Mystery of Saromen Fro

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May 7, 2023 5:45 pm
Damanandros is sullen and withdrawn. He watches from outside the circle, listening in on the details and busying himself with cleaning his spellbook. The mud and rain had soiled the edges of the pages and may never fully be made crisp and flat again.

His unease with the sudden arrival of these women is palpable.

He pales over the facts she shares of the witch and her influence on Saromen Fro.

Methods he has become all too familiar with.

Likely not a coincidence.

He feels as if he is falling into the pit again, unable to stop the trajectory they find themselves on.
May 7, 2023 11:56 pm
"There is more corrupting influence in Saromen Fro than a single witch." Syrena interjects, as no one else seems compelled to share their knowledge of the prior night. "There is also a harpy, who is in league with an unknown female entity. This may be the witch or the witch may actually be a harpy."
Last edited May 7, 2023 11:57 pm
May 8, 2023 9:18 am
"That could well be the case, Syrena" says Gundus. "Either way, evil is afoot, and we must do something about it. If we don't brave the tower ourselves, then what? Seek help from Saromen Gen? The forces involved are up to something, I feel. Those trips Omander takes must be for a purpose. Can we afford delay? This is our chance to find out what's going on, and we ought to take it."
May 8, 2023 9:58 am
Syrena's words are to let our two newcomers be informed of the extra threat, not to suggest we not act.
May 8, 2023 10:30 am
I got that, I was just laying out the options as I see them.
May 8, 2023 10:43 am
When Syrena mentions the harpy, Baudecca and Aduorix look at one another as if a worry has been realized.

After Gundus's response that follows, Baudecca says to Syrena, "You mentioned seeing a harpy? A woman crossed with a bird - is this what you mean?"

She continues after a confirmation. "This is troubling to hear. Some of the highlanders claimed that bird women were screeching on the high cliffs near Carantacus Leap overlooking the lake. The story seemed a fable at first, but then others claimed it was true."

She nods to Syrena. "If you saw a bird woman, now I must believe the highlanders' accounts are more accurate than embellishment."

"Harpies?! I did not even know they were real." she says, as if thinking it over in frustration. And she continues a fearsome list. "Goblins on the move. Wargs. Giant scorpions. A two-headed devil dog. What is next?! What is amiss in the spen?"

Pondering further, "This strangeness seems to have begun with this last Cycle. Perhaps Annuba the Opelenean is a Moon Witch."

She turns to Gundus. "Can your favor with the gods be called to counter her Night Magic?"

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 8, 2023 10:47 am
Xenophon and Syrena both realize that Baudecca's assessment of timing is reminiscent of cryptic comments made by the veteran Krysean Optio at Saromen Gen.

He too mentioned a strangeness emerging with the recent Moon Cycle.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 8, 2023 10:57 am
Not sure of my availability during the day today - I think I'll be in and out intermittently.

If y'all can, steer us towards next actions. If there is to be an engagement with/against Saromen Fro perimeter, help me zero in on the general strategy or approach.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 8, 2023 9:23 pm
Damanandros reflects on the ideas that continue to perplex him in his stress.

Revealed: previously a Note exclusive to Leo9sign...
Damanandros is reflecting on the names and terms that he heard. He cannot help but wonder their meaning.

When he spoke to the Goddess...the Harpy, to Ish'tauxi, it was quite fascinating to hear her fluent use of ancient Zaharan. For Damanandros, who learned the dead language like all others do, by formal study in an academic setting, her speech seemed wrong to what he learned - yet it was clear that her version of the language was correct. He was quite certain of it.

It was not entirely different, but the inflection, the syntax, the ordering, the pronunciation - it all came together differently than he was used to. Certain vocabulary he did not know. Certain conjugation, gendering, and application of adjectives and adverbs were new to him.

Meanwhile, it seemed as if Ish'tauxi was learning the proper use of Low Auran for the first time. She had started the interaction with only a crude version of the common speech, more akin to the manner in which the few beastmen speakers use the language of men, with severe limitation and inaccuracy.

Through the day today he has been sifting through his memory of the fateful conversation, reliving it almost - and reflecting on the strangeness of it all.

"Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu."

Nur-Hunzu seems more like a title. The word "holy" is usually converted as "nara", but with the descriptive conjugation scheme that Ish-tauxi was using, "nara" could have been converted to "nuru" for masculine. And then for formality or definite connotation, the shift to "Nur" seems possible.

