Heist the Colours 2: Now in Space (RP)

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Aug 13, 2023 2:05 pm
- Lio -

Bob's eyes glitter at the word 'fast'. "Without landlubbers on board we can be really fast... 7Gs fast, --light as we are. I can make your eyeballs join your balls-balls."

But he knows what you really mean. "Once Ronny is back inside we can close the airlock and leave immediately. I have kept the engine running, just in case. We can comfortably be over there in a quarter of an hour, give or take landing permission." He says.

Nothing you have seen so far suggest any significant danger to those left stranded on Betty, but Abby may have thoughts about Ronny leaving her.
Aug 13, 2023 7:49 pm
"Right, it looks like you two have things under control for now." Ronny tells Raf and Abby. "I'll head back to the airlock to join Lio and Bob, as Raf said."

He turns, and grabs onto one of the ship's pipes to pull himself back to where they started. "You don't need me for anything else right now, right?"

As he leaves the room he adds "Oh, if you'd get any incoming communication on this ship's system, try and patch it through to my comms."

When he gets to the airlock, he once again presses the buttons to change the pressure so he can get in.
Aug 15, 2023 10:25 am
"Judging from the Flying Tools Circus of Abby " - by this Raf referred to the floating devices and agents of Abby around her when he took a peek inside the engine room - " she will be not bored for quite a while... and it would be similar for me when I would be starting to work on engine." - he quickly added to acknowledge that he understand how difficult it is in general, especially adding to all of this that this is completely new environment for her.

"So don't worry Ronny. You will be informed right away if anyone will be wanting to talk to us, missing us from the planet. And I'm taking my trusty generator and going for the cargo hold lock right away. Then for the crane. Good luck out there with the caretaker. By comms he seemed like a decent guy, so hopefully all the harm will meet him will be only the need of deleting some records in depot database when we leave... with our ship. But unfortunately times of w... times are like they are. " - Raf said in "The Team" channel on comms. Thinking that could be not the best moment to bring to everyone attention that the war is coming, even though that all of them would probably anticipate it even without having the info they had.

Turning comms to Abby - before living for the cargo hold lock:
"Am I right, Abby? How it's going? I'm going on the other side of the cargo hold. Call me if anything will need my attention." - Raf ended sounding more officially then he would like to.
Last edited August 15, 2023 10:25 am
Aug 15, 2023 10:26 am
GM: please inform me where the lock is, how it looks like and if I should roll something for opening it having the generator with me.
Aug 15, 2023 1:51 pm
- Raf -

"Um..." Abby squeaks when she hears she is to be left alone and that no one was coming to check on her. "I could use a little help..."

When you return to the engine room you find Abby has forgotten/failed to tether herself and accidentally pushed off and floated into the centers of the empty space, where she now hangs in 'mid-air', helpless, unable to get herself back to any surfaces. She has tried to lasso something with a data cable, but that has just gotten her tangled and tied up in her clumsy suit.

If you are confident your partners will return with the means to pump air into the room and remove the need for the Vacc Suits, there may be little point forcing Abby to try to do work in the suit. Maybe she should get some rest until you are set up? She was rather excited to do this job, so she might not be able to sleep, though --especially not in a strange Vacc Suit-- and it might be better to keep her within sight, this environment is completely foreign to her and dumping her to deal with it alone will definitely sour her experience of space and her perception of her new team. You are not sure she will actually be able to help you, but making her feel useful might help her, psychologically?

What do you do?
Aug 16, 2023 7:45 am
"Allright Bob, I think I can see Ronny. Get ready to leave as soon as de door is shut. I guess he can get comfortable while we fly to the caretaker. Shouldn't take too long, right?"
Lio winks at Bob, puts himself in a seat and wonders if Ronny will like his little prank.

Hehe, someone will get shaken and stirred, always fun to do some male bonding
Aug 17, 2023 10:51 am
The second Ronny enters the Bob's spacecraft Lio says casually from his seat:
''He's in Bob, let's go ''
Bob hits the thrusters and departs from the dock. Deliberately rocking the ship left to right as if it was his first time flying it.
Lio watches Ronny struggle to keep his balance, he smacks against the wall as if still in zero G.
The ship stabilizes and Bob and Lio laugh out loud.

''WHAhahahaha... Sorry my friend, but I really needed a good laugh. Ok Bob I think that was enough, keep it steady please so I can help Ronny out of his suit''

Still laughing and apologizing at the same time he goes over to Ronny and helps him remove his vac suit.

