Descent into the Underdark
Oct 22, 2023 8:27 pm
The Underdark is a system of subterranean caves, caverns, and tunnels of enormous size inhabited by many different types of creatures. The intelligent races that live often learn to be as cold and ruthless as the environment they live in.
Oct 22, 2023 8:29 pm
Edair and Sawen descend through a series of rooms and halls below the buildings of the base and arrive at another guarded gate to the extensive natural caverns beyond. The guard here gives you a lantern and you make your way, with Sawen flitting ahead at the edge of your light and beyond. Only after scrambling over the rough cavern floor for tens of minutes does the passage open into larger caverns and Sawen draws back to join you as you proceed with more caution. Luckily marks have been made with chalk that are easily followed and you soon find yourself at a small campside in a larger cavern.
You find Valpip and Fiznik, an old human wizard, coffering in a tent near a large square of tiles set into the cavern floor. After yo explain your assignment the little gnome thinks for a moment Hmmm. I see. Well we do need to know a bit more about the deeper tunnels. I suggest caution first and foremost. Now the map case will draw a map of the area you pass through. I have a few other baubles that should be of help. You can each borrow 1 of them. We will be staying here to study the Matric Node for some time. I suggest you not go too deep for your first foray.Sawen motions for you to pick first. (ask to see Magic shop items tagged for UnderDark use)

[ +- ] Dungeoneers Map Case
This magical case records your travels on any scroll placed within it.
The map records locations as the bearer experiences them so distant locations are recorded vaguely with details added as they are learned.
Additional notes and detail can be added with a though after a days of practice with the scroll case.
The map records locations as the bearer experiences them so distant locations are recorded vaguely with details added as they are learned.
Additional notes and detail can be added with a though after a days of practice with the scroll case.
Sawen Shadeflanks
Oct 22, 2023 8:53 pm
Sawen chooses the Amulet of Echos. After talking with Valpip a bit about the area and getting the 3 items, including the magical map case, you set off.
Note that this map, and the one I will have you explore as well, shows major caverns. The connecting passageways are compressed to allow more detail on encounters and events and less on traveling around.You get familiar with the area and make your way west (past room 10 on the left) to the tunnel that leads down. With your new helm, that you lean can be adjusted as well to change color and intensity as simple commands, you move much easier. Sawen tends to fly ahead and above but never goes to far ahead for too long and makes sure to emit a short chirp as he approaches so that you know it is him approaching's in the dark.
The first challenge is the steep slope leading down. The tunnels is wide enough at first for Sawen to glide down but he quickly returns as you make your way down.
The passage narrows further down and continues to increase it's incline
You soon reach the point he mentioned and see the passage turn into a near vertical drop through a craggy tunnel that varies between 2 to 20 feet wide. Even the wider areas are not large enough for Sawen to properly fly so he is forced to join you as you both climb down.
Describe how you want to handle the climb. Who is first? Any strategies/techniques you use. And make a climbing test. I allow players to test with focus out of combat. That means anything 4 or higher indicates a success. A standard test rolls 2d6 but your Strong trait gives you advantage so you can roll 3d6.
[ +- ] current map

Note that this map, and the one I will have you explore as well, shows major caverns. The connecting passageways are compressed to allow more detail on encounters and events and less on traveling around.
The first challenge is the steep slope leading down. The tunnels is wide enough at first for Sawen to glide down but he quickly returns as you make your way down.

Sawen Shadeflanks
You soon reach the point he mentioned and see the passage turn into a near vertical drop through a craggy tunnel that varies between 2 to 20 feet wide. Even the wider areas are not large enough for Sawen to properly fly so he is forced to join you as you both climb down.
Describe how you want to handle the climb. Who is first? Any strategies/techniques you use. And make a climbing test. I allow players to test with focus out of combat. That means anything 4 or higher indicates a success. A standard test rolls 2d6 but your Strong trait gives you advantage so you can roll 3d6.
Oct 23, 2023 10:42 pm
"Well, I guess I’m going down first." Edair uses a rope and rapples downward. "Too bad you can’t really fly in here, it would’ve been more convenient for me to hold on to you and descend down." He scowls, but gets back to the task at hand.
Climbing test - (3d6)
Sawen Shadeflanks
Oct 25, 2023 2:21 am
Edair works with Sawen to climb down the steep sloping passage and after about an hour of exhausting tense maneuvering you find yourselves coming out of it and into a cavern more than 10 times larger than any you have seen before. You soon learn that there is a dim ambient light, enough to see forms move in the darkness as well as the general outline of most stones. Small patches of lichen or fungus emit a soft blue/green light. In the distance the light is a bit brighter but the air seems oddly milky from the glow as if mist or dust fills much of the cavern.

