Final Destination

May 16, 2023 2:52 pm
05 June 2025

"This is your captain speaking, we have begun our descent into SeaTac. Please put your seatbacks and tray tables in their upright and locked positions. The local time is one-thirty-seven in the morning, and the temperature is fifty three degrees. Looks like we should be expecting rain today, hope everyone brought a jacket. For now sit back and relax, we'll be on the ground shortly."

It's been a long, relatively boring flight -- as trans-pacific air travel tends to be. Fortunately, no babies spent the entire trip crying. Attendants had been by to pick up any trash for the last time about twenty minutes ago. The flight was packed, and most passengers had been asleep. The announcement roused them, and attendants made sure to wake anyone who needed to put up their tray or seat (as if they made the difference between life and death).

Minutes tick by. The more perceptive notice the plane seems to bank lazily. The more experienced with this flight know that's atypical. Still, never know who could be in the way.

More minutes tick by. It becomes notable that the plane is circline the airport. No announcement though, and the attendants aren't talking. Passengers are beginning to murmur amongst themselves as the circling is notuced. For those with the vantage point, the head flight attendant answers the phone from her jump seat, and after hanging up unbuckles herself and heads to the fore of the plane. A minute later she rushes to each other attendant and whispers something, before returning to her jumpseat and strapping in. She seems to pause a moment, then picks up the phone.

"This is your captain again. We do apologize for that delay, we were having a bit of a communications issue with the flight tower. We're good to go now though, and we'll be on the ground presently. Thank you again for flying with us today."

The plane does, in fact, seem to finish its bank and then descend. Minutes later, that familiar and reassuring bump of the landing gears contacting the tarmac jostles everyone and the plane slows as it taxies to the terminal.

Eventually the plan stops completely, and the "fasten seatbelt" sign is extinguished. A bunch of people stand, others aren't in a rush. But the doors... don't open. The head attendant rushes around, and after a few more minutes the door opens and they deploy the emergency slide. About half the attendants exit the plane, the other half staying near the doors to assist passengers in their egress.

This flight has certainly taken a turn.
May 16, 2023 5:24 pm
For now sit back and relax, we'll be on the ground shortly.
Stan senses a change around him, waking up from dozing through a Jazz album he was playing on the on-board entertainment system. He removes his earbuds to catch the end of the first Captain announcement.
Thank God for that, he thinks fastening his seatbelt. He checks his watch, already set to PDT. I thought this flight would never end...

He stretches his numb legs, making a mental note of the next steps, focusing on how many pieces of luggage he must remember to collect, both from the cabin and from the Baggage claim.
Passengers are beginning to murmur amongst themselves as the circling is noticed.
Oh what? you gotta be kiddin'... he leans to look out of the small window at the blinking lights on the wing, and at the darkness beyond.
Probably too many planes scheduled to land, and we're in a queue, he tells himself. He tries not to think of the fuel left in the plane after a 10 hours flight.

"This is your captain again. We do apologize for that delay, we were having a bit of a communications issue with the flight tower. We're good to go now though, and we'll be on the ground presently. Thank you again for flying with us today."
Hmm? How strange, why is the flight attendant saying she is the captain? She clearly isn't...

When the plane finally lands, he sighs in relief, but then again senses something's not quite right. Craning his neck from his sitting position, he sees there is some commotion near the plane (still closed) door.

When the emergency slide is deployed and some passengers are helped out of the plane he stands up, fully alerted to the serious anomaly of the situation.
He exchanges a puzzled glance with the Japanese young woman sitting next to him.

"Excuse me," he calls out to the attendants still in the plane, "What's going on? Why the slides? Shouldn't you... like, tell us something??"
@Ledosero I took the liberty of sitting Sakura next to Stan, but can totally change that if you have other plans
Last edited May 16, 2023 7:56 pm
May 16, 2023 7:48 pm
Clarification: The call to the cabin happened, and then the pilot made the anouncement. The head attendant did not make the anouncement.
May 16, 2023 7:57 pm
my bad, rectified. The attendant picking up the phone, followed by the captain announcement threw me
May 16, 2023 8:26 pm
Rain was used to traveling. Mr. Barrera always sent her first-class. Nine hours was a long flight, but in relative comfort, it wasn’t that bad. There wasn't anything new that could surprise her...or so she thought. It wasn't the delayed landing. Inclement weather caused that all the time when one runway flooded or Iced over so there were less lanes for incoming flights. The scrambling of the attendants was...slightly concerning without any specific announcement, but again, things happen. Some kid could have ducked into the bathroom or a mild medical emergency in another passenger could have caused the activity at the last minute. The plane landed almost as smoothly as Mr. Barrera's private jet did, so no issue there.

When the plane had taxied long enough to reach the terminal, and then the doors hadn't opened, then they had but instead of the gangway the emergency slides were deployed...that triggered some red flags in Rain's book.

Had there been a terrorist attack at the airport? They wouldn't have told the passengers about that for fear of a panic. She heard someone further back in the plane trying to get answers from an attendant. That might get something but Rain figured they were in "emergency procedure" mode and it would be better to wait for another announcement or until she was on the actual ground again.

With her head on a swivel, she tried to peer out the tiny window to see what she could while making sure no one made off with the designer bag she had stowed overhead.
if theres anything to see I'd like to try.


Perception - (5d10)

(17238) = 21

May 16, 2023 9:10 pm
There isn't much you can see through the little windows. The lights are certainly on in the terminal, and you think you can catch movement, but you just don't have an angle conducive to seeing much.
May 16, 2023 9:19 pm
@Ledosero I took the liberty of sitting Sakura next to Stan, but can totally change that if you have other plans
With random things like plane seating allocation; sure!
Sakura has been sitting in the plane. Sleeping, listening to music, her airpods in, listening to music, watching a movie.
She didn't make much of the announcements or the delays at all. She just sat there. Waiting. Happy that the boring flight was finally over. She smiled at the idea that she was finally in the USA. Awesome.

As the attendants lowered the slides, she returned the confused glance to the man who had been sitting next to her.

"Is there something wrong?" she already stood up from her chair, standing tip-toe to try and look over the crowds to see what might be wrong, but then looked at the man's attempt to address an attendant.

Sakura was a big on edge, jumpy. She surely wanted to leave the plane as quickly as possible.
May 18, 2023 1:35 am
It takes a bit, but the attendants are able to get everyone off the plane and keep them together. The pilots will debark last, and once they're standing on the tarmac one will address the 248 passengers.

"We apologize for using the slides. We haven't gotten a reaponse from the tower or the terminal. We aren't sure what's going on, but we're working on accessing the terminal and should have everyone inside shortly. We ask you to be patient, and stay together."

The murmur in the crowd is notable. After a few minutes, in which different members of the flight crew will attempt to radio the terminal and open an access doorway, everyone will hear a weak, higher pitched horn. Coming around a corner, there are a trio of passenger shuttles heading towards all of you. Each is driven by someone in a TSA uniform. Two of the agents will begin loading people into the carts, starting with the very old, the very young (and a guardian), and anyone with a disability or injury. At the same time, the third agent pulls the pilots and head attendant to the side and talks with them. Towards the end of the conversation, the agent pulls out a tablet and a moment later the head flight attendant turns away with her hand held to her mouth.

They're able to load up about 60 people between the three of them. As they depart, the pilot will announce you're going to make your way to the front of the airport.

As you walk, there is a lot of low tones and whispers. It's the loudest quiet in recent memory. And the walk will take a bit... SeaTac isn't small. One pilot is at the front of the group, the other pilot is last in the line.
Everyone can make a sound-based perception check (wits+composure) at a -4 penalty.
May 18, 2023 2:05 am
Earlier . . .
As the plane experiences turbulence Amaresh clutches her seat. This is her second flight only, and she is terrified, but thankful when they land.

Now. . .
Amaresh holds her arms close about her in the chill wind. The northern climate much different from what she is used to back home. Walking, at least, is something she's well used to.
Sorry, should have only been 6 dice there.
Last edited May 18, 2023 2:08 am


Wits + Composure - (7d10)

(4886344) = 37

May 18, 2023 2:20 am
2 dice actually. It's a -4 penalty to the roll. That still leaves you with a single success.
May 18, 2023 2:21 am
okay, so penalties reduce dice available to roll in this edition then?
May 18, 2023 2:24 am
Correct. There's a bit more in the Rules Clarification thread, but bonuses and penalties affect your dice pool. The target number for a success is 8 (static) outside of one specific situation.
May 18, 2023 5:08 am
The reaction from the flight attendant likely confirms Rain's suspicion...the tower was attacked by terrorists. Things must be relatively under control though as they are now on the ground.

However, if never hurts to be cautious. These TSA agents might not be exactly who they claim to be. She moves to the edge of the crowd, ready to break away if things get hinky. She spares a few moments looking back at the plane wondering about Mr. Barrera's shipments, and her bonus payday.
Im not familiar with this airport myself, but Rain will take up a position that might allow her to run away from the structure of the airport. It would likelybe open ground, but better to run than get pinned in.

Also, the penalty reduces this to 1 die...but i font think its a chance roll since her normal score is 5 here.


Perception - (1d10)

(3) = 3

May 18, 2023 6:20 am
Stan looks around nervously as he walks with the others. He managed to get his leather jacket from the overhead container before leaving the plane.
his pool goes to 0 after penalty, rolling a Chance roll


Chance perception - (1d10)

(10) = 10

May 18, 2023 9:24 am
Sakura walks, a little nervously.

Is this the American way of doing things? Probably not. Something has to be wrong for sure.
She has her eyes and ears open.

As she doesn't know anyone at all, she stays close to the man who was seated next to her in the plane. But surely she can't wait to have an opportunity to call home.


Wits (4) + Composure (2) -4 - (2d10)

(710) = 17

May 18, 2023 9:24 am
10 again
Sakura is really on edge by all this, trying to keep note of the smallest details that might seem off.
Last edited May 18, 2023 9:26 am


10 again - (1d10)

(9) = 9

May 18, 2023 1:33 pm
After a bit, the same three TSA agents roll up in their shuttles, this time with a fourth agent and shuttle, and will load up the next 80 or so people.

The energy is bad. There is a general air of tension and uncertainty, but the crew from the plane are doing their best to reassure everyone.

As you all walk, eventually the four shuttles return and cart off another 80 passengers. The group left walking is small (about 25 passengers, the two pilots, and the 6 attendants), but you're rounding the end of the terminal. It's been a healthy walk, but it's finally coming to an end. Two shuttles return, and one of the agents apologizes that your group ended up last as they load you up to drive you the last leg of the journey.

The first thing you notice is the city buses lined up in the pick-up zone. The second thing you notice are people -- TSA agents? Guards? You can't tell from this distance -- who seem to be watching... the automatic doors to the terminal itself? Sure, a few seem to be watching the road in both directions, and across the street where the parking garage is, but most of them are focused on the terminal itself. It even looks like someone used a forklift to line up some jersey barriers in front of the doors.

You also notice some shuttles coming in from the other direction, and the people are being loaded directly onto the buses.

The one thing you're not sure of... is what the hell is actually going on.


Rerolling Stan's 10 - (1d10)

(8) = 8

May 18, 2023 2:53 pm
Rain isn't liking the looks of this, and the fact bo one is talking to them is adding to her stress levels. Realizing the flight crew won't have the authority to tell them anything, she decides to try the shuttle driver.

"Hi, i know you are busy and working hard to get us where we need to be, but we haven't beentold anything. What's going on?" she leans in to whisper"Was "attack" or something? She makes sure her expression is one of calm concern. "I'm sorry, you probably aren’t allowed to tell us anything, I shouldn't have asked. It has just been a stressful evening. Oh, how about this, if you can't tell me anything there has to be someone I...we...can talk too. Someone from the airline maybe? Or your agency? I'm traveling for business and my employer has some cargo on our plane. I'm not supposed to leave the airport until it has been secured for the night. There's usually a whole procedure, but it looks like you aren’t letting anyone into the facility?" Her tone is quiet, soft, and unassuming the whole time. She is trying to be persuasive without being pushy.
This may not be the right person to try this with, but I'm willing to try rolling if it helps.
May 18, 2023 3:09 pm
Make a Presence or Manipulation (your choice) and Persuasion roll at -3.
May 18, 2023 3:11 pm
Sakura shivers a bit at the sounds on the gunshots. But hey, this was the US. And Americans and their guns... that was what her mother had worried about when she told her parents that she would be in the States for a while.