And the "Hunzu", Damanadros is coming to believe, is some reference to "moon" which normally is "hansar". But again with the older trends, he might guess it would be more like "hunsr". Yes, the "Hunzu" would still be an unknown. It could be a proper name. But on the other hand, it could be something "moon - ish", related to "moon".

"Moonish"? Perhaps not. "moon man" ? "Moon Lord"? "Sign of the Moon"?

Damanandros cannot pinpoint it. He can recognize the possibility that he is overthinking it or drawing associations because of the ongoing references to the full moon - an imposing presence at this point.

But..."Holy Moon Lord Isiratuu" ... it is taking root in his mind as a possible candidate for translation. It is difficult to dismiss the theory of it.

What would a Holy Moon Lord of Zahar be, during the long ago age of the Sorcerer Kings?[/note]
May 8, 2023 11:01 pm
Syrena nods. "Yes. The same. A harpy." She looks over to the mage as she answers. "It was not seen by my eyes or the foul bitch would now be dead. She fled her torments before tasting the sting of my arrows."
May 9, 2023 5:46 am
Damanandros jumps back into the conversation, his mind still grappling with the events of the past few days. He feels raw and on edge, quick to take offense at even the slightest provocation, intended or not.

"Consider yourself lucky you didn't fall under her spell with her singing," he says, with a hint of bitterness in his voice. He knows Syrena isn't implying that she would have done better, but he can't help feeling defensive.

"I've been thinking about the language she spoke and the words she used," he continues, his tone becoming more animated. "It was a nuanced form of ancient Zaharan, and the full moon seemed to be an important point in her questioning. Nur-Hunzu Isiratuu could be translated as Holy Moon Lord Isiratuu. Maybe she's still after it." He looks to the newcomers, hoping to gauge their reactions.
May 9, 2023 10:22 am
Gennadius is put at ease as the two women, the theive's bealach speak. He grew up idolizing and play-acting as a sly bealach, raiding the treasure room of fat merchants.

"Isheir-Rothu." Gennadius says to Damanandros. To the group. "Not Isiratuu. Isheir-Rothu. I recognize the name now. It's an old one from children's rhymes. ...Ishi-Rotten in the rhymes. ancient wizard that created beastmen. Like goblins. Like harpies." He relays, pausing as he looks thoughtful, remembering tales and lore before divulging each bit remembered.

'What children come?' The Moon King spoke
'So far from hearth and home'

Only a mistake my Lord I'll go
My children wait at home.

'The silvered moon has brought you here'
'A thrall caught in my claws'
'Thine legs are scaled snakes, my son'
'And hunger shall be yours'

A single word, a single word
That Isheir-Rothu spoke
And now the beast weeps for his home
And not a soul to hear
Accompanying soundtrack:
"These creatures, these witches seek powerful magic. That magic and their treasures are in that tower and they are gone. We act now. Together."
May 9, 2023 10:30 am
Baudecca, now standing and at-arms, moves over to Syrena as the group conference begins to break into smaller conversations.

"You said you would have shot the harpy had you the chance," she nods at Syrena's bow then looks back up at her. "I believe you," she says with her pleasant smile.

"You carry your longbow like the Arrisae hunters. They are a tribe with renown archers, of the old hardwood forests of Loem. And you are sure-footed here in the spen hills. It is a sight to see you dressed as you are and ranging here with these city men and mercenaries. I have wondered if you are from the Drakonir Mountains."

She takes interest in Syrena's responses, and any information shared.

Soon though she prompts for action. "If it came to it, could you send an arrow into the throat of Annuba Opelenean - if she stood there on the tower balcony and you on the ground? It is a 30 foot rise at least.

I do not wish for the guard Galopan to be shot with an arrow. Spare him if you can. I admire his commitment, and Aduorix believes he is a kind soul. At least he is a worthy adversary."

Carrying on with her obvious restlessness, she asks Syrena, "What can we do to get these stubborn mules into stride?" She signals at the men.

But then she listens to young Gennadius's harrowing song intently.

DMJ Inactive for 1 months

May 9, 2023 10:33 am
[ +- ] Optional: Rornish History reference
May 9, 2023 10:53 am
Aduorix's bright eyes widen as she experiences Gennadius's scary dirge.

She slowly moves her dainty hand to cover her mouth that has drifted agape; she is visibly filled with worry.

"Oh no!" Aduorix eeks at the end. "Ishi-Rotten paints the moon. Ishi-Rotten splits open your back and sticks a BUG INSIDE YOU!", she recounts the old childish rhyme.

