Heist the Colours 2: Now in Space (RP)

Jun 26, 2023 10:31 pm
Continued from Heist the Colours.

There was a sense of unease on the roads from the city to the spaceport, but no sign that people were properly aware of what was happening or about to happen. Perhaps this distraction helped, or Perhaps Bob was responsible, but the guards at the spaceport gate and hanger did not ask many questions or bother to give your gear or paperwork more than a cursory glance. And you put significant effort into that paperwork.

Bob's bright orange Gig --what did you expect?-- is apparently called 'Ginger' (six-one-hotel-six-echo-romeo) --again, not unexpected. He proudly shows it off when you arrive and Abby tries to look impressed, but mainly looks scared.

Abby quickly locks herself in her room for the launch, nodding at Bob's suggestion that she take anti-nausea meds, just in case. It is only after this that you realise there are only two cabins --though they each have a double-bunk-- and one shared Fresher. Bob assures you he prefers to stay in the pilot's seat, though you suspect he is being uncharacteristically chivalrous with this lie. There are not enough seats for everyone, and Bob insists everyone needs to be strapped in for the initial launch, at least one of you will need to strap into a bunk for now.

With the demand for speed, Bob tries for a high-G burn, but after a day everyone is feeling ragged, and Abby insists she is going to die, --and looks like it too, in a non-goth way-- so you are limited to slightly over 1-G with 2-Gs while everyone is asleep even though this is uncomfortable and probably not worth it.
Do you keep up the harsh acceleration? (Time taken drops off related to the Square Root of Acceleration, not 1-1.)
Jun 26, 2023 10:35 pm
At first Abby is amazed by all the stars, she has never left her planet before and all the light-pollution reduced their splendour to a mere few twinkles in the night sky, she had no idea there were so many and is excited to get to see them all. But, over the days of unchanging travel she ends up spending most of her time with her face in that new computer. That still makes her happy and she has transferred the software from the cube to the computer and futilely begged Bob to let her try it out on his ship. As she points out, she has no experience here, and does not know what to expect from a real ship. As he points out, Ginger is the only thing between them all and horrible death in the vacuum of space. Do you take sides?

What do you each do over the (unspecified) days on your way to the Depot?
Jun 26, 2023 10:36 pm
The Depot caretaker is less interested in your papers and purpose for being there than in any news you have from the surface. Apparently things have gotten bad down there and the News Networks have been shut off or appear heavily censored, even from before you left. He has his immediate family up here, but has other family and friends still on the planet, and is worried.

Something in his questions implies that he is expecting (official) people to be arriving up here to mobilise the fleet, and he possibly assumes you are part of that first wave. This could be to your benefit, or come back to bite you later, depends on how you play it.
Jun 26, 2023 10:37 pm
Arriving at the coordinates of your Far Traveller Ship, you can see from some distance away that there are problems:

Where you would expect a Launch or Shuttle to be mounted there is an extra Turret instead.

The ship is sealed up and powered down and locked down. But you were expecting some level of this. Airlocks can be powered from the outside in case of emergencies and for mothball situations like this.

What do you do?
Jun 27, 2023 6:49 pm
Ronny spends most of his time in the ship reading and listening to podcasts. He loves to read mystery novels and since there aren't enough seats, he spends a lot of time on his back in bed, reading from a tablet. Every so often he'd get up keep some movement in his limbs and get the blood flowing. At one point he tried to join Bob with muscle training, but that was definitely not his thing.

With Abby not feeling well, Ronny feels responsible and tries his best to keep her fed and cared for. She'd probably do the same for him if it was the other way around. This goes quite well, with the exception of a few outbursts or arguments. It's obvious there's still some tension between them from past mistakes.

"That extra turret, is it a problem?" He asks Abby when they lay eyes on the prize for the first time. "It doesn't matter, right? Or does it? Do you think it'll have extra security?"
Jun 27, 2023 11:04 pm
- Ronny -

"'Extra'? Compared to what?" Abby replies. "I don't know what level of security to expect, so it makes little difference to me." She is trying to sound confident, but knows that the time is fast approaching when she has to prove her worth.

She is scared, scared of failing and letting everyone down --a bigger problem than she expected, now, with the nascent rebellion down there and the less-than-legal activities they got up to getting away-- and scared that she won't be able to cope with the new environment with all its new dangers and considerations, and scared of the Vacc Suit she has learned she will need to wear till they get the ship running enough to turn on life-support.

"Is it true what they are saying on the news? That someone assassinated High-Prince Ferdie? I liked him, he was better than the other 'politicians' who will inherit now. It's bad, right?"
Jun 28, 2023 3:59 pm
Ronny puts on a brave face and does what he's good at... Lying. "Who knows. The media is always 50% truth and 50% added excitement. He probably got stung by a bee or something." He rolls his eyes to confirm this thought to Abby.

