The Manor

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Oct 11, 2023 11:59 am
I was just trying to get the two groups together Solidgobi. So I sped through some of the story to make it happen. Skeeve and Ealdwig are more loquatious so there will likely be more chatter with the two of them together. This will let Etcher pipe in ocasioinally, as is his forte, and just chill with Blornvid who is a bit more mellow. That my guess on the future but we'll have to wait and see. With the larger group I will let you interract a bit more before moving things along but this will take some experimentation to get the righ pacing so feel free to let me know in/out of character when you need a pause or to move ahead.

FYI : With more than 2 in the group now I tend to wait for a directive and anyone to aggre/support it fefore taking it as a group decision.
Sylfir has no problem with, and would prefer it,you being able to calm the beast outside. The griphons are intelligent but after 50 years have had a couple generations of only a single person handling them. The hounds are even worse as they were bread and trined as guard dogs. You may encounter some as you excplore and clear the guardens but by and large they mostly stay in the outer grounds though they return to their buildings to sleep.

Etcher has already done some light "gardening" and proudly shows the now healed scars left by some rather nasty thorns on a magical plant that he has to weed from the plot it was overtaking. He got some suppplies from the gardening shed whish was infested with some beetles and he ended up breaking through the roof to escape their swarm.
Oct 11, 2023 12:22 pm
Bugs! What bugs? Ealdwig shutters a little. Maybe I'm more of a raising his voice in a questioning way gatehouse, guy?

Swarms of beetles, ugh. more shutters. But he goes along with Etcher anyway, not liking it one bit. Ok, Etcher, how can I help?
Oct 11, 2023 1:32 pm
Yeah, both I and Skeeve can be chatty. And I do like to keep things moving. So, if I am dominating the conversation, if I need to back off, or if I am being too pushy, just tell me and I will take no offense.
Skeeve says, "I'm up for some gardening. I think both Blornvid and I would prefer to start above ground as we have done way too much underground recently. And this garden, no matter how nasty, still looks better than an overgrown city we got a good look at. Despite Ealdwig's concerns about the bugs, I'm up for taming the garden first.

"One request though: may we borrow those healing gloves? I know it wasn't taken as a reward, but I request the use of the gloves while we handle tasks that involve physical danger. They will still belong to the manor, and won't leave the grounds, but I'd like to make use of them while we are here."
Oct 11, 2023 3:07 pm
"Aye. The conservatory was nice. Would be good for the place if the gardens could match or surpass it." He chuckles, then says, "And if any of the shrubbery gets too unruly, well, there's always my axe."
Oct 11, 2023 4:14 pm
Skeeve smiles back at Blornvid's comments and says, "Yeah. You can prune them, and I can ..." Skeeve presents his hand before him in view of everyone, palm up, "... burn out the roots as needed." As he says that a small, harmless flame appears just above his palm for a few seconds.
Oct 11, 2023 10:14 pm
And, in case anyone thinks that Skeeve is full of himself, he will dismiss that by pointing out that there is a pad with 36 tiles and a stick he carries with him that are both continual reminders of how little power he actually has.
Oct 12, 2023 1:22 am
Ealdwig watching Skeeve create flames in his hands looks impressed and smiles wide niiice. That should come in handy, as will the huge axe Blornvid carries and Etcher's fancy new sword.

With a little concerned look on his face, I wonder what I can do to help? Hum...maybe this new magic cloth will come in handy. Just try not to get in the way. He fiddles with the magical cloth he received earlier.
Oct 12, 2023 6:22 am
Not complaining! Just felt bad I missed a bit of info that you had put a lot of thought in. Totally understandable to speed things up when needed in a play by post game! It’s been great and I’m excited to be a part of a big party!
Etcher caws in delight after witnessing Skeeve’s flame. Wow, a real wizard! Time for some payback. Etcher eyes narrow, and squawks. Bugs burn!

He turns to Ealdwig. Probably going to need someone who can climb to scout around. I guess he’s a bit overwhelmed, he said he was new to adventuring. I guess I’m new too, but I’ve had time with the brotherhood. I’ll need to provide him with some guidance.

