There was a sense of unease on the roads from the city to the spaceport, but no sign that people were properly aware of what was happening or about to happen. Perhaps this distraction helped, or Perhaps Bob was responsible, but the guards at the spaceport gate and hanger did not ask many questions or bother to give your gear or paperwork more than a cursory glance. And you put significant effort into that paperwork.
Bob's bright orange Gig --what did you expect?-- is apparently called 'Ginger' (six-one-hotel-six-echo-romeo) --again, not unexpected. He proudly shows it off when you arrive and Abby tries to look impressed, but mainly looks scared.
Abby quickly locks herself in her room for the launch, nodding at Bob's suggestion that she take anti-nausea meds, just in case. It is only after this that you realise there are only two cabins --though they each have a double-bunk-- and one shared Fresher. Bob assures you he prefers to stay in the pilot's seat, though you suspect he is being uncharacteristically chivalrous with this lie. There are not enough seats for everyone, and Bob insists everyone needs to be strapped in for the initial launch, at least one of you will need to strap into a bunk for now.
With the demand for speed, Bob tries for a high-G burn, but after a day everyone is feeling ragged, and Abby insists she is going to die, --and looks like it too, in a non-goth way-- so you are limited to slightly over 1-G with 2-Gs while everyone is asleep even though this is uncomfortable and probably not worth it.