The Manor
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Oct 10, 2023 4:39 am
Retaking the Manor grounds
You arrive without trouble in the manor and Witic takes Sylfir on a grand tour. At the kitchens your troup picks up the cook who if deferential and polite to Sylfir. He follows along adding an occasional comment to Witics running dialog on the house and it's history.
The interior of the once prosperous manor house exudes an air of faded grandeur and eerie enchantment, frozen in time from its glory days. Dust motes dance in the dim light that filters through cracked windows, casting ethereal patterns across worn and weathered tapestries that hang from the walls. The scent of aged wood and a hint of magic permeates the air.
Dining Hall:
The dining hall holds a long, polished table set for a feast that will never occur. Elegant china and polished silverware remain neatly arranged, untouched for decades save for dusting. The large hearth at one end of the room, once a focal point of warmth and laughter, is now cold and dark.
Drawing Room:
The drawing room showcases remnants of luxurious gatherings and social events. Threadbare velvet sofas and chairs surround a marble fireplace, adorned with aged family portraits in gilded frames. Faded drapes frame the windows, revealing overgrown gardens outside. A grand piano sits in one corner, its keys untouched for years, but the music it once produced still lingers in the air. Gilded frames hold paintings of idyllic landscapes and family members from generations past.
The library is a treasure trove of forgotten knowledge, its shelves stocked with ancient tomes and magical grimoires. Aged leather-bound books stand in tall shelves, the smell of parchment and aged paper filling the room. A marble fireplace, cold and dormant, once provided a cozy ambiance for reading.
Witic reveals a secret door hidden behind a bookshelf that leads to a private study, where the family kept their most cherished and arcane volumes. Only Sylfir will be able to open it once she has claimed the Manor.
The Conservatory:
A glass-walled conservatory, overrun with exotic plants, fills the manor with a lush, otherworldly atmosphere. Moonlight filters through the dense foliage, casting mesmerizing patterns on the tiled floor. A small, magical fountain at the center emits a soothing, ethereal melody.
Entrance Hall:
As you step through the grand, ornately carved double doors, the entrance hall greets you with a sense of faded opulence. A grand chandelier dangles from the ceiling, its crystals coated in a layer of dust. A sweeping staircase ascends to the upper floors, its once-polished banisters now dulled with age. Portraits of ancestors line the walls, their eyes following visitors with an uncanny, almost lifelike gaze.
Grand Staircase:
A sweeping, curving staircase ascends gracefully from the entrance hall, its ornate banisters and balusters hinting at the former splendor of this place. A faded red carpet, threadbare and worn, once welcomed guests with a regal flourish.
Upstairs, the bedrooms once offered comfort and solace. Canopied beds, now draped in cobwebs, hint at the grandeur that once filled these chambers.
The Observatory :
A narrow circular iron stairway, illuminated by tiny windows about a hands span wide, leads you up to the sound of the door behind you closing. At the top of the stairs is another door. Bracing yourself you open it and look out cautiously.

Inside is a round room with a pedestal in the middle with a curved stone atop. The peak of the stone is a pale crystal the flickers with inner lights of varied hues. The only light in the dim room is from an opening in the ceiling that though only dimly lighting the room is blinding to stare at directly. The surrounding walls have intricate mechanisms inset into them. Small and neat runes cover much of the area around the mechanisms and the mechanisms themselves. As you look around the room a shadow blocks some of the light from the hole above an a form floats down and is introduced as the Seer.
The Seer joins the group at the observatory at the end of the tour an leaves the tower for the first time. It is very polite to Sylfir but mostly ignores the rest of you. Together you all make you way back to the Dining Hall. The three house members take up posts around the chamber and the table fades as if an illusion turning the room into a hall that can be used for small dances or in this case formal ceremonies. The fireplace expands and a chair rises up from the floor. Following Witics directions, with some encouragement from Danoll, Sylfir sits on the high chair.