The Avain places his hands upon Ealdwig’s shoulder and looks directly into his eyes. Ealdwig, look. Ealdwig, brave. His voice is high pitched yet monotone. The swordsman pats Ealdwig three times on both shoulders. Together safe!
Oct 12, 2023 1:12 pm
There are several sections of the gardens. The vegetable garden out behind thee kitchens, the scenic garden wiht a hedge maze for pleasent strolls to the west, and an orchard to the east. The cook asks you to help finish "taming" the vegetables so he can get the lady some proper meals, though he hasn't had too much trouble form what you can tell.
Hectic morning will add more and start you on the vegetables in a bit
Oct 12, 2023 2:09 pm
[ +- ] The Manor grounds
Witic seems apprehensive as she talks about the garden If you can weed it and collect any ripe fruits as well as some of these herbs it would be greatly appreciated
With a wave of her hands several images float over he head and she points out several herbs and how to collect them as well as several nasty weeds that need to be removed. With another wave the images swirl together forming a single sheet of paper with herbs diagramed on one side and weeds on the other. Pulling a large basket out of thin air she puts the paper in it and pushes the basket over to you.
Be careful, some of those weeds are nasty. There are some gardening tools, including herbicide to pour where the weeds are removed to ensure they do not grow back, in the garden shed. I am sure that all of you can handle the Dimndank scarabs that gave Etcher some trouble last time.
Stepping out to the vegetable garden you are assaulted by the sense of life run amok. The shed to one side has a hole in the roof that looks recent. The paths are overgrown but a small section closer to the manor looks to have been receiving done care of late. The first task is to clear the shed of its infestation so you can access the tools easier.

The shed is the size of a large closet or small room though the vegitatian now grown over it makes it a bit bigger. The door is still mostly covered but easily cleared. As the ddor swings open only a little light spills into the gloomy interior. Shelves line 2 of the walls with a work bench attached on the third. The last wall holds several tools hanging from pegs on the wall. The shelves are filled with an assortment of bags and bottles covered in dust. Fortunately there are labels on the shelves indicating the items purpose.

Somewhere in here lives the Dimndank scarab swarm.
Oct 12, 2023 2:53 pm
I like the note about the freshly made hole in the roof. :-)
Skeeve, after seeing the hole in the roof, asks Etcher, "Do the scarabs fly?"

He also asks Ealdwig, "Do you have a ranged weapon?"

If the scarabs don't fly, and if Etcher is willing, Skeeve's opening idea is to send Etcher in to draw them out. When they appear, he needs fly out through his hole so he doesn't get overwhelmed. At that point we can attack the scarabs as they are then in the open. All Etcher has to do is then loop back around and join the fight.

This does all assume we can squish them one-by-one. Skeeve would rather use an area-of-attack route, but that would damage everything we're trying to get to, which would be counter-productive.
Nice pictures!

Also, I assume his request to borrow the gloves was rejected, but no one said that.
Last edited October 12, 2023 2:54 pm
Oct 12, 2023 4:22 pm
"How big are these scarabs?"
Oct 12, 2023 4:34 pm
Ealdwig give Etcher a look when he pats him on both shoulders. He smiles and with determination, Ok, let's do this. Let's burn some bugs! Ealdwig ties on the red Chromacloth as a headband. He takes a deep breath.

Standing with the group outside the shed Ealdwig answers Skeeve's question well I have my acrobats pole and a sling. Ealdwig pulls out the short pole first and shows it off. I could use this maybe, but it's only good for about 10'. He opens it up to it's full size. Then he pulls the sling out of his backpack. It has some range to it but not much. Ealdwig puts the pole back and begins to look around for rocks to use with the sling. The sling will probably work better.
Oct 12, 2023 5:35 pm
Skeeve says to Ealdwig, "I agree that starting with the sling is a good idea."

Skeeve says to Etcher, "Blornvid has a great point. How big are these scarabs? Are they this big?" He shows two fingers about two inches apart. "Or are they this big?" He shows his two hands about nine inches apart. "Or maybe this big?" He shows his two hands about two feet apart. "How big do you remember them?"

When he gets a one word (or zero word with hand gestures) answer, he follows up with, "And how many do you remember seeing?" At that he shows 1 finger; then shows 10 fingers; then waves his hands to show too many to count.
Given Etcher's one-word approach, Skeeve is trying to make it easy for him to answer. If he is doing this wrong, tell him not to and he will change approaches.
Oct 12, 2023 7:44 pm
Yeah definitely upon first meeting him, I believe, recapping and using multiple choices is a good way to do it. Early on I recapped and waited for a yes or no answer. It took a little longer to play, but because he gave his "thoughts' I felt I could move forward a little, since I knew the answer and it worked well, in my opinion. Solidgobi let me know if you thought differently, plus it was fun to play into.

I think the way Etcher talks is great, and the approach that Solidgobi took is fantastic. As we all hang out with Etcher more I think we'll all get to know what he means most of the time. As was said earlier, like Groot.

Solidgobi, I do have a question, early on in Etcher's thought, he said he was good with words. Is that his belief or did something happen that changed it.