She whispered to Stan, who she had been walking next to all the time

"This isn't normal, is it?... This is my first time actually in the USA. I thought I was well prepared what to expect...."
May 18, 2023 3:21 pm
rolling to persuade


Presence + Persuasion (5) at -3 - (2d10, RA)

(26) = 8

May 18, 2023 3:35 pm
Surprised you didn't bat your eyes at him and pout a little to benefit from Striking Looks. 😂
Glancing at Rain in the little rearview mirror, the driver replies, "I'm sorry, miss, but that's above my pay grade. All I can say is we're evacuating whoever we can to the Seattle Center, and there will be a lot more information there."
May 18, 2023 4:06 pm
MaJunior says:
Surprised you didn't bat your eyes at him and pout a little to benefit from Striking Looks. 😂
Thought about it, but I decided to hold off. Probably use it on the next one because that roll sucked.
Last edited May 18, 2023 4:07 pm
May 18, 2023 4:54 pm
oops sorry - for some weird reason I thought a Chance die roll was not rerolled on a 10...
Sakura says:
"This isn't normal, is it?... This is my first time actually in the USA. I thought I was well prepared what to expect...."
"No, this isn't normal at all... even for a country as crazy as the US..." he says, trying to keep alert at what is going on.

When he hears the sound of shots, he stops in his tracks, firmly stopping Sakura too. "Did you hear shots??"

Then seing that others around them seem to have reacted to the same shot noises, he shouts to the uniformed agents, planting his feet on the spot.
"Hey!!! Wait a minute, this is gunfire!! I'm not moving from here if you don't tell us exactly what the heck is going on here!! If our lives are at risk, we have a right to know!"
He tries to keep a firm tone, but his voice comes out less confident than he would like.

Stan does not like conflict, but the sound of shots is freaking him out, and self preservation makes his heart thump hard in his chest. He also wants to see how far the TSA agents are prepared to go to coerce them into following them without an explanation.
these TSA agents don't carry weapons, right? Unless these do...
May 18, 2023 4:59 pm
"Yes, I heard shots... but.... well, it is the US, right? Isn't everyone always shooting at everyone else?"

She doesn't like the idea of guns at all. But it would come with the job.
Last edited May 18, 2023 5:00 pm
May 18, 2023 5:05 pm
The dream is to get an exceptional success off a chance die. Lol

The gunshots didn't seem to sound as if they were nearby, but they were echoing. There were no TSA agents around when you heard the gunfire, though one of the attendants will tell you whatever is happening it's likely best to stay together. Safety in numbers.

For better or worse, you aren't close to Hilltop in Tacoma. 🤣 (IYKYK)

Feel free to post your follow up. We can rewind if needed.
May 18, 2023 5:44 pm
"Gun shots?! What the hell are you talking about?" this puts Rain right on the line of panic. She's used to being around shady guys with guns, bodyguards, security personnel, rent-a-cop types, but those guns were mostly for bluster and bravado. She hadn't heard any gunshots.
May 18, 2023 6:03 pm
Stan gets near the red-haired woman as she says this, frustrated that his call has fallen on deaf ears. "Yes, distant shots. We both heard them... " he indicates Sakura. "Don't know about you ladies, but I am not liking the look of this situation a single bit... I think something big is happening here, and we're intentionally being kept in the dark."

He points up ahead at the guards near the door, "those guys over there... are they trying to prevent people to leave the terminal?? And why the barriers?..."
Last edited May 18, 2023 6:03 pm
May 20, 2023 2:08 pm
As the shuttles approach the city busses, which already have people packed in, you'll hear someone near the doors yell, "SHIT!!"

It draws your attention, in time to see through the massive windows that a mass of people is sort of... lumbering up to the doors. When the group inside the terminal gets closer to the large automatic doors you're all a bit surprised to find that they don't open -- which is affirmed by the mass of people slowly colliding with what is now effectively a glass and steel wall.

As you trundle closer to the activity, the feeling of unease only intensifies.
Everyone can make Perception checks at this point. (Wits + Composure.) You can take a -1 penalty or a -4 penalty to your roll. The penalty you take will determine "which direction you're looking," so to speak.
May 20, 2023 2:28 pm
"what is this world coming to that these people would be locked inside and stampeding like a herd of wildebeest?"

Amaresh is shocked by the behavior of this mob. . . So many people, more than shed ever seen in one place before with her scant experience with civilization, far more than in the great markets of Addis Ababa, more even than were ever so lose together in her brief stay in Tokyo.
Last edited May 20, 2023 2:29 pm


Wits + composure -3 - (3d10)

(329) = 14

May 20, 2023 2:46 pm
Sakura's curiousity is slowly getting the better of her.
All these people, all this chaos. What is going on here? Still, if she can make a rapport of these events, it would be the best thesis ever!

She watches through the side window of the shuttle bus. Her hands on the glass, her nose almost touching the glass, to see as much as she can.
Not sure if this direction is -1 or -4, so rolling at -1 but take off the extra dice if needed


W+C-1 - (5d10)

(73835) = 26

May 20, 2023 3:15 pm
"Jesus..." Stan's worst suspicions are confirmed as the terminal entrance becomes a thin barrier against... Against what? A riot? A lynch mob?? he thinks, struggling to understand what his eyes are seeing.
"Wh-what is wrong with those people? They move so strangely..."

Fear clenches his stomach, and he looks towards the only obvious way out of there... the buses.

He squints his eyes to see if everything seems OK in that direction, since the normal route of the terminal is precluded.


Perception -1 - (3d10)

(1096) = 25

rerolling 10 - (1d10, RA)

(4) = 4

May 20, 2023 3:19 pm
just had a thought: whenever we roll, by checking the Reroll Aces tick in the die roller, any result of 10 will be automatically rerolled
[ +- ] grab
May 20, 2023 3:33 pm
Rain can't believe what she is seeing. "They...are acting like zombies." She says, louder than she intends.
thats why not. Can i get above a 3 please!
Last edited May 20, 2023 3:34 pm


Perception-4 (why not) - (1d10, RA)

(3) = 3

May 20, 2023 3:45 pm
Stan is relieved to make note that the city busses lined up in the pick-up zone seem like they have a clear route to leave the terminal. Cars have been almost neatly moved off to the side of the lanes near the parking garage... although, by whom is unclear. Still... plenty of TSA agents seem to be protecting the busses. There are people working to protect all of you. Things might turn out ok...

May 20, 2023 3:45 pm
oops sorry I thought you said between -1 and -4 not or I thought we had a sliding scale there
May 20, 2023 3:54 pm
[ +- ] OOC Note
May 21, 2023 7:02 am
"Looks like the buses this shuttle is taking us to are clear to go... For now, at least..." he says out loud to the others.

He then takes his smartphone from his pocket and, if he's got a signal, checks some Seattle News feeds to see if there are any headlines on what's happening at this airport, or in the city.
May 22, 2023 11:14 pm
Rain shakes herself from her waking nightmare. "What is the internet saying?" She asks the guy with his phone out.
May 23, 2023 12:03 am
Stan finds that his phone has signal, and internet seems to work just fine, but there are no news articles of any sort since just after 6:00pm local time.
Stan can go ahead and make an Intelligence + Computers roll, no modifiers. Internet specialty applies.
May 23, 2023 6:15 am
"Cannot find anything yet..." he says, switching to different news sites.


Int+computer(internet) - (7d10)

(15943102) = 34

10 again - (1d10, RA)

(7) = 7

May 23, 2023 3:25 pm
As Stan searches, he notices all news posts and even social media activity seems to have stopped. A quick double check reveals that, when accounting for time zones, it all stopped at about the same time.
You can make a Wits + Ivestigation roll, with any specialties for computers or internet factoring in. (An "internet" specialty for the computers skill can apply here as well.) The penalty is -2.
May 23, 2023 3:37 pm
Stan's hair stands on end. Something extremely weird is going on, and it might be much larger than this airport crisis. He feels a little dizzy and has to hold on to a support of the shuttle.

"W-Wait a minute... " he frowns, cross referencing different pages.


Wits+Investigation+Computer(Internet)-2 - (5d10, RA)

(91241) = 17

May 23, 2023 4:09 pm
It takes some work, but Stan is able to find more recent social media posts -- albeit from people he doesn't follow. The time stamps are all over the place, even accounting for time zones.

Most of them are the "WTF is happening?!" type of post. You'll find two or three posts from people landing at major airports and having people waiting for them to take them to safety -- including one from SeaTac a few hours ago.
May 23, 2023 4:28 pm
Stan will share what he has found out with the others, showing Sakura and Rain various posts on his phone.

"Look here... all social media and news posts stopped roughly at the same time... after that, just a few posts of people in similar situations to us. This is bigger than a SeaTac thing..."

Stan tries to message or reply to the SeaTac poster that posted a few hours back, trying to get some foresight in case the poster has been already evacuated:

Landed in SeaTac now, being shuttled to a bus. Where did they take you?
May 23, 2023 5:55 pm
Sakura's looks worried, her eyes open wide, her hand in front of her face in shock.

She takes out her phone as well.

"I need to make sure everyone is okay at home!"

and she dials the number of her mom in Hiroshima.
May 23, 2023 6:53 pm
Much to Sakura's concern, the phone rings until the voicemail picks up.
May 23, 2023 7:24 pm
Seeing the others send their messages, Rain decides to text her boss O'Dell:
Landed. Stuck at the airport. Shipment unsecured. Please advise.

Then to various family memebers:
I'm back in Seattle. Stuck at the airport. Weird vibes. Anyone know what is going on?
May 23, 2023 8:12 pm
Sakura just tells to her mom, in Japanese,

"Mom, I landed safely.
Call me back as soon as you can.
I hope you are okay!"
May 25, 2023 5:54 pm
The shuttles arrive at the busses, rolling to a stop. The TSA agents get out, and start to move around the transports. A few will start instructing passengers to get off the shuttles and board the busses.

Everyone is tense, and it feels like a powder keg just waiting to explode.

As the last passengers from the Tokyo flight are exiting the shuttles and making their way hurridly towards the large busses, one of the agents will notice three people lumbering forward from the same direction as the shuttles had come from.

"Contact! Three forward! Three forward!"

One agent near the front of the busses will level a submachine gun, letting loose with a burst of gunfire as he sweeps it across the three figures. To anyone watching, the three seem to have no reaction to the bullets striking them. It gets weirder when one TSA agent closes with them and pulls out a large blade ("Is that a machete?!" from someone on the bus) and cleaves into the lead figure.

Agents at the busses will work to get people loaded as quickly as possible as the throng of...people?... near the doors seems to be growing.
The PCs can determine where they are in the bus boarding process, as well as their reaction. Note that if you aren't on a bus yet, you're one of the last who isn't and the agents are working to get you loaded up.
May 25, 2023 7:24 pm
Rain is one of the first off the shuttle, but she steps aside to let the others onto the busses. She contemplates what she should do. This situation is very weird. Everyone is on edge but no one is explaining what is happening.

Rain wants to find an airline representative and get some answers. She's about to demand someone talk to her when the bullets start flying.

"Fuck!" Rain yells, covering her ears, ducking down and sprinting toward the bus. She stops short of shoving her way past the people in her way at the door to the vehicle. "Hurry! Get on the bus! We need to get the hell out of here!"
May 27, 2023 7:59 am
Stan has just managed to get on the bus when the first burst of shots is heard.

He turns in shock to witness through the bus window the uncanny sight of the three persons being shot but ignoring the bullets, then the horror of the machete...

Stan has never seen this kind of violence in real life before, and his first reaction is one of shock and revulsion. An eerie sense of irreality then grips his stomach when he sees how the targets of such violence are unfazed by these attacks. He feels dizzy and nauseous.

This cannot be... What is this nightmare?
Last edited May 27, 2023 8:00 am
May 27, 2023 8:14 am
Sakura is trying to keep it as orderly as she can.
Waiting her turn in what she pretends to be is a line. Its probably people just rushing towars the busses.
Keeping order is usually the best way though, she believes.

She doesn't want to look at the violence, but she can't help it either. She has to look. She does.
But seeing all these guns and blades... she shivers.

She also wonders a bit if she won't get into trouble later. She has already missed a lot of security chech points when entering the USA as a foreigner. But surely, there seem to be bigger concerns now.
May 28, 2023 6:25 pm
As the last passengers of your flight board the city busses, the doors to the terminal start to give way under the mass of flesh pushing against them. One comes off its rails, crashing onto the ground. The people start to pour out if the airport, and some of the TSA agents jump onto the buses.

You all notice that the mass of people spilling out of the terminal shamble right by the TSA agents, even as some agents attack the people.

The throng shuffles towards the busses.
Drivers yell for the agents to hurry up and get on.
A few agents, surrounded by a sea of flesh, yell for the busses to leave.
A few more gunshots cut through the night air, and puntuate the overwhelming sensation of everything happening all at once.

The crowds move closer to the bus, and as they come into view everyone onboard realizes just how wrong everything has gone.
[ +- ] Spoiler
The drivers can't wait any longer and, concerned they may become stuck if enough bodies surround the vehicles, close the doors as the busses begin rolling out.

The passengers lapse into silence... mostly. Someone near the back of your bus is crying softly. The reality of the situation is setting in, and the weight threatens to smother whoever is left.

The transportation makes it onto I-5, headed north into Seattle. There are cars everywhere, although many of them seem pushed to one side of the freeway or the other, resulting in some clear lanes. After a bit, you see a small group using a bulldozen to force vehicles out of the way, with a running pick-up truck nearby. Clearly, this is an organized effort.

