Chapter 2: The Crucible of Freya

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Jul 17, 2023 9:32 pm
Datura spies the orcs from her new position and draws a bead, signaling the guards to do the same...


Shot 1 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (19) + 1 = 20

1d6 : (3) = 3

Shot 2 - (1d20+1, 1d6)

1d20+1 : (19) + 1 = 20

1d6 : (6) = 6

Jul 17, 2023 10:19 pm
Datura's arrows fly and snuff the life from one of the orcs instantly. Four more arrows fly through the evening sky and mostly strike the spiked berm behind the orcs; one arrow, however, does slam through the guard and drop it to the ground. After a moment of silence, no alarms are sounded.


Guards Attack, Damage


Jul 17, 2023 10:36 pm
Dom, you are relentless on those bow & arrow dice rolls!
Nebbleshuven says to Ryenne, "Our archery comrades have prevailed again." He looks to both her and Galdar and says, "Shall we proceed then?"
Jul 18, 2023 2:10 am
This is the luckiest string of rolls I've ever had on GP!
Jul 18, 2023 5:32 am
Kariantha is wide-eyed and impressed as she tags along with the group on the second floor. "Impressive shooting!" she says quietly to Datura.
Last edited July 18, 2023 5:32 am
Jul 18, 2023 1:12 pm
Galdar turns back towards Nebbleshuven, having been distracted by the sharpshooting of his allies. "We should have a strategy. Do we clear the yards and then the towers? Do we clear a side at a time so we're not surrounded?"
Jul 18, 2023 6:13 pm
"That would be wise. Let's start with the side beneath our archer friends. They can pick off anyone who rushes through the courtyard that might ambush us.

Nebbleshuven tries to signal to the archers where they're headed.
Jul 18, 2023 11:02 pm
Datura waves back, perhaps a bit too excitedly. She nocks another arrow and scans the courtyard for any sign of ambush.


Jul 19, 2023 12:47 pm
Ryenne stoops to check the two fallen orcs for anything that might be of value; most especially keys, notes or maps.

"Should we ascend the tower quickly to check the body of the third? We may find a key."
If I’ve got my geography right, of course. This tower the two orcs were at is the same tower as the lone guard was in?
Last edited July 19, 2023 1:06 pm
Jul 19, 2023 1:00 pm
The two orcs carry pouches containing a total of six gold pieces and eight silver.
@KCC, not quite. The lone guard in the tower was located where the arrow points, along the western wall. The two guards were standing before a palisade to the south, and are marked with the orc token.
[ +- ] Map of the Keep
Jul 19, 2023 4:49 pm
When Ryenne returns from searching the orcs for keys and loot, Nebbleshuven will attempt to gain entry to the base of the belltower (as indicated by the red arrow on the top map).
Jul 19, 2023 5:18 pm
This building was once a chapel to Thyr, god of law and justice. The chapel itself consists of one main room with an altar, behind which is a small sanctum, divided from the main room by a curtain. The walls of the chapel are covered with evil runes and orc feces. The angelic statue of a celestial servant of Thyr remains unmarred, witnessing the desecration of his temple. The altar itself has been smeared with blood, and a burning candle with a black flame has been placed upon it. The tapestries and pews, which were once of fine quality, have been destroyed and are currently used as soiled bedding by the five orcs who sleep here. Rustling noises can be heard from behind the curtain.
[ +- ] Map of the Keep
Jul 19, 2023 6:42 pm
Nebbleshuven scrunches his face up in disgust at the sight and scent of the place. He checks Ryenne to make sure she hasn't been overcome with rage for this defilement of her god's temple. He mouths, "Kill them while they sleep." He indicates to the group that they should spread out first. When everyone is in position, he gives the sign to start.
Obviously, if Ryenne can not contain her anger, this plan will be scrapped.


Jul 20, 2023 12:30 am
Ryenne stifles the rage, taking in and then holding a deep, angry breath. With purpose, she moves forward, carefully placing her steps so as not to wake the soon-to-be-dead.

