After the ecstasy of the pleasure, both given and received, Syrena closes her eyes briefly to indulge in the comfort.
She awakens with a start, realizing that she may have dosed off longer than she had intended.
Aduorix is sitting on the floor near the foot of the bed, staring at the glowing Dial. The adept young woman is like a spry fey of the old tales, mesmerizing in her beauty and in her enigma. She is wearing only her undergarments, thin silk shorts and shirt - barefooted with her knees pulled up near her chin, an ease with her limber flexibility.
Syrena rises from the bed and dresses back into her field-wear. She gathers and checks her equipment.
The dial catches her attention again, and she studies its detail - the intricacy of the workmanship, the masterful hands and gears, the unfathomable brilliance of the central gem.
The Heart of the Earth. Could it be true?
A device of legend and fable, but in every story about it, promises that it was still yearning to be found again - at the right time.
Whoever captured it would be granted the secrets of the forests, the mountains, the rivers, even time itself. Secret pathways, hidden lands, mystical means of travel. All would be revealed, it was said, to the claimant who won the Earth's Heart for the Coming Age.
Syrena thought little of it at first, but now she cannot resist letting her imagination run free. What would be done with such an artifact, if it be true?
Who would be the rightful claimant, worthy of - or at least lucky enough to win - such an eternal boon?