The Manor

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Jan 2, 2024 5:17 pm
"Let's give the exit a try. Re-stocking sounds like a good idea."
Jan 2, 2024 5:26 pm
"To me, the arrow seems to imply that we could be hit by something coming from that direction. Presumably when we open the door or step on something going to the door. I figure I can remotely open the door from outside the room and if it looks like it goes outside and it actually opens, I figure we make a break for it.

"I figure you go first, Ealdwig second, and me last. We don't wait for each other to make it, just run at the same time in that order."

And to Ealdwig he says, "Don't worry about the unexplored rooms. I plan to come back and finish checking out the building. I just want that signet (or whatever) first. At the least, we have to retrieve our fallen compatriot's body."
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:28 pm
Jan 2, 2024 5:34 pm
That's for room 15. We don't need to go through that room to get out. Should just be 12, 7, 3.
Jan 2, 2024 5:51 pm
To be clear, I was referring to the arrow on the wall by the (hopefully) exit door in Room 3. Room 15 has the "stay low" message.

The idea is that I figure the arrow is a warning that something will hit you from that direction (from the north). We entered the room (in order to check the sulfurous wall), so entering the room didn't trigger anything. Presumably, it is opening the (presumptive) exit door that is the trigger.

My plan, such as it is, is to stand in the little space outside Room 3. Then I remotely open the door. If 1) there is still a valid path to the exit door, 2) the open door seems to show the outside, and 3) death isn't continuously raining from the north wall, then we make a break for the exit door. The stated order is so that if running to the door triggers anything, Blornvid takes the first shot. If nothing hits him, then the safest slot is probably second, so Ealdwig goes. I go last so that if anything does happen delayed or if Blornvid falls into a pit or whatever, Skeeve can try to quickly magic up a solution. Probably not the greatest plan, but still, a plan.
If we go with Skeeve's plan, he will stand just outside Room 3, with his magic shield up, and open the exit door. If it looks clear, he will step aside so Blornvid can go, immediately followed by Ealdwig. Skeeve will follow on Ealdwig's heels. The whole run, Blornvid should be looking out the exit door and, if he sees something "wrong", he should stop and make us all stop. (Which, yes, would cause Ealdwig to run into him, and Skeeve to run into both.)
What does "wrong" mean? I dunno. You can only be so discerning when running. But, if it is on fire, is a desert, open water, a brick wall, pretty much anything that shouldn't be right outside the building, then the door isn't the exit and we probably shouldn't go through it.
Last edited January 2, 2024 5:53 pm
Jan 2, 2024 5:57 pm
daryen says:
To be clear, I was referring to the arrow on the wall by the (hopefully) exit door in Room 3. Room 15 has the "stay low" message.
Sorry. Thought you were replying to Arkmenos' post.
daryen says:
The idea is that I figure the arrow is a warning that something will hit you from that direction (from the north). We entered the room (in order to check the sulfurous wall), so entering the room didn't trigger anything. Presumably, it is opening the (presumptive) exit door that is the trigger.
Unless this door disappeared for a previous visitor and they're merely marking where it should be to future visitors.
daryen says:
My plan, such as it is, is ... (snip)
Works for me.
Jan 3, 2024 1:23 am
Ealdwig says:
excuse me, blue dot, Tutor, are you available? We're just looking for an exit.
Nothing is happening . . . .

Standing in the short hall between the two rooms (7 & 3) Skeeve tries to open the door but it is locked and must be unlocked before being opened. You search the door and Ealdwig is convinced it is trapped but the trap trigger is opening the door and does not see a way to disable the alarm on the door. After unlocking the door he retreats and Skeeve again tries to open the door.

As soon as the door is opened the entire western wall spouts gouts of flame and shoots them across the entire room, filling in and overflowing into the open doorway. The flames persists and after several seconds the door swings shut and the flames abate.
Jan 3, 2024 2:06 am
Oh Hells! I try to stay out of the way of the flames coming through the door.

A little more sarcastically than expected Ealdwig says got any better ideas? Then realizing that was, maybe uncalled for, tilts his head and smiles a little, sorry. More upbeat, Ok, so what else can we try? There has to be a way to disable it, right? Anyone see an off switch? And Ealdwig gives a small giggle.
Jan 3, 2024 2:53 am
With a mark, Skeeve replies, "Actually, my plan worked! We didn't get out, but we also didn't get burned alive. I'm counting that as a win."

