AutomAtomic says:
my 5 against 15? Really? What's the point? Do i get a Striking looks bonus here?
I have quite literally rolled more than 15 dice and gotten no successes. I have also seen someone get five successes off a chance die. So, even though it's unlikely, I still like to let the dice work rather than just narrate. Sometimes, they truly do surprise you.
Yuri narrows her eyes at Rain for a moment.
"Alright then." With that, she nods politely to Sakura and heads back into the building, quickly lost in the sea of people.
The two of you are let in as they begin to process the people behind you.
Stan, the blonde woman laughs.
"Of course. We aren't keeping ID, just verifying who you are. They want to take electronics -- at least in the short term -- because they are worried an errant post might draw the attention of other survivors who may want to take resources. Makes a certain sense, y'know?"
She writes down some information and hands the passport back.
Amaresh, a man will take down your information and return your passport.
The three of you who haven't been checked with the wand will have it quickly passed over your front and back, and then all four of you are let into the Center House.
There are a lot of people here. A lot. But there is also food and drinks, and they are working on establishing sleeping facilities. It looks like it will be cots and sleeping bags for the most part. Well... sleeping bags at least. There are also some air mattresses, some real mattresses, blankets, even a few beanbag chairs. At the moment, they seem to be doing whatever they can to accomodate the mass of people gathered here.