Her eyes fall on the celestial as she crosses the room again, and once again.

Freya knew of Thyr’s plight in this place…

She beckons the others to move in quietly and take up a place. The numbers might mean that they would have to favor speed over stealth for the last few!
Jul 20, 2023 12:59 am
Galdar locks eyes with Ryenne. Though he pays fealty to Muir, she is the sister to Thyr and the goddess of virtue. There is no virtue to be found here. He unsheathes his blade and nods. The first three die quietly in their sleep, which is better than they deserve. As you approach the remaining two, however, you notice that the shuffling sound stops. The curtain is thrown to the side as an orc in chain and robes steps into the room. By his spiked mace (in the shape of a skull) and shield bearing the emblem of a rod headed by a skull, both Ryenne and Galdar can recognize this to be a worshipper of the demon-prince Orcus.

Round One of Combat
Combat Order

The orc-priest surges forward towards Nebbleshuven and invokes the name Orcus in the foul orcish tongue. Almost immediately, those in the room notice the candle flare with energy and a slight shadowy haze surrounds your enemy. He swings with a powerful blow, which the man is able to parry. Nebbleshuven's shield-arm, however, tells him in unkind words of the strength behind the strike. The two remaining sleeping orcs stir in their sleep, their eyes snapping open.
The two awakened orcs cannot act this turn, and have 13AC and 1HD.
The orc-priest has 15AC, and you will receive a -1 to your attacks against him.

It is your turns. The archers do not hear anything happening.



Initiative (Party, Enemies)

Target, Attack, Damage


Jul 20, 2023 1:34 am
"Filth!" Ryenne cries, rushing to the worshipper of Orcus and aiming a blow!

"Face Thyr’s wrath here and now!" she challenges, as she swings!



(11) - 1 = 10


(6) = 6

Jul 20, 2023 2:45 am
Upon seeing the dark priest, Nebbleshuven flashes back to the captivity of his childhood for just a moment, tasting the fear that came with the ritualistic sacrifice of the other children by the tribe's priest. He rallied his shield arm just int tie to parry the blow from this monster. If this is my time to die, then so be it. He summons his courage with a roar as he brings his sword around to strike.


Strike orc with sword - (1d20+1-1)

(3) = 3

Jul 20, 2023 2:51 am
The clanging of steel in the room seems deafening, and Galdar leaps into action. With sword and shield of his own, he joins his brother and sister in the fray. "The statue," he cries out! "Thyr stands with us in this befowled chapel! Invoke his name!" His own sword strokes are met by shield and steel, and his blade finds no purchase in orcflesh.

Round Two of Combat

As the two orcs leap up from their pews, they move towards Ryenne and Nebbleshuven and engage the two with their own wickedly jagged shortswords. The orc-priest turns Galdar, having heard the name of a rival god, and thrusts his hand against your ally's chest. A flash of black light is all that you can see, and the life is snuffed from the priest of Muir. He crumples to the ground as an empty husk. The surviving warriors are able to fend off the attacks on them, but the numbers are no longer favorable.
Galdar has perished in this unholy place! And it is your turns!


Attack, Damage

Death Touch Target, Attack, Damage

Target, Attack, Damage

Jul 20, 2023 4:51 am
This is happening inside, on the ground level, correct? So we up on the NW wall / tower don't have line of sight to provide fire support...


Jul 20, 2023 5:02 am
Pushing the fallen priest from her mind for now, Ryenne calls out:

"Retreat, Nebbleshuven, and tell the others! Or he’ll fall upon them without warning! Have them flee, if needs be!"

The woman barks her plea, before clenching a hand to her mace, and renewing her attack on the dark priest! She wouldn’t back down from the temple while there still stood a chance!

Last edited July 20, 2023 5:03 am


1d20-1, 1d6

1d20-1 : (12) - 1 = 11

1d6 : (4) = 4

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