About twenty minutes into the drive, Stan's phone chimes quietly, notifying him of a message.

Took us to Seattle Center. Safe but controlling. Had to turn in phones. Hid mine. Don't reply.

As you head into the Emerald City, the only thing you're certain of is that you aren't certain of anything anymore.
May 28, 2023 7:16 pm
Amaresh follows quietly and boards the bus with the others. Catching a site of the creatures she shudders and begins looking around for anything that could be used for a weapon.
May 28, 2023 9:11 pm
Unfortunately, Amaresh doesn't too find much on a city bus.
Make a Perception roll. This time it will be Wits + Weaponry, at -2. Any specialty for Improvised Weapons or something similar would apply.
May 28, 2023 9:59 pm
What does a specialty do? My weaponry one is in spears so I assume it doesn't apply.


Perception - wits + weaponry -2 - (4d10)

(6275) = 20

May 28, 2023 10:01 pm
Without much more information Rain doesn't see that there is anything to do but get to relative safety and figure things out from there.
May 29, 2023 1:48 am
[ +- ] Specialties
Amaresh can't see anything that looks promising. The poles standing passengers hold onto would make a decent staff, but they're bolted down tight. Rushing a TSA Agent for their sidearm is too risky. The bus doesn't even have a cable to pull, instead it has strips you push on to ring the bell.
May 29, 2023 9:00 am
Sakura gets her phone and opens the voice recording app.

She is rambing quickly in Japanese, basically describing everything in detail that she has experienced in the moments since she arrived, so she will not forget. Her dream is to become a journalist and what a story this is! She was worried that she'd have hard times finding a good story to graduate on. But no more. Once this crisis has been handled she will graduate with great marks.
Last edited May 29, 2023 9:02 am
May 29, 2023 9:22 am
The rational part of Stan's mind refuses to accept this George Romero scenario playing out in front of his very eyes, hoping it is all an elaborate fake, some sort of TV experiment. Hoping to see the hidden cameras.
But the panic is real, the zombie-looking people seem real... and the violence is hyper-real...

As the bus drives out of the airport, his heartbeat calms down a little, and he messages his family and his job, just deciding to say he has landed and he is fine, for now.
He looks at the other passengers' reactions, wondering about their lives, their relations and burdens... and how these strange facts will affect them all.

The chime on his phone brings him back, and he checks the message.
He nudges the people around him - Sakura, Rain, Amaresh - and shows them the message furtively.
He whispers, "Look. I am in touch with someone who has been evacuated from SeaTac..."
Took us to Seattle Center. Safe but controlling. Had to turn in phones. Hid mine. Don't reply.
"We'd better hide our phones, if we don't want them confiscated..."

He sets his smartphone to silent, then quickly leans down to hide it in his sock, at the back of his ankle.
May 29, 2023 1:42 pm
Rain looks at the phone the man shows her and listens to his suggestion. He's right, but where can she hide her phone? She travels in sensible but stylish attire, but if they are using even basic screening methods there's an extremely limited number of options, none of which are very secure or appealing.

Hearing the young woman speaking into her phone, Rain waits for an opening to speak. "Hello, my name is Rain Walker. It seems I am alone in this crisis, and it looks like you might be as well. I wonder if we might become friends or allies, and watch out for each other while we deal with this situation?" she says in Japanese with a passing ease, but still in an American accent.
May 29, 2023 7:56 pm
Sakura is a little surprised at first that this seemingly American woman speaks Japanese. But then she replies.
"Hi. I am Sakura. Yes, my family is all at home. Great time to decide to visit the States, right? It'd be good to have a friend in all this."
She says, she bows her head and then suddenly seems to remind herself of something as she offers her hand.
May 29, 2023 8:58 pm
Rain shakes the young woman's hand with a smile, then offers a slight bow of her head. Continuing in a low voice speaking Japanese she says, "When we get where we are going, do you have a place to hide your phone so they don’t take it? Do you think you can the mine, as well? I will tell them we are traveling together for work and we left them in our luggage that is stuck on the plane."
May 30, 2023 8:54 pm
"I am not sure yet where I could hide mine even. Even two..."
She eyes Stan and puts a phone in her sock on the inside of her ankle, and puts the leg of her trousers over it.
Trying to judge if that would somehow conceal it.
Jun 3, 2023 8:51 am
"Those people at the airport... What could have happened to them? Can a virus do that? But we saw them being shot..." murmurs Stan remembering the all too vivid scenes of violence they just witnessed.

"Those weren't movie effects... Were they?" he asks to no-one in particular.
Jun 3, 2023 11:16 am
Amaresh almost hisses her own thoughts, "hoodoo. Black magic."
Jun 5, 2023 1:38 pm
As the buses leave I-5 and enter Seattle proper, it becomes readily appearant how bad it really is.

The cars are the first indicator. There are signs of wrecks everywhere. Numerous cars drove into buildings. Even more hit other cars, causing some truly huge pile-ups. Some even seemed to have rolled down the hills and into the water.

That being said... the buses seem to follow a particular path, and it has been cleared of obstructions. Perhaps a crew like the one you saw previously has been at work in the city?

The hordes are out, and are drawn to the sounds of the buses. The drivers refuse to stop, and more than a couple of people are simply driven over. Passengers notice and point out small plumes of smoke rising between buildings at random intervals.

Eventually, the buses arrive at the Seattle Center. The Center House -- or, The Armory -- has been hastily barricaded. Chain link panels provide a place for buses to unload, with a number of people standing guard. You all can see a number of bodies laying on the walkways and grass around the grounds.
[ +- ] The Armory, Main Floor
As people unload from the buses, more guards move to watch the parking area, including some on the roof. Inside the doors there are tables, and people are indeed collecting phones, tablets, laptops, and the like. As you get closer, you can see they are putting devices in clear "ziploc" style bags with polaroid pictures of the owner, as well as writing on the bag.

For now, your bus isn't letting people off... it looks like they're taking one bus at a time.
Jun 5, 2023 8:31 pm
"This is... it's like a state of siege. Who are these people? Government? Army? Private security?" he says in an agitated tone, trying to recognize uniforms, ranks, insignia of the guards enforcing the blockade. He also looks at any vehicles in sight.
does Stan recognize any uniform? I guess a memory-type roll could apply?
Jun 5, 2023 9:03 pm
The only people in uniform are the TSA Agents who evacuated you all from SeaTac... and as you watch some of them getting off another bus, most of them are half out of the uniforms.

These people look like citizens.
Jun 5, 2023 11:00 pm
Continuing in Japanese at a whisper Rain says, "Okay. I'll take care of my own phone then. But listen, I work for a very rich man, who probably thinks he's more important than he is, but I'm going to try and use that to my advantage in there. I'm willing to help you as well, but you'll have to play along. You don't speak much English, you're interning for Mr. Barrera. Listen to everything, but don’t talk to anyone unless you have too and follow my lead."

Whit that she trys to tuck her phone inside her bra without being too obvious about it, worried anyone from the bus who sees it might rat her out later.
Do we see metal detectors? Any kind of personal seraches or are they acting more on trust?
Jun 6, 2023 6:45 am
You can see they have some people past the tables with wands, although proper full sized metal detectors are nowhere to be seen. They are also opening bags of any sort and giving at least a cursory inspection.
Jun 6, 2023 9:36 pm
"Got it, I don't speak English," Sakura says in Japanese while shoving her phone into her sock. She follows Rain closely. She has no idea who this woman is, but right now she needs to people she might be able to trust.
Jun 7, 2023 12:10 am
"Wait a minute... these guys are civilians. Shouldn't the Army, or the Police be in charge of an emergency like this? What's going on here? Why are those TSA guys removing their uniform?" Stan voices his doubts out loud.

Then, spotting the wand metal detectors, "Shit. Better hide my phone better," he decides. In the general confusion in the bus he leans to retrieve the phone from his sock, then takes off one shoe and places the phone flat into it. Then, loosening the shoelaces, he puts the shoe on, making sure he does not load his weight on the phone (pretending to limp, and walking on tiptoe with that foot).
Jun 7, 2023 1:00 am
After a bit, it's your turn to get off the bus and move into the Center House.

"Let's keep it orderly, folks. Everyone will get in, and we're keeping you safe. No need to worry or panic. Three lines people, three lines!"

Multiple people are saying the same basic message, and while they're presenting at least a cursory attempt at placating the people that were rescued, most of them keep their eyes out of the makeshift lot, looking for signs of danger.

As you slowly but steadily move through the doors, it becomes your turns at the tables.

"Please turn over any electronics and any weapons. They'll be stored safely and returned to you once things are better sorted out."

You note that, in addition to the polaroid, they're checking ID and writing full name and date of birth on the bags before sealing them and placing them in numbered tubs. There also appears to be a master list where the name and DOB is listed with the tub number.

When they notice Stan walking with a limp, before he even gets to the table one of the people working... security?... rushes to him. "Sir, are you injured? Were you bit?"

As the women each approach an... organizer?... they get the speech, followed with, "Hand over any electronics or weapons, a form of ID, and open any handbags for search. Please."
Jun 7, 2023 2:26 am
Rain smiles at the organizer and opens her bag to retrieve her ID. "Hello, let me start by saying thank you for all you are doing here. This looks like a lot of work."

She holds her passport out to be viewed. "You'll have to excuse us, we just got off the plane. We didn’t even go through customs. Oh!" She stops as though she just remembered something, she turns to Sakura and speaks in Japanese. "Show them your passport dear."

To the organizer again, "This is Sakura. She's new to the country. She's my new intern at the Barrera Foundation. Her English is...well...let's call it a work on progress. She's very efficient though. I think we will get along swimmingly."

"As for our phones, we packed those in our luggage. I work A LOT and it seems like the only time I can get to myself is while I'm in transit, so I've adopted a policy. When i get to the airport the last thing i do is turn off my phone and my laptop and tuck them right into my suitcase and then i just don't even think about them again until i land. And since we weren't even brought into the terminal from the electronic devices. I think Sakura here copied me, just to win favor with her new boss, bless her heart, but it totally worked. I'm a sucker for flattery, and imitation is the sincerest form as they say.

Holding her bag out she turns and smiles at Sakura and sort of mimes holding out any carry on or purse she may be carrying while doing the same with her own bag. "Speaking if all this hard work, things seem very well organized. What agency is actually in charge here? I dont want to get Sakura in any trouble, here paperwork is in order, but i think she's supposed to at least check in with some sort of immigration department. Is anyone from the government in charge here? We were on the plane for a long time and told nothing. You all seem to have this process down, how long has this operation been going on for?"

The whole time she's talking her head is on a swivel looking for clues about who is in charge here. Additionally, she bends and twists her body to keep the left upper portion as far away from the metal detector as she can while acting like she's just a flustered and tired traveller doing her best to stay compliant.
Jun 7, 2023 2:43 am
Rain, make a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll, no modifiers.

"Immigration won't be a problem, miss," comes the reply. One of the attendees will scurry off, and promptly returns with a Japanese woman.
[ +- ] Yuri

In perfect japanese, she addresses Sakura. "Hello. I'm sure this is a confusing time. We are not sure what the emergency is or what caused it, but we've established this safe location to protect everyone we can.

Do you have any electronics with you? We want to keep this place a secret to keep people safe while we figure out what is going on."
Jun 7, 2023 3:52 am
Rain tries not to show her surprise at there being a translator at the ready, and the fact she has a gun!

"I'm sorry, again, what agency are you all with?"


Manipulation + Subterfuge - (5d10, RA)

(5109755) = 41

Jun 7, 2023 4:06 am
The young man making use of the wand is more entranced with where Rain is hiding her phone than trying to find said phone. Ultimately, he doesn't manage to find her hidden cellphone.

The Japanese woman looks over and smiles an almost predatory smile. "There is no agency. We're all that's keeping you safe." She turns back to Sakura and her smile changes to a much more sympathetic and warm expression.
Jun 7, 2023 5:58 am
Stan points at his foot, "just a distortion I got when they rushed us off the shuttles... Say, buddy : why aren't the Army or the Police in charge of this operation?" he asks looking around impressed. "Don't tell me this is all ran by civilians..."
Jun 7, 2023 2:57 pm
The man helping Stan out pauses for a second and glances around. In hushed tones, he says, "Whatever happened to everyone else seems to have happened to them too. As far as we know, there are no police or military to speak of."

Then, in a more conversational tone, he asks, "Twisted ankle. That sucks. Do you need some ice for any swelling?" He grabs a chair from behind the table and swings it around to Stan's side, putting a hamd on his arm to help support him as he takes a seat. The man's touch is bordering on fridgid... if Stan needed ice, the man could just hold his ankle.

With that, the inprocessing begins.