Looking at Ronny's face he knows there will be a retaliation soon, he is ok with that.
Aug 17, 2023 1:54 pm
"What the!!!??!!" Ronny just barely manages to hold onto one of the straps that was securing the cargo earlier, his feet slipping out from under him as he hits the deck, luckily without injury. The vacc suit slightly cushioning his fall. "What was that for?" He asks, not really able to laugh that the 'prank' just yet. "I could have seriously hurt myself!"

It takes Ronny a minute to see the joke of it. As he's taking off his vacc suit in a now stable ship, his mood changes and a smile appears on his face. "You know I'll get you back for that, right?" He says as he punches Lio's shoulder while walking by.

"Are we heading to the caretaker?" He asks Bob then turns to Lio. "We should probably look the part. Grab some tools from the maintenance locker and maybe add a few grease marks here and there."
Aug 17, 2023 9:01 pm
"Yep." Bob says. "Cleared to dock there in 20 minutes."

You can take longer than that if you want and can do any preparation you feel necessary in the meantime. Then narrate your arrival and how you approach the caretaker and what you say.
Aug 21, 2023 11:41 am
" That's a good idea Ronny, I think Raf mentioned bringing overalls, those would come in handy now."
Lio asks Raf through coms where he stashed the clothing. Since they look brand new he tries to smudge and wrinkle them.

A discrete 'thump' gives them the heads up docking is nearly finished and they make there way to the door.

They enter into a long hallway with a worn industrial look, most of the lights are broken or just working at half power, at the end of the hall there is a bright light coming from what Lio supposes is the caretakers offiice. All the other doors are closed.

"Looks like this place used to have more people working here, this guy most be very lonesome all by his own"
"HELLO" Lio half shouts the greeting while walking through the hallway as not to give the caretaker a scare, he's probably not used to visitors.

" Come on through, I saw you docking" the caretaker replies from the office... in a woman's voice...

Lio puts on his most charming face

"Hi there, how are you doing? My name is Phil and this here is Theo"
or whatever bogus names are on the paperwork
" We are trying to do some work on the ship but we hit a snag. I was wondering if there is a portable airlock dock we can borrow, it wont take long and it would help us massively."
Don't you get lonesome here all alone? How long are your shifts? Do you live here? Sorry for the questions, I'm just curious, I almost applied for this kind of job a few years ago but don't think I'm cut out for it."
Trying to hide the bigger question in between social politeness
Aug 21, 2023 9:08 pm
Ronny puts on another accent to talk to the caretaker. "Nice ta meet ya, ma'am." He tips his trucker's hat to her, but waits to see how she replies to Lio's questions first.

Not bad, Lio.
Aug 22, 2023 7:18 pm
"Hello Phil, Theo. Nice to meet you too." The woman says in reply. It looks like she was desperately tying to tidy up but you got here quicker than she expected and she is still patting in her hair into place and, incongruously, wearing an apron. She notices the rag in her hand that just patted her hair and tosses it into a corner with a 'nobody saw that' conspiratorial smile.

In addition to cleaning up for guests, she has laid on a meal --which, though simple, looks quite appealing after days of cramped-shipboard food. You get the feeling that 'lonesome' does not even come close to describing her situation.

"My name is Helen." She introduces herself. "Arthur is... " there is a catch in her voice but she continues, "... unable to see you right now. But I am sure I can help you with what you need. No problem, there.

"But, won't you join me for dinner, first? Just the two of you?"

You get the feeling there is more going on here, but she does not seem like a threat, and you do need that airlock dock.

What do you do?
Aug 22, 2023 7:28 pm
Lio looks at Ronny.

'' What do you think Theo, are you hungry? Or starving, like me? ''
Aug 22, 2023 10:11 pm
Seeing the food laid out on the table makes Ronny's stomach rumble. "I'm sure a small delay wouldn't be no problem, right?" He says, taking a few steps closer. "You's the caretaker's wife then, Helen? Or sum kinda assisatant?"

He sits down on one of the chairs and puts a foot up on another. Really trying to sell the part. "Nice place ya gots here." He adds with a warm smile
Aug 22, 2023 10:44 pm
Helen looks delighted at your interest in her food. "He ... Yes, he is my husband." There is a little hesitation there, but she covers it by adding" "Our son used to live up here too, but he ran off after a hussy... but you don't need to hear about my woes." It sounds like she really would love to have someone to talk to about her 'woes', but that is not the sort of thing one brings up at the dinner table.

She did not know how many people were coming over and there is ample place for Bob as well, if you want to include him in this charade with fake names.

"Do you think you will be here long? Doing whatever it is you are doing?" She asks. "You are all welcome to join me... us for your meals if you can spare the time."