An orb rises from the ground in front of her held by three sets of carved griffons wings. The griffons are raised on their hind legs with their talons stretched up and out making the scepter look like a fancy mace though it's delicate details and thin handle argue it is more ceremonial. Taking the scepter in her hands by pressing her pams around the talons Sylfir stifles a slight whimper as they dig into her flesh and a few drops of blood flow onto the griffins. As this happens there is a griffon cry followed by an illusion of the beast bursting from the scepter to surround the chair and new head of the house. As the magic fades Sylfir stands with the pendant around he neck sparkling and shifting to reveal three gryphons clasping a small jewel in their talons.
Witic cries It is done! as tears fall down her tiny cheeks. The cook bows and the Seer closes all its eyes and drops to the ground for a moment.
The ceremony done the cook rushes off to prepare his ladies first meal, and something for her companions as well. Sylphir seems to be a bit exhausted by bonding with the house. Bonding is a process like attunement to magic items except there are usually higher requirements and once an item is bound it is usually very difficult or even impossible to transfer to another while the current bonded individual lives. Despite her exhaustion she insists that Etcher and Ealdwig are rewarded and is guided by Witic to retrieve a few items from the house vault that they might find useful. Sylphyr retires to her chambers with Danoll, while Witic presents the options to the two young adventurers.
Each character picks one item
Vines Whip
This whip is made using the thorny vines of a magical plant. It still writhes slightly on its own. As an action, you can force a creature you can see within 10 feet of you to make Saving test. On a failure, the creature is tangled by the whip’s vine and takes 1 damage. The affected target or another creature can use an action to attempt to free the target by making another Save. While grappled, the creature takes 1 damage at the end of each of its subsequent turns. You can’t use the whip to attack while grappling a creature with it in this way.
This silken cloth is enchanted using a unique blend of magic, allowing it to be used for a number of purposes. At any one time it can be one of four colors: red, yellow, green, or blue. You can change the chromacloth’s color to another one as an action. The chromacloth can be worn as a headband and will emit light dim light on command. In addition once let day it can have an additional affect with the following options that can be activated at any time and the effects are applied for 1 round.
Frostburn Blade
This sword's blade is made entirely of ice and remains perfectly frozen and emits cold regardless of surrounding temperature. A single flame as bright as a candle flickers withing the blade just above the weapon's hilt. While holding the sword, the fire can expands upon command to cover the weapon's edge with flame, shedding bright light and emitting heat. Once per day as an action you can sweep the blade in front of you, causing a wave of either cold or fire to erupt from the blade. Each creature in the wave must make a Save Test or take 2 damage, only taking 1 damage is they pass their save test.
Healers Hand
These Gloves are filled with the vitality of the world. Those who wear these can direct their energies to those they touch. Twice per day their touch can have the following affect. Roll a Test for an action in combat. No test is needed if a minute of ministering is taken.
Soothing Touch : Remove any sickness or poison
Sealing Pressure : A wounded creature recovers 2 health points
You arrive without trouble in the manor and Witic takes Sylfir on a grand tour. At the kitchens your troup picks up the cook who if deferential and polite to Sylfir. He follows along adding an occasional comment to Witics running dialog on the house and it's history.
[ +- ] The Manor
The interior of the once prosperous manor house exudes an air of faded grandeur and eerie enchantment, frozen in time from its glory days. Dust motes dance in the dim light that filters through cracked windows, casting ethereal patterns across worn and weathered tapestries that hang from the walls. The scent of aged wood and a hint of magic permeates the air.
Dining Hall:
The dining hall holds a long, polished table set for a feast that will never occur. Elegant china and polished silverware remain neatly arranged, untouched for decades save for dusting. The large hearth at one end of the room, once a focal point of warmth and laughter, is now cold and dark.
Drawing Room:
The drawing room showcases remnants of luxurious gatherings and social events. Threadbare velvet sofas and chairs surround a marble fireplace, adorned with aged family portraits in gilded frames. Faded drapes frame the windows, revealing overgrown gardens outside. A grand piano sits in one corner, its keys untouched for years, but the music it once produced still lingers in the air. Gilded frames hold paintings of idyllic landscapes and family members from generations past.