The blonde woman on the business side of the table addresses Stan, "Hand over any electronics or weapons, a form of ID, and open any handbags for search. Please."
Jun 7, 2023 4:42 pm
Hearing there is no police or military presence has a slightly panic enducing effect on Rain. She tries to keep from sounding hysterical as she asks, "How long has it been like this? I haven't been out of town that long!"
Jun 7, 2023 5:03 pm
Yuri ignores Rain, focused on her conversation with Sakura, but the man doing the intake says, "Since like 6 o'clock last night, give or take. Fortunately our... boss..." and he glances at Yuri as he says this, "is a man of decisive action. As soon as he realized the problem, he started making decisions and put us to work. It's been a whirlwind of a night though."
Jun 7, 2023 8:21 pm
"Thanks man. Sitting down a while would do me good. Geez... are the authorities really gone? Who's in charge, then? This is impressive.." he asks.

Then Stan hands his passport, shaking his head, "No phone for me. I dropped it in the plane and they wouldn't let me look for it, they kicked me out of the cabin..."
Jun 7, 2023 9:22 pm
When Stan asks who was in charge, the man just winks and hustles off to do something else that needs doing. The woman narrows her eyes for a moment. "Alright, I still need ID."
Jun 7, 2023 9:39 pm
MaJunior says:
Rain, make a Manipulation + Subterfuge roll, no modifiers.

"Immigration won't be a problem, miss," comes the reply. One of the attendees will scurry off, and promptly returns with a Japanese woman.
[ +- ] Yuri

In perfect japanese, she addresses Sakura. "Hello. I'm sure this is a confusing time. We are not sure what the emergency is or what caused it, but we've established this safe location to protect everyone we can.

Do you have any electronics with you? We want to keep this place a secret to keep people safe while we figure out what is going on."
"Very confusing!" Sakura replies in Japanse. "Is it always like this in America? It is my first visit you know." she continues. While technically not lying, she pretends to play dumb. "And I really don't want to be put into custody by immigration. I am so worried." she keeps blabbering on. "I don't know what is going on, but it is very noble of you to help the people here. Are you originally from Japan? Have you been in the US long?" she keeps making nervously seeming small talk and tries to just walk on hoping Yuri will forget about the phone.
Jun 7, 2023 9:45 pm
Yuri smiles. "I was born in Japan, and grew up there. As a young woman, I found my... partner. We travelled quite a bit. Eventually, we made our way to America. I've lived here since.

But no, things aren't normally like this. That said, you needn't worry about immigration. No one will come looking for you.

However... you have not said anything about your phone. We still need it, and ID."
Jun 8, 2023 1:43 am
Amaresh watches the proceedings and offers her passport when it is her turn. "no, i have no phone," she says, a statement of simple fact. True- there was a payphone in the next village, only 3 miles from home, but somehow home seemed even further away than it had when she'd boarded the plane.
Jun 8, 2023 1:51 am
In Japanese Rain says to Yuri, "We both packed them in our luggage for the flight. To just take a break from the world while we traveled."
Jun 8, 2023 5:26 am
Make a Wits or Manipulation + Subterfuge roll, please.


Yuri, Detect Lie - (15d10)

Jun 8, 2023 5:45 am
Stan gives the woman his passport. "You'll give it back, right?"
Jun 8, 2023 11:31 am
my 5 against 15? Really? What's the point? Do i get a Striking looks bonus here?


Manipulation + Subterfuge - (5d10, RA)

(57555) = 27

Jun 8, 2023 1:59 pm
AutomAtomic says:
my 5 against 15? Really? What's the point? Do i get a Striking looks bonus here?
I have quite literally rolled more than 15 dice and gotten no successes. I have also seen someone get five successes off a chance die. So, even though it's unlikely, I still like to let the dice work rather than just narrate. Sometimes, they truly do surprise you.
Yuri narrows her eyes at Rain for a moment.

"Alright then." With that, she nods politely to Sakura and heads back into the building, quickly lost in the sea of people.

The two of you are let in as they begin to process the people behind you.

Stan, the blonde woman laughs. "Of course. We aren't keeping ID, just verifying who you are. They want to take electronics -- at least in the short term -- because they are worried an errant post might draw the attention of other survivors who may want to take resources. Makes a certain sense, y'know?"

She writes down some information and hands the passport back.

Amaresh, a man will take down your information and return your passport.

The three of you who haven't been checked with the wand will have it quickly passed over your front and back, and then all four of you are let into the Center House.

There are a lot of people here. A lot. But there is also food and drinks, and they are working on establishing sleeping facilities. It looks like it will be cots and sleeping bags for the most part. Well... sleeping bags at least. There are also some air mattresses, some real mattresses, blankets, even a few beanbag chairs. At the moment, they seem to be doing whatever they can to accomodate the mass of people gathered here.
Jun 8, 2023 3:30 pm
Sakura doesn't know anyone here. So she makes sure to keep close to Rain, whispering a thank you for smuggling the phones in. She also keeps an eye out for Stan, as they are the only people here she knows a bit.
Jun 9, 2023 7:53 am
Once past the checks, and keeping his staged limp going, Stan gestures to Sakura, Rain and the solemn African woman he has noticed while on the bus.

"Ladies... This is a weird and alarming situation we got into...I don't like these civilians handling all these guns, for a start... I managed to keep my phone, and I noticed some of you did too... I say we get a better chance if we stick together, I surely need someone to bounce ideas with... What do you say? Oh, I am Stan. Stan Watanabe. "

Feeling a bit stupid for the weird introduction, he offers his hand to shake to the three women in turn.
Jun 9, 2023 2:13 pm
Trying to look calm and as casual as possible, Rain turns to Stan while he speaks. "Same page here Stan. Rain Walker by the way. This is a very weird situation. A literal powder keg if movies and television have taught me anything. I think the next move for me is finding out who is actually in charge here. This "man we work for" stuff reeks of some tech bro who got hooked on doom prepping and is collecting us to be his future slave labor while he plays out some savior fantasy. Maybe we could also start to get a lay of the land. Figure out where they are watching and where they aren't? Map an escape plan for when the inevitable happens? Sorry if I'm coming off like a girlboss here, I'm just used to being more informed and ready. This situation has me in on edge."
Last edited June 9, 2023 2:15 pm
Jun 9, 2023 3:48 pm
"My name is Amaresh, I am from a small village in Ethiopia so I have seen none of the movies you find this situation like, yet even to me it seems off. I do not trust these people, and I would very much like to know what's going on here, even why I curse my dead American father for getting me into this situation. I will be prepared to act when the time is right and follow your lead, since you are from this place."
Last edited June 9, 2023 3:48 pm
Jun 9, 2023 10:11 pm
"Hey... I am glad we have a moment to catch our breath. I am Sakura. I... I have never been in the States before. You three are literally the only people I know right now. But I agree with Rain. If it's anything like the movies, things will get worse if this crisis is not handled soon. But to be honest, first I would like to know what is actually going on? Is it the zombie virus? Is it world war three? Godzilla? Aliens? Or... something so terrible that the movies haven't even invented it yet?"
Jun 9, 2023 11:57 pm
Rain says:
Maybe we could also start to get a lay of the land. Figure out where they are watching and where they aren't? Map an escape plan for when the inevitable happens?
"yes, that sounds like a great starting point. We observe, we learn. Find out how this place ticks..." he says nodding. "As for who runs this circus, I find it hard to believe someone could react so efficiently, so quickly..." he lowers his voice, "this feels a lot like these people were expecting this state of emergency... like a coup or something."
Amaresh says:
I do not trust these people, and I would very much like to know what's going on here
Sakura says:
first I would like to know what is actually going on? Is it the zombie virus?
"My feelings exactly... this isn't a drill. We've all seen the abandoned cars and the fires... something put Seattle on its knees..."
Jun 10, 2023 7:15 pm
Time ticks away, and the facility is chaotic. People are tired, but too wound up to rest. Still, the food and drink is comforting even if it's just stall-quality food cooked on a larger scale. Eventually, the PA system crackles and everyone takes note.

At one end of the Armory (or Center House if you prefer) at the top of some stairs is a section of walkway with a railing. You recognize Yuri, standing beside a well dressed man who was just handed a microphone.
[ +- ] William Bowman
"Good evening everyone. My name is William Bowman. I'm not one to mince words, tonight has been unlike any other -- a disaster we're still figuring out. It's been roughly eleven hours, and we don't know how or why. What we do know is the majority of the population simply seems to be... well, zombies is as good a term as any at this point." His voice is deep, strong, even a bit reassuring.

"Unfortunately, we don't have answers to speak of. Not yet, anyway. In the moment, we're just trying to survive. Our initial goal was to secure a large enough facility to house everyone we could rescue. Over the coming days, we'll be making The Armory as pleasant as possible. We ask for your cooperation and understanding as my associates and I work on these matters.

What I can tell you is this... outbreak, I guess we can call it... doesn't seem limited to Seattle. There are reports of the same thing in New York, Orlando, Los Angeles, Kansas City, Ontario, West Edmonton, Paris, Milan, Frankfurt, Hanover, Lucern, Dubai, St. Petersberg, Tokyo, Xi'an, Sydney, Cairo, Pretoria, Rio de Janerio... everywhere we've heard from is dealing with this.

Right now, the goal is to keep everyone we can safe.

Which is why you all were asked to turn in electronic devices. Currently, we don't know how many people are out there. However, we do know broadcasting about our survivor encampment, about food and shelter, has a very real chance of drawing unwanted attention from people willing to go to great lengths for supplies. They want to live, and don't care who they have to hurt to ensure their own survival.

We know a number of people kept their devicies. While I am not pleased, I do understand. It is my hope, that with better understanding of the situation and an amnesty period we can do the right thing and turn them in so we can all move on with surviving."

A huge retractable screen unrolls from the ceiling. Lights flicker across it as a projector begins. The image is paused.

"You may wish to have children look away, or if you are squeamish you may elect to as well."

After about 30 seconds, the image continues... it's a stream. Someone is filming live and broadcasting. The feed appears to be from up off the street levels, but zooms in to show a few average people overwhelmed by the zombies, biting and rending gobbets of flesh as the victims scream and blood flows.

The feed switches. The second broadcast is much the same but you recognize the Arc de Triomphe in the background. A third broadcast, somewhere there is a lot of sand. A fourth from inside the Tokyo airport.

It's horrific, and what's more disturbing is that it resonates in a way Hollywood magic doesn't... you can feel it in the pits of your stomachs, and you'd bet your life savings you aren't watching corn syrup and make up.

The entire facility is silent, too stunned to do or say much of anything.

The broadcast cuts off, and William speaks, his voice quiet and somber. "I trust you understand the severity of the situation. I wish we had more answers, but for now we simply don't. All we have is a pledge to keep you provided for and to keep you safe. We hope you'll do your part to help maintain that.

Allow me to introduce Yuri. Yuri Minamoto is my right hand. She speaks as I do. If I'm not present, consider her to be me. She will handle affairs during the day, and I will be active at night. I wish I could say I have an open door policy, but with over 900 people rescued I simply cannot, nor can she. Over the next day, we will be formalizing a system to provide points of contact for everyone. We ask you to bear with us as we truly get established.

For those who elected to keep your devices, the amnesty period ends at Sundown tonight. I hope you will be agreeable.

Thank you all for your time, and together we can find our way through whatever comes."

William hands off the microphone, and disappears down a hallway. The crowd picks up, murmuring. Many are still in shock and the news that whatever is happening is happening everywhere is more than some people can process.

A number of people involved with the rescue, including some still wearing their TSA jackets from the airport, will head off. Presumably, to sleep... the night has been trying on everyone.

The sun will be coming up shortly. You have roughly 15 hours to make your choices.
Jun 10, 2023 8:48 pm
"Well, now i know which billionare playboy with a savior complex we are dealing with. Going to have to figure out how to use that to our advantage though..." The wheels are turning in her head.

"I am worried they didn't buy the phones in the luggage lie, but I'm not sure why they didn’t challenge us more. Might have been a test, or they didn’t want to fight with us right away. Give the crowd some time to settle in, earn their trust before they started string arming us. That's probably how I would do it."

"Well, i say we go exploring for a bit, find an out of the way place we can stash out phones and get to them in an emergency."
Can I get some info on out vampire keeper host? Seems like the type to be acquainted with Rain's boss O'Dell Barrera.
Jun 10, 2023 11:36 pm
Surprisingly, Rain has nothing. As far as you remember, O'Dell never mentioned William. (Or Yuri.) At this point you aren't sure if O'Dell only dealt with intermediaries, or if their paths truly never crossed.
Jun 11, 2023 11:07 am
Sakura looks horrified at the images at the screen. Especially those at Tokyo airport. What would have happened if their plane had been delayed?

She has made sure her phone is turned off completely. She doesn't want it to make unexpected sounds, betray her location and recharging will be challenging.

"It is dangerous outside, and at this point we don't have much use for the phones anyway. We could urn them in... or..."

Sakura frowns for a moment.
"That would give him control... Zombies, like the movies. It sounds very unreal. We have seen what we have seen. Panic outside, but no zombies. Things on the internet, but all controlled from here... We should ask around if someone has seen actual... zombies. Find out if it is true or if this is some massive crowd control hoax."
Jun 12, 2023 6:47 am
"Well those 'zombies' and the shootings were real... We saw those with our own eyes. This reminds me more and more of a military coup..." he whispers to the others after the show from their new self-appointed leaders and saviours has ended.
"Don't care much about this talk of amnesty, and about deadlines imposed from people with no authority. I'm with Rain, let's find some good hiding spots for the phones, they might be useful if we need to get out of here at some point."