Once the pleasantries are over and everyone has tucked into the food she tries to sound casual as she brings the subject round to the possibility of war. The news reports leaving the planet have seemed... faked? --if you have not been following them on your trip here, Helen will mention this-- and she is nervous about the future, this is understandable, but there may be more at play here.

What do you do?
Aug 23, 2023 8:41 am
Meanwhile onboard Betty...

"Oh... Abby. I can see that you're taking a moment to reconsider and plan everything in your head?" - Raf tries to pretends that he don't see how helpless... and... maybe even cute... she looks in this new environment - "Or how you - the elite hackers - do this before pulling the trigger?" - with this he tries to redirect her focus on the fact that she is renown hacker... not renown spacer.

"Excuse us for not providing you with proper environment to do your delicate work from the beginning, but we are currently working with the boys on the way to allow you to work without those ancient vacc suits." In fact: the suits they were currently using were quite standard for this part of universe, but Raf heard somewhere that there are worlds where they already developed vacc suits that feel much more as wearing a a lot of clothes rather than as walking in medieval armor.

"You know what? I wouldn't want to disturb your work, but... my plan was to open the cargo hold by brute force of cargo crane, but since you are here too... maybe you could check if there could be more software-like way to get to the cargo hold's door's motors - and use them as they are intended. Considering that we will be able to connect my power generator just to this part of ship's systems. What you think?" - saying that, and not waiting for confirmation - Raf mades a few moves holding skillfully to the wall's handlers and catches one of the Abby's cables - to pull her by it towards the nearest wall next to him.

"And don't worry. You will be able to get back to work as soon as we will pomp some air into the engine room."
Aug 23, 2023 9:07 am
- Raf -

Abby bounces around like a balloon, and ends up clinging to you so as to avoid floating off again. "'I am a hacker, Jim, not a spaceman.'" She quips in reply, your words obviously having set her more at ease. "How do people do any work in these thing?" She asks exasperatedly about the suit.

News that you are working to remove the need for the suit cheers her a lot, and she is gladly towed to where you are working --after having you secure her laptop for her.

When she sees what you are planning she is excited, but also more than a bit scared. "You are opening the big doors? Into 'for real space'?" She asks, and you can't tell from her voice what she thinks of that idea.

Obviously you will need to make sure she is tethered at all times with those doors open, floating off into a room is one thing, floating off into empty space is quite another. She lacks the basic training in such things so it is up to you.

What do you do?
Aug 23, 2023 9:41 pm
Ronny thanks the woman kindly for her hospitality and gladly eats some of the food she's provided. "Ran off after a hussy, ya say? Well ain't that just kids for ya!" He says, pretending to know something about kids. "Don't ya worry, they always find their way back." At this he gives her a heartfelt smile.

"Just until the job's done, ma'am." He replies to the question of how long they would stay. Something about the way Helen is acting strikes him as odd. "If I can ask ya, what's wrong with yer husband? Is he sick? Hurt?"
Aug 24, 2023 7:59 am
"Yes Abby. The real space." - Raf repeats trying to sound as casual as he can. But he still remembers how big and overwhelming experience it was for him too, when he had his first "space walk" - being divided from the endless, completely empty space of the whole universe just by relatively thin clamp of layers that made his vac suit shell...

"So remember to be always towed to something. You know what? Let's try with this cargo crane idea first. I will connect my generator to the one installed more to the center of cargo hold and then go open the cargo hold lock - so it will not stop doors from opening when we will be pushing the door. But before I release the door lock you will have to be securely towed to the same cargo crane as me or go back to the engine room. Your choice. Depends if you are ready to look the void straight into the eyes..." - his voice achieved a pitch that could be showing excitement for the coming meeting - " or begin with just looking at it through the window of engine room doors?"

"You can think about it while I will be connecting the generator, but meanwhile I would like to ask you to go check those containers in the that corner - if they are properly secured to the cargo hold floor. At almost 100% they are completely empty, but even though - they could be useful to store something in the future. I think it would be another good occasion to get acclimatized with THE SPACE and vac suits for you. Some more. Will you?"

With that words Raf goes for his generator that he left towed near the cargo crane and starts disconnecting cargo crane from ship's power cables and attaching it to his generator, then in case of no problem, he will check how the crane is working doing some standard tests.
Tell me if we are making any rolls now, Abby is reacting or I should move with narration to the cargo hold's door lock?
Last edited August 24, 2023 8:00 am
Aug 24, 2023 9:55 pm
- Ronny & Lio-

"Oh, no! What have you heard?" Helen blurts our before covering her mouth and turning away. You can see her shoulders shake and her hand --out of view-- goes from her mouth to dab at her eyes.

What do you do?
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