While in town you catch up on the local news and gossip. It seems the necromancers that were chased off the island to the east are back in business but to the north west this time. The experienced bands of scouts are out fighting them in some ancient cemetery. The hobgoblins are also getting more aggressive though they stay mostly to the north of the river. There are many theories discussed about the cause. Some say they are in conflict with the necromancers, other say it is the orcs they fight, or the kobolds. Others say they are in league with each other and this is just normal monsteroud in fighting.
There is also news of other scouts working on exploring the caves under the area that Skeeve and Blornvid found while cleaing the cellars under the base. Another group is scouting a city far to the north west in the woods somewhere, the one Skeeve and Blornvid scouted earlier. Ealdwig is a bit amazed at how much of the going on here have been started by the two and tries not to think too much about their earlier comment about "
We need you to stick around. We're gettin' tired of burning through new recruits."
Ealdwig checks out the local shops and find a variety of adventuring and basic supplies along with a few interesting items in the artificers shop.
[ +- ] Deceptive Battleaxe
When the bearer attunes this item, choose a harmless object within sight such as a tea cup, a ball of yarn, or a hairpin. If the bearer is touching the item, they may use an action to transform the weapon in or out of this form.
[ +- ] Master's Sickle
Can summon an invisible servant for 10 minutes once a day.
[ +- ] Fortune Teller's Hide Armor
Each day after the first time you take damage from an attack you can roll a Save Test to take no damage the next time you are hurt.
[ +- ] Limbo Scabbard
The wearer has advantage to find one lost thing a day.
[ +- ] Adamantine Helm
The item is indestructible.
You won't find major magic in the shops but I will make minor magic things available if you ask. This is after all a major adventuring hub now in a high fantasy setting. :)
I am fine with the basic armor and Armor master as that is what Blornvid has
Magic armor can give temporary HP each fight. You could request to have some make or shipped but this would cost 500+GP
See the
Shops spoiler in the
Tiny Info sheet for what you can buy and the costs.
Let me know if I missed responding to any questions
Where to next? Back to the Manor, and if so what to do? Discuss things with Sylfir or strait to the next thing
Cellars, Gatehouse, Mew, Kennels, Orchard, check the carriage house again, . . .