Final Destination

May 16, 2023 2:52 pm
05 June 2025

"This is your captain speaking, we have begun our descent into SeaTac. Please put your seatbacks and tray tables in their upright and locked positions. The local time is one-thirty-seven in the morning, and the temperature is fifty three degrees. Looks like we should be expecting rain today, hope everyone brought a jacket. For now sit back and relax, we'll be on the ground shortly."

It's been a long, relatively boring flight -- as trans-pacific air travel tends to be. Fortunately, no babies spent the entire trip crying. Attendants had been by to pick up any trash for the last time about twenty minutes ago. The flight was packed, and most passengers had been asleep. The announcement roused them, and attendants made sure to wake anyone who needed to put up their tray or seat (as if they made the difference between life and death).

Minutes tick by. The more perceptive notice the plane seems to bank lazily. The more experienced with this flight know that's atypical. Still, never know who could be in the way.

More minutes tick by. It becomes notable that the plane is circline the airport. No announcement though, and the attendants aren't talking. Passengers are beginning to murmur amongst themselves as the circling is notuced. For those with the vantage point, the head flight attendant answers the phone from her jump seat, and after hanging up unbuckles herself and heads to the fore of the plane. A minute later she rushes to each other attendant and whispers something, before returning to her jumpseat and strapping in. She seems to pause a moment, then picks up the phone.

"This is your captain again. We do apologize for that delay, we were having a bit of a communications issue with the flight tower. We're good to go now though, and we'll be on the ground presently. Thank you again for flying with us today."

The plane does, in fact, seem to finish its bank and then descend. Minutes later, that familiar and reassuring bump of the landing gears contacting the tarmac jostles everyone and the plane slows as it taxies to the terminal.

Eventually the plan stops completely, and the "fasten seatbelt" sign is extinguished. A bunch of people stand, others aren't in a rush. But the doors... don't open. The head attendant rushes around, and after a few more minutes the door opens and they deploy the emergency slide. About half the attendants exit the plane, the other half staying near the doors to assist passengers in their egress.

This flight has certainly taken a turn.
May 16, 2023 5:24 pm
For now sit back and relax, we'll be on the ground shortly.
Stan senses a change around him, waking up from dozing through a Jazz album he was playing on the on-board entertainment system. He removes his earbuds to catch the end of the first Captain announcement.
Thank God for that, he thinks fastening his seatbelt. He checks his watch, already set to PDT. I thought this flight would never end...

He stretches his numb legs, making a mental note of the next steps, focusing on how many pieces of luggage he must remember to collect, both from the cabin and from the Baggage claim.
Passengers are beginning to murmur amongst themselves as the circling is noticed.
Oh what? you gotta be kiddin'... he leans to look out of the small window at the blinking lights on the wing, and at the darkness beyond.
Probably too many planes scheduled to land, and we're in a queue, he tells himself. He tries not to think of the fuel left in the plane after a 10 hours flight.

"This is your captain again. We do apologize for that delay, we were having a bit of a communications issue with the flight tower. We're good to go now though, and we'll be on the ground presently. Thank you again for flying with us today."
Hmm? How strange, why is the flight attendant saying she is the captain? She clearly isn't...

When the plane finally lands, he sighs in relief, but then again senses something's not quite right. Craning his neck from his sitting position, he sees there is some commotion near the plane (still closed) door.

When the emergency slide is deployed and some passengers are helped out of the plane he stands up, fully alerted to the serious anomaly of the situation.
He exchanges a puzzled glance with the Japanese young woman sitting next to him.

"Excuse me," he calls out to the attendants still in the plane, "What's going on? Why the slides? Shouldn't you... like, tell us something??"
@Ledosero I took the liberty of sitting Sakura next to Stan, but can totally change that if you have other plans
Last edited May 16, 2023 7:56 pm
May 16, 2023 7:48 pm
Clarification: The call to the cabin happened, and then the pilot made the anouncement. The head attendant did not make the anouncement.
May 16, 2023 7:57 pm
my bad, rectified. The attendant picking up the phone, followed by the captain announcement threw me
May 16, 2023 8:26 pm
Rain was used to traveling. Mr. Barrera always sent her first-class. Nine hours was a long flight, but in relative comfort, it wasn’t that bad. There wasn't anything new that could surprise her...or so she thought. It wasn't the delayed landing. Inclement weather caused that all the time when one runway flooded or Iced over so there were less lanes for incoming flights. The scrambling of the attendants was...slightly concerning without any specific announcement, but again, things happen. Some kid could have ducked into the bathroom or a mild medical emergency in another passenger could have caused the activity at the last minute. The plane landed almost as smoothly as Mr. Barrera's private jet did, so no issue there.

