the gate door.

Still his attention is drawn to the tower. Even when he doesn’t look over directly at it, he is aware of the power aura there within the highest part of the tall structure.

Even all around the area within the compound, rift and disturbance disrupts the air.

Something fascinating though is in that tower. Damanadros knows. It has not called to him by voice, he doesn’t think so at least - but the mystery of the tower is magnetic.
May 17, 2023 2:24 pm
Damanandros is awestruck by the immense display of magic unfolding before his eyes. His mind races, contemplating various ways to investigate the phenomenon from a safe distance. However, his current abilities only grant him a heightened awareness of the magical aura, leaving him yearning for additional tools and spells that could provide deeper insights into the nature of these powerful emanations.

Glancing towards the gate, he assesses the situation, taking note of Gundus' favorable rapport with the locals. This could prove to be a significant advantage in their endeavors. The allure of the tower's hidden secrets tugs at his curiosity, tempting him to join Gundus and enter through the gate. However, the presence of Xenophon holds him back, reminding him of the importance of their collective mission.
May 17, 2023 3:35 pm
"The others are dead, fled or taken!" Gundus says. "A whole tribe's on the war-path, led by some winged horror. We never had a chance. I think they're headed this way, and you'll need to muster every man and woman that can bear arms to hold the fort. I've come to warn you, and give what help I may."

Well, that ought to stir up this hornet's nest. He could only trust in Türas to guide him, and pray he was doing the right thing.
Sorry, CB. The gate just seemed the natural place to go.
May 17, 2023 6:54 pm
Galopan listens attentively to Gundus's plea.

The soldier thinks through the quandary he is in for a long moment, but makes his decision in a difficult circumstance.

"I believe the spirit of my father would say to let you in, kyrazenus. I knew you should not have stayed out at the trail.

We'll try to find your fellows, and I need your help as well - Gods know! - we have many troubles here at the fort.

Hold there. I'll come down and open the gate."
May 17, 2023 7:29 pm
"She's gone," Igolio says, as if in resignation.

He looks down from Gennadius briefly, "She's gone now."

But then back up again. His eyes are different. They are pale red and aglow.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 7:30 pm
A loud sound. CHKUUUUKKK!!
And now the rattling of sliding chains, a cranking wheel, and a heavy oak board thumping and bumping as it is raised clear.

Syrena sees, directly across from her, the bolt beam being lifted from its hanger.

The gate doors are unlocked!
May 17, 2023 7:30 pm
A loud shrill sound pierces the night when Aduorix blows her bone and reed whistle. The signal carries throughout the compound and beyond.

The dainty saboteur steps out from the chain room, shouting while cupping her hands around the sides of her mouth, "OPEN THE DOORS! OPEN THE DOORS! THE BOLT IS UP! OPEN THE DOORS!!"
May 17, 2023 7:31 pm
Startled by Igolio's glowing eyes, Mennic curses aloud, "Gods' Fire!"

He starts backing away then feels the first rat scurry to his foot.

"EYYAAA!!!", he shouts again. "The RATS!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 7:32 pm
Gennadius looks down. Rats are running towards him from every direction. One pounces onto his pants leg. Another leaps from a stool and barely falls short of him.

They are closing in - everywhere.

The whistle sounds out through the compound. Gennadius glances across to see Aduourix calling to open the gate.
May 17, 2023 7:32 pm
The whistle sounds out just when Galopan turns from Gundus on the upper balcony.

"What?!?", Galopan steps across and looks over the balcony at the gate below. He sees a small woman below him near the chain room. She is yelling to open the gate.

"No. NOOO!!!," Galopan shouts in frustration. He lurches to the stairwell.

"I trusted you, priest!", he yells at the top of his lungs at Gundus outside. "Dishonor! DISHONOR ON YOU!!"

The bewildered soldier barrels down the stairs towards the chain room, cursing his own foolishness and dereliction of duty.
May 17, 2023 7:33 pm
The whistle sounds out, even as Gundus is waiting there at the gate.

Even from the overwatch position, they can hear Aduorix's shouts. The door gate is unlocked!

"ADUORIX!", Baudecca says aloud to the group. "Let's go!"

She claps Xenophon on the shoulder and charges forward across the clearing, axe in hand.
May 17, 2023 7:33 pm
"Now your flesh will BE EATEN!!", Igolio decrees his sentence of doom upon Gennadius.

The thin swordsman draws his other sword and raises both blades up in the air as the droves of rats horde to him and swarm forward.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 7:43 pm
Required Action, Gennadius: Roll Initiative
Required Action, Syrena: Roll Initiative
Required Action, Remaining PCs as a group: Roll Initiative

**Important**: Announce Action and intent before Initiative Roll
[ +- ] SF Map, Features and Positioning, Reference 6
May 17, 2023 8:06 pm
Syrena rushes the gate, with bow in hand, even as the first sounds of the sliding bolt can be heard. She hurries to open the doors for the rest to enter.


Initiative - (1d10+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 17, 2023 8:13 pm
Initiative Tracking List, working...
Remember, Initiative Modifiers are negative in Retro Initiative. Low numbers are what you want.
Syrena: 2
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