Oct 11, 2023 11:59 am
I was just trying to get the two groups together Solidgobi. So I sped through some of the story to make it happen. Skeeve and Ealdwig are more loquatious so there will likely be more chatter with the two of them together. This will let Etcher pipe in ocasioinally, as is his forte, and just chill with Blornvid who is a bit more mellow. That my guess on the future but we'll have to wait and see. With the larger group I will let you interract a bit more before moving things along but this will take some experimentation to get the righ pacing so feel free to let me know in/out of character when you need a pause or to move ahead.FYI : With more than 2 in the group now I tend to wait for a directive and anyone to aggre/support it fefore taking it as a group decision.
Etcher has already done some light "gardening" and proudly shows the now healed scars left by some rather nasty thorns on a magical plant that he has to weed from the plot it was overtaking. He got some suppplies from the gardening shed whish was infested with some beetles and he ended up breaking through the roof to escape their swarm.