Oct 13, 2023 2:20 am
Witic steps out from the kitchen holding a book Perhaps this will help
Note, in my game the basic language in the setting is derived from a language with a low and high form. Most only master the low form of the language which is comprised of ideogramic symbols, like they use for the olympics nd bathrooms, though some master a bit beyond that and can read simple words (modern 1st or 2nd grade level)
However anyone who has masters some form of magic has had to study more so has a better grasp of the written language.

Inside the book, which is about animal, habitants, and nature, Skeeve reads a section about the Dimndank

These beetle's love dark and avoid light, heat, and fire. Living in dim and damp places near large sources of vegetation for food. Once such a place is located they will eat and bread, creating larger swarms that can be deadly to larger creatures. The Dimndank scarabs are about the size a duende palm and have wings though they seldom fly except to flee light ro fire or attack as a swarm. Individually they are mild and passive but when a swarm has enough numbers they become very territorial and can even be aggressive and turn to hunting. As they often live off of rotting animal and vegetable matre they are highly resistant to poisons. The book says that large infestations are usually burned out with oil. Other options include removing the food source, increasing light and heat while reducing moisture levels to induce the swarms to migrate elsewhere.

Witic describes a bit of what she saw saying I had seen some in the shed but they usually left me alone and even hid at first. But in recent years they started attacking me if I went into the shed.
Oct 13, 2023 3:29 am
I wanted to let everyone know that I am headed to Upstate NY tomorrow through Sunday. Not sure how often I will be able to get online. We have a pretty busy weekend planed with my daughter. I'll do my best to get on once a day.
Ealdwig tries to look at the book, but is unable to get a good look at it. He looks around for something to stand on. What does it say Skeeve? Does it tell us how to deal with these things? Do they fly? How big are they? ... Ealdwig continues with the rapid fire questions.

I assume fire will work well. It does against most small creatures that I've dealt with in cities. Man, I hope it does. Another small shutter.
Oct 13, 2023 4:27 am
Skeeve answers, "Yeah, fire will work, but the last thing I want to do is burn the building down." He stops for a moment, then fumbles around his bag some and pulls out one of the scrolls he wrote and says, "This might do the trick. It shouldn't start any fires, but it will do radiant (or light) damage to anyone in the blast radius. I am sure it won't be good for the building, but it shouldn't burn anything down and won't be wack-a-bug, either.

"So, new idea: Again, if Etcher is willing to lure them out, I should be able to trigger the spell while most of the swarm is out and active. If I fail to cast it (which is always a possibility), we can back off and try again as needed."

To Witic he does confess, "I don't know what the collateral damage will be. I honestly have never used this spell before, but it seems like our best bet to be rid of them."
I am not sure if the "two word" scroll is too much. I do have supplies for four "one word" scrolls, so if I need to scale it down, I can just go write one while the rest hack on some weeds for a bit. I really don't want to destroy the building and am looking for guidance to not do that.
Oct 13, 2023 5:33 am
Daryen, I like his approach to talking to Etcher, there is no real wrong way to talk with him, I think it fits Skeeve’s more analytical style to try and lead Etcher to an answer he is looking for.

Good question Arkmenos! Etcher believes he is good with words from past experiences. The people he used to live with were not the nicest people. They treated him fairly badly but since Etcher is painfully earnest he took any sarcastic quips at his expense at their face value. A lot of his morals come from misunderstood sarcasm or irony from his old "friends". I also had way too much fun with our meetup at the tavern haha.
Etcher glances back and forth at his two companions. There were a lot and I couldn't see. They came from a tunnel. I flew out and they didn’t chase me. Etcher copies Skeeve’s tinier indication of size. The avian starts out holding ten fingers but then almost to the exact millimeter copies Skeeve’s indication for a swarm. Small, lots! No fly!

He slowly walks to the door, he hesitates. I really don’t want to go in there again, I had to destroy the roof to barely escape…

You gave your word you would restore the house!

Etcher clutches his head for a moment as if in pain, but seemingly shakes it off. Etcher turns to the party. Etcher go. Knight-Errant! I will go in there to lure them out, it's a good plan. Wizards are smart, that's what Allie used to always say.
I’m ok with Etcher and Ealdwig attempting to lure the bugs out together. I like the plan.
Oct 13, 2023 1:00 pm
Assuming that Skeeve's understanding doesn't say, "Hold on, let's scale back to one word!" and assuming Witic doesn't object, I guess that's our plan: Etcher draws them out and Skeeve blasts them with the scroll. I really, really hope I don't blow up the building, but I'm think that would require at least three words, if not four.
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