The library is a treasure trove of forgotten knowledge, its shelves stocked with ancient tomes and magical grimoires. Aged leather-bound books stand in tall shelves, the smell of parchment and aged paper filling the room. A marble fireplace, cold and dormant, once provided a cozy ambiance for reading.
Witic reveals a secret door hidden behind a bookshelf that leads to a private study, where the family kept their most cherished and arcane volumes. Only Sylfir will be able to open it once she has claimed the Manor.
The Conservatory:
A glass-walled conservatory, overrun with exotic plants, fills the manor with a lush, otherworldly atmosphere. Moonlight filters through the dense foliage, casting mesmerizing patterns on the tiled floor. A small, magical fountain at the center emits a soothing, ethereal melody.
Entrance Hall:
As you step through the grand, ornately carved double doors, the entrance hall greets you with a sense of faded opulence. A grand chandelier dangles from the ceiling, its crystals coated in a layer of dust. A sweeping staircase ascends to the upper floors, its once-polished banisters now dulled with age. Portraits of ancestors line the walls, their eyes following visitors with an uncanny, almost lifelike gaze.
Grand Staircase:
A sweeping, curving staircase ascends gracefully from the entrance hall, its ornate banisters and balusters hinting at the former splendor of this place. A faded red carpet, threadbare and worn, once welcomed guests with a regal flourish.
Upstairs, the bedrooms once offered comfort and solace. Canopied beds, now draped in cobwebs, hint at the grandeur that once filled these chambers.
The Observatory :
A narrow circular iron stairway, illuminated by tiny windows about a hands span wide, leads you up to the sound of the door behind you closing. At the top of the stairs is another door. Bracing yourself you open it and look out cautiously.

Inside is a round room with a pedestal in the middle with a curved stone atop. The peak of the stone is a pale crystal the flickers with inner lights of varied hues. The only light in the dim room is from an opening in the ceiling that though only dimly lighting the room is blinding to stare at directly. The surrounding walls have intricate mechanisms inset into them. Small and neat runes cover much of the area around the mechanisms and the mechanisms themselves. As you look around the room a shadow blocks some of the light from the hole above an a form floats down and is introduced as the Seer.
An orb rises from the ground in front of her held by three sets of carved griffons wings. The griffons are raised on their hind legs with their talons stretched up and out making the scepter look like a fancy mace though it's delicate details and thin handle argue it is more ceremonial. Taking the scepter in her hands by pressing her pams around the talons Sylfir stifles a slight whimper as they dig into her flesh and a few drops of blood flow onto the griffins. As this happens there is a griffon cry followed by an illusion of the beast bursting from the scepter to surround the chair and new head of the house. As the magic fades Sylfir stands with the pendant around he neck sparkling and shifting to reveal three gryphons clasping a small jewel in their talons.
Witic cries It is done! as tears fall down her tiny cheeks. The cook bows and the Seer closes all its eyes and drops to the ground for a moment.
The ceremony done the cook rushes off to prepare his ladies first meal, and something for her companions as well. Sylphir seems to be a bit exhausted by bonding with the house. Bonding is a process like attunement to magic items except there are usually higher requirements and once an item is bound it is usually very difficult or even impossible to transfer to another while the current bonded individual lives. Despite her exhaustion she insists that Etcher and Ealdwig are rewarded and is guided by Witic to retrieve a few items from the house vault that they might find useful. Sylphyr retires to her chambers with Danoll, while Witic presents the options to the two young adventurers.
[ +- ] Reward options for Ealdwig and Etcher
Each character picks one item
Vines Whip
This whip is made using the thorny vines of a magical plant. It still writhes slightly on its own. As an action, you can force a creature you can see within 10 feet of you to make Saving test. On a failure, the creature is tangled by the whip’s vine and takes 1 damage. The affected target or another creature can use an action to attempt to free the target by making another Save. While grappled, the creature takes 1 damage at the end of each of its subsequent turns. You can’t use the whip to attack while grappling a creature with it in this way.
