Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 30, 2023 2:02 am
Baudecca starts the assault on the ceiling door with her axe. It is an odd angle, and standing awkwardly on the ladder.

Crash! Crash! Crash!

She slams the axe upward into the wood again and again.

The door shakes and splits and begins to crack.

Another chop and the heavy boards are beginning to break apart.

Xenophon sees she will be through in a few more strikes.
May 30, 2023 2:01 pm
As Damanandros delves deeper into his understanding of the tower and the enigmatic gem, an insatiable curiosity takes hold of him. The allure of its mystery grows stronger with each passing moment. However, as the urgency of the situation with his companions becomes apparent, he feels a sense of responsibility pulling him in their direction.

Making his way toward the base of the ladder, he calls out to Baudecca, his voice laced with concern. "Be cautious! Opening the door holds great danger. Others have succumbed to its power, and you could suffer the same fate."

Placing a hand on Zenophon's shoulder, he speaks with a urgent tone. "I can sense the immense power emanating from within. It surpasses anything I have ever witnessed. Choose your path wisely, my friend."
May 30, 2023 3:36 pm
Baudecca pauses for a minute, breathing heavy from the effort there on the ladder. She hears Damanandros's appeal - her expression shows she is considering it.

"If there's danger," she says sincerely, "I've got to get her out of there."

Making her decision, she turns back to her commitment.

Three more heavy chops. The boards splinter and the door shatters apart, fragments falling down to the floor below.

Baudecca holsters her axe and uses her hand to pull free a few remaining pieces of obstruction.

With the pathway clear, she makes the rest of the steps upward and pulls herself through the ceiling threshold, disappearing into the upper room above.


DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 3:56 pm
After the ecstasy of the pleasure, both given and received, Syrena closes her eyes briefly to indulge in the comfort.

She awakens with a start, realizing that she may have dosed off longer than she had intended.

Aduorix is sitting on the floor near the foot of the bed, staring at the glowing Dial. The adept young woman is like a spry fey of the old tales, mesmerizing in her beauty and in her enigma. She is wearing only her undergarments, thin silk shorts and shirt - barefooted with her knees pulled up near her chin, an ease with her limber flexibility.

Syrena rises from the bed and dresses back into her field-wear. She gathers and checks her equipment.

The dial catches her attention again, and she studies its detail - the intricacy of the workmanship, the masterful hands and gears, the unfathomable brilliance of the central gem.

The Heart of the Earth. Could it be true?

A device of legend and fable, but in every story about it, promises that it was still yearning to be found again - at the right time.

Whoever captured it would be granted the secrets of the forests, the mountains, the rivers, even time itself. Secret pathways, hidden lands, mystical means of travel. All would be revealed, it was said, to the claimant who won the Earth's Heart for the Coming Age.

Syrena thought little of it at first, but now she cannot resist letting her imagination run free. What would be done with such an artifact, if it be true?

Who would be the rightful claimant, worthy of - or at least lucky enough to win - such an eternal boon?

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 3:59 pm
Xenophon and Damanadros brace for effects after Baudecca ascends into the upper chamber.

They hear her calls, "Aduorix. Aduorix! Wake up. Are you well?"

Now there are sounds of her stepping. Thumps and bumps.

"Syrena, snap out of it!", she says, with a sharp biting tone.

Baudecca comes back to the the ceiling opening.
May 30, 2023 4:05 pm
"I've got her!", Baudecca shouts down to Xenophon and Damanadros.

"She's not responding. I'm passing her down - take hold of her!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:05 pm
Xenophon puts one foot up on the ladder to reach, and takes the small woman in his arm. She is dressed only in under garments. Her skin is red and she is covered in perspiration. The heat is overwhelming on the third floor chamber - Xenophon feels the wave of it when he comes close to the ceiling port.

Carefully he moves Aduorix to one of the bunk beds on the second floor, and then turns to see what might be next with Baudecca and Syrena.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:06 pm
Now Baudecca is shouting at her.

Syrena wonders how she got into the room so quickly.
May 30, 2023 4:16 pm
"Let's go! Get out of the room, Syrena!", Baudecca is shouting now.

