Over the three days, Amaresh notices a few people talk with William. She's exhausted the first night and misses anyone talking to the man in charge.
The second night, she sees the big black man. Again, it's smiles and warm greetings -- even with Yuri. He and William talk for a bit before Yuri returns and pulls William away with a clipboard and look of concern.
Considerably later on, Amaresh also notices two different women approach William. Well... the first comes through the front doors like she owns the place, black hair pulled back as her riding boots seem to stomp the floor with every step, unzipping her leather jacket as she sashays her way through the Armory. Considering the distinct sound of a motorcycle before she burst into the building, it makes sense. She bounds up the stairs and makes a beeline for William, bowing briefly as she arrives in front of him.
The second woman just seems to be behind William. In fact, Amaresh isn't entirely sure how long the pale redhead had even been standing there. The woman never walked up, that's for sure... right? She watched impassively as the first woman approached, and the three walked off down the hall, no doubt to an office.
On the third night, while Amaresh is looking for who might approach William, she notices something more subtle... William makes eye contact multiple times with an individual wandering through the main floor of the Armory. Thinking back, Amaresh realizes this isn't the first time the two seemed to interact at a distance.
[ +- ] The Man in the Crowd
Amaresh will ask some of the armbands on the roof about the big guy.
"Why, you looking for spiritual guidance in the end of the world? Need to confess? Mister Zubira is a... practicing Catholic. Sort of the resident man of the cloth."
Amaresh won't get an introduction, but she gets a lead... they just have to wait till Sunday.