This silken cloth is enchanted using a unique blend of magic, allowing it to be used for a number of purposes. At any one time it can be one of four colors: red, yellow, green, or blue. You can change the chromacloth’s color to another one as an action. The chromacloth can be worn as a headband and will emit light dim light on command. In addition once let day it can have an additional affect with the following options that can be activated at any time and the effects are applied for 1 round.
Color | Effect |
Red/Fire | non ranged attacks that damage you deal double damage to the attackers |
Yellow/Lightning | Fly twice as far as you can normality move |
Green/Wood | Heal 1d3+1 damage to yourself |
Blue/ Water | Reduce all damage taken by half |
Frostburn Blade
This sword's blade is made entirely of ice and remains perfectly frozen and emits cold regardless of surrounding temperature. A single flame as bright as a candle flickers withing the blade just above the weapon's hilt. While holding the sword, the fire can expands upon command to cover the weapon's edge with flame, shedding bright light and emitting heat. Once per day as an action you can sweep the blade in front of you, causing a wave of either cold or fire to erupt from the blade. Each creature in the wave must make a Save Test or take 2 damage, only taking 1 damage is they pass their save test.
Healers Hand
These Gloves are filled with the vitality of the world. Those who wear these can direct their energies to those they touch. Twice per day their touch can have the following affect. Roll a Test for an action in combat. No test is needed if a minute of ministering is taken.
Soothing Touch : Remove any sickness or poison
Sealing Pressure : A wounded creature recovers 2 health points
Oct 10, 2023 11:57 am
Solidgobi sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos
Last edited October 10, 2023 11:57 am
Oct 10, 2023 1:44 pm
After the reward are handed out you relax in the parlor for a bit before joining Sylfir in her feast. And a feast it is. Several courses of fine food are served by the "chef" as he starts to call himself and the meal lasts a couple hours as you sit and chat. Witic explains much of the family and house history during the course of the meat and finishes with the sad ending during the Shattering before desert is served.
Sylfir and Danoll have spent much of the day talking with Witic, the Seet, and Chef leaving you free to wander. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the work but for now you are free to look around.
Sylfir and Danoll have spent much of the day talking with Witic, the Seet, and Chef leaving you free to wander. Tomorrow will be the beginning of the work but for now you are free to look around.
house and familiy history can be provided along with details of wandering as you ask for them.Oct 10, 2023 2:43 pm
Skeeve asks for access to the private study in the Library. He wants the chance to poke around and see what he can find. He will also look for more information on the Matrix, hoping to find more patterns. He'll basically spend all of his time that day there. I'll make a few rolls, just for fun ...
All assume Focus. All are advantage due to Perception (from armor).
All assume Focus. All are advantage due to Perception (from armor).
Skeeve: General Investigation - (3d6)
(365) = 14
Skeeve: General Matrx Research - (3d6)
(314) = 8
Skeeve: Matrix Pattern Research - (3d6)
(223) = 7
Oct 10, 2023 3:19 pm
Blornvid wanders into the Conservatory just to have a look around, admiring the plants and the fountain.
Oct 10, 2023 7:27 pm
Arkmenos sent a note to Psybermagi,Arkmenos
As for the trait, I suppose we'll do Acrobatics as we discussed before the adventure. Seems to fit the character.Do you have a suggestion for the "reward". Not sure what is best for the character of Ealdwig. The Chromacloth seems good, since a torch for him would be difficult to carry and would probably be in other peoples faces, and healing is always nice. The whip seems good to, as he doesn't have a weapon at all, and if it can be used for him to swing or other kinds of dex things that could work nicely.
After the feast Ealdwig walks up to Witic when he sees a lull in the conversation, Witic, hi, did you or someone else mention a barn with creatures? Would anyone mind if I went to check that out. I've not been privy to many creatures in my life. Can you point me in the right direction? Looking around to see if Etcher wants to join him, Ealdwig wanders off to search the grounds for the creatures.
They have to be Griffin's, based on what we saw earlier today. This place is amazing.