He looks around at the vast environment. " Let's try to blend in, but monitor who is watching who, if cameras are in use, if our benefactor has eyes and ears among the crowd... And if any of us sees a good blind spot where to hide things, we can share the Intel. "

Stan will propose to part, but to establish a meeting point to come back to, someplace that is easily reached, but also where they wouldn't stand out from the other 'guests' of the facility. " We can regroup here regularly... "
the idea is to start complying with the facility rules for now , but spot patterns in security: guarded areas, off limit zones, active cameras, blind spots for hiding stuff, and... Exits.
Some sort of extended skill check? Wits or Perception maybe...
Jun 12, 2023 1:46 pm
Alright. There's a handful of dice pools we could use, and it all comes down to what you're looking for.
[ +- ] Wits + Composure
[ +- ] Wits + Larceny
[ +- ] Intelligence + Computers
It's an extended roll. We'll say every roll is equal to an hour of searching/watching because honestly? The Armory is pretty good sized.

Pick your dice pool and goal, roll, and let's see how many successes the group can accumulate.
Jun 12, 2023 5:16 pm
Rain wants the lay of the land first. She keeps an eye out for security patrols, or whatever passes for that right now, amd who is "staff" and who are just civilians.
Does anyone have better scores on these rolls? I have a 4 in the Wits+Larceny, and a 3 in Intelligence+Computers.


Wits + Composure - (5d10, RA)

(29585) = 29

Jun 12, 2023 6:31 pm
Sakura does pretend to hang out with Rain.
While Sakura is a more a people-person, she doesn't really listen in to folks, for surely she has to keep up the act that she doesn't speak English. Instead, her eyes are up to the walls and ceilings. Checking for camera's and security systems.
Last edited June 12, 2023 6:31 pm


Intelligence 1 + Computer 3 - (4d10, RA)

(5269) = 22

Jun 12, 2023 10:23 pm
my best chances are also in the tech roll... sharing Stan's character in the library, so you can all see his stats clicking on his avatar.
Stan tries to determine where the video feeds are directed - there must be a centralized video surveillance room that was used in the Armory, and that this group in charge must have adopted.
Constant video monitoring means you need a lot of eyes watching those screens. It means shifts of people coming in and out from somewhere, probably people without weapons, since their function is observing rather than enforcing.
Last edited June 12, 2023 10:24 pm


Int+Computers - (6d10, RA)

(135677) = 29

Jun 13, 2023 3:47 pm
Go ahead and make another round of rolls. I'm tallying the successes and what rolls they're under.
Jun 13, 2023 5:05 pm
Sakura doesn't only look at camera's, she kerps her ears open too. Still pretending she doesn't speak or understand English.


Wits 4 + Composure 2 - (6d10)

(9922106) = 38

Jun 13, 2023 5:06 pm
forgot to reroll aces


Ace - (1d10, RA)

(2) = 2

Jun 13, 2023 5:22 pm
better luck this time?
maybe not. jeez, 12d6 and not one success... sorry team
Last edited June 13, 2023 5:23 pm


Int+Computers - (6d10, RA)

(562735) = 28

Jun 13, 2023 6:03 pm
Feeling like the group is getting a handle on the I s and outs or the place, Rain decides to figure out any blind spots they might be able to exploit.


Wits + Larceny - (3d10, RA)

(665) = 17

Jun 14, 2023 10:10 am
While unfamiliar with the technology, Amaresh does her best to ferret put any information that might help her new friends, while still keeping her eyes peeled for any kind of weapon.


Wits + composure - (6d10)

(77910105) = 48

Jun 14, 2023 12:56 pm
Rerolling Amaresh's 10s.


Rerolling 10s - (2d10, RA)

(24) = 6

Jun 16, 2023 3:22 am

Wits + Composure: 8 successes

Wits + Larceny: 0 successes

Intelligence + Computers: 1 success

Feel free for another round.
Jun 16, 2023 3:40 am
Rain continues to ponder the security blind spots.
Man, I really want some success in this area...come on DICE GODS!!!

Dang it!
Last edited June 16, 2023 3:40 am


Wits + Larceny - (3d10, RA)

(751) = 13

Jun 16, 2023 3:52 am
Don't you have an extra die to roll? I just glanced, wits is 3 and larceny is 1. That's a pool of 4 dice, unless I'm missing something?
Jun 16, 2023 4:12 am
You're right. I had the wrong number in my head. Also...I forgot about Willpower. Would this be an appropriate time to spend a willpower and get 3 more dice? for a total of 4 more rolls? I forgot that was a rule until now, but also could see it not being the kind of roll that works.
Jun 16, 2023 7:56 am
Stan continues his investigation of the tech infrastructure of the place...
I can't believe this! :D
Stan is short sighted and very distracted!
Last edited June 16, 2023 7:57 am


Int+Computers - (6d10, RA)

(226312) = 16

Jun 16, 2023 1:36 pm
@AutomAtomic I don't see why not.
@Dr_B Well... there are some very pretty people around. Maybe a wandering eye? Lol
Jun 16, 2023 2:58 pm
getting in those missed rolls.

Hot dog! There we go.
Last edited June 16, 2023 2:58 pm


Missed them the first time. - (4d10, RA)

(8559) = 27

Jun 16, 2023 6:05 pm
Sakura keeps her ears open


Wits 4 + Composure 2 - (6d10, RA)

(341842) = 22

Jun 16, 2023 10:40 pm
Amaresh continues to look.


Wits + Compusure - (6d10)

(6751910) = 38

Jun 16, 2023 11:43 pm
Rerolling Amaresh's 10.


Reroll 10s - (1d10)

(5) = 5

Jun 17, 2023 12:40 am

I'm sorry-- I really do not know why it keeps double posting! And I realized after the first time to reroll 10s, but then looked at the duplicate post and thought I didn't have one.
Jun 19, 2023 2:10 am

Wits + Composure: 11 successes

Wits + Larceny: 2 successes

Intelligence + Computers: 1 success

Keep at it!
Jun 19, 2023 2:52 am
Feeling like she's getting a handle on things, Rain continues to watch for those blindspots and other holes in security.
And the another will power. Probably the last for a while.


Wits + Larceny - (7d10, RA)

(104727632) = 41

Jun 19, 2023 7:07 am
Stan persists. He cannot believe the security system can be so concealed. There must be revealing signs of how it ticks... Focus, you dumbass...
spending 1 willpower on this


Int+computer+3 - (9d10, RA)

(101010368782514) = 74

Jun 19, 2023 1:25 pm
Unable to help from the larceny or computers angles, Amaresh does another pass through but this time she is also on the watch for something she could use as a weapon- a strudy wooden broom perhaps?


Wits + composure - (6d10)

(557113) = 22

Jun 19, 2023 6:29 pm
Wow look at Stan roll all of a sudden
Sakura keeps doing what she has been doing all the time. Pretending to walk around aimlessly and when someone says something to her, shrug and say in Japanese that she doesn't understand them. While at the same time, listening closely what they have to say.


Wits 4 + Composure 2 - (6d10, RA)

(537731) = 26

Jun 21, 2023 8:03 pm
Another round?
Jun 21, 2023 9:01 pm
Sure thing! At an hour per round, this makes 6 of the 15 we were given. I vote after this we regroup and figure out what we've learned and come up with our plan.
Last edited June 21, 2023 9:05 pm


Wits + Larceny - (4d10, RA)

(6953) = 23

Jun 22, 2023 3:18 am
Feel like we should have everything from basic perception, but I'll give it one more go


Wits + Compusure - (6d10)

(1084575) = 39

Rerolling 10 - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Jun 22, 2023 6:02 am
since Larceny is the one we're low on, I might try that (unskilled, with Willpower)
it worked - that was willpower well spent
Last edited June 22, 2023 6:47 am


3Wits -1Larceny(unskilled) +3 willpower - (5d10, RA)

(49598) = 35

Jun 22, 2023 7:36 pm
I am wondering what the catch if of repeating this so many rounds


Wits 4 + Composure 2 - (6d10, RA)

(686497) = 40

Jun 22, 2023 8:20 pm
Well, presumably, our GM has setup a few levels of knowledge. The more successes we get in these rolls, the more info it unlocks for us. I think we are at the point, 6 hours into the 15 given thus 9 left to plan and rest, that we can stop with these rolls and confer in character to find out what we have learned.
Jun 22, 2023 8:54 pm
[ +- ] Extended Actions
Casing a large structure with multiple floors, and a "standard" capacity of over 3,500 people -- along with offices, food booths, and various corridors and maintenance areas -- is going to take time.

Some info is easy to determine (i.e. who is working for your "saviors" during the day) and some is difficult (i.e. where the actual security hub is located). Making any real headway takes time and teamwork.
Jun 25, 2023 5:21 pm
Having carried out the survey, hopefully without being too conspicuous, Stan converges to the agreed meeting point to regroup with his companions.
Jun 25, 2023 6:26 pm
Final Results:

Wits + Composure = 16 successes

Wits + Larceny = 7 successes

Intelligence + Computers = 6 successes

As the four survivors meet back up to talk shop, a few things become readily obvious...

1-A. The people working for the group who orchestrated this emergency aid have made it obvious who they are via armbands.

1-B. You're certain there are some who are not wearing anything that denotes them as part of the "savior group." You can only speculate why they'd hide their affiliation.

1-C. You're certain some of the other survivors have already started working with (for?) the "savior group." You are sure they are survivors, because at least a few of them were on your flight.

2-A. Most standard exits have been boarded up or otherwise secured. The set of doors you entered through when you got off the bus is the only true entrance or exit.

2-B. There are some fire exits that don't appear to be barred from inside, but you don't know if they're blocked from the outside. The alarms do appear to still be functional, however.

2-C. Armed guards are posted at the doors. There are armed patrols that roam inside the Armory (usually groups of 2). There also has to be rooftop access... somewhere.

2-D. You may be able to exit via a second story window, if you can get into an office unnoticed.

3. There are numerous suitable weapons, improvised or otherwise. All of the food establishments have a variety of knives and kitchen tools. Some of the tables have umbrellas. Maintenance closets, while locked, have chemicals and cleaning supplies -- including brooms or mops.

4-A. The upstairs offices allchave simple, standard locks that would be easy enough to bypass.

4-B. There are doors that lead to basement level(s?) that are locked via key card, and would be difficult to bypass.

4-C. Because of the sheer number of people (both "saviors" and survivors) coupled with the security system, there seem to be very few blind spots -- and for those to work, you're hoping no other people happen upon your spot by dumb luck.

5-A. The security system, while unobtrusive, is expansive. Most of the cameras don't look like cameras.

5-B. You have no idea where all those cameras feed to.

6. Yuri has been ridiculously busy all day long.
Jun 26, 2023 3:24 am
"Well, know that we are all on the same page...what's next? It seems we have to make a decision, do we turn in our phones and admit we lied? Do we try to hold on to them? I am in favor of keeping mine, but I won't be the only to try that. No offense, but if you all turn yours in, that would give you leverage over me I can't afford right now. I want to trust you,'s early still. We haven't really made those kind of connections yet I think."

She pauses to think for just a second. "After that, we need to decide what level of participation we are comfortable with. Do we try to get on the inside and "join" the saviors? Do we just stick together out here and wait for something to happen?"
Jun 26, 2023 6:38 am
"I don't like this setup. The self appointed armband enforcers feel like a military coup, or a dictatorship. I think we can blend in more if we show that we want to collaborate... But I also want to keep my phone. We could use the phones in a tight spot. Even if it is to distract some of the patrols here. You know, hide the phone somewhere you want them to go to, set an alarm in 2 minutes... That kind of thing.
Then again... If this emergency really is worldwide, soon the phone coverage might be affected, networks failing. We might end up with useless devices... Tricky. "
Jun 26, 2023 6:35 pm
"I think the real question here is what do we want with these people? Do we trust them more than the world outside? If so, then I'd say we turn in our phones. For Stan is right, they might become useless soon. And we'd be off on the wrong side with these people for a bit of trash. They probably know we have them, look at the number of camera's they have. If we trust the outside more than these guys, then we'd best just leave right now. For then we'd asume we'd be safe outside."
Jun 28, 2023 1:29 am
"I do not trust either, for my part- but I do not have a phone to turn in. I think staying and watching for a few days perhaps at least would be. . . wise? Whatever is outside will be there the same tomorrow or the day after, will it not?"
Amaresh is going to commandeer two of the mentioned kitchen knives one of which she will keep in her pocket and one of which she is going to affix to a broom handle to make an improvised spear.
Jun 28, 2023 6:32 am
He listens carefully to the others' observations.
"You are right... With all those cameras they probably saw us hiding the phones. Best to comply and let them have them.

