Jun 25, 2023 4:53 am
- Your character was on a ship but it was destroyed in a storm. You managed to make a small raft big enough for yourself and something else. Would your character pull up a crewman whom they do not know, their beloved pet or a sack of 10,000 gold?
He would pull up the crewman. It was not long ago he needed a hand, and he'll be damned to not return that eternal favor
- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?
The clear threat is this griffon, and the old lady should be spared such a horrific death if possible. He was spared from death, and that debt will always drive him.
- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?
A respectable garb for the party, and donate the excess to the local church. They will have a greater need than him.
- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?
I brace the door with all my might, shouting back that the odds do not favor them, and to flee or prepare. His life was spared once, and perhaps now is his time to repay that debt.
I'm up to join a game. I've started running my own game on this platform, but the speed leaves an itch to be scratched, and I have an old character concept I'd be up for trying!
He would pull up the crewman. It was not long ago he needed a hand, and he'll be damned to not return that eternal favor
- Your character was hired to be the sole guard for a caravan. A griffon suddenly attacks. It scoops up an old lady and flies off. Does your character chase after the griffon or does your character stay with the caravan to protect the other merchants (and their wares)?
The clear threat is this griffon, and the old lady should be spared such a horrific death if possible. He was spared from death, and that debt will always drive him.
- Your character is invited to a fancy party and is given 200 gold to purchase an outfit. What kind of outfit do you buy?
A respectable garb for the party, and donate the excess to the local church. They will have a greater need than him.
- Your character is leading an expedition into an abandoned mine, hunting down some orcish raiders. After bursting through a door, you are ambushed by 30 enemies! Your character was the first one in the room. Do you encourage your allies to sally forth to attack the orcs or do you close the door and attempt to hold the orcs off, so your companions can flee/regroup?
I brace the door with all my might, shouting back that the odds do not favor them, and to flee or prepare. His life was spared once, and perhaps now is his time to repay that debt.
I'm up to join a game. I've started running my own game on this platform, but the speed leaves an itch to be scratched, and I have an old character concept I'd be up for trying!