"Hey, we're gonna be outa here in no time. We've all got each other's backs." He smiles warmly at her in hopes of bringing some comfort.


Lying to Abby (+soc + deception) - (2d6+1)

(46) + 1 = 11

Jun 28, 2023 11:35 pm
- Ronny -

Abby tries to look stern --because she is sorta 'in the media'-- but has to smile and agree --because she is sorta in the media. "I suppose so." She replies, still looking vulnerable. "This is already the furthest I have ever been from home." She says wistfully. "With each step I take it just gets further. Leaving the system is just another 'step', right?"
Jun 29, 2023 7:29 am
Lio is quite worried about Abby's initial nausea. He gives the nausea meds to everyone who wants them.
tell me so I substract them from the stock
He feels awkwardly at ease and spends his time reading medical updates he downloaded earlier on his laptop.
Jun 29, 2023 2:21 pm
- Lio -

Abby had her own meds --the expensive ones-- and only really needed them for the nausea for the first day or two. You suspect it was mainly nerves and being in a new situation after that.
Jun 30, 2023 3:16 pm
"Exactly. New things are always scary." Ronny replies to Abby.

After a minute of checking out the view, he turns to Lio and Raf. "Are we good to go?"
Jun 30, 2023 7:37 pm
'' Good to go Ronny, do we just walk up to the ship? Will our handyman cover work you think? I mean, it was quite easy to get here, maybe it can help us get inside the ship without too much fuzz? Nobody ever bothers the workers with the helmets and high-vis shirt.''
Jul 2, 2023 1:02 pm
"Yeah, we just have to act like we belong."
Jul 2, 2023 7:24 pm
Lio starts unloading the ship. Meanwhile looking around if there is anyone or anything paying attention.
He watches the turrets from the corner of his eye for movement.
''This crate is a two-person lift, any help?''
Jul 3, 2023 6:51 am
Your target ship is hanging in space, quiet and cold, powered down for storage. Bob expertly attaches to the airlock docking ring, Ginger providing the power needed to light it up from the outside.

The central observation hub where the caretaker is lives visible in the middle-distance, but you can not make out details with the naked eye. Presumably the caretaker would need to take an active interest before he would notice anything strange going on over here. But you are the only other people around, and he seems chatty and even inclined towards coming over to help if you don't take steps to avoid that.

The caretaker treats your approaching the ship as a normal thing, that is why you said you were here. He will not be suspicious unless you do something suspicious...

"It's locked." Bob says. He does not sound all that surprised, not all mothballed ships are locked, but all airlocks have locks with a code to prevent people from getting in at the wrong time. If there were people working outside one's ship it we be unconscionable to endanger them by requiring a code in an emergency, but this ship was not active. Presumably the expectation is that the rightful owners would have that code.
What was your plan to deal with this problem? Did your contacts somehow get ahold of the code? Did you bribe someone for it? Must Abby hack it before you can enter? Is this a surprise to you? Do you try another airlock? These are just examples.

What do/did you do?
Jul 3, 2023 2:21 pm
Ronny helps Lio moving things around.

"Locked? Damn. Well I guess we wouldn't be that lucky, huh?" He says out loud. "We can try to convince that caretaker that we forgot the code or something. People forget passwords all the time, right? But that may attract more attention than we'd like."
He looks around at the crew. "Any other ideas?"
Jul 3, 2023 2:26 pm
Lio runs through the options in his mind.
talking to the guard could swing both ways, best keep that as a last resort...

'' Hey Abby, do you know some kind of 'work around' to get us through?''
Jul 3, 2023 3:21 pm
Abby looks at the numeric-keypad-lock. "Possibly." She says. "It is just numbers. It should not be too hard to bruteforce the combination. Do you know how many digits? Does it lock you out if you get it wrong too many times?"
It is probably between 6 and 10 digits, unless they have done something unusual.
Jul 3, 2023 8:54 pm
Ronny looks at the keypad. "Sometimes you can tell which buttons have been pressed by the amount of wear on the numbers." He shuts one eye to try and see it better. "If only I had one of those bionic eyes"
I'm assuming it's some kind of keypad thingy. Would this be an investigation roll? I just want to make it easier for the next person by reducing the possible numbers to try.
Jul 4, 2023 5:09 pm
"Eh.. Never mind. Looks like this thing has hardly been used at all. Probably only from the inside keypad." Ronny says disappointedly after taking a closer look.
Last edited July 4, 2023 5:10 pm
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