The past five years, however, he has served as the Dean of the Reapers, a mostly administrative position- though there are rumors that he may be in line to be promoted to Primate should he still live when Hapi calls the current head of her church back to her in death.
As you approach, Dean Hill looks up from a stack of papers that he is going over- they appear to be assignment documents.
"Greetings, junior Reapers. I know that it is not customary for the Dean himself to call on those of your rank to direct you personally, but I have a special assignment, and your superiors in the organization have flagged the four of you as having skills that will complement each other and be up to the task at hand.
That task, I'm afraid, it not some simple reaping to be done- would that I could just send you off to face down a necromancer and his horde of scum undead." at this, the Dean makes the sign of the Reaping, a quick motion that sweeps from one shoulder to his waist opposite which is common amongst the followers of Hapi