Chapter 1: The One Who Watches From Below

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Sep 28, 2023 3:18 pm
As you are looking around, the giant rat shudders and begins to change! It shifts and grows until it transforms into a rather confused-looking man in dirty clerical robes!

Dmbrainiac sent a note to SpiritualSock511
Sep 28, 2023 3:26 pm
The chaos cleric wants to know which of these creatures may be polymorphed. She invokes the Lady’s magic once again.
Results: The cleric can determine exactly which objects or creatures are magically enchanted within range. They can tell if different weapons or items of equipment on a creature are enchanted and whether a creature that registers as "magical" overall does so because of its cloak (for example) or because of something inherent in its blood. Further, the cleric receives a rough gauge of the magic’s strength, revealed as the approximate level of a spell, the general range of bonus (or plus) for weapons or armor, and so on. Objects behind 3’ of wood, 1" of solid metal, or 1’ of stone are not detected.
Last edited September 28, 2023 3:28 pm


Detect Magic - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Sep 28, 2023 3:30 pm
The spell does not detect any other magical auras in the room.
Sep 28, 2023 3:40 pm
"Oh yes, well, I'd like to see what you are made of!" Brother Tim shouts and then looks around, taking in his surroundings as a wave of confusion washes over him. "Wait, what is going on here?" he stammers.
Sep 29, 2023 12:30 am
Aldar approaches the cage. "A minite ago you were a giant rat," he says. "And you are caged in a dungeon of sorts, with a variety of eye-themed monstrosities. I'm Aldar. My companions and I are..." Aldar pauses, uncertain if his companions would want to reveal that they are hunting treasure. "... exploring."
Sep 29, 2023 12:49 am
Brother Tim's eyes widen as he listens to Aldar. He's at a loss for words and just stares with his mouth hanging open. After an awkwardly long silence, he finally manages to speak.

"Well, I'm... yes, that is all very well," he stammers, still bewildered. He clears his throat and regains some composure, looking at Aldar.

"Would you be so kind as to release me from this cage?"
Sep 29, 2023 5:27 am
"How do we know that you weren’t caged for very sound reasons? Why were you turned? Who did this to you? Why were you here at all?"
The cleric sizes up the man of cloth and stands in front of the lock on the cage.
Sep 29, 2023 12:09 pm
"I understand your skepticism, and I don't blame you for being cautious. I'm clearly not one of those eye-themed monstrosities your companion mentioned, and the fact I was put in a cage proves that my danger to you is minimal. However, if you're out...exploring, having another ally in your group could increase your chances of survival. All I'm asking for is an opportunity to demonstrate my trustworthiness."

Pausing briefly, he continues to address their earlier questions directly, "To answer your questions: I was transformed by a magic mishap, courtesy of a goblin witch doctor, while I was in the midst of battling goblins."
Sep 29, 2023 6:07 pm
"What master do you serve, rat-man?"

Hyde narrows his eyes at the caged fellow and grips the hilt of his sword menacingly.
Sep 29, 2023 6:30 pm
"I find myself in this cage, unarmed and just moments ago, I was transformed into a rat. Is it beyond your capacity for compassion to see that I am in need of help? I'm beginning to question whether you are truly adventurers. It appears to me that you might be in league with the goblins, sent here to torment me. Who else would gaze upon a caged elderly man and inquire about his deeds, rather than questioning why someone would lock up such a person?"

As his confusion of the situation dissipates, Brother Tim’s expression shifts to one of exhaustion, akin to a tired parent. However, he remains clear and heartfelt, expressing his vulnerability and frustration
Last edited September 29, 2023 8:13 pm
Sep 29, 2023 11:16 pm
"Best we leave you in the cage then eh? Is this your assertion, that we are goblins and should leave you in peace? You heard him lads..."

Hyde strolls off towards the exit to the menagerie...
Sep 30, 2023 2:47 am
Kip pipes up Let this man out. I'll keep a close eye on him. Priest, if you turn on us then I'll skewer you with this spear. Kip looks to her group "Does that satisfy everyone?"
Sep 30, 2023 3:40 am
"So it is. Be helpful or not, priest. But cross us and see. We are on task and will not be dissuaded."
The cleric steps back and lets the dwarf unlock the cage.
Last edited September 30, 2023 3:41 am
Sep 30, 2023 6:28 am
"Alright, but don't go turning back into a rat in the middle of the night or anything."

Hyde trudges back and opens the cage to let the possible lycanthrope out.

"Hope I don't regret this dwarf."
Sep 30, 2023 12:07 pm
Once the cage is opened, Brother Tim steps out and brushes off his clothes. "Many thanks," he says. "My name is Brother Tim, and I am a humble servant of Ulesh."
Does he have any inventory or is there any type of useful gear that he can pick up?
Sep 30, 2023 12:31 pm Brother a title or is that your first name? OH! Kip squeaks in delight Can I call you Timmy?? Without waiting for an answer Can you tell me anything about this shield?

Kip hefts the shield up to his face.
Sep 30, 2023 12:35 pm
@Dmbrainiac Would Fr. Tim know anything about the shield? I haven't read the previous threads.

Has anyone already casted detect magic or detect evil on it?
Sep 30, 2023 12:45 pm
Tim doesn't know about it. Honey previously detected it as magical but that is all.
Sep 30, 2023 12:51 pm
Brother Tim narrows his eyes as he closely examines the shield. "No," he states, his tone thoughtful, "I do not recognize anything about this shield. However, if you'd prefer, I can cast 'Detect Magic' or 'Detect Evil' spells on it to learn more."

He then addresses the first question, offering an explanation, "Regarding your earlier query, 'Brother' is my title. I use it to signify my affiliation with an order dedicated to following the teachings of Ulesh."
Sep 30, 2023 6:20 pm
"I've heard of Ulesh, seen the temple in Punjar. Bread and soup for the wretched, pretty good soup."

Hyde nods thoughtfully to himself and heads for the next room.
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