She takes Syrena by the arm and pulls her towards the floor door.

"Down the ladder - climb, woman! SNAP TO!"

Syrena seems out of her full mind, but is responding and making her way onto the ladder - almost automated by the commands.

Baudecca looks over and sees the green glow.

So that is it!, she thinks. Magnificent. What workmanship... what majesty!

Then there beside the floor door threshold, she sees the eagle leather bags. One is open to reveal the contents.

Her heart leaping, she cinches the top flap closed and buckles it tight.

"Look sharp, Nicean!" she shouts again to Xenophon, with glee this time. "Heavy load coming down - put your strong arm READY! HAHAHA!"

She passes them down, one at a time - the heavy leather bags, marked with the Imperial Eagle Insignia, filled to capacity with Silver.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:19 pm
Syrena is getting her wits about her, gradually coming to her senses there in the second floor chamber.

She feels as if she is waking after a deep sleep, though she remembers the moments immediately before - vividly.
May 30, 2023 4:31 pm
Responding to a request for report of the room, Baudecca gives quick details to Damanandros and Xenophon.

"It looks like an armory, but with a bed and desk in the chamber as well.

The chests held these bags, but they are empty now.

But I saw it! There on the table - glowing green. The source of the heat and magic.

You were right - you can feel its power. It is magnificent...

A necklace!"
she makes a descriptive motion: her hands coming around the sides of her neck.

"A golden torc, with intricate carvings, runes etched as inlays of nickel.

The glowing emeralds are built in on both end points - the eyes of the two wolf heads that face towards each other at the breach."
She clenches both fists and holds them close one to another with a space in between, like two heads facing off.

"It must be ancient. Surely the jewelry of Authority - from a bygone Era."

She is excited to make the revelation. "We must take it. It is a treasure worth a City, perhaps an entire Domain!"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:33 pm
The group checks Aduorix again. She is breathing and has a pulse in her veins, but she still does not respond.

The mood changes from excitement back to concern.
May 30, 2023 4:37 pm
"I'm moving her out of here - away from this heat!"

She picks her companion up over her shoulder and moves towards the door that exits the second floor chamber to the outside ladder.

Baudecca knocks against Syrena on the way out. "What happened?!", she snaps. "What were you doing while she fell into this ill state?!"
The Krysean warrior woman's anger is clear.

She does not wait for an answer, but scowls at Syrena and then climbs down the ladder, carrying the limp-bodied, scantily-clad little Aduorix with her.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:43 pm
Gennadius and Mennic help Baudecca move Aduorix over to the outdoor kitchen table for treatment.

Gundus and Galopan stand by deciding priorities and trying to understand the sudden cascade of events in the tower, not all of which were clear from their vantage point on the ground outside.

Xenophon, Damanandros, and a recovering Syrena stand in the second floor chamber of the tower - 5 bags full of silver eagles at their feet, thousands and thousands of coins.

And the looming magic above them, in the higher chamber overhead - the green glow casting through the broken ceiling port door at the top of the ladder.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 30, 2023 4:45 pm
Required Action, All PCs: Describe action, character thoughts and intent.
What happens next?!
May 30, 2023 5:58 pm
Syrena glares back at Baudecca's accusing eyes and answers the Kyrsean's challenge to account for her place when Aduorix became transfixed by the gem. "Watchful upon the wall for yet unseen opposition, my attention was drawn to the tower, when the rope and grapple gained notice. There, upon the balcony, facing north, was Aduorix. Already within."

"She bid I come across as well and I did, to see that she was not alone in that chamber atop the tower." Syrena continues. "There were no lurkers hiding there to ambush us, but the heat was intense. Aduorix opened the chests and discovered the coins. Then the emerald aglow on the table. I could see the pull it was having on her."

"I sought to distract her..both of us, with other thoughts until someone else came to investigate." She adds. "It was working so well, but then I closed my eyes. It seemed but a moment. But, when the sound of the axe on the trapdoor startled me awake on the bed, there was Aduorix enthralled by the glow."

