Onyxsong Adventurers - D&D 5E! Level 1!

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Jun 25, 2023 4:53 am
- Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?

He would pull up the crewman. It was not long ago he needed a hand, and he'll be damned to not return that eternal favor

- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?

The clear threat is this griffon, and the old lady should be spared such a horrific death if possible. He was spared from death, and that debt will always drive him.

- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?

A respectable garb for the party, and donate the excess to the local church. They will have a greater need than him.

- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?

I brace the door with all my might, shouting back that the odds do not favor them, and to flee or prepare. His life was spared once, and perhaps now is his time to repay that debt.

I'm up to join a game. I've started running my own game on this platform, but the speed leaves an itch to be scratched, and I have an old character concept I'd be up for trying!
Jun 25, 2023 9:02 pm
I like the dwarven-themed intrigue and would be honored if I could join your adventure. I've been playing DnD for 40+ years. Got the original box set under the Christmas tree in 1980.

I've been wanting to run a Half Elf druid for some time and this setting I think fits.

- Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?
Assuredly, my animal companion who has watched my back when I’ve slept for as long as I can recall. I owe my companion the debt and would repay it. Besides, the sailor is the reason I’m in this mess and its well known that sailors are a morally decrepit lot who would probably eat me and my animal friend, then rifle my pockets for the change.

- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?

The circle of life is capricious and at times seemingly cruel. Can’t fault the griffon, its chicks need to eat too. If I had the capability to help that poor old lady (she’s probably lived a full life), I would. However, as I was hired to be the only guard for the caravan (which the outfitters should be ashamed for being so cheap on security), I must consider the safety of the many outweigh that of the few.

- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?
Uggh. Formal parties are so stiff. The clothes are insufferably designed for appearance and not for comfort. If forced, forced I say, I would purchase conservatively tasteful clothing for the event. I can clean up nicely and do appreciate a well-tailored outfit…. Yet in all likely hood, I would quickly slip outside to a balcony, patio, or outside lawn to feel more relaxed.

- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?

Leading?! Something has gone horribly wrong! Well, quick calculations of the odds pretty much means I’m not making it, so might as well make a fight of it. I would understand if the party shut the door behind me, but I wouldn’t complain if they came to my aid either. Everyone has got to make their decisions in life.
Last edited June 25, 2023 10:00 pm
Jun 26, 2023 12:27 am
Hi! It has been a while since I played 5E and I am new to PBP games but your campaign setting sounds amazing. Most of my time has been spent with other game systems as a GM and I am really looking forward to an engaging pbp post game where I can remove my GM hat and enjoy the story. Would really love to join you. Considering a Half-elf Sorcerer with the Wild Magic bloodline.

Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?

He would pull up his beloved pet first, no doubt. His loyalty is to those he knows as they have accepted him despite the strange magical things that constantly occur around him.

- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?

Protect the caravan he was hired by. Duty and honor are important to him as he has always had to work twice as hard to prove himself, first as a half-elf, and then as his wild magic began to manifest itself. He would hope to be asked to conduct a rescue mission but would hold his ground until he could ask permission to conduct one.

- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?

Something understated. Dark blue robes with little or no ornamentation, comfortable new boots, and and a large brimmed hat. Preferring to blend into the crowd and see what he can learn by observation.

- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?

Hold the door and try to hold off the orcs in a valiant attempt to save everyone else. Knowing that to encourage aid would lead to his friends deaths, he would rather sacrifice himself so they could leave to complete the mission.

Thanks for your consideration.
Jun 26, 2023 4:58 pm
Thank you everyone for your responses! I had a busy weekend, catching up now :)
Jun 27, 2023 11:05 am
hello i am new to dnd but have nowhere to play i am very interested in this adventure
Jun 27, 2023 3:59 pm
Edit: Application withdrawn.
Last edited July 6, 2023 2:06 pm
Jun 29, 2023 2:15 am
Thank you all for your submissions! I will make a cut tonight and add everyone to the game tomorrow. Thank you all for your interest, both here and in PMs.
Jun 29, 2023 2:23 am
@GreenDragonPage: To help reduce your list of applicants by 1 I am going to retire mine, as things have become busy in RL again. Good luck with the game
Jun 29, 2023 12:07 pm
@greendragonpage, i am withdrawing my application. You got a ton of responses so I don’t think you’ll miss me. I really liked the application process as it immediately forced one to scope their characters moral compass. I’ll follow the game, it looks like it will be fun. Good luck!
Jul 1, 2023 4:01 am
How's things moving along Dm? When can we expect game to start?
Jul 3, 2023 11:22 am
I'm removing my application as well. Found enough games to fill up my schedule, and adding another might overwhelm. Good luck!
Jul 10, 2023 10:47 pm
I'd like to throw my hat into the ring. I'm wanting to do a Halfling Divination Wizard for the portent cheese but I have a way to make it palatable. I own a Harrow deck, which is a Pathfinder product that acts as an in-universe Tarot deck that's based on the 6 attributes and the 9 alignments. I think it fits the character.

Below are the answers to the example questions from the intro.

- Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?

1. Keeping his deck of divination cards dry was priority number one. After pulling together the parts and bindings for a makeshift raft, he looked around and immediately knew Fate had asked him to make a choice. A stranger who was left alive in the storm or a merchant's chest brimming with gold. A drawn card later, the wizard rowed off with the precious cargo.

- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?

2. The cards had warned of an imminent danger to the caravan but the leader had disregarded the portent. Once the griffon had taken his prize, the little wizard was begged to intervene. After consulting the local spirits via a reading, he decided to stick with the agreement he made to the group and he'd check again after the job.

- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?

3. A smart pair of leather trousers with suspenders, a hand molded deck carrier for his belt, a cotton shirt and sturdy leather shoes. All underneath a whimsical robe covered with stars and mythical creatures. It gave him options as he was warned by his cards of a possible issue at the insuing party.

- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?

4. Divination often is up to interpretation. And in this instance an "jubilant crowd" was technically correct as the orc war-party hollered when they saw the little wizard. He had led his companions into a trap. It would only be fitting for him to pay for his bad advice. He would use his magic to slow the hoard so his party could escape. His last words ringing through the halls of the mine forever more as a warning to future diviners.

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