When the plane had taxied long enough to reach the terminal, and then the doors hadn't opened, then they had but instead of the gangway the emergency slides were deployed...that triggered some red flags in Rain's book.

Had there been a terrorist attack at the airport? They wouldn't have told the passengers about that for fear of a panic. She heard someone further back in the plane trying to get answers from an attendant. That might get something but Rain figured they were in "emergency procedure" mode and it would be better to wait for another announcement or until she was on the actual ground again.

With her head on a swivel, she tried to peer out the tiny window to see what she could while making sure no one made off with the designer bag she had stowed overhead.
if theres anything to see I'd like to try.


Perception - (5d10)

(17238) = 21

May 16, 2023 9:10 pm
There isn't much you can see through the little windows. The lights are certainly on in the terminal, and you think you can catch movement, but you just don't have an angle conducive to seeing much.
May 16, 2023 9:19 pm
@Ledosero I took the liberty of sitting Sakura next to Stan, but can totally change that if you have other plans
With random things like plane seating allocation; sure!
Sakura has been sitting in the plane. Sleeping, listening to music, her airpods in, listening to music, watching a movie.
She didn't make much of the announcements or the delays at all. She just sat there. Waiting. Happy that the boring flight was finally over. She smiled at the idea that she was finally in the USA. Awesome.

As the attendants lowered the slides, she returned the confused glance to the man who had been sitting next to her.

"Is there something wrong?" she already stood up from her chair, standing tip-toe to try and look over the crowds to see what might be wrong, but then looked at the man's attempt to address an attendant.

Sakura was a big on edge, jumpy. She surely wanted to leave the plane as quickly as possible.
May 18, 2023 1:35 am
It takes a bit, but the attendants are able to get everyone off the plane and keep them together. The pilots will debark last, and once they're standing on the tarmac one will address the 248 passengers.

"We apologize for using the slides. We haven't gotten a reaponse from the tower or the terminal. We aren't sure what's going on, but we're working on accessing the terminal and should have everyone inside shortly. We ask you to be patient, and stay together."

The murmur in the crowd is notable. After a few minutes, in which different members of the flight crew will attempt to radio the terminal and open an access doorway, everyone will hear a weak, higher pitched horn. Coming around a corner, there are a trio of passenger shuttles heading towards all of you. Each is driven by someone in a TSA uniform. Two of the agents will begin loading people into the carts, starting with the very old, the very young (and a guardian), and anyone with a disability or injury. At the same time, the third agent pulls the pilots and head attendant to the side and talks with them. Towards the end of the conversation, the agent pulls out a tablet and a moment later the head flight attendant turns away with her hand held to her mouth.

They're able to load up about 60 people between the three of them. As they depart, the pilot will announce you're going to make your way to the front of the airport.

As you walk, there is a lot of low tones and whispers. It's the loudest quiet in recent memory. And the walk will take a bit... SeaTac isn't small. One pilot is at the front of the group, the other pilot is last in the line.
Everyone can make a sound-based perception check (wits+composure) at a -4 penalty.
May 18, 2023 2:05 am
Earlier . . .
As the plane experiences turbulence Amaresh clutches her seat. This is her second flight only, and she is terrified, but thankful when they land.

Now. . .
Amaresh holds her arms close about her in the chill wind. The northern climate much different from what she is used to back home. Walking, at least, is something she's well used to.
Sorry, should have only been 6 dice there.
Last edited May 18, 2023 2:08 am


Wits + Composure - (7d10)

(4886344) = 37

May 18, 2023 2:20 am
2 dice actually. It's a -4 penalty to the roll. That still leaves you with a single success.
May 18, 2023 2:21 am
okay, so penalties reduce dice available to roll in this edition then?
May 18, 2023 2:24 am
Correct. There's a bit more in the Rules Clarification thread, but bonuses and penalties affect your dice pool. The target number for a success is 8 (static) outside of one specific situation.
May 18, 2023 5:08 am
The reaction from the flight attendant likely confirms Rain's suspicion...the tower was attacked by terrorists. Things must be relatively under control though as they are now on the ground.

