The Manor

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Oct 1, 2023 4:55 pm
You ascend the stairs as Witic closes the lower door behind you and you hear it click as it is locked. Reachign the top you open the door to the observatory
[ +- ] The Observatory
The floating ball like creature mainly consists of a large eye and mouth with four eye stalks protruding from the top of it. As you get a better look once it is out of the bright light coming down from above a voice enters both of your minds. Welcome back little bird. I see you brought a friend. I watched some of what transpired so know you are in contact with the first candidate but much of the place you went has wards against or detecting scrying and I can not observe anything in the manor grounds themselves so do not know what you expect of me.
Oct 2, 2023 2:34 am
Has Ealdwig ever seen anything like the Seer before?
Oct 2, 2023 3:01 am
Stories of magical creatures run through Ealdwig's mind. Most are of evil creatures or servants of wizard, which are also usually evil. Many magical powers are attributed to these creatures and though this one is not comforting, at least it isn't being cruel, domineering, manipulative, or sneaky.
Oct 3, 2023 2:40 am
Is that in my head? I've heard of creatures that can do that. It's strange.

Nervously Ealdwig smiles, out loud he says, oh, hi. Neat trick. Wish I could do that. Seems like it would be fun.

My name is Ealdwig Swiftfoot. How are you today? It seems Witic sent my new friend Etcher here,
gesturing to Etcher, I've heard you've met. Anyway, Witic sent Etcher with a pendant to try to find a descendant of the house. And to his credit he succeeded. She asked me to visit the manor to make sure everything was what it seemed, you can see what she was thinking right. It's a crazy story, someone out of the blue tries to tell you, in limited words no less, looks at Etcher sorry, no offense and shrugs. You know, that you're the rightful owner of a mansion somewhere you've never heard of. Seems out there, so she asked me to go and take a look. As an outsider, she thought it would be best.

Personally, it seems legit. I met Witic and I wanted to meet you.

Gaining some confidence Ealdwig starts his rambling questions, what is you're role here? Witic said you are stuck in the Observatory, is that true? And if so why? Ealdwig stops realizing he was rambling again, clears his throat and asks, basically, are you friendly to the family?
Oct 3, 2023 12:31 pm
Sorry I didn’t post yesterday, it was the last day with my family and I simply didn’t have the time to post. I should be back on my regular schedule from now on.
The avian seems happy to see the Seer. He squawks. Seer, good! I’m glad he has held up his end of the bargain and he has not harmed the little fey. A being of his word this Seer is. The swordsman continues speaking in his high pitched monotone voice. Give letter. Mistress. The Seer needs to give a promise to the mistress that the Seer will not harm her. Promise, no hurt! He caws. Etcher holds up the letter that was given to him earlier by Witic. We don’t need your eyes Seer, at least not yet.



Oct 3, 2023 1:11 pm
The Seer rolls to the Austin's from Ealdwig I was contacted to serve the house and family for a century to act as a living focus for the house observatory. I control and enhance the divination magics here. I am contractually bound to the observatory and can not leave until my contact is complete unless the family breaks their side of tht contact. Which they have. However should i finish my cigar despite this i can claim a bonus, which i intend to do. My contact expires in 23 years.
While under the contract I must obey any reasonable request by ghost members that do not go against the house master. This does not mean I like them, only that i will be polite.

In response to Etcher it pauses then floats up, returning a moment later with a scroll. This is a copy of my contract. The house original is inside their vault and the candidate can access it after claiming the house
The scroll floats over to you as the Seer watches you.
life happens, don't worry about it
Oct 3, 2023 7:13 pm
He can move stuff with his mind as well? Wow impressive.

Smiling Ealdwig speaking to the Seer, oh, so you have a contract and are under the family employ. That's good. A century seems like a long time. I trust it was worth it. What's it been like without the family around?

Ealdwig finds a place to sit, then looks to the Seer ok to sit here? So how did you come to be in the family employ, if you don't mind me asking? You seem pretty powerful; talking into peoples minds, moving items without touching them, seeing things that ordinary people can't see. What do you get out of the deal, coin or shines as my friend likes to say? Motioning towards Etcher.

You might like Sylfir, she seems nice. I don't know her well though.

