Heist the Colours 2: Now in Space (RP)

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Jul 7, 2023 1:01 pm
"Guys and gals! I hope you didn't think even for a sec that your old friend Rafael didn't plan for such occasion!?" - Raf bursted with theatrical phrase and body language. Not forgetting about big smile on his face. He was two excited of being so close to his dreamed of "prize" - that he was unable to be worrying about "such minor inconveniences".

"By one of my wonderful "what-if?" scenarios - I have planed for this trip of ours - we have three options now. I will mention them in the order we should try them in my opinion:

1st. We have our tired from travel, but stil brilliant Hacker - Abby. With the newest computer possible to get on this planet. That costed us not only money, but my favorite coat that was with me when I arrived on Gem[ it was the name of the planed, wasn't it? ]. I have no idea how many digits the code have, but Bob is claiming here that it should be between 6 and 10. I think you can really do it, Abby! I believe in you.

2nd. I have with me this special EMP charge"
- in this moment Raf shows a cuboid not much bigger than a grenade to everyone present, pulled from the belt at his back - "designed by me and tweaked by my friend tinker: Pontiak. Wonderful mechanic, but he doesn't like to bath to often... I hope he will not be trying to join our group when he will leave Gem... and he was intending to do so.

But... getting back on the subject. He tweaked the EMP so it can also work in "reverse mode" - not damaging electronics... but activating them. And it is specially calibrated now on very particular kind of probe drones... that kind that - coincidentally - is used on ships like this. When we activate them, Abby shouldn't need more then 2 minutes to give us access to them... and we will try to control them to open the airlock from the inside. Brilliant, huh?"
- another big smile on Raf face emerged, but then faded a little when he added:

"We only have very little risk of damaging some other electronics on the ship in the process... or something on the drone's way to the air lock... but Pontiak said it is very, very, very unlikely. He done this while eating (probably a week old) sandwich... so his brain was properly nourished. I'm sure of this.

3rd. And last but not least: Bob on my request took his very own "BigMetal Cutter 3000".
At this point Raf made a proper pause and looked at Bob. He was quite sure that he sam two big, flashy stars in Bob's eyes. So continued with another, this time modest smile:
"And I can tell you! This baby will make a POPER hole with this airlock door in just a few minutes! But then we will be IN and FREE to warm up the engines!

One could see that Raf excitement is only rising, but he still manage to keep some professionalism in him and added:
"The obvious drawback is that... well... we will have a hole in our front door for a while... so would not be able to use this airlock until repaired." - At this moment Bob took some toolbox in his hands as he would be willing to go into the vacuum and do the repairs just now... but many could have some doubts if this repair will be really so easy and even doable without the visit at the space station. So Raf added:
"In worst case scenario we will conceal it for a time being..." - a short pause connected with countius look at Bob -

"And the bonus advantage will be that, we will have to ask Bob to stay with us for a little longer... as we will be forced to use his Ginger to get in and out of the ship... through the cargo hold ramp... but that's only in the vacuum!"

"So... what do you think?" - Raf asks with eyes bright as the strongest stars visible through Ginger's windows.
Last edited July 7, 2023 1:04 pm
Jul 7, 2023 1:56 pm
"Wait? What?" Abby looks at Raf incredulously. "You can't make a 'reverse EMP'. That is like saying 'a reverse bomb, you set it off and it fixes things nearby'. That defies the laws of entropy... and logic. I think your friend was lying to you, or that sandwich was older than it looked."

Bob is also hasty to point out when you finish. "You say that... but the that is nowhere near the 'worst case scenario'. Jumping with a faulty airlock means, if anything goes wrong, everyone inside the ship dies as all the air rushes out." He looks at Raf with suspiciously. "You guys paid me to bring you up here, and to not ask questions. Fun as it's been, I never agreed to leave my home and my girlfriend." (You all have heard about Bob's girlfriend, but no one you know has met her.) You can be pretty sure he will have words to say about any attempt to set of an EMP in or near his precious ship, just the mention of having one has Bob looking very nervous.

"I can open it." Abby says, though maybe just to defuse the tension. "If it locks us out after some attempts, it will just take longer. I don't plan to use the buttons by hand."
Jul 8, 2023 8:00 am
Trying his best not to hurt Raf's feelings, Ronny agrees with Abby. "Yeah, let's see if Abby can figure it out first and keep cutting holes as a last resort."