However, if never hurts to be cautious. These TSA agents might not be exactly who they claim to be. She moves to the edge of the crowd, ready to break away if things get hinky. She spares a few moments looking back at the plane wondering about Mr. Barrera's shipments, and her bonus payday.
Im not familiar with this airport myself, but Rain will take up a position that might allow her to run away from the structure of the airport. It would likelybe open ground, but better to run than get pinned in.

Also, the penalty reduces this to 1 die...but i font think its a chance roll since her normal score is 5 here.


Perception - (1d10)

(3) = 3

May 18, 2023 6:20 am
Stan looks around nervously as he walks with the others. He managed to get his leather jacket from the overhead container before leaving the plane.
his pool goes to 0 after penalty, rolling a Chance roll


Chance perception - (1d10)

(10) = 10

May 18, 2023 9:24 am
Sakura walks, a little nervously.

Is this the American way of doing things? Probably not. Something has to be wrong for sure.
She has her eyes and ears open.

As she doesn't know anyone at all, she stays close to the man who was seated next to her in the plane. But surely she can't wait to have an opportunity to call home.


Wits (4) + Composure (2) -4 - (2d10)

(710) = 17

May 18, 2023 9:24 am
10 again
Sakura is really on edge by all this, trying to keep note of the smallest details that might seem off.
Last edited May 18, 2023 9:26 am


10 again - (1d10)

(9) = 9

May 18, 2023 1:33 pm
After a bit, the same three TSA agents roll up in their shuttles, this time with a fourth agent and shuttle, and will load up the next 80 or so people.

The energy is bad. There is a general air of tension and uncertainty, but the crew from the plane are doing their best to reassure everyone.

As you all walk, eventually the four shuttles return and cart off another 80 passengers. The group left walking is small (about 25 passengers, the two pilots, and the 6 attendants), but you're rounding the end of the terminal. It's been a healthy walk, but it's finally coming to an end. Two shuttles return, and one of the agents apologizes that your group ended up last as they load you up to drive you the last leg of the journey.

The first thing you notice is the city buses lined up in the pick-up zone. The second thing you notice are people -- TSA agents? Guards? You can't tell from this distance -- who seem to be watching... the automatic doors to the terminal itself? Sure, a few seem to be watching the road in both directions, and across the street where the parking garage is, but most of them are focused on the terminal itself. It even looks like someone used a forklift to line up some jersey barriers in front of the doors.

You also notice some shuttles coming in from the other direction, and the people are being loaded directly onto the buses.

The one thing you're not sure of... is what the hell is actually going on.


Rerolling Stan's 10 - (1d10)

(8) = 8

May 18, 2023 2:53 pm
Rain isn't liking the looks of this, and the fact bo one is talking to them is adding to her stress levels. Realizing the flight crew won't have the authority to tell them anything, she decides to try the shuttle driver.

"Hi, i know you are busy and working hard to get us where we need to be, but we haven't beentold anything. What's going on?" she leans in to whisper"Was "attack" or something? She makes sure her expression is one of calm concern. "I'm sorry, you probably aren’t allowed to tell us anything, I shouldn't have asked. It has just been a stressful evening. Oh, how about this, if you can't tell me anything there has to be someone I...we...can talk too. Someone from the airline maybe? Or your agency? I'm traveling for business and my employer has some cargo on our plane. I'm not supposed to leave the airport until it has been secured for the night. There's usually a whole procedure, but it looks like you aren’t letting anyone into the facility?" Her tone is quiet, soft, and unassuming the whole time. She is trying to be persuasive without being pushy.
This may not be the right person to try this with, but I'm willing to try rolling if it helps.
May 18, 2023 3:09 pm
Make a Presence or Manipulation (your choice) and Persuasion roll at -3.
May 18, 2023 3:11 pm
Sakura shivers a bit at the sounds on the gunshots. But hey, this was the US. And Americans and their guns... that was what her mother had worried about when she told her parents that she would be in the States for a while.

She whispered to Stan, who she had been walking next to all the time

"This isn't normal, is it?... This is my first time actually in the USA. I thought I was well prepared what to expect...."
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