And working with them for now is not dangerous... Less dangerous than being shot at by their goons anyway... Perhaps if we volunteer in tasks and show cooperation, we might get better access or chances to get to the offices... Might make it easier to escape from those second floor windows if needed. "
Jun 28, 2023 3:22 pm
"Okay. It sounds like we all agree that staying here for a bit is a good idea, at least until we can assess the situation outside better. You're probably right about the phones being useless after the next couple days, but I'd like to hedge that bet a little. Stan, I think you had the best luck hiding yours. Hold on to it. Keep up the limp for another day. I will take Sakura and my phone in and try to make peace. I'll fall on the sword for it if I have to, but I think they will understand our hesitation at the weird situation. "Better to eat crow while it's young and tender" as they say. We'll try to get into the 'savior' group so we have the best chance at learning what is going on, but keep one foot out the door, so to speak, for the if/when this place collapses around their ears. Agreed?"
Jun 28, 2023 10:01 pm
Stan nods in agreement. "Sounds reasonable to me. And, OK, I will keep limping for a while..."
Jul 3, 2023 8:28 pm
Stan will next be on the lookout for groups that are seeking volunteers for tasks that he thinks he can help with, particularly if the tasks involve moving near the office areas of the enclosure.

He tries to perfect his phone-hiding limp so it doesn't get too tired walking around. He will use that excuse to avoid volunteering for tasks that are too physically demanding. That distorted ankle is giving him trouble, is the official line.

If there is such a chance, at night and in the rest periods he tries to set his lodgings/bedroll near Rain, Sakura and Amaresh, to exchange notes.
are all ages represented in the demographics of the enclave? Children, elderlies? Any noticeable absence?
Jul 5, 2023 3:28 pm
The group, having decided to more or less play along for now, is able to rest up. It's warm, but sleep still comes if they allow it to. They rest of the day is relatively uneventful, the most excitement coming from the occassional round of gunfire from the roof.

Stan isn't able to get any real traction with volunteering. Maybe it's the limp, maybe it's just because it's the first real day and everyone is harried, but he's told to just relax.
There are people of all ages here, as well as some folks with various disabilities... not a ton of young children or babies, but there are some.

About a half hour before sunset, two tables are set up directly underneath the balcony William addressed the survivors from, with chairs behind them and all the materials needed to collect any last minute turn-ins. There are also some large containers brought out and stacked in the hallway behind the tables.

Shortly after sundown, the PA system will crackle, and a moment later William appears at the balcony -- Yuri by his side -- as a half dozen people with armbands take seats at the tables.

"Good evening, survivors of Seattle. I hope the first day has treated you well -- all things considered, of course. This is a trying time for all of us, but we are committed to protecting who we can. Unfortunately, that means we have to consider risk factors from within. Not everyone may be concerned with opporational security to the same degree as the rest of us, and while it's hard... we have to prioritize the many over the few.

Which is why the first order of business for tonight is to address the amnesty period for electronic devices. You've had the day to think about the situation, weigh the pros and cons, and -- hopefully -- make a decision based on the facts as we know them, and not an emotional response.

This is the closure of the amnesty period. At this time, anyone with an electronic device may come forward and turn it in. It will be stored securely and, once we know the degree of threat any outsiders pose, eventually returned. Please, form lines at the tables below.

If you turn them in now, no harm no foul. We move forward. If you are found to have kept them later... well, we will cross that bridge should the need arise.

Let me ask... is anyone simply unwilling to turn in their device?"

At this point, a number of people are singled out. Every one of them -- a few dozen in total -- is moved to the front doors, and the containers stacked behind the amnesty tables are moved over as well.

William continues. "I appreciate your honesty. We will address your options shortly, once we verify if anyone else will be joining you."

For the moment, the PA system falls silent.

There are lines forming at the tables as people who had their own reservations choose to give in, and there are some people who seem unsure whether to join the lines or the people by the door.

For the moment, everyone is free to act.
Jul 6, 2023 1:30 am
Rain steps forward with her and Samura's phones. She hands them over easily. She speaks loudly and looks up at William to see his reaction. "Like you said, this is a tough situation. I'm used to being in charge of my life, so turning control over is a challenge. But i see the wisdom in this. I apologize for holding out but i see it now. I'd like to help if i can. Put me to work."
Jul 7, 2023 1:49 am
If William hears Rain, he doesn't show it. He seems to be having a conversation with Yuri, although between not being able to hear them and a lack of body language you can't get a read on just what they're discussing. Although it does seem to be mostly William talking.

The person who collects your phones will write down your name, date of birth, and they even take a polaroid to put in the ziploc bag so the phones can be returned to their proper owner, thanking you upon completing the process.

All told, it takes between 45 minutes and an hour to either collect the remaining phones being turned in or shuffle some more folks over to the group who refused to turn in their devices.

Eventually, the PA system crackles and William speaks. "I'm glad to see so many have chosen to be reasonable and place the safety of our group as a priority as we move forward in these uncertain times.

For the small number who simply cannot do so... know that I respect your individualism and devotion to true freedom. Which is why the next step is one we take with heavy hearts. We cannot allow people who would put the rest of us in danger to remain within our walls. However, we are conflicted because we want you to thrive. So, even though I was advised not to use the resources, I have made my decision -- I will provide you the tools to gain a foothold in what's left of the world. Every person or group leaving us will be given those tools."

As soon as he mentioned kicking people out, a murmur erupts through the crowd... some people are against the idea, and some people are for it. Regardless, no one actually tries to stop it. And so, the exiles line up and the storage containers are opened, revealing backpacks.

Anyone with a keen eye and who is close enough to the doors to have a clear view will realize the backpacks seem to be color coded, and are given out based on the size of the group leaving together.
Individuals get black backpacks, groups of 2-3 get a grey and a red, 4-5 get one of each. They are then lead outside, and you can hear the city buses fire up.

"I wish they would have chosen differently, but we have to respect their choice," William says. "We've been hard at work today clearing out a cargo ship down on the waterfront, which is where they're being delivered. We have done everything we can to help them. I truly wish them the best."

There is a hint of sadness in his voice, but he pauses and sighs, taking a moment to refocus himself.

"For the rest of us, we have a secure location that we are improving hourly. We have some very talented individuals dedicated to keeping the power and water here at The Armory functioning for as long as possible. Over the next few days, we will be establishing how everyone can contribute to our community. Together, we can survive this."

As the PA system falls silent and William begins to leave the balcony with Yuri, one of their people rushes forward and quickly takes a knee, looking to the ground. A moment later, he rises and dashes off out of sight. Yuri takes off running herself. William simply heads down the stairs, vanishing from sight.
Jul 7, 2023 1:57 am
Returning to the group, Rain looks in the direction the two ran off on. "Alright. That was weird, right? So now what?"
Jul 7, 2023 8:21 am
"Shit, he says seeing the weird announcement and the even weirder actions of those on the balcony.
"Something tells me that staying here might be just as dangerous as going out there. I'm for grabbing one of those backpacks and go out." he glances at the others, nervously.
Jul 16, 2023 10:36 pm
Over the next few days, The Armory seems almost boring. The group of survivors are talked to -- interviewed really -- to find what tasks they may be able to help with.

Stan's knowledge of computers and languages gets him hired on for radio watch. It's below his abilities by a country mile, but he sits in a quiet room and monitors the shortwave radio. It seems that the exiles have a ham radio, and there is an agreement in place that they make contact twice a day. Beyond that, he monitors for any survivor radio activity. It's boring, but it's easy and it keeps him off his feet. On the bright side, it's in a small office on the second floor. However, he's never left alone.

Amaresh is put on watch. She isn't armed, but she's given binoculars and tasked with keeping an eye out for zombies... but more importantly, for anything not dead that's out moving around. She's part of a group that patrols the rooftop.

Rain and Sakura are kept together. The two find themselves helping with food. It's not glamorous, but it's something to do. They also get to eat whenever they want, which is nice. Additionally, depending on what they're actually doing on a particular day, they interact directly with a lot of the other survivors.

Everyone seems to work during the day, which makes meeting up to talk shop and gossip easy.

Every night, box trucks drop of a myriad of goods. Slowly but surely, real beds are being brought in. Areas are being sectioned off in an attempt to give families a modicum of privacy. It's like a cubicle farm... but for sleeping.

Even the food comes in at night. Rain and Sakura have noticed that it is only ever some of the saviors that go out.

While privacy is almost non-existant, and sharing a complex with hundreds of others isn't ideal... for what it's worth, it certainly does feel safe in here.
Jul 21, 2023 2:35 pm
so, just to double check: Stan's hidden phone has not been spotted or confiscated? Or does he get a sense that the ruling faction would know about it?
Jul 21, 2023 2:41 pm
Nothing has been said or called out, so Stan really isn't sure one way or the other.
Jul 21, 2023 3:43 pm
Stan tries to comply with his task to gain the trust of the people charged with his surveillance. He also tries to find out if that surveillance is reserved for him particularly, of if the guards are keeping an eye on all volunteers working on the second floor, or on people somehow deemed 'suspicious', etc. He does that by observing, talking to people, dropping hints about his watchdogs, etc.

He asks Amaresh, Sakura and Rain if they are experiencing similar company.
Jul 21, 2023 6:25 pm
Stan doesn't handle the shortwave seven days a week, so finding time to chat with the other operator reveals they also have a person with them watching "the comms."

There also don't seem to be many people working on the upper floor... at least, regarding people who aren't part of the providing group. A handful of people pass through the second floor on their way to stand watch on the roof, but even then the majority have armbands. Amaresh is one of about only a half dozen rescues that stand watch, and there's never more than two survivors to a shift... the rest are armbands.

Sakura and Rain will tell Stan that, generally, they have some oversight but it's minimal.
Jul 26, 2023 3:23 pm
Two weeks pass. It's amazing how quickly things become routine.

It has been an interesting time. The Armory has certainly been effective in keeping their survivors safe from wandering zombies. The main floor has become a field of temporary-wall cubicles serving as bedrooms and affording a touch of privacy. Proper beds have been moved in at least.

Still, with hundreds of survivors, cramped is an understatement.

The food situation is solid, too. Some people act like they're being deprived, but the truth is they're just not letting most people have unlimited food. Meal planning and serving/portion control are in effect, but no one is going without. Meals are balanced, and everyone is getting 2200 calories in a day. The people complaining are really objecting to being told "no."

Hygiene is probably in the roughest spot. The Seattle Center House wasn't designed (redesigned, really) to have that type of facility. Still... members of the night crew have been renovating to expand showers. As it is, everyone has a scheduled shower time. Twice a week is suboptimal, but better than nothing.

Eventually, everyone has a morning when they wake up feeling absolutely drained. Not sick... not really... it doesn't feel like being hungover either. They just feel wrecked. More like their battery is low, so to speak. At least they shake it off quick enough.

All things considered, it's not a bad set-up. And yet...

You've began to really question just how much authority Yuri has. Everyone with an armband during the day reports to her. A lot even seem wary (if not downright scared) of her. Hell, most of the night shift reports to her and many of them have a similar reaction to her -- wariness if not fear. The only person she seems to report to is William. A man who, frankly, everyone seems deferential towards.

Then, it happens.

A big guy, late 30s biker with the whole "I'm a badass" vibe threw a fit because he wanted extra portions of food, arguing it takes a lot more fuel for the muscles he was packing. When the server -- a rescued survivor -- told him no, the biker grabbed him by the neck and lifted him clean off the ground. Yuri appeared at his side, out of nowhere.

"You have one chance to put him down, before your arm workout routine becomes the wheelchair you spend the rest of your life in."

The biker drops the server, who hastily scrambles away. Turning to Yuri, he growls, "Take off that piece and we'll see who needs a wheelchair."

The smile the spreads across Yuri's face is unsettling. She's as pretty as ever... but the confidence it displays as she faces down someone easily 16 inches taller and at least two and a half times her body weight... onlookers (which is everyone at this point) get the impression there is a snake and a mouse in this fight... and Yuri isn't the mouse.

She pulls her pistol from its holster, holding it to the side. One of the Armbands rushes up to carefully take it, backing away just as fast. The smile never leaves Yuri's face as she sweeps her right foot from in front of her to behind her in a half-circle, lowering her center of gravity. The biker scoffs and tries to end the fight in a single punch, swinging for the fences.

Yuri catches his fist in her hand, and the biker barely had time to look shocked before Yuri rotates her hand and -- with her free hand -- uppercuts the man's elbow. The crack is sickening, and he begins screaming. It's obvious he's trying to pull away from the diminutive Japanese woman, but she doesn't budge. She seems to let him struggle, before pivoting on her left foot and driving her right heel through the man's kneecap. Bone tears through his calf as blood flows freely. The man is struggling to stand, as Yuri drops his fist. Still smiling, she moves around behind him and lines up, punching the battered biker dead center in the back. His body tries to fold, as if he suddenly had a second waist. He crumples, screaming stopped as he seems to have gone into shock.