He grabs a screwdriver from one of the ship's compartments and uses it to open up the keycode panel's cover so Abby can access the wiring.
Jul 10, 2023 8:17 am
Lio sees Raf's excitement grow with every word he speaks. It reminds him of the old days. He tries to calm down his old school buddy's enthousiasm.
'' hmmm Raf, do you remember that one night when we tried to get in the teacher's 'special drinks room? Do you remember that it was locked in a similar way, and that we tried to hack it, kinda in a similar way as you are proposing now? At that time brute force was also not our best plan. Hahaha. We ended up cutting the power to half the facility.''

After their failed liquor heist they were not laughing at all, but now Lio has tears in his eyes.

'' Good thing we never got caught though, we might have been suspended ''
Jul 11, 2023 3:56 pm
"Thank you, dear." Abby says when Ronny opens the keypad. She spends a moment studying the insides then unzips a few of her many sleek, black, canvas and leather bags to reveal a multitude of probes, wires, clips, and other things that can't be identified.

She takes out a rather simple-looking lead with only three crocodile-clips on each end and --being careful that the dangling ends don't touch each other-- clips two of them to tiny junctions inside the lock. Checking her computer screen one more time she clips the other ends of those two wires to a strange box with many knobs and dials and lights, plugs that device (Hacker Toolkit) into her new computer, and only then connects the third clip to the device and then the lock.

She quickly pulls her hand back as she does this and appears to be holding her breath. "No sparks is good." She says, she does not seem bothered by the small audience watching her, usually she has many more... though they are not normally quite so close.

Turning up a large knob on the toolkit the lights come on, she adjusts a few smaller knobs and flips a few switches, nodding in approval before sitting down cross-legged on the floor of the airlock in front of her computer screen. "This part may take a while." She declares to her 'audience'. "Go make yourself a cup of coffee. Make one for me too." She smiles at this, like a joke she has made many times before, only to look sad for a moment when she realises the joke does not work when her whole audience is right there and can bring her coffee --which one of you probably should do.

After more than an hour of 'just reading her screen' Abby makes a final adjustment to the box between her and the computer before saying. "Here goes..."


Hacking. Computers + INT + Toolkit + Intrusion Software - (2d6+3+2+2+2)

(33) + 9 = 15

Jul 11, 2023 4:04 pm
... and the lock clicks and indicates it is unlocked.

The other side of the airlock door is still at whatever pressure and atmosphere is inside the mothballed ship. The gauge indicates 'near vacuum', which you might hope is how they left it and not signs of a slow leak.

What do you do?
Jul 12, 2023 2:25 pm
Writing this a little retroactively...
Raf completely puzzled and disheartened by Abby's remarks about lack of logic in what he said... and even more so about divergence in what Pointaiak said about possibility of reverse-EMP charge and what Abby claimed... took the occasion to go and prepare some coffee for Abby as the best exit strategy he could afford at the moment.
"Yes, of course.... As I said... our first option is Abby. That's obvious.... One coffee on its way Abby! You can always count on us..." - and disappeared behind divider walls of Ginger as fast as he could.

" 'You can always count on us'... fuck... it sounded even worse then I thought." - he told to himself in his mind standing near the coffee machine and waiting for hot beverage to be prepared by elegant and swift robot - so... very "unlike Bob". He just realized.

"At least he have a good taste in coffee machines... I wonder " - Raf continued his inner considerations talking with himself in his mind - " do this shit from Pontiak even work? Better not check it on the ship. That's for sure. But I will check this "revolutionary" device for sure... at better occasion... and if we ever meet again..." - the short beep from coffee machine interrupted Raf imagination showing him what he will do to Pontiak if all of this was just a bad joke of this "Expert Mechanic".

"Here, Abby. Judging from the fact how good this coffee machined looked it has to be the best thing Bob bought for Ginger." - while handling the cup to Abby and saying that Raf hit Bob lightly with his elbow. What was meant for him to understand that in reality it was a token of appreciation for Bob.
Jul 12, 2023 2:47 pm
- Raf -

"Thank you, honey." Abby says, smiling at you as she takes the coffee and then returns to her work. You all know how each other like their coffee (or whatnot) by now, and it is just right.

"Hey!" Bob objects. "I live here, remember! And coffee is the nectar of the gods." Presumably Bob has an apartment, but he does spend most of his time flying, and not always from the same city, so this may be more like his home than anywhere else.
Jul 12, 2023 4:34 pm
Once again answering Lio - in the past
Raf was very grateful to his long time friend Lio for giving him space to change subject and diverting attention from his "little embarrassment". But in the same time he started to laugh for real:
"Yeah, Lio! I remember that action! That were the times! I remember how I was afraid that my father will get to know... - Raf's face brutally and instantly hardens as it would be made of pure stone from the very beginning. Immediately stopped laughing. And just adds with deep, rusty voice:
"Yes... my father. If he IS still even... able to know or do anything... wherever he now is..."