Oct 10, 2023 7:43 pm
Ealdwig can ask the others what tests to take as the gods care little about these petty matters Oct 10, 2023 7:50 pm
Not sure who you are asking, so I'll give my opinion. I'd definitely recommend the chromacloth. It is very versatile and flexible. The other two options (the whip and gloves) seem pretty specific in their use.I'm assuming the swordsbird is locked in on the sword. That is a very cool sword, though!
Oct 10, 2023 8:09 pm
I believe everyone here was ok with the optional rules. Unless I hear a No from anyone, send in private if you want, we will start using these.[ +- ] Proposed Optional Rules
Critical Success :
Any time two or more 6's are roll rolled on any test the results exceed basic results. Damage is increased it another beneficial effect will be added by the GM.
Armor Types
Medium armor with Proficiency (a new Proficiency option) allows you to negate the first point of damage from each conflict. Heavy armor with Mastery allows you to negate the first 2 points of damage from each conflict.
Oct 10, 2023 8:26 pm
daryen says:
Not sure who you are asking, so I'll give my opinion. I'd definitely recommend the chromacloth. It is very versatile and flexible. The other two options (the whip and gloves) seem pretty specific in their use.I'm assuming the swordsbird is locked in on the sword. That is a very cool sword, though!
ok thanks. We'll give it a shot.Oct 10, 2023 8:44 pm
Let me clear on my recommendation for the magic item. I think the coolest item for you for yourself is the chromacloth. It is cool, versatile, and covers a lot of abilities. It even heals damage (for you) as well as the gloves. Honestly, I like it a lot.On the other hand, the most useful item for the group is likely the gloves, as it just dawned on me that our healer is still back at the base. So ... there's that. On the other other hand, Skeeve can just ask Sylfir if we can borrow the gloves if we're gonna be facing any combat. Not keep them, but borrow and return them.
Oct 10, 2023 9:01 pm
daryen says:
Let me clear on my recommendation for the magic item. I think the coolest item for you for yourself is the chromacloth. It is cool, versatile, and covers a lot of abilities. It even heals damage (for you) as well as the gloves. Honestly, I like it a lot.On the other hand, the most useful item for the group is likely the gloves, as it just dawned on me that our healer is still back at the base. So ... there's that. On the other other hand, Skeeve can just ask Sylfir if we can borrow the gloves if we're gonna be facing any combat. Not keep them, but borrow and return them.
Borrow and returning is a good idea. I sent over my choice to the GM, the Chromacloth. It did sound versatile and I didn't fancy myself a healer, maybe more of a run and hider.
Oct 10, 2023 9:12 pm
Arkmenos says:
I sent over my choice to the GM, the Chromacloth. It did sound versatile and I didn't fancy myself a healer, maybe more of a run and hider.OOC:
Nice! :-)Oct 11, 2023 2:46 am
daryen says:
For the record, I am good with both of those rules.OOC:
As am I.Oct 11, 2023 3:03 am
The house shows its former wealth as you spend more time there. Though ragged and worn the house is remarkably sound as it is built of quality materials and was obviously built by skilled craftsmen. You learn that though the house has been kept up somewhat the outlying facilities have fallen to ruin. This includes the gardens, orchard, field house, coach house, kennels, and extensive basement.
Skeeve is allowed to access the library but is informed the private study will remain private. The library itself holds many books on nature, magic, medicine, beast lore, and many other topics. He is able to find one bood that goes over magical theory which has a chapter on ritual magics and it contains several diagrams showing tile arrangements. He copies some of the passages and arrangements into his own notes for later reference. From what he reads the more common patterns are reserved for basic ritual practice. To activate the MAtric communication and teleportation functions it must first activate those magic then shift to the address Apparently there is a shortcut that the spell storing gem takes advantage of to bypass the first step. He gains a better understanding but learns his current magical powers are still insufficient to make much use of the Matrix at this time other than for practice.
