The Hexcrawl

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Dec 1, 2023 11:13 pm
Rolling with 3 ammo dice.


1d8, 1d6, 3d6

1d8 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (6) = 6

3d6 : (563) = 14

Hit Location - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Dec 2, 2023 5:58 am
Recon to get close. Not sure if we all have Fatigues or not... if so, they add +1 to Recon rolls like this.

Edit: gonna wait for the call on the Fatigues before deciding to Push or not.
Last edited December 2, 2023 5:59 am


Intelligence + Recon - (1d10, 1d8)

1d10 : (4) = 4

1d8 : (4) = 4

Recon with +1 if Baker has Fatigues (otherwise ignore) - (1d10)

(1) = 1

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 2, 2023 2:03 pm
T2K Referee
I was unaware of the +1 to Recon with fatigues. - Yes, you all have them.
Dec 2, 2023 3:31 pm
Okay. Pushing regardless!

Failed and took one point of mental stress.
Last edited December 2, 2023 3:32 pm


Pushing the Recon roll, down to 1d10 - (1d10)

(2) = 2

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 3, 2023 2:19 am
Sheepdog endeavors to approach the Humvee discreetly but finds it challenging to maintain stealth. Aware that the situation could have been handled more smoothly, he grapples with the added stress of anticipating the driver's potential reactions.

The driver, having recovered from the suppression, exits the backseat. He crawls over to the driver's seat, positioning himself to take control of the vehicle. Presently, he is seated in the driver's seat, ready to drive.
Sheepdog takes 1 stress damage for the failed push. Should he shoot at the driver next round, His only modifier is -1 for firing at a target in the same hex as himself. This Humvee has an armor level 3 on all sides which can also be added to the driver's flak jacket armor of 1 or his helmet armor of 1. - Hopefully I've explained it clearly. Please let me know if you'd like clarification.
Cunningham attempts to knock his combatant to the ground, but the agile man sidesteps the attempt. In a swift countermove, the combatant tries to disarm Cunningham, but his efforts are in vain. The round concludes with both individuals facing each other at close combat range.
If Cunningham shoots and aims, his only modifier is -2 for firing at a target in the same hex as him. He still has all his close combat options.
[ +- ] Close Combat Options
Reed opens fire on his combatant, who, while attempting to get to his feet, starts shouting profanities about Reed's mother in Russian. Reed, understands the insults very clearly. It appears that being shot at and hit is making the combatant more angry and even less likely of backing down.
Reed does 2 damage. The M249 would have done 3 damage, but it hit the man in his torso. He's wearing a flak jacket so it which reduced the damage by 1. The combatant is still on the ground, but is no longer suppressed.

[ +- ] Map - Also in Handout
[ +- ] GM Stats for Combat

Same initiative order. Sheepdog is up, but everyone may post their actions ahead of time.

1. Sheepdog
2. Cunningham
3. Reed
4. Enemies
T2K Referee


Enemy C - CUF - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Dec 3, 2023 3:42 am
Possible to open the door of the humvee and fire into the vehicle that way, avoiding the armor? Or through the windshield -- is it also bulletproof?
Last edited December 3, 2023 3:42 am

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 3, 2023 3:47 am
Are you looking to open a specific door or just any?

Edit: I don’t think regular Humvee windows are bulletproof so they wouldn’t get the armor
T2K Referee
Dec 3, 2023 4:07 pm
Reed ignores the insults, since he definitely could come up with better insults himself.


firing - (1d8, 1d6, 5d6)

1d8 : (5) = 5

1d6 : (4) = 4

5d6 : (22652) = 17

hit location - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Dec 3, 2023 4:50 pm
Cunningham is frustrated with with the AK74, so he decides to use it as a melee weapon.


Close Combat (Strength) - (d6)

(5) = 5

Strength - (d12)

(10) = 10

Dec 3, 2023 5:12 pm
Ideally the passenger door, though if shooting through the glass won't offer a penalty, I'll probably aim and shoot through the glass without standing right in front of the humvee. Depends on where Baker is relative to the front of the vehicle after his last move...

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 3, 2023 8:19 pm
T2K Referee
Rolling dice. Will wait for sheepdog's action before revealing and resolving PCs' turn.
SpiritualSocket sent a note to SpiritualSocket


Enemy C - CUF - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Ranged Combat - Target Reed - (Modifier -3) - (d6, d6)

d6 : (3) = 3

d6 : (1) = 1

Ranged Combat - Target Reed - Ammo - (2d6)

(33) = 6

Melee Attack - Target Cunningham - (d10, d6)

d10 : (4) = 4

d6 : (4) = 4

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 3, 2023 8:52 pm
Harrigan says:
[Ideally the passenger door, though if shooting through the glass won't offer a penalty, I'll probably aim and shoot through the glass without standing right in front of the humvee. Depends on where Baker is relative to the front of the vehicle after his last move...
The passenger doors were all left unlocked when the other combatants quickly exited the vehicle. The driver door is likely locked (65% chance). I would only roll to see if that door is locked if Sheepdog attempts to open it.

I don't have a clear example from the rulebook on how to adjudicate this turn of events, so this is what I'm proposing. However, I'm open to change it if it doesn't seem quite right to you.

Opening the door and shooting
Fast action to open the door and a slow action to shoot. All the same modifiers apply (-1 for close combat range, -1 for quick-aim). My rationale is that the driver, although sitting down, will hear the door open and attempt to shift his body or hit the gas to move the vehicle. The driver receives no armor level from the Humvee if Sheepdog does this.