Thinking for a few minutes, Skeeve says, "Let's find out how bad the flames actually are ..."

He goes back to the previous room, retrieves some of the rotting crates and places them in the flame room. He has the other two stand back in the previous room, opens the door again, and retreats when the flames spit out. When done, he goes to check on the boxes.
The real question, of course, is how bad are those flames? If it's just a point or two, we could just open the door at the door and jump out for minimal flame exposure. And how long does it take the flames to reach the door? Honestly, we might be able to suffer the flames with minimal damage.
Last edited January 3, 2024 2:56 am
Jan 3, 2024 3:46 am
The flames writhe around the crates as if alive and reduce them to cinders in mere moments. Of course, they weren't that sturdy to begin with. Right? Sure, you might survive, with 3rd degree burns. I am sure you can crawl back to the manor and get healed before the smell attracts local wildlife to the barbeque on the go. Though the entire room if filled with the flames the doorways and beyond get the worst of it. It is definitely above the level of Skeeve's standard magic. Likely more like a 2 or 3 word scroll effect.

The trigger is mechanical so there should be a way to disable it but to figure out how additional investigation is required. . . .
If you investigate roll and explain what/where you do/look etc
Jan 3, 2024 4:43 am
How much structural damage can a sing word Sunder scroll do?

Also, that door seems to be surviving horrific fire pretty well? Does it detect as magic?
Actually, Skeeve scans the entire room for magic, moving throughout it as needed.

As for investigation, Ealdwig saw some kind of "wiring" attached to the door. Skeeve would like to trace it and see where it goes, if it isn't completely covered and hidden. (I am using Perception for this, as he is just trying to find it and see it, not figure out how it works.)


Skeeve: Magic Scan - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Skeeve: Investigate "wiring" - (3d6)

(465) = 15

Jan 3, 2024 1:57 pm
Oh Hells! Those crates didn't stand a chance. No way I am going in there. I'll take my chances out here.

Ealdwig paces around Room 12, walking in circles. His small hands are moving around like he is putting a puzzle together or something. Speaking softly almost to himself, ok, so what do we know. I checked the door and it was locked. The door is trapped, we know that for sure. When you open the door flames, huge, hot flames shoot out and sunder the whole room and part of the little hallway. No way to get through there. We think there is a door that leads outside the building.

Ealdwig, making doubly sure there are no flames and the door is closed, goes back to investigate the door again.
Are there runes around the doorway? Any sign of mechanism that may stop the flames, similar to a book that opens a secret door behind the bookcase, or a torch on the wall? Is the lock a standard lock using a standard key? Is there a key hanging anywhere? Seems easy but I figured I should ask.
What if we need a key? Maybe turning a key in the lock will turn off the flames? Anyone see a key? Figuring if you have a key, you belong here. And if you belong here the flames aren't needed to protect anything. Ealdwig shrugs, I don't know just guessing.


Check around the door - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Check for hidden mechanism - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Search for key in hall and Room 12 - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Trying to remember if I saw a key or something that could hold a key anywhere in the building - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jan 3, 2024 2:49 pm
One more question, are the flames themselves magical? The way you describe them makes them sound rather "active". Also, flames general do not leave behind a sulfur smell. Things like that are more associated with "hellfire" rather than normal fire. So, in addition to checking anything else, Skeeve will also see if the flames are magical. Yes, he will trigger it a third time if needed to do the check.


Skeeve: Check Flames for Magic - (2d6)

(32) = 5

Jan 3, 2024 6:43 pm
Psybermagi says:
I am sure you can crawl back to the manor and get healed before the smell attracts local wildlife to the barbeque on the go.

Are the flames in room 7 or 3? I think 7 but want to be sure. And is it the door that opens into room 3 that triggers the flames, or is it the door from 7 to the little nook before room 3?