Then ended without any expression in his voice, as he would be empty inside: "Let's get back to work. This ship was waiting long enough." And he refocused on Abby.
Getting back to "present"... ( I will answer your posts in OCC in "next IRL free time slot"... what should be "soon". But wanted to put few cent into the story first. ).
BTW: great post about Abby working !
"Be careful. There is no air on the other side." - maybe he didn't know too much about hacking. But certainly he knew many things about space ships.

"Bob: you think we could initiate the air pumping into the airlock on this Far Trader's side - from Ginger's console - now that the door are unlocked and both ships are docked? You think I could help you with that?"
I presume, that: those are the things Spacecraft pilot knows: how to properly dock other ship and activate other ship's airlock systems so it start working as intended? Or we will have to use Ginger's airlock and some vac suits? To go onboard F Trader?
Jul 12, 2023 4:52 pm
"Ginger can pressurise the airlock. Then we will need to equalise the pressure to what is inside the ship before you can go further." Abby looks nervous about this, never having been in space or experienced vacc suits as the rest of you have at some point.

"It will take forever to fill something that size from Ginger's systems, and would deplete my reserves. Would be much easier to get that ship's life-support running and purge the old, bad air and then refill it. That should only take a few hours, and you can get artificial gravity back online at the same time." Abby looks intrigued at the idea of 'zero-gravity', though --also new to her, but that sounds like fun and she has had quite a few questions about what it is like.

Between Raf and Bob you start the process of equalising airlock with Ginger.

Whoever is going in first should start suiting up. The airlock can accommodate three people at once, and Abby's gear takes up one of those spaces unless you want to try squash in.

Abby probably has to supervise the power-plant startup so she can override those access codes and 'signal-home' routines during the boot process, she may need a lot of help dealing with vacc suits and zero-G and her gear.

Who goes in first? What do you do?
Jul 12, 2023 5:34 pm
"Yes. You are right Bob. We should wake up this baby and allow it to breathe for it self!" - Raf smiled modestly as he said that.

"And that means... the one who was raised even as a child near many small reactors and didn't sleep through Power Plants' curse at the university..." - Raf winked towards Lio - "should go there first. Coincidentally... it appears... that I'm the one matching this description! So going for the vac suit for me and Abby - who is needed to provide me the access to... the Trader's heart. Who else going with us in the first tranche?"
"Small reactors" is reference to reactors of mechs that were very common on Raf's home planet and every child of noble was supposed to learn how to handle such reactors. Another info just for flavor.
Besides... if that wouldn't be true... Raf would come up with something similar, just... to have arguments to go onboard "his ship" - first. Now that he is so close:)
Last edited July 12, 2023 5:36 pm
Jul 12, 2023 6:06 pm
Ronny smiles and has an inner chuckle when Lio and Raf talk about their past adventures. Good to have a crew with history. They're usually the most dependable. He lets Abby do her thing, every now and then offering to "keep watch" or hold the thing if she needs a break.

"Damn, you're good at this!" He exclaims as she opens the lock without so much as a spark or alert pop-up. "Any reaction from the caretaker?" He looks out of one of the ship's windows to check for signs of movement. After a minute or so, he's fairly certain nothing has changed.

"I've seen my share of vacc suits." He tells Raf when the question comes up from who's going in. "Maybe it's best that I join you."
Jul 12, 2023 9:45 pm
From the caretaker's perspective nothing unusual has happened, you attached to the airlock as expected and it will take time to load your gear into the new ship and power up what you need to do your official job. He can not see the 'door', and for all he knows you are already inside. He may become suspicious if you take abnormally long to power up, or power up more than is needed for the work, but he may also figure he does not know exactly what you need to do.

Moving the ship or abnormal fueling activities are more likely to draw attention.
The airlock only takes a minute or two to cycle and you can start loading in. It will be cramped with three people and all Abby's gear, and she insists she needs all of it, this time for real.

There are vacc suits in the airlocks --both Ginger's and the new ship's(*), they are all TL8 suits, which weigh 28Kgs. Abby struggles with the weight in Ginger's Artificial Gravity. "At least I won't have to worry about this in zero-G." She says.

