The Manor

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Dec 13, 2024 9:19 pm
The story continues from HERE.
You suddenly appear in the basement of the Manor. Since the Seer had permitted you to come without warning anyone, there was no one there to receive you. However, as you took a few minutes to reorient yourselves, Witic comes flying in (literally).

She is clearly surprised by the group's appearance and says, "Why are you here? We had no warning you would be coming!"

Skeeve calmly responds, "Don't worry. We're not here to cause issues or anything. We're just here to say, 'Hi!' and check on Blornvid and the Gatehouse. We will not be bothering you." He pauses a moment, and says with a mischievous smile, "Unless you want us to."

Witic rolls her eyes at the comment and says, "Then get on your way! I have a lot of things to take care of!" At that she flitters away.
OK, Skeeve intends to just head on to the Gatehouse to not see Blornvid. :-) However, if there is anything else in the area you want to take a look at, that can easily be done. Don't mind Witic. She's just a worry-wort.
Dec 14, 2024 2:37 am
good to go. Aizashi just makes in the sights while moving ahead.
Dec 14, 2024 7:48 pm
Blornvid will be disappointed he missed you.
Dec 15, 2024 8:22 pm
Kaarik is good to go as well :)
Dec 16, 2024 11:19 pm
Before heading out, Skeeve checks to see if Danoll or Sylfir are around, but they are both busy with house business. Figuring that the attendant he checked with or Witic will let them know of the group's arrival, Skeeve leads the group over to the Gatehouse. Skeeve notices, and points out, some of the changes from when he was last here and how things seem to be becoming much more "civilized". When they get to the Gatehouse, Kaarik remembers their efforts to clear it out, and gives some highlights of their spider fight with Aizashi and Arc.

Approaching the Gatehouse, Skeeve is surprised that there is no apparent activity going on. Entering the building, he quickly confirms that there is indeed no one present, which he finds odd. He does a quick look around and sees that everything is in order, that his and Ealdwig's rooms are neatly in order, and that the guards' bunk room appears to have about five occupants, none of whom are present. It is strangely quiet. Even the ghost doesn't make an appearance, which is also somewhat of a surprise. He does take a look at the tapestry, but because of his absence, it doesn't show him much at all.
While Skeeve is looking around, are there any questions you have or things you want to look at before the inciting incident?
Dec 18, 2024 7:40 am
Arc is somewhat disappointed, he wished to have a private talk with lady Sylfir. Hopefully there will be time in the future for that.
He keeps himself busy checking the normal activity of the manor. Which remember him of his time tending his parents' store back in the town he used to consider home.
Dec 18, 2024 9:33 am
While listening to the story about the fight with the spider a shiver runs down Aizashi's spine but he enjoyed hearing about the fight.
He is a little surprised by the changes that Skeeve is pointing out but it makes him hopeful that things are going the right direction.
good to move on, I think :)
Dec 18, 2024 9:44 pm
Ready to move on as well :)
Dec 19, 2024 1:05 am
Sounds good!
Skeeve is still upstairs when you hear activity at the door. You open the door and see five boys (two are in their late teens; the other three are all three or so years younger), all looking very rough, all having taken obvious damage. The two older ones look to still be OK, but the other three are pretty messed up, and one looks to be at death's door. The boys freeze when they see you, not recognizing the elf, badger-kin, or avian.
What do you do now? Remember, Skeeve can heal. From this point on, he is an NPC, so he can no longer drive your actions.
Dec 20, 2024 6:16 am
wooha. It's alright. Get inside we can help you. We are friends. Aizashi tells the boys upon seeing them frezze and the state they are in.
He turns to the others Get Skeeve, I'll need help with this!
With that he ushers the boys inside and begins to try and heal the first one.
I'm assuming my 'water bending' needs 2d6? So here goes
well... That could have gone better
Last edited December 20, 2024 6:17 am


Healing chi - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Dec 21, 2024 10:00 am
Kaarik gets closer and ask one of the older boy while Skeeve will proceed with some healing on the younger ones.
"Are you alright? What happened? Is there any immediate danger coming here?"
Dec 22, 2024 2:03 pm
Arc allows his actions speak for himself: he immediately helps them inside and get them ready for healers. Once they are all sitting or laying comfortable, he checks for any evident loose of blood (to try to cover it with pieces of cloth), otherwise he brings some water.
Dec 22, 2024 8:09 pm
The boys are all hesitant and taken aback with strangers in their home. However, with everyone helping them, they relax a bit in order to attend to matters at hand.