I've had a few small contracts in my time, nothing like 100 years or anything, much smaller. Etcher mind of I take a look?
What do I notice, anything out of the ordinary? Is the bonus listed?
Looking up from the contract to the Seer, What's a bonus, I've never seen that in a contract before?
Oct 4, 2023 6:39 am
Wow, Ealdwig is so smart! I didn't even think to ask how he got the bonus. Maybe he gets it by eating people.. Didn’t he say he would eat the fey?

Etcher hands his companion the scroll, as Ealdwig examines the scroll the Avian kneels down next to him.

Etcher’s face has the look of concentration and his feathers seem to ruffle and unruffle every five seconds. Upon hearing his friend mention shinies, the birdman repeats along with Ealdwig, Shines! Seemingly excited. He mimics Ealdwig, squawking, What Bonus?
Oct 5, 2023 3:19 pm
The contact is a scroll filled with in small neat but flowing script. As you unroll it you eyes cross and mind fogs up with the technical details. You are sure if you spent a couple hours you might be able to decipher the legal intricacies of the document. You do not there are several points regarding compliance, work requirements, remuneration, and boundaries. Morr than that and you are unsure.

the bonus is to be paid in magical lore, which the library and vault contain
Oct 5, 2023 9:37 pm
Looking up from the scroll and trying to clear his head, you don't have anything to eat or any water, do you?

Shaking his head, Ealdwig asks you said this was a copy, right? Can I take it with me? It might help Sylfir make her decision. Yeah I could use a drink.



Oct 6, 2023 1:44 am
My needs are met through the magic of the manor. You may take the scroll. If you require sustenance I suggest talking with the cook.
Oct 6, 2023 2:41 am
Ealdwig rolls up the scroll, looks to Etcher for confirmation and hops down from his perch. Holding out the scroll in the direction to the Seer, thanks. This may come in useful.

Yeah I think we'll go and find the cook, I don't feel 100% at the moment.
Ealdwig, heads for the door and as he is opening it, turns to the Seer It was nice meeting you. Maybe we'll see each other again in the future.

Ealdwig holds the door for Etcher, then he follows. Just before closing the door he stops and turns toward the Seer (Colombo style) and asks oh, how do you feel about the potential of a descendant, maybe the last descendant, finally coming back to claim the house and bring it back to it's... he pauses looking for the word and smiles as he waves his hands in a gesture of large grandeur?

Leaving he asks Etcher, how are you feeling? For some reason I feel off. It seems to be wearing off, slowly. I could use a drink. As a thought, almost to himself Think it was the scroll? Hopefully, one of those other guys can read it. I didn't catch any of it when I glanced at it.

Walking aimlessly through the house, Ealdwig turns around slowly, looking around, lost do you know where the kitchen is?
Oct 6, 2023 3:50 am
The seer sends you off with words to the effect that it looks forward to a proper manner head to finish out his sevice to.

Witic guides you to the kitchesn where a glass of cool water helps setle your nerves. You both sit at a small table "out of the way" and the cook ignores you as you discuss things.
I did not mean to imply any force was affectin you other than the anoyingly complex legal language of the scroll but we can play with it as you portrayed it .
Oct 6, 2023 6:18 am
As Etcher walks into the kitchen he pockets whatever he can find that looks particularly valuable.

He sits down across from his companion, his eyes and face as always are a blank canvas. There is little emotion when gazing into Etcher’s eyes, they are blank. He squawks at his "friend", Find Mistress? He points to both of the letters. House safe? I wonder what Ealdwig thinks? Is this place safe enough for Sylfir? Or is there more that we need to do?
Oct 6, 2023 2:49 pm
Ealdwig downs his water, and looks around for more. The cook, doesn't seem to appreciate outsiders, does he?

I don't understand any of that nonsense pointing at the scroll, do you? Ealdwig, doesn't expect much of an answer.

Seems pretty safe, just a large, somewhat strange Ealdwig makes a "strange" face house. If that pendent of your actually works pointing at Etcher's pendant around his neck then it is her house. Nothing to be afraid of right. Might as well come and claim your birthright.

The Seer is interesting? Not sure of his purpose here, why he was contracted or why he would take the actual job? He could probably be doing anything at the moment. I guess the job was lucrative.
Ealdwig rubs his fingers together indicating shinies.