Yuri holds her hand out, and the Armband returns her sidearm. She starts to walk off, stopping and looking back. She fires the pistol once, shooting the man in his unbroken leg before chuckling and walking off.

No one tries to stop her.

A deafening silence grips the Armory, the only sounds coming from some Armbands trying to load the man onto a gurney to be wheeled off somewhere downstairs.
Jul 27, 2023 5:28 pm
"This woman is not to be trifled with. . . Or trusted. For myself I have seen enough of this place- staying here indefinitely is no life. We must kake plans to depart." she whispers to those survivors she's gotten to know during the time here.
Jul 27, 2023 5:53 pm
Stan witnesses in shock the violent fight.
To him, that is the terrible proof that whoever this ruling group are, they are not for enforcing law and order in a fair, democratic way.
This is a show of force by someone who wants to rule by terror.

Having regrouped with Amaresh, who seems to share his desire to leave the place, he voices his fears.

"In the first few days here, the armbands were offering a backpack with essentials to those who wanted to leave the Armory. They were claiming that those who wanted were free to leave. Is that still the case? Have you seen or heard of anyone leaving freely? "
were there any that we know of that were allowed to leave?
Jul 28, 2023 5:31 pm
At most, a few of the people leaving were people you'd seen in passing. Nothing more than a few pleasantries.

Neither of you know if leaving is still an option, as no one has left since the initial group was exiled. The next few days are tense, but otherwise business as usual. Most people have started giving Yuri a much wider berth. She seems like nothing happened. No one has addressed the incident, either... which is what some people find most disconcerting.

Four days after the incident, Stan is on radio duty while Amaresh is providing watch from the roof. The Armband watching over Stan seems a little uneasy. With time, Stan realizes the guy seems to be queasy. Eventually, he barks, "Behave yourself," and dashes out the door with a hand clamped over his mouth. Stan isn't sure how long he has... but he's alone with the radio to the exiles on the container ship.

For Amaresh, it's actually a beautiful day. Sunny and warm... from the stories, you wondered if Seattle was ever not rainy. Today has actually been rather delightful (all things considered).
Ok, a few rolls.

Each of you can make a hearing-based Perception roll at a -2 penalty. (This will cover the three day gap immediately after the incident.)

On the fourth day post-incident, since Amaresh is outside she can make a Perception roll at no bonus or penalty.
Jul 29, 2023 9:31 am
perception roll, will react to the radio situation separately


Wits+Composure - (4d10)

(101014) = 25

Rerolling 10s - (2d10, RA)

(39) = 12

Jul 29, 2023 5:38 pm
It was -2 but if I just take from the right you still get both your 10s.
MaJunior sent a note to Dr_B
Jul 29, 2023 6:01 pm


Wits + composure-2 - (4d10)

(11610) = 18

Wits + composure - (6d10)

(197543) = 29

Re-rolling 10 on 1st - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Jul 29, 2023 6:29 pm
Rerolling your reroll.


Reroll 10s - (1d10, RA)

(9) = 9

Jul 31, 2023 9:31 pm
The overheard conversation makes Stan uneasy. Making the most of the unexpected moment alone with the radio equipment, he starts broadcasting in a whisper, switching frequencies to the ones most likely to be listened to.

"Calling container ship... please send position... there are more exiles from the Armory wishing to join you... please send a rendezvous point, over..."
if he knows the name of the container ship, he will use it in his transmission
Aug 2, 2023 5:55 am
MaJunior sent a note to Alordis
As Stan works the radio, he knows the frequency the ship broadcasts on. After a few minutes of reaching out, he gets a reaponse as the line crackles.
"Armory, this is the S.S. Pelican. We are docked at Terminal 5. We were not advised there would be others joining us. Is this... being permitted? Over."
Aug 2, 2023 6:53 am
His heart skips a beat at the news that the Pelican is not out at sea. "We don't know if we will be allowed to leave yet. Things are getting dangerous here. Opposition met with extreme violence. We want out, with or without their permission. We will wave a white flag if we reach Terminal 5. Over."
would Stan know the location of Terminal 5? Assuming it is a Seattle lication
Last edited August 2, 2023 6:56 am
Aug 2, 2023 1:15 pm
He would know what area it's in, although it would take some searching to find it specifically.
"Will notify watch. Over and out."

The radio goes quiet, and Stan is left in silence for a few more minutes before the Armband returns. "Thanks for staying put and not making things harder on both of us." He returns to his chair by the door. He picks up his book, and goes back to reading.
The next step really depends on your plan.
Aug 2, 2023 1:51 pm
Once his shift manning the radio is over, Stan looks for Amaresh and they find a quiet spot where they believe it is safe to talk.
"I got news. I overheard a weird conversation..." he says in a hushed tone, proceeding to share with his companion the exchange he happened to hear:
[ +- ] Overheard Conversation
"It sounds to me that Yuri and this William could be a fragile alliance ready to explode in violence. I don't like the mention of those... factions? parties? What is the Kindred? What is this Masquerade that needs maintaining? The more I hear about the machinations in this place, the quicker I want to leave."

He leans even closer to Amaresh. "Which leads me to my next point..."
Stan reports the vital radio exchange he managed to have with the Pelican, then looks at the woman. "We have a destination. Now we have to find a way out of here... Did you find out anything your end?"
Aug 3, 2023 1:54 am
"No, it is worse than that I fear- much worse, I too have overheard them being less than discreet."
Overheard Conversation says:
Amaresh overhears a conversation while she is on the rooftop, between a couple of shooters as they patrol.

Voice 1 - "Yuri took it easy on that asshole. He's lucky they're maintaining the Masquerade."

Voice 2 - "No one's even mad she fucked that dude up. I heard William was only worried if she was hurt. As if that's a real possibility."

Voice 1 - "She's only a ghoul and most Kindred are afraid of her. Mind your p's and q's."

Voice 3 - "Masquerade is gonna slip eventually. Then what?"

The voices trail off as the patrol moves further away.
I do not know what this Masquerade they speak of is, nor exactly what they mean by Kindred or ghouls- though ghouls are a flesh eating creature of folklore. They appear to be canibals of some kind-- we must leave and soon! Immediately!

Fortunately, I also saw something- an elevator on the Space Needle moving. There are other survivors out there. We should leave tonight and make our way there to see rather than wait here to be eaten.
Aug 3, 2023 9:49 pm
"The Needle... it's not far from here. Who could be staying there? Maybe we should check it out, that's closer than the Terminal..." he whispers to Amaresh.

"Okay... we need to find a safe way to get out. Before we try to sneak out, it might be worth seeing if they still let people go freely? Or do you think that chance is gone?"

"I'm worried about the snipers on the roof. It sounds like they are up there around the clock, in shifts... We'd be sitting ducks, if they are hostile to escapees."
Aug 4, 2023 6:30 pm
"I worry that they did not let those others go freely. They may have merely eaten them first since these are some kind of cannibals."
Aug 4, 2023 10:37 pm
"OK.. OK... Let's think. I work on the floor closest to the offices, where there are windows. I can try finding a way out from there, if I get a chance. And you work on that roof. That's a good vantage point to study a route from the offices' windows that is as covered as possible from the sight of the guards up there. How's that? "

He tries to think of the from movies he's seen. "Ha, we might be able to create a diversion when we are ready to escape... Like triggering a fire sensor alarm, to divert attention... Look for anything to start a fire. Lighters from the smokers. And locate a reachable sensor on the ceiling somewhere. I'll keep my eyes open as well... "
the idea is to focus his efforts on these things, on the following day:

-window exit from offices
-covered route once out
-fire sensor

Let me know what would be appropriate rolls , thinking that maybe we know some of these elements already from previous reconnaissance
Aug 6, 2023 3:50 pm
If you were standing outside of The Armory, looking at the doors that seem to be the primary doors to the stronghold, the offices and their windows are on the left wall.

The only cover to speak of is on the right side of the building -- a roof over the otherwise outdoor monorail. Otherwise, the Seattle Center is a fairly open space. Which is great if you need to see anything approaching... not so great if you're trying to remain unseen. There are trees dotted throughout the space, but nothing resembling any appreciable cover.

The second floor offices all have windows. The inside row has windows that look out into The Armory (it's easy for Stan to people watch the hundreds of survivors if he wants) and the outside row has windows looking outside. As survivors aren't allowed on the second floor without an escort, Stan isn't sure if the office doors are locked or not. The door to his radio room doesn't seem to be locked, but he is always relieving someone -- the radio room is never empty. Conversely, only sometimes does he see people in the other offices.

Fire sensors are spaced at regular intervals, and Rain and Sakura can tell you most of the food stalls seem to have a lighter of some sort.
Aug 8, 2023 7:55 am
is there a terminal for the monorail that reaches all the way inside of the Armory?

And are there windows / offices on the right side of the Armory, nearer the covered area?
Aug 8, 2023 12:30 pm
No, and no... except sort of.

Well, let me elaborate:

The monorail was added long after The Armory was built. The Seattle Center is one end of the rail. They brought the rail up to the side of the building, but didn't alter the building itself at all.

As for offices on the right side, they exist, but that hallway is barricaded. I guess it would be possible to access, although it would be considerably more difficult.
Aug 11, 2023 7:36 am
As the plan takes shape, Stan focuses on the external offices with windows on the outside. During shift changes at the radio, or restroom breaks, and exploiting when the watch guards are distracted, he will make quick checks of the doors of such offices. If he locates a door left unlocked he will enter to check the windows, and the route from the window to the ground level outside. Is there a gutter to climb? Some reachable roof areas to break the elevation?
Aug 11, 2023 11:33 pm
Amaresh confers with Stan and watches for similar possible escape routes. Checking the perimeter for unmatched locations to get out.
Aug 12, 2023 6:40 pm
Stan is never really left alone. During shift change, he is walked to and from the radio room. He could make a Dex + Subterfuge roll to "trip" into one of the doors, to check if the handle is locked.
They remember from driving up there are no gutters on the building. It would also be difficult to scale the wall, due to large areas of relatively smooth surface. It's also tall enough that dropping from the roof doesn't seem viable.

With most external doors boarded up, the main doors seem like the only point to just walk in or out. Second story windows are the highest you think it would be reasonably safe to drop from. The left side seems easiest... the right side has a barrier/doorway in the hall, about there was a lower roof you could potentially drop onto.

(You would have seen older photos of the Seattle Center. There was a row of carny games outside, and while the games have been gone for years no one changed the actual building... meaning the roof is still halfway between floors.)

There is the personnel door that leads downstairs, to the maintenence tunnels.

Both the tunnel door and the stairs to the second floor have a posted guard.
Aug 12, 2023 8:13 pm
Stan tries the tripping trick.


DEX+Subterfuge - (4d10, RA)

(7174) = 19

Aug 12, 2023 8:22 pm
"What the hell are you doing?" the armband walking with Stan will look at him, clearly unimpressed. "You aren't even subtle... What are you up to?"
Aug 12, 2023 8:28 pm
"What? Just got dizzy, man. Relax..." he tries to play it cool, silently cursing his awkwardness.
Aug 12, 2023 11:30 pm
"Bullshit," the man snaps. "Quit fucking around. Don't make shit harder on either of us, yeah?"
Aug 13, 2023 7:43 am
Stan keeps silent, not wanting to make things worse than they are.
the setup is tricky to manage an escape. Maybe they should reconsider and try to get an audience with William and negotiate their exit from the compound. What do you think @Alordis
Last edited August 13, 2023 7:43 am
Aug 13, 2023 2:06 pm
yeah i suppose we should start sticking together so that if anything goes wrong we arent split up?
Aug 13, 2023 4:59 pm
makes sense, yes.
The day after the unfortunate incident, Stan will notice how the guards keep a closer eye on him. He will diligently finish his shift without trying anything clever.
Once off the shift, he will regroup with Amaresh. "Security upstairs is too tight to sneak out, I think this escape plan might be tougher than we thought. I am of a mind to openly ask to leave, what do you think?"
if there is a hierarchy in the armband guards, they will try to identify who the highest ranking, approachable guard could be, someone that they could directly ask an audience with William to. Or at least someone to ask about how to go about if they want to leave, if that offer of the backpack of supplies is still on the table, etc.
Aug 13, 2023 5:22 pm
Doesn't seem to be much of a heirarchy, outside of Yuri being in charge during the day. That said, she is always easy enough to find.

Night shift, on the other hand, is very different. You haven't really figured out who is who (outside of William and Yuri, obviously), but you can tell there is a lot more organizational structure... and the armbands seem to all be the bottom of it.
Aug 16, 2023 1:56 am
checking what I know about "ghouls" and "kindred" since those are the words I overheard-- I put in some stuff but figure I will roll to suss out which metagame knowledge my character knows if that's okay.


Int + Occult - (5d10)

(108711) = 27

Aug 16, 2023 2:19 am
Amaresh isn't entirely certain, but she vaguely remembers a conversation from her youth where the word "Kindred" was used -- a foreigner was asking about legends regarding Impundulu. It only stands out to her because many people laughed at the foreigner... but not her uncle. Which was odd, because he laughed at everything.