That said. Opening the door and jumping into the vehicle is an interesting option.

Shooting through the window
Fast action to aim and a slow action to shoot. In this situation the driver would have less warning about Sheepdog being there, so I think we should wave the -1 modifier for the close combat range. However, if Sheepdog rolls a torso or leg hit location the driver will still receive the Humvee armor level of 3.
T2K Referee
Dec 4, 2023 3:58 am
I think there are some cool things that could be done with Overwatch here too, but let's just get this resolved. :)
As the man gets behind the wheel of the humvee, Baker rushes the vehicle, reaching for the door on the passenger side so he can yank it open and fire at his foe with his Beretta multiple times.
Fast Action to open the door, Slow Action to fire the pistol without aiming. Using RoF 2. Edit: 7 rounds expended, one hit for 1 damage... probably blocked by the guy's vest.
Last edited December 4, 2023 4:00 am


Agility (d10), Ranged Combat (d10), -2 from same hex and quick aim - (1d8, 1d8)

1d8 : (7) = 7

1d8 : (3) = 3

Ammo Dice (RoF 2) - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Hit Location - (1d6)

(4) = 4

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 4, 2023 2:36 pm
Sheepdog swiftly opens the passenger side door of the Humvee, catching the driver off guard. He fires seven rounds, but none seem to cause significant damage, as the only impact hit the driver's flak jacket. The Humvee accelerates away from Sheepdog.
No damage. The driver is trying to escape.
Reed unleashes 17 rounds toward Enemy C using the M249. The heavy weight of the weapon, coupled with the recoil, challenges Reed's ability to maintain a steady aim. Despite his efforts, all 17 bullets miss their intended target. In a stroke of statistical improbability, as if the enemy had consistently rolled a 7 or an 8 on an eight-sided die, he remains unfazed by the suppression, displaying an uncommon level of resilience.

In response, the combatant gets up from prone and starts firing at Reed. All 6 rounds miss.
Seriously... The dice suggest that this guy really hates Reed.
Seizing an opening Cunningham strikes at the enemy with the butt of his rifle. The enemy lets out a loud groan with the impact.

In response, the enemy takes a swing at Cunningham, but he dodges.
Cunningham deals 3 damage. Base damage with the rifle as Melee weapon is 2. +1 additional damage with the success.

[ +- ] Map
[ +- ] GM Stats for Combat

Same initiative order. Sheepdog is up, but everyone may post their actions ahead of time.

1. Sheepdog
2. Cunningham
3. Reed
4. Enemies
T2K Referee
Dec 4, 2023 4:07 pm
Are called shots in this game? Is there anywhere I can shoot him that's like a "give up already you stubborn bastard" button?

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 4, 2023 4:24 pm
T2K Referee
saevikas says:
Are called shots in this game? Is there anywhere I can shoot him that's like a "give up already you stubborn bastard" button?
He's clearly outmatched, and I figure he'll surrender as soon as he fails a CUF roll. I'd like the dice to drive the outcomes. However, he's passed it three rolls in a row, and he's only rolling 1d8.

Let's say if you hit him again, he recognizes the situation and finally gives up.

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 4, 2023 4:26 pm
SpiritualSocket says:
T2K Referee
saevikas says:
Are called shots in this game? Is there anywhere I can shoot him that's like a "give up already you stubborn bastard" button?
He's clearly outmatched, and I figure he'll surrender as soon as he fails a CUF roll. I'd like the dice to drive the outcomes. However, he's passed it three rolls in a row, and he's only rolling 1d8.

Let's say if you hit him again, he recognizes the situation and finally gives up.
Same for Cunningham's target. He's taken a beating, and Cunningham hasn't been touched. Let's say another hit and the combatant gives up.
Dec 4, 2023 5:01 pm
"Shit!" Baker cries as he jumps back from the suddenly mobile humvee, narrowly avoiding having his foot run over. From there, it’s a mad scramble — holstering his pistol, unslinging his rifle, bringing it to his shoulder to get a few shots off before the man escapes and alerts his entire camp.
Agility and Ranged Weapons see this starting at d10/d10, +1 from the Sniper ability for d12/d10. Moving target, calling a shot (head) for -3 total. -2 more if he fires without aiming, which would leave him with a paltry d6/d6.

Before he shoots, this might turn into a sniper aim action for a shot next round, but only if the vehicle will still be in sight. Will it, if the guy stays the course on the road?

T2K Referee

SpiritualSocket Inactive for 11 months

Dec 4, 2023 5:17 pm
Harrigan says:
Before he shoots, this might turn into a sniper aim action for a shot next round, but only if the vehicle will still be in sight. Will it, if the guy stays the course on the road?
The vehicle will be in sight as long as the driver stays on the road. He'll continue on the road for up to 2 shots of the sniper rifle. Then he'll get spooked and turn off road and out of sight.

The range for the M21 is 10, and the max speed the Humvee can go on road with 2 fast actions is 10. Ranges for the upcoming turns would look like this:

Turn 1: (this turn): Short (5 hexes away)
Turn 2: Med (15 hexes away)
Turn 3: Long (25 hexes away)
Turn 4: Long (35 hexes away)
Turn 5: Extreme (45 hexes away)

Feel free to make the rolls for multiple turns at once since the actions have no impact on Reed or Cunningham's situation.

T2K Referee
Dec 4, 2023 5:18 pm
Or perhaps visible (though further away) if Sheepdog takes the high ground again?
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