Syrena brushes a forearm across her brow, wiping away the perspiration.
Last edited May 30, 2023 5:59 pm
May 31, 2023 5:24 am
Silver, sooo much silver! This is a treasure to tell the tale about! Gennadius stares down at the fortune. "we can all do a lot with this." He gestures to the bags. Then, with a nod towards Syrena and Aduorix "And there is little we can do with that thing in there if we all end up like these two. I don't understand what this magic is here, and I don't think a night's rest is going to change that for you either. We should depart with this, split the shares, and live for years off of these gains." His emphasis indicating that there is more to the thought.

He sighs heavily looking back to to bags as he considers what he is about to say. "But Damanandros, the bitch harpy deserves to die. If we leave now, the will continue to build on whatever this dark mystic power she has. If we stay, I think we would surely perish. We need to kill her, but we can't do it alone. Infact, I would bet that you, Damanandros would be willing to hand over your entire share if that meant the death of the bitch."

Gennadius picks up a sack of silver. "We can return to the fort prior to this, bringing these wages of silver. Tell them of the harpy bitch that has stolen their coin and taken control of this place. Those soldiers would be furious! With fresh coin in hand and the promise of more, they would march into this fort and slaughter the harpy bitch in force! This is what I say we do with this coin! How storied our names will be! That! That is worth more than just a few bags of silver! he drops the bag of coins to the floor.
Last edited May 31, 2023 5:26 am
May 31, 2023 6:21 am
"Galopan – the Lusetem Türas! Let's be quick about it. This symbol of the Marshal," Gundus holds up the Icon, "has given us protection. If the girl's malady is the work of foreign gods, the Lusetem might aid her. Perhaps that is why it was removed from the camp. Let us restore Türas to His rightful place of honour, and have faith that the gods will lend us strength at need."

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 31, 2023 9:41 am
Damanandros hears Gennadius talking in the background, but now that he is close to the artifact the patterns are becoming clearer and clearer.

At first Damanandros sees the green glow, but then he sees that the spectrum of the light can shift. Damanandros can change what he perceives.

There is illusion in the chamber above, as well as mental and sensory disruption for those untrained. But Damanandros knows this symbology from his years of study, preparation, and practice. As an arcanist mage he might not be able to glean all of the magic's mystery in full, but he is in no danger from it.

Already he knows he stands to gain, and quickly. His own spellcasting can be restored by this generator - whatever it is. Beyond that, perhaps the technology would yield some of its secrets, purpose, and origin.

If this is what he wishes, he knows he must ascend the ladder, encounter the device, and make the most of this fleeting moment.

Somehow Damanandros knows that an opportunity awaits, though not for long. A door is there - to be opened or closed? He cannot yet tell.
May 31, 2023 10:00 am
Mennic has approached to join cautiously, following Gennadius and watching the discovery of the bags of silver while perched on the ladder, peaking into the second floor chamber.

"I knew it!," he shouts. "They took it. They've had it here all along. Our pay!"

When questioned, Mennic explains that he heard from some of the legionnaires loyal to Eramus, before their mysterious departure and claimed demise, that the legionnaire wages would be coming soon - though not from Amanuctum.

Castellan Eramus had been working with local logging crews to cut a connector trail down to Vallo Canyon. Early in the spring he had supposedly made agreements with some landed nobleman north of the Spen to take over funding of the Lusetem Towers. So payment was supposed to be coming up the new trail, passing through the lakeside village of Baetulo and then climbing the new trail here to Tower 4.

Mennic's story seems corroborated by letters inserted in interior side pockets in the leather bags. These writings detail payments due out to officers, legionnaires, and supporters at Towers 4, 2, and 1.

"They ambushed the courier caravan. They must have!," Mennic says with contempt. "The day after Eramus and the others were gone, Omander, Regenus, and the Opeleneans went down the new trail and were gone all day. They came back late, and were fucking around with that bitch's floating carpet - over by the north wall for hours.

They killed Eramus and the others, and took our pay! It's been here for a week now, and the others are dead!

Rats! All of them are rats - just like Igolio and his filth!"

The hot-tempered cook spits and then stomps away to deal with his frustration.
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