Rerolling a 10. - (1d10, RA)

(8) = 8

Aug 16, 2023 10:21 pm
@Alordis what do you think, should we ask to see William? Yuri seems more dangerous... William was the one who initially mentioned the chance to leave, the supply backpack, etc.
Aug 22, 2023 2:32 am
Sorry, this game slipped my radar again. yeah, let's run the play-- seems the next possible thing to do. Better be prepared for it to go sideways though.
Aug 22, 2023 9:25 pm
Stan tries to ascertain who the best person could be to get to William.
Maybe a guard he has a little more trust in, or someone he notices often in the entourage of the mysterious leader.

He will then approach this person and ask goes about asking a brief audience with William, motivated by the need to discuss an important personal matter.
Aug 23, 2023 12:09 am
Unfortunately, no one outside of Yuri seems to be seen with William with any regularity. Even the night crew seems to exhibit a certain deference to the man.

If Stan mentions wanting a meeting to one of the armbands, their eyes get a bit wide and they quickly tell him that even though they're part of his organization, they don't speak to him unless he speaks to them first.

"It's bad form," the guard says. "The height of impropriety, considering our station."
Make three Perception rolls, all at a -2 penalty please. This will cover the next few nights.
Aug 23, 2023 12:40 pm
here we go


Wits+Composure-2 - (2d10, RA)

(9103) = 22

Wits+Composure-2 - (2d10, RA)

(41) = 5

Wits+Composure-2 - (2d10, RA)

(36) = 9

Aug 23, 2023 3:03 pm
Stan notices not too many people talk to William directly -- at least not out in public. He notices a few though.
[ +- ] Spoiler
The man is... big. You get the impression he's never seen a 45 pound plate he didn't like. You've seen him around a bit, he's usually all smiles and laughs. Never spoken to him, of course, even though he does mingle on the floor a bit.

When you see him go up to William, you notice William actually smiles. You also notice the two men talk. That is, when people do speak to William they do so quickly, and then they're off. However, William and this other man spend a solid two hours in conversation. Even when Yuri comes up, she seems to greet the other man with a laugh and a smile.
[ +- ] Spoiler
You've seen her, every night... although it took a while to realize it was the same woman each night. Every night, she looks different. Her hair, her piercings, her tattoos. The only two constants are 1. She dresses about as lasciviously as possible while still being dressed, and 2. She is never without her entourage of ridiculously pretty people. (You've even noticed her eyeballing Rain on multiple occasions.)

The entourage is left behind when she approaches William. After a few words, the very petite woman shifts into a much more aggressive posture: fists on her hips, feet shoulder width apart, chest forward and shoulders back, and even though she has to look up at the much taller man it still feels like she's looking down.

William seems unimpressed, but after a minute or two of her posturing he stops leaning on the rail and pulls himself up to his full height, adjusting the wrist of his dress shirt sleeve as he glares daggers through her. Eventually after some more talking, she visibly deflates. William doesn't back down though, instead stepping towards her. She actually shrinks away, a far cry from her prior bravado. She nods her head as William speaks, and when he finishes he goes back to leaning on the railing. Suddenly they both laugh, and she walks -- no, skips -- off, rejoining her entourage and heading back to the flood.

Unfortunately, the next few nights show no consistancy with who William talks to. Indeed, outside of Yuri it truly is rare to see him talk with anyone except in passing.
If you want, you can roll me a chance die to see if Stan recognizes the woman.

It's 1d10, where only a 10 is a success (and rerolls as normal) but a 1 is a botch. In these circumstances, no willpower can be spent -- it's essentially random and not really skill related.

Your call, you don't have to roll -- just an option.
Aug 23, 2023 7:35 pm
sure why not, let's see if he can recall


chance die - (1d10, RA)

(4) = 4

Aug 23, 2023 7:40 pm
Feeling that the woman's relationship to William is somewhat tense (and that entourage might present a problem), Stan will try to get to talk to the muscular giant. In the next day he tries to understand if there is a pattern to his comings and goings, or if he seems to work or be based in a particular sector of the Armory.

He informs Amaresh of what he has observed, and of the two characters that seem to be within William's reach.
Aug 23, 2023 8:17 pm
You don't see the big man too often, but when you do see him he certainly isn't working. He seems to just sort of be "around." There are, however, some of the savior group that seem to report to him -- including some of the armbands. At least a few of which take shifts on the rooftop of the Armory.
Aug 24, 2023 6:17 am
"OK Amaresh, this is where your shifts on roof duty will come in handy. You see those guys, over there? I believe they can get us to the smiley giant who's friend with William..."

Stan and Amaresh identify the armbands that seem to be close to Mr giant and who are also approachable on the roof.
" Can you ask them to meet the giant?
Aug 29, 2023 11:40 pm
I want to give @Alordis a chance to chime in and maybe make rolls for Amaresh to cover that three day period before I push on.
Aug 30, 2023 12:43 am
Sorry; this game becomes easy to miss- I saw that I needed to roll but then it missed my notice.


Wits + Composure -2 - (4d10)

(5271) = 15

Wits + Composure -2 - (4d10)

(8164) = 19

Wits + Composure -2 - (4d10)

(8445) = 21

Aug 30, 2023 12:43 am
Sorry; this game becomes easy to miss- I saw that I needed to roll but then it missed my notice; will go ahead with the ask once I know that my poor rolls didn't reveal anything else new.
"Yes, I will ask them. . ."
Last edited August 30, 2023 12:45 am


Wits + Composure -2 - (4d10)

(5655) = 21

Wits + Composure -2 - (4d10)

(3261) = 12

Wits + Composure -2 - (4d10)

(2719) = 19

Aug 30, 2023 1:47 am
Over the three days, Amaresh notices a few people talk with William. She's exhausted the first night and misses anyone talking to the man in charge.

The second night, she sees the big black man. Again, it's smiles and warm greetings -- even with Yuri. He and William talk for a bit before Yuri returns and pulls William away with a clipboard and look of concern.

Considerably later on, Amaresh also notices two different women approach William. Well... the first comes through the front doors like she owns the place, black hair pulled back as her riding boots seem to stomp the floor with every step, unzipping her leather jacket as she sashays her way through the Armory. Considering the distinct sound of a motorcycle before she burst into the building, it makes sense. She bounds up the stairs and makes a beeline for William, bowing briefly as she arrives in front of him.
[ +- ] The First Woman
The second woman just seems to be behind William. In fact, Amaresh isn't entirely sure how long the pale redhead had even been standing there. The woman never walked up, that's for sure... right? She watched impassively as the first woman approached, and the three walked off down the hall, no doubt to an office.
[ +- ] The Second Woman
On the third night, while Amaresh is looking for who might approach William, she notices something more subtle... William makes eye contact multiple times with an individual wandering through the main floor of the Armory. Thinking back, Amaresh realizes this isn't the first time the two seemed to interact at a distance.
[ +- ] The Man in the Crowd
Amaresh will ask some of the armbands on the roof about the big guy. "Why, you looking for spiritual guidance in the end of the world? Need to confess? Mister Zubira is a... practicing Catholic. Sort of the resident man of the cloth."

Amaresh won't get an introduction, but she gets a lead... they just have to wait till Sunday.


Days until Sunday - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Aug 30, 2023 2:07 am
"The end of the world seems a perfect time to seek spiritual guidance, does it not? A Catholic priest you say? Interesting."

Later when reconvening with Sam. . .

Amaresh checks that she can conceal the knives she's obtained so that she's prepared in case things go sideways. "I am still wary that violence will be the inevitable result. Sunday it seems likely to be the best time to see him. Apparently some variety of priest?"
Last edited August 30, 2023 2:09 am
Aug 31, 2023 7:29 am
"Great work, Amaresh. Wow, big fella, for a man of the cloth..." he comments.

"That should make it easier to approach him. Zubira, huh? "

In the couple of days before Sunday, he will try dropping the name Zubira in conversations (but not to the armbands watching him at the radio job) , to see if someone knows more of the priest, what reputation he has.
Aug 31, 2023 1:29 pm
Sam will find out that not a lot of people seem to know the name. Initially it's enough to make him wonder if this Zubira only does private church services for the group of rescuers or something. He'll run across one elderly woman who smiles at the name, however.

"Oh yes... nice man, nice man. Services tomorrow night. Doesn't make a big deal about them, trusts that if people seek the Lord, then He will bring them to Church. So much faith in that man. We need more like him... now more than ever."

The woman seems crestfallen, as the truth about the state of the world weighs on her. However, after a moment she shakes her head and smiles. "'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matthew 6:34. Mister Zubira has reminded me to let go of worry, and have faith in Him." She pauses, seemingly lost in thought for a few long moments. "I never dreamed my last days would be spent like this... but He saw fit to bless me with protectors and safety, an oasis in... whatever is happening out there. If... you'll excuse me..."

The woman leans on her can as she stands, and tottles off towards one of the restrooms. It's easy to tell by her tone... she isn't convinced... but the two can't help but feel her Faith is all the woman may have left at this point.
Sep 2, 2023 10:30 am
Once he is sure to know where the Sunday Service will be held by Zubira, he bides his time until then, thinking about their strange predicament, and what role this priest could have in it.
Amaresh has been talking about ghouls... in the old superstitions a man of the church could be a good ally against the supernatural...
Sep 3, 2023 1:34 am
Amaresh too waits until Sunday when they can approach the priest.
Out of ideas for other things to do/investigate before then at this point.
Last edited September 3, 2023 1:34 am
Sep 8, 2023 3:04 am
Sunday rolls around, and the duo find services are held downstairs in a former souvenir shop at 10:00pm.

The merch has been removed, along with racks and shelves, to make room for seats. It's rather tight quarters, but two dozen people can fit inside. Stan and Amaresh bring the total to 11. There is a simple lectern at the front (likely where the register and its counter once stood) with a white linen draped over the front showing a simple golden cross embroidered on it.

The man you have learned is named Zubira enters the room with a bible under his arm, and a smile on his face. He is bigger in person, and while he is well dressed in a tailored black suit with white undershirt and black tie -- complete with a gold tie clasp with a crucifix -- he looks like the most well dressed wall you have ever seen.

"Good evening to you all," he begins. Amaresh can almost place his accent... central African, perhaps? He might be losing thenaccent with time... that might explain why it seems a bit off.

"I see we have new faces! This always pleases me! I am Jubari Zubira. Many call me Mr. Zubira, because I am not truly a priest and so I hold no official title or rank within the church. What I am, is a man of God who feels it is my duty to be there for those who might seek Him out in these dark times. I believe His word is relevant now more than ever, and if His word brings comfort or reassurance to those in need then I am called to provide that. I was raised Catholic, however... I welcome all faiths, because I believe we worship the same God."

He is a practiced orator, who balances just the right amount of ceremony with just the right amount of casual. Maybe it's his sermon, maybe it's his smile, but by the time it's over you can't help but feel a bit reassured.

About 25 minutes after he begins, he wraps up his sermon. After leading the assembled survivors in prayer, he says, "I will be staying here to talk for those who need it. Whether you need confession, advice, or God's word... please line up outside the door and I shall call you in to speak with me."

Most of those assembled are leaving, and Jubari stands at the door and shakes everyone's hand as they exit. A few line up outside.
Sep 8, 2023 8:28 pm
did he actually celebrate mass, or perform only a sermon?
Stan stays sat and whispers to Amaresh to do the same, so they can be last in the small line of people lining up outside. "We don't want an audience..." he whispers to Amaresh.

Only once he is sure they'd be the last, he stands up and joins the queue.
Sep 9, 2023 4:30 am
Just a sermon. You'll notice though that for some people, he will do sort of an... abridged mass, one-on-one.

It's easy to be last in line. Anything else before we move forward?
Sep 9, 2023 8:17 am
@Alordis do you want to lead the conversation with Zubira?
Sep 9, 2023 9:58 am
yeah sorry weekend with the kids so i will post when I get a chance to focus for a few uninterruptedminutes
Sep 18, 2023 1:12 pm
@Alordis Did you still want to handle speaking with Jubari?
Sep 20, 2023 2:36 am
After the end of the service, Amaresh approaches Jubari when he is generally alone, and speaks not in a whisper but in a calm, quiet voice, "Thank you much for the service Mr. Zubari, but I was hoping my friend and I might speak to you privately?"
Sep 20, 2023 1:21 pm
The man smiles. "Of course! These are trying times, and I believe it is my responsibility to help those who believe hold onto their faith. It feels like it might be all we have left." His smile falters a bit as his eyes shift up, over Amaresh's head and seems to focus on something a distance away. He sighs and smiles again, bearing a hint of sadness this time.

"In all my years, in all my travels, I have seen a great many things. The best and worst of mankind, the majesty of His creation. But... in these nights, I can understand why some are having a crisis of faith."

Focusing on the two before him, he snaps back to his jovial demeanor. "But... I feel you and your friend are not truly here for matters of faith. What can Jubari do for you, Sister?"

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