"Yuck!" she says, contorting her face and wiggling her body in disgust.

Listening next to Gennadius's call to alliance and action, Aduorix gives a little clap. She balls her small fists and sets to a ready stance.

Then she hesitates, looking to Gennadius and Baudecca for a last assurance, "But we'll have to sneak away and run if Ishi-Rottoo is here, right?"
May 9, 2023 3:27 pm
Robago says:
"That could well be the case, Syrena" says Gundus. "Either way, evil is afoot, and we must do something about it. If we don't brave the tower ourselves, then what? Seek help from Saromen Gen? The forces involved are up to something, I feel. Those trips Omander takes must be for a purpose. Can we afford delay? This is our chance to find out what's going on, and we ought to take it."
Xenophon agrees with all the points that Gundus makes. He has even more reasons to sign onto this task.

"I fully support this action, Gundus. I don't know about you all, but I was hired to do a job, and now something's in the way of that. If ill fortune has befallen Eramus, it is in all our interest to extricate him. We can't get paid if we don't have an employer."

Xenophon doesn't mention that he personally vouched to The Ion that Eramus's operation would bear fruit, but he doesn't remind everyone that his balls are on the line here.

"And if he truly is lost, dead, or worse - then avenging him is our right and our duty." That part was for Gundus's benefit, although he did feel it in his heart. But, he added a more mercenary rejoinder:

"And, if that is the case, his treasures should be liberated and not allowed to fall into the hands of a witch. If that is the case. Hopefully we find The Lion alive and well, and help him get back on his feet and out from whatever ill luck has befallen him."
Last edited May 9, 2023 3:28 pm
May 9, 2023 4:06 pm
"What is your plan then?," Baudecca turns to Xenophon.

"Aduorix can scale over that palisade wall as a matter of course.

If we can give her full cover and safety, she can sneak to the chain room, unlock the pin, and move the bar plank on that gate door. She's learned the mechanism already."

She looks over at Gundus now "Or..." and back to Xenophon, "...can a reputable priest simply approach the gate and appeal for entry?"
May 9, 2023 8:04 pm
"The Jutting Mountains were long the ancestral warrens of mother's blood. My beginning were in the coastal city of Vellën. Though, Amanuctum became the family home from childhood. I have spent many days and nights amongst the hills and forests of the Dragonir, mostly in its northwestern reaches." She answers Baudecca. "Into the throat and her eyes." Syrena assures the Krysean warrior. "And...those of the harpy as well. Its feathers would make for fine fletchings on future arrows."

"Baudecca is a name known well in the legends of the Rornish people."
She adds. "If you have but a small measure of the courage and skill she possessed, the success of our night's raid is certain. If it were not already by the numbers of our cadre."

She glances over to Aduorix. "Safe journey over the wall, nimble one. On this moon, Ishi- would have to contend with my hand should he wish to harm a hair on your head."
Last edited May 10, 2023 7:05 am
May 10, 2023 6:31 am
Gundus nods. "I think Aduorix should climb the wall and open the gate," he says.

"We'll intervene as necessary. If we need to explain our presence, you could pose as our prisoner, Baudecca, brought to the camp to be interrogated. It should be plausible enough."
"Can your favor with the gods be called to counter her Night Magic?"
"The gods grant us a trifle of their power tonight. But their blessings are subtle, and will chiefly enhance our own store of skill and courage. It is not their way to do mortals' work for them.

He turns to the wizard. "Have faith, Damanandros! This time we are striking the blow. Evil can know fear too, and tonight we shall teach its meaning!"
May 10, 2023 12:59 pm
Baudecca takes interest in Syrena's background shared.

She also enjoys Syrena's boastings immensely. She smiles full when she hears of piercing eyes and throat, of witch and harpy, and taking feather trophies. "Aye! I would say so!", she proclaims in support with a laugh. "You are something different. I am glad to be behind your drawn bow rather than down the sight of it."

When Syrena recognizes her name reference, Baudecca responds gratefully and with some shyness. "Ahh" she says, tucking a loose lock of her hair behind her ear, "Rarely does anyone recognize that name from the stories. My mother gave me the name."

There is perhaps a brief glimpse of vulnerability, of something she might say but then does not. She resets with another smile. "Thank you, Syrena."

And she hardens again quickly. "And as you say, harpy or witch, both can feel the sting of sharp steel." She claps the hilt of her axe in the palm of her other hand. "Beheading might be their schedule tonight if they challenge us."
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