Whispering out of the side of his mouth Ealdwig looks around to see that no one is paying attention to them you shouldn't take from your friends if you want them to remain your friends. They might not like it. Ealdwig smiles and winks.

Ready to go? Let's see if we can find our way back to the base and let them know what we found out.
Oct 7, 2023 2:47 pm
Etcher picks up a few items of payment from the house sure in his knowledge that he has done a good job and earned his reward.
[ +- ] items lifted
If you want to be unknowntices when "pocketing" items then roll for this in the future.


Secret Roll

pocketing items - (2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6, 2d6)

Oct 7, 2023 3:05 pm
You shouldn't take from your friends if you want them to remain your friends. They might not like it.

The Avian fidgets in his seat, he seems to be trying to say something, but he keeps shaking his head. You shouldn't take from your friends if you want them to remain your friends. They might not like it.

He looks down at his pockets and a small caw of distress escapes his beak. Shinies. But I earned them! I did a job and I deserve it! Heroes get rewarded! We always get what we deserve! That's what my brother Issac said!.. Issac stabbed that man after he told me that.

Etcher slowly takes out the various trinkets he had gathered. His voice changes as he speaks, for a moment it almost sounds like..Ealdwig. You shouldn’t take from your friends. He places the trinkets on the table. A caws again, he nods to himself. His voice returning to his usual monotone squawk

No take. Go base!
Oct 7, 2023 4:20 pm
Ealdwig still discreetly talking with Etcher, you do you Etcher, I am not judging. Just letting you know some people, if they notice, aren't going to like it. We did a job, we can ask for payment of some kind. That seems fair, no?

Personally, I try not to take from friends. If they don't remain friends then that is a different story. People we don't know and can definitely afford to lose it, fair game. Just be careful not to get caught. Prison doesn't sound like fun, I've been lucky enough to avoid it so far.

Ealdwig getting up and looking around for more to drink, says to the cook with his patented grin, got anymore lying around he shakes his cup a little.
I assume he find some more to drink.
Grinning widely, thanks. Etcher, want any more?

Finishing up, ready, ok let's get back to the base and tell Sylfir what we learned.

Certainly, we've earned some kind of payment.
Walking back to find the portal, looking around to see if anyone is paying attention, whispering and if not we'll figure out a way to get what is owed. Wink and grin.
Oct 8, 2023 11:45 pm
The two of you are escorted to the Matrix chamber and Witic contacts the Seer who assists in configuring the tiles to connect to the node in the cavern below the expedition base. With another flash and wave of energy you are transported back to the cavern.

A waiting guard quickly hustles over to a tent that has been erected nearby in your absence. Soon Valpip, Fiznik, and Sylfir return and after a brief exchange you all retire to the tent.The inside seems oddly comfortable and you are pret sure it is larger inside than out. The wizard and artificer take back the items they lent you to ensure your safety during the investigation then proceed to verify your identities and that you were not influenced before your return. As you all sit in various chairs and stools a series of questions and answers, with Ealswig doing most of the talking with Etcher piping in as he deems it important and your account of the manor is unfurled. Valpip primarily focuses on taking and organizing notes while Fiznik advises Sylfir on important details. As the discussion goes on she seems more and more interested and takes control over the flow of it. Soon most of the general points and key concerns are addresses.

Sylfir Alderdrim
I would like to thank you both for your assistance in this matter and if you are interested would like you to accompany me to to manor. I understand that neigher Fiznik or Valpip will be allowed in until I have taken control of it but have convinced a friend to accompany us for the initial transfer of ownership. Once that is done both Fiznik and Valpip will likely join me at the house for some time as I learn more about it and my family. If you are willing then I would like to hire you to help with such tasks as you are capable of handling. If not then once I have access to the vault I am sure I can secure you an appropriate reward.
I would like to get your group together with the other daily post group that is using the tile Matrix. Neither is in the middle of anything too deep at the moment so once it get you all together you can talk options.
Oct 9, 2023 2:39 am
OK. So we'll just hold here till everyone get together.
Ealdwig looks at Etcher an give a look that conveys "what do you think?"
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