Final Destination

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May 18, 2023 3:21 pm
rolling to persuade


Presence + Persuasion (5) at -3 - (2d10, RA)

(26) = 8

May 18, 2023 3:35 pm
Surprised you didn't bat your eyes at him and pout a little to benefit from Striking Looks. 😂
Glancing at Rain in the little rearview mirror, the driver replies, "I'm sorry, miss, but that's above my pay grade. All I can say is we're evacuating whoever we can to the Seattle Center, and there will be a lot more information there."
May 18, 2023 4:06 pm
MaJunior says:
Surprised you didn't bat your eyes at him and pout a little to benefit from Striking Looks. 😂
Thought about it, but I decided to hold off. Probably use it on the next one because that roll sucked.
Last edited May 18, 2023 4:07 pm
May 18, 2023 4:54 pm
oops sorry - for some weird reason I thought a Chance die roll was not rerolled on a 10...
Sakura says:
"This isn't normal, is it?... This is my first time actually in the USA. I thought I was well prepared what to expect...."
"No, this isn't normal at all... even for a country as crazy as the US..." he says, trying to keep alert at what is going on.

When he hears the sound of shots, he stops in his tracks, firmly stopping Sakura too. "Did you hear shots??"

Then seing that others around them seem to have reacted to the same shot noises, he shouts to the uniformed agents, planting his feet on the spot.
"Hey!!! Wait a minute, this is gunfire!! I'm not moving from here if you don't tell us exactly what the heck is going on here!! If our lives are at risk, we have a right to know!"
He tries to keep a firm tone, but his voice comes out less confident than he would like.

Stan does not like conflict, but the sound of shots is freaking him out, and self preservation makes his heart thump hard in his chest. He also wants to see how far the TSA agents are prepared to go to coerce them into following them without an explanation.
these TSA agents don't carry weapons, right? Unless these do...
May 18, 2023 4:59 pm
"Yes, I heard shots... but.... well, it is the US, right? Isn't everyone always shooting at everyone else?"

She doesn't like the idea of guns at all. But it would come with the job.
Last edited May 18, 2023 5:00 pm
May 18, 2023 5:05 pm
The dream is to get an exceptional success off a chance die. Lol

The gunshots didn't seem to sound as if they were nearby, but they were echoing. There were no TSA agents around when you heard the gunfire, though one of the attendants will tell you whatever is happening it's likely best to stay together. Safety in numbers.

For better or worse, you aren't close to Hilltop in Tacoma. 🤣 (IYKYK)

Feel free to post your follow up. We can rewind if needed.
May 18, 2023 5:44 pm
"Gun shots?! What the hell are you talking about?" this puts Rain right on the line of panic. She's used to being around shady guys with guns, bodyguards, security personnel, rent-a-cop types, but those guns were mostly for bluster and bravado. She hadn't heard any gunshots.
May 18, 2023 6:03 pm
Stan gets near the red-haired woman as she says this, frustrated that his call has fallen on deaf ears. "Yes, distant shots. We both heard them... " he indicates Sakura. "Don't know about you ladies, but I am not liking the look of this situation a single bit... I think something big is happening here, and we're intentionally being kept in the dark."

He points up ahead at the guards near the door, "those guys over there... are they trying to prevent people to leave the terminal?? And why the barriers?..."
Last edited May 18, 2023 6:03 pm
May 20, 2023 2:08 pm
As the shuttles approach the city busses, which already have people packed in, you'll hear someone near the doors yell, "SHIT!!"

It draws your attention, in time to see through the massive windows that a mass of people is sort of... lumbering up to the doors. When the group inside the terminal gets closer to the large automatic doors you're all a bit surprised to find that they don't open -- which is affirmed by the mass of people slowly colliding with what is now effectively a glass and steel wall.

As you trundle closer to the activity, the feeling of unease only intensifies.
Everyone can make Perception checks at this point. (Wits + Composure.) You can take a -1 penalty or a -4 penalty to your roll. The penalty you take will determine "which direction you're looking," so to speak.
May 20, 2023 2:28 pm
"what is this world coming to that these people would be locked inside and stampeding like a herd of wildebeest?"

Amaresh is shocked by the behavior of this mob. . . So many people, more than shed ever seen in one place before with her scant experience with civilization, far more than in the great markets of Addis Ababa, more even than were ever so lose together in her brief stay in Tokyo.
Last edited May 20, 2023 2:29 pm


Wits + composure -3 - (3d10)

(329) = 14

May 20, 2023 2:46 pm
Sakura's curiousity is slowly getting the better of her.
All these people, all this chaos. What is going on here? Still, if she can make a rapport of these events, it would be the best thesis ever!

She watches through the side window of the shuttle bus. Her hands on the glass, her nose almost touching the glass, to see as much as she can.
Not sure if this direction is -1 or -4, so rolling at -1 but take off the extra dice if needed


W+C-1 - (5d10)

(73835) = 26

May 20, 2023 3:15 pm
"Jesus..." Stan's worst suspicions are confirmed as the terminal entrance becomes a thin barrier against... Against what? A riot? A lynch mob?? he thinks, struggling to understand what his eyes are seeing.
"Wh-what is wrong with those people? They move so strangely..."

Fear clenches his stomach, and he looks towards the only obvious way out of there... the buses.

He squints his eyes to see if everything seems OK in that direction, since the normal route of the terminal is precluded.


Perception -1 - (3d10)

(1096) = 25

rerolling 10 - (1d10, RA)

(4) = 4

May 20, 2023 3:19 pm
just had a thought: whenever we roll, by checking the Reroll Aces tick in the die roller, any result of 10 will be automatically rerolled
[ +- ] grab
May 20, 2023 3:33 pm
Rain can't believe what she is seeing. "They...are acting like zombies." She says, louder than she intends.
thats why not. Can i get above a 3 please!
Last edited May 20, 2023 3:34 pm


Perception-4 (why not) - (1d10, RA)

(3) = 3

May 20, 2023 3:45 pm
Stan is relieved to make note that the city busses lined up in the pick-up zone seem like they have a clear route to leave the terminal. Cars have been almost neatly moved off to the side of the lanes near the parking garage... although, by whom is unclear. Still... plenty of TSA agents seem to be protecting the busses. There are people working to protect all of you. Things might turn out ok...

May 20, 2023 3:45 pm
oops sorry I thought you said between -1 and -4 not or I thought we had a sliding scale there
May 20, 2023 3:54 pm
[ +- ] OOC Note
May 21, 2023 7:02 am
"Looks like the buses this shuttle is taking us to are clear to go... For now, at least..." he says out loud to the others.

He then takes his smartphone from his pocket and, if he's got a signal, checks some Seattle News feeds to see if there are any headlines on what's happening at this airport, or in the city.
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