The Manor
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After that he will reopen his eyes and see if he can see anything that looks "wrong" or out of place. (Second roll.)
Both rolls with focus.
Skeeve: Magic detection - (2d6)
(62) = 8
Skeeve: Looking closely - (3d6)
(243) = 9
Suddenly a thought hits him. Without stepping into the room, he runs the fingers of one of his hands along the far side of the door frame to see if it has holes along it, too. (So his hand does enter the room, but he doesn't step on the floor until after checking.) Assuming not, he'll step into the room first if there are no volunteers. Before fully entering the room he will stomp just inside the door to test that part of the floor, then fully enter when the floor shows solid.
Hum, does anyone have anything to toss into the room to see if something gets triggered? Caltrops, rocks, dirt, something like that?
If nothing is offered, I'll pull out the pole from my pack, extend it to it's 10 foot length and try to use that to see if there is a trap waiting on the other side of the door.
Smiling again, whadaya think?
The thing is about 3 feet tall as it scurries across the floor, over 10 feet long, and made of various metals
@Psybermagi, I assume this means we are now in combat ... ?
He then walks backwards through the doorway from which he entered and stands just inside. His plan is to force the metal monster to stay in the doorway to limit it's options. At that point all four of us should be able to attack it, but hopefully it won't get to use all of its attacks. (Those spike wheels and tail look pretty nasty. I'm sure the bite and claw attacks are bad enough.) His second Action is to activate his onyx shield. (He is counting on the others to make attacks this round.)
In combat? that's up to you. It is getting closer. Try giving it a hug 🤗 maybe it wants to be friends 😁

Crossbow - (2d6)
(34) = 7
FYI, I am heading away for the weekend, going to PAX Unplugged in Philly. I don't know how much time I'll be online. I've schedule a game of Shadowdark. Never played it, seems like it should be fun.
Ealdwig things to himself, Ah Hells, just go for it.
After Blornvid arrow is released, Ealdwig runs into the room carrying his acrobats pole extended to 10', screaming ahhh, here goes nothing trying to pole vault over the creature, to hopefully surround it.
Pole vaulting over creature - Agility - (3d6)
(632) = 11
Attack creature from behind after vaulting with sword - (2d6)
(52) = 7
second attack - (2d6)
(36) = 9
Skeeve: Magic Bolt 1 - (2d6)
(33) = 6
Skeeve: Magic Bolt 2 - (2d6)
(32) = 5
Attack - (2d6)
(11) = 2
Attack - (2d6)
(13) = 4
Ealdwid takes 1 damage
Skeeve, Blornvid, and Edair roll a Save Test, 2d6. Fail take 2 lightning damage, Pass take only 1

Red Dagger = Ealdwig, Blue orb = Skeeve, Sword = Edair, Dwarf = Blornvid
Tail Blade attack to Ealdwig - (3d6)
(652) = 13
When it's possible, Blornvid will drop his crossbow, draw his axe, and charge into the room to attack. If that isn't too much activity for one combat round, he'd like to attack as well. But will wait for ok from you.
Lightning save roll - (2d6)
(13) = 4