If you decide to look for Gunnar…
The characters don’t have enough information right now to locate him. The skill for finding the right person is Contact, so that’s a skill you’ll need to get a success in.
Attempting the roll means that the character leaves the hideout to get the info. A success means they find good information. A failure will result in the character being put in a troublesome situation that they’ll have to deal with which may or may not get them the correct info.
You can all attempt the check, but since you might not be together to see each other successes, you’ll need to agree before you decide to roll who will attempt the check. You can push or use luck to avoid the trouble only after everyone who said they will attempt the roll makes their roll.
Each character can wait until they hear from another character before they attempt their Contact roll. The only difference here is that they’re choosing to let time pass which slows down your investigation. It might take one character all evening to get the info, so the next character can’t try until the next day for example.
I’ll need to know who is trying to find Gunnar, when, and a rough idea of how they plan on doing it (I’m happy to help with ideas)