Someone needs to give Abby some basic training, and remind her that gravity only affects weight, not momentum, so the extra mass is still a problem when she needs to get it moving, but more importantly when she needs to decelerate it, possibly in a hurry.
Jul 15, 2023 12:45 am
While Abby is doing her thing Lio is busy with sorting all the boxes so they will be easier and faster to load in the new ship once the airlock is opened. This also gives him the opportunity to take a glance at the caretaker now and then.
When he hears the airlock click he walks over to Abby

"Wow, that is amazing Abby, glad to have you on the team!"
Having tried to do some hacking in the past ( and failed) Lio is quite impressed with this skill.
"could you walk me through the procedure you used when we have some spare time? I always wanted to learn more about bypassing systems"
Jul 15, 2023 1:30 am
- Lio -

"Sure. Sweety." Abby says with a radiant smile. "The techniques are really very simple." She answers as many experts in their respective fields often do. "But I did just spend the last month preparing and doing research and recon... and hoping the real thing was like the leaked designs." She adds trying and failing to sound modest. She is clearly buoyed up by the success and the excitement of what comes next.
Jul 15, 2023 11:44 am
Ronny suits up and turns to help Abby out when he notices Raf is already doing that. Thinking nothing of it at this point, he checks the console on the airlock to see how this one works exactly. Getting ready to head into the vacuum of the other craft.
Hope that's ok for me to add, Pedrop :)
Jul 19, 2023 6:39 pm
Abby is both nervous and excited, and needed lots of help getting into the Vacc Suit. Eventually she and Ronny and Raf enter the airlock and start the cycle to enter the ship.

Lio is left to deal with the gear-bags, with Bob --who is planning on staying with Ginger-- to help load.

What do you do?
Jul 19, 2023 8:46 pm
"Have we got everything?" Ronny asks once they are in the airlock and holding some of Abby's equipment. "This stuff is heavier than it looks." He signals to Bob to initiate the cycle and waits for it to complete.

"So, once we're in, I suppose we're looking for the main power switch, turn it on and start the oxygen generators, right?" He asks to whoever wants to answer. "Anyone know what that would look like?"
Jul 20, 2023 11:08 am
TheGenerator says:
Hope that's ok for me to add, Pedrop :)
Yeah! Completely! Nice addition for the mood:)
Raf - first, even to his own surprise - checks Abby's vac suit once again, then his - if everything is sealed and closed properly. Then stands there without any other word looking at the digital indicator of air being sucked from the airlock and check the "stop procedure button" availability on the screen. All good. As in the older times... when he was still at service as Merchant Marine at rank high as 3rd officer.

"Those times... now they feel as from other, previous life... of some other, completely different person... and now... finally... after all those years I will lay my hands on my very own ship... and today is the day... the day I start to build MY empire... empire that will make me strong and influential... that will allow me to reveal the truth about Ignomia... the truth this universe deserves... the truth my father and family deserves... the truth... - I deserve..." - this thought train of his suddenly disturbed by Ronny's question, left Raf a little surprised.

"Ehh... I suposse Abby will have to do her magic once again to prevent ship reporting home that it's waking up and to overcome the pass codes... Yes, Abby? Then it's my turn. We will see how well "our" army is taking care of its ship's engines and if they are really so 'fast to get up and running for combat readiness'..."
Last edited July 20, 2023 11:11 am
Jul 20, 2023 6:57 pm
The constant faffing with the suit-seals is making Abby nervous, but she gives Raf a thankful smile when he is done.

As the air pressure goes down the suits' internal pressure causes them to try to expand and they creak in ways that the men are used to, but which induce some panic in first-timer Abby. "What's happening? Is that normal?" She squeaks before being reassured... repeatedly. As the inner door opens she is actually holding her breath.

"Er... Yes." Abby agrees with Raf, and it seems that focusing on work helps keep her mind calm. "That's the plan. Yes."

She watches in amazement as Raf (presumably first?) steps out from the airlock where the artificial gravity is still active into the void of the ship and floats free.

There is always a strange, curved gravity-gradient when transitioning from grav-plates. Gravity spills out from the plates in a curve (like iron-filings above a magnet). This adds to any disorientation people feel when leaving an airlock.

Raf's magnetic boots could help him, and help him help Abby as she steps out, but she does not have such boots, nor know how to use such things. Vacc suits always have many ways to attach to work surfaces when stationary, though, and can be tethered together.

Raf could attempt to get Life Support running without powering up the main power-plant, but that will be a big job, and would need to be reversed again as soon as the ship is active. This may only be worth it if the vacc suits prove too high an impediment to getting the actual job done.

What do you do?
I assumed Raf might be the first to enter 'his' ship. Does he act the captain and give the others permission to come aboard? Does Ronny expect that?
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