Blornvid enjoys his time examining the Conservatory. There are several fruit bearing and root type plants that have been well tended, likely by witic and the cook, or chef if you will please. There is a nice bench and the dwarf nods off as he sits and listens to the fountain burble and splash.
Witic suggests you wait before heading to see the animals, indicating they have grown wild without being tended to and used regularly. There is still a single attendant that cares for the kennels, field house with its mew, and the animals in the carriage house. The caretaker has grown erratic and set the beasts on Witic several years ago. She has not gone out there since then.
The day passes and you have an evening meal where Sylfir presents her plan and asks your help. Before we can bring in other to help with the house we should secure the area. After consulting with Witic and Danoll we visited the Seer to look over the estate. There are several areas that need work and while all must be cleared there are a few that are easier or more pressing. These I would like you to help me with if possible first. Pick one and after breakfast in the morning Witic and the Seer can give you additional details.
1. The garden
2. The Basement
3. The Gatehouse
Once those three are resolved we can work on the other facilities including the carriage house, fieldhouse, and kennels. If you are willing I can pay you what the expedition was offering as well as room and board for the duration. I hope to be able to call on my family before the arrival of winter and to do this there is much to do in preparation. Will you help me and the half-elf maiden looks at each of you in turn.
Skeeve is allowed to access the library but is informed the private study will remain private. The library itself holds many books on nature, magic, medicine, beast lore, and many other topics. He is able to find one bood that goes over magical theory which has a chapter on ritual magics and it contains several diagrams showing tile arrangements. He copies some of the passages and arrangements into his own notes for later reference. From what he reads the more common patterns are reserved for basic ritual practice. To activate the MAtric communication and teleportation functions it must first activate those magic then shift to the address Apparently there is a shortcut that the spell storing gem takes advantage of to bypass the first step. He gains a better understanding but learns his current magical powers are still insufficient to make much use of the Matrix at this time other than for practice.
Blornvid enjoys his time examining the Conservatory. There are several fruit bearing and root type plants that have been well tended, likely by witic and the cook, or chef if you will please. There is a nice bench and the dwarf nods off as he sits and listens to the fountain burble and splash.
Witic suggests you wait before heading to see the animals, indicating they have grown wild without being tended to and used regularly. There is still a single attendant that cares for the kennels, field house with its mew, and the animals in the carriage house. The caretaker has grown erratic and set the beasts on Witic several years ago. She has not gone out there since then.
Sylfir Alderdrim
1. The garden
2. The Basement
3. The Gatehouse
Once those three are resolved we can work on the other facilities including the carriage house, fieldhouse, and kennels. If you are willing I can pay you what the expedition was offering as well as room and board for the duration. I hope to be able to call on my family before the arrival of winter and to do this there is much to do in preparation. Will you help me and the half-elf maiden looks at each of you in turn.
Oct 11, 2023 4:06 am
Skeeve says, "We can do them in whichever order you think best. Though I think we'll make better time if we tackle things one at a time together. Some of these seem actively hostile, so numbers may be necessary. Especially the dungeon.
Also, if I may so bold, I would like at least the chance to talk with the animals to get their story before we do anything with or to them. Sometimes these things can have straight-forward solutions."
Also, if I may so bold, I would like at least the chance to talk with the animals to get their story before we do anything with or to them. Sometimes these things can have straight-forward solutions."
My character was literally built to deal with animals. It'd be cool to finally be able to do so.Oct 11, 2023 6:00 am
Oh yeah the sword is awesome! Thanks @Arkmenos! Sorry the game has moved so fast I didn't see your roll earlier @Psybermagi about the items. Etcher did not keep anything but I will remember the pocketing roll from now on! Also I’m in the East Asian time zone so if I fall behind assume for the time being Etcher is attached to Ealdwig’s hip!Sitting at the dinner table, his companions are relieved to know he seems to get the concept of utensils, he quite literally pecks at his food. I have unfinished business in the garden, and now I have a way to deal with those awful bugs. Etcher pipes in his own opinion. Garden! Kill Bugs!
Last edited October 11, 2023 6:01 am
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