While Aizashi's first attempt to help didn't have an affect, the healing starts flowing and you are able to at least stabilize the critical boy. By this point Arc's mental call to Skeeve has him appearing quickly enough. Between the Aizashi and Skeeve, you are able to make sure no one is in danger anymore. Skeeve is able to show that he knows Blornvid, plus the older two recognizing his name from comments from Blornvid, helping put them all more at ease.

Once reassured, one of the older boys says, "Melene has gone crazy! We tried to stop her, but we had no chance!" You all look at each other, and finally Skeeve says, "I am sorry, but you are going to have to explain a little more. Who is Melene and what is she doing?"

The boy stops himself, calms himself down a bit, and explains, "Recently some weird stuff has happened around the area. That's why Blornvid isn't here right now; he went to check out some of that. Melene is only a little older than us, but she is too curious and is touched with magic. She has always been exploring, even when told not to. Her most recent wandering was taking longer than expected, so we were asked to go look for her. We found her, but she is acting crazy, unlike anything we've seen before. We have no idea what happened!"

Skeeve says, "Can you two", pointing to the two oldest, "lead my friends to her? They will do everything they can to help you bring her back safely. I'll stay here with the other three and make sure they are well. Arc, remember you can call me if something truly weird happens."

The two boys look at each other and say, "Yes. We'll do it."
Again, I am leaving Skeeve behind because he is now an NPC. The boys are really just there to give directions, though they can fight a little if needed. They will be very reluctant to fight Melene directly, however, both because they don't want to hurt her, and because they are afraid of her now. The object is to not kill her, though.
Dec 23, 2024 5:35 pm
Arc seems a bit disappointed that he will need to postpone his meeting with the Lady of the manor... again. But there is a problem at hand that needs solving, and that's where he shall head to.
"We'll see what we can do about this Menere girl. Skeeve, please do research here about this magic surge of late, and how can it affect untrained casters. It would be great to have some insight into what kind of crazy they are talking about, even better, a way to unwind or cure it.
Guys, we shall depart in no time. Gather yourselves, drink some water, eat a fruit, and join us outside.
Witik, please let the Lady know about this issue, and that she can contact us through Skeeve. Aizashi, Kaarik, are you ready?"
Last edited December 23, 2024 5:36 pm
Dec 23, 2024 9:17 pm
Just for clarity, you are now at the Gatehouse, which is physically some distance from the Manor. Ergo, the only people here right now are the three of you, Skeeve, and the five boys/young men. Witic is way back at the Manor and busy with other things.

Here is a map for the area.
[ +- ] Manor
You, specifically, are at C. Witic (and the others) are at A. Many of the refugees are down at E, which functions as kind of a mini-village.
Dec 24, 2024 3:32 am
Nodding at Arc, Aizashi gets up and straps on his pack.
Thank you for the help Skeeve.
He turns to the door, I'm good to go.
Dec 24, 2024 1:28 pm
"Let's go.".
Kaarik asks the two boys to show the direction but to always stay one just behind his back, not even one step behind as he does not want them to be in any danger.

To the others he says. "I do not want to hurt this poor girl in any way, we will need to find a way to restrain her without creating more pain than there already is".
Dec 24, 2024 11:24 pm
I'll do the lead-in to the encounter later today or tomorrow.
Dec 25, 2024 11:52 pm
daryen says:
Just for clarity, you are now at the Gatehouse, which is physically some distance from the Manor. Ergo, the only people here right now are the three of you, Skeeve, and the five boys/young men. Witic is way back at the Manor and busy with other things.

[ooc]So, let's say Arc asked Skeeve, not Witic, to let the lady
of the manor know about this mission... just to keep her informed of what is going on.

Dec 28, 2024 5:17 pm
Sorry for the delay. Things got busier than I expected!
Skeeve tends to the three younger boys. He says to Arc, "Don't worry. We can all go visit the Lady when you get back."

The two older boys lead you out of the Gatehouse and directs you south toward the southern edge of the Manor's unofficial boundary. After about an hour you notice some weirdness going on. Every now and them you see a plant has an odd color to it, and any insect on it has a weirdly bright color to them. One of the boys says, "That's different. We didn't see that before!" Despite this, you all press on. As you progress, the incidences of weird plants increases.

After an other hour you come up to what looks to be a Barrier. However, it looks different that barriers you have seen before. Unwilling to try and just cross it, you follow it around for a little ways and see what looks like a break in the barrier. As you approach the break, a very large squirrel suddenly stands up on its hind legs and says clearly, "Are you looking for the interloper?"
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