The Manor

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Feb 28, 2024 9:20 pm
Blornvid is a little beat up. If he gets his armor points back, he'll be good to go. Skeeve should probably work that poison through his system before we even think about dealing with "Shelob."
Feb 28, 2024 9:25 pm
LOl, nope. Not really interested in Shelob as a neighbor.
Feb 28, 2024 9:40 pm
If we are out-of-combat, Skeeve will heal everyone up. Sadly, his ability works equally well, whether poisoned or not ...
Feb 28, 2024 9:52 pm
Several more moments pass and Skeeve bears with the toxins effects while healing everyone.
Feb 28, 2024 10:13 pm
Let's see how long it takes to make Skeeve's Save Test ...

How about that. Got it in one!

(And you can tell I didn't expect that, since I called it "Save Test 1". I honestly thought it would take a few more tries.)
Last edited February 28, 2024 10:14 pm


Skeeve: Save Test 1 DC: 5 - Dis - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Feb 29, 2024 12:56 am
Skeeve, why don't you do some of that magic stuff and find the mommy spider? We need to take it down?
Feb 29, 2024 2:44 am
"My magic mostly works directly with physical interaction. It doesn't do much for concepts or remote detection.

"Should we loop around to the other side of the building to see if there is an entrance that way? In the end, we have to just use Blornvid's axe to go directly through the wall."
Feb 29, 2024 3:00 am
"Might as well. We need some kind of advantage against that big one."
Feb 29, 2024 1:38 pm

You look around and remember that Wittic said the gatehouse only has 2 doors and the front door is likely locked. Pursuit of the female phase spider with the egg sack on its abdoment will be quite difficult until you have cleared the rest of the rooms. Especialy sice it can climb walls making the 2nd floor a possible escape route for it.
updated Info sheet to replace fieldhouse map with one of the gatehouse
Feb 29, 2024 2:43 pm
Think we can lure it into a trap. That would be easier than trying to find it and taking it on it's terms.
Feb 29, 2024 6:07 pm
"So someone goes alone, finds it, hopes it chases them, and runs back to us where we're in a kill zone. Is that what you had in mind, lad?"
Feb 29, 2024 7:56 pm
Well, um, not exactly that. But if you think it'll work...
Feb 29, 2024 8:09 pm
It's a great idea Blornvid! But will you be fast enough to avoid to make sure the spider does not keep up with you?
Feb 29, 2024 8:55 pm
Finally feeling better, Skeeve says, "I am up for whichever. Finish looking through the first floor, going out and poking into the front door, or trying to bait it. I'm up for any of them."
Anyone hurt has now been healed, though armor is still damaged.
Mar 1, 2024 1:11 am
Ealdwig says:
Well, um, not exactly that. But if you think it'll work...
Blornvid laughs. "I have no idea, primarily because we don't know how smart that spider is."
Kaarik says:
It's a great idea Blornvid! But will you be fast enough to avoid to make sure the spider does not keep up with you?
"Dwarves ain't exactly known for their speed."
Skeeve says:
Finally feeling better, Skeeve says, "I am up for whichever. Finish looking through the first floor, going out and poking into the front door, or trying to bait it. I'm up for any of them."
"We seem to have hit a bit of an impasse going the way we have. I wouldn't mind checking out the front door. By the way, good to see you feeling better, Skeeve."
Mar 1, 2024 3:19 am
We better find that thing before it has babies. We don't want to deal with all here offspring.

It was pregnant right? It looked pregnant.

Thinking, don't spiders have a ton of babies? Ealdwig shivers, thinking about it.
Mar 1, 2024 3:33 am
Arkmenos says:
Thinking, don't spiders have a ton of babies? Ealdwig shivers, thinking about it.
"Even if they hatch today, I doubt they grow up that fast. And as long as they stay small, I have a talisman (scroll) for that!

How are you feeling about picking another lock?"
Mar 1, 2024 1:52 pm
Sure, I can try that. I'm getting better at that.

Which one?
Rolling for the possibilities so I don't hold up the game.


Check for traps (trapmaster) - (3d6)

(366) = 15

Disable trap (if found) - (3d6)

(351) = 9

Pick lock (nimble fingers) - (3d6)

(361) = 10

Mar 1, 2024 2:26 pm
With those rolls, we all hurry outside and run around to the front door!
Once unlocked, we step back and Skeeve opens the door remotely.
Mar 1, 2024 8:38 pm
Going back outside you enjoy a few minutes of fresh air and beautiful weathers. Strolling casually to the front of the building you take you time and examine carefully before picking the lock. Ealdwig is a bit confused as he is sure the lock is tied to a trap but the exterior of the building is solid and there are no traps around the door. During the examination he notes the lock is very well built but he is confident it is possible to pick. He gets to work with his pry bars, probes, oil, and after several minutes of this finally gets the stubborn lock to pop free. Blornvid nods his head in appreciation of a well built mechanism and thinks it might be worth it to take it apart later for reference. Stepping back, just in case, Skeeve tries to open the door, only to find his magic slips off of it like trying to grip a ice cycle while hanging from it. It is obviously warded against magical intrusion. With a bit of experimentation the three of you work out a system where a bit of rope tied to Ealdwigs pole allows Blornvid to lift the rather stubborn latch while Skeeves magic pushes it open.

With the door open you look inside to see a bare room of simple stone with 2 doors, to the north and east, as well as an open archway to the south. The dust on the floor shows the room to have been unused for a long time.
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