Blornvid is heat-adapted so he gets to roll at advantage for heat and fire saves. If we come up with a plan, he should be the one to give it a go.
Last edited January 3, 2024 6:44 pm
Jan 3, 2024 7:15 pm
It's all room 3. Skeeve stands in the little one-box corridor between room 3 and room 7 and telekinetically opens door A. At that point ridiculous flames shoot out of the west wall of room 3 (eight next to where Skeeve is standing while remotely opening door A. The flames shoot out, then bounce around, apparently driving us out of the little one-box corridor. (Fortunately, the flames give us enough time to escape while bouncing back.) Skeeve and Ealdwig are both trying to see if they can either trace the leads or figure out how the linkage works so we can disable/short-circuit the flaming device.

The boxes are only involved because Skeeve intentionally took some out of room 7 and moved them into room 3 to make sure the flames were real.

Based on how the flames are being described, Skeeve is starting to think they are magical, at least to a certain degree. (Which is why he wants to find out.) The self-destructive part of Skeeve now wants to take the demonic idol, put it into room 3, then trigger the door again. It'll either completely destroy the idol, or animate it. I don't know which.
One more question Skeeve tries to answer: when the flames are triggered, how long does it take the flames to cross the room? I assume it is virtually instant. But, if it isn't, could a character not get through the door before the flames full reach them? (I assume not, but have to ask.)
Last edited January 3, 2024 7:18 pm
Jan 3, 2024 8:02 pm
Get through the door and into the space? Would that do any good? I assumed the whole room filled with flame not just the doorway. I could be wrong about that though. It's hard to keep everything straight without scrolling through dozens of texts.
Jan 3, 2024 11:14 pm
Lemme try to clarify a few things, as I understand them:

1) When we tried opening door A to this point, we were standing in the little one-box corridor between rooms 7 and 3 and Skeeve opened door A with TK. He's done that twice now. Once was the first time just to find out what would happen. The second time was with the boxes in the room (that are now ash). My understanding is that the entirety of room 3, and maybe even the little one-box corridor between rooms 7 and 3 are filled with flame. We were able to get out of the way quickly enough on the first attempt. Skeeve knew it would happen on the second and (if any) later attempts, so he can stay clear more easily.

2) Ealdwig and Skeeve are trying to figure out if there is an obvious way to disable the trap. Both characters have a few rolls each to try out different things and see what works. If we can, great. If not, we have problems.

3) Skeeve's last question is how fast the flames move. What he's thinking is that if the flames are not effectively instantaneous, then one person can go directly to door A, physically stand right next to it, as close as possible, open it, dive through it, and avoid almost all or all of the flames. Now there is no run across the room. It is just a literal open door and leap. We could even have Skeeve open the door remotely with TK so the person standing next to the door only has to worry about leaping. If it works, we might even have Blornvid open the door (from the outside) for Skeeve when it is his turn. I am assuming it doesn't work as the flame is instantaneous, but I do have to ask.

4) I am serious about the demon idol. Assuming we can move it, I wanna know what happens if we can put it in room 3. (I am not sure how big the idol is. Is it large like the idol from the old original edition AD&D 1e Player's Handbook cover? Is it small like the golden idol at the start of the original Indiana Jones movie? Somewhere in between? Is it built into the wall? Is it free standing? Honestly, assuming we can't get past the flames, that's where Skeeve wants to go next.)
Last edited January 3, 2024 11:17 pm
Jan 4, 2024 6:41 am
Ealdwig finds a hidden a locked cupboard door in the NE corner. Give me a couple rolls if you want to access it
The flames themselves are not magical though Skeeve suspects they may be crated or enhanced somehow by magic. There is a slight delay in opening the door and the arrival of the flames there so one person might be able to exit before being burned. If they are really quick?
Jan 4, 2024 2:23 pm
Ealdwig checks out the cupboard more closely.
Well hopefully it isn't trapped.
Last edited January 4, 2024 2:24 pm


Check traps - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Pick lock - (2d6)

(26) = 8

Jan 4, 2024 2:40 pm
Skeeve provides whatever help he can to Ealdwig on the cupboard. (I am just using a normal roll for this one.)


Skeeve: Help on the Cupboard - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Jan 5, 2024 7:05 am
You manage to open the small hidden door and find a simple handle that connects to a thick pipe running under the floor.
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