Next to you Sawen flexes his wings wide as you look around. I wonder what kind of beast live down here and what they live on? he muses quietly. Shall I fly ahead to scout while you remain here or would you prefer we stay close. I can easily find you if you activate your helm.
As you are discussing options you hear a faint noise nearby. Turning your help you spot a lizard like creature the size of a large bull. The beast hisses as the light strikes its eyes before it closes them. With its eyes still closed it charges.

Sawen Shadeflanks
As you are discussing options you hear a faint noise nearby. Turning your help you spot a lizard like creature the size of a large bull. The beast hisses as the light strikes its eyes before it closes them. With its eyes still closed it charges.
[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Oct 25, 2023 12:51 pm
Edair clenchs his sheathed greatsword, "Don’t go right now, Sawen. I may need backup." he draws it and, charges at the lizard and attempts an an overhead swing.
Do I roll 3d6 for attacks or just 2? I'll do 3, if I’m wrong we’ll use the result from 2d6.Rolls
Attack - (3d6)
Oct 25, 2023 2:37 pm
roll 2d6skill | none | proficient | mastered |
Dice | 1d6 | 2d6 | 3d6 |
You have a heavy weapon that only allows a single attack for 2 damage. This let's your either Evade, Focus, Move etc... for your second action
Behind him Sawen takes to the air as he releases an arrow at the lizard but it glanced harmlessly of the thick skin.
A low hiss issues from the gapping maw as the lizard tears back swiping with a claw and fighting with it's large jaws. Both attacks lands, wounding Edair 2 damage
Sawen arrow - (3d6)
Beast bit, claw - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (66)
2d6 : (45)
Oct 25, 2023 4:47 pm
Edair grimaces and attempts to slash the lizard with his greatsword again. He attempts to evade attacks made by the lizard.
Last edited Oct 25, 2023 5:03 pm
Attacking - (2d6)
Oct 26, 2023 1:08 am
The secon strike of his sword is as true as the first and the lizrd is begining to stagger. One or two more hits, if you can last that long.
An arrow sails over your head and again fails to inflict harm.
The large lizard inturn snaps at you and its jaws snat at your arm as the beast lunges at you. Roll an evasion test 1d6. If you fail you take 1 damage
An arrow sails over your head and again fails to inflict harm.
The large lizard inturn snaps at you and its jaws snat at your arm as the beast lunges at you. Roll an evasion test 1d6. If you fail you take 1 damage
Sawen arrow - (3d6)
Beast bite, claw - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (26)
2d6 : (24)
Oct 26, 2023 1:35 am
Edair pulls the greatsword back, "Begone, foul beast!" he yells as he attempts to stab the lizard.
He again, watches the beast for any signs of movement and attempts to dodge.
He again, watches the beast for any signs of movement and attempts to dodge.
Last edited Oct 26, 2023 1:36 am
Evasion test - (1d6)
Attack - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Oct 27, 2023 3:01 am
Edair moves to dodge but the subterranean lizard reacts too fast and manages to still tear into him once more.
Sawn fires down on the lizard and finally manages to strike it. The lizard is starting to show caution and hisses as it slashes at you with a claw before jumping back and trying to evade any retaliatory strikes from you
Though your shout has little effect you can tell the exchange of damage is not too the giant lizards liking and it is becominmg increasingly less bold and If Sawen can continue to strike it you should be able to drive it off.
Sawn fires down on the lizard and finally manages to strike it. The lizard is starting to show caution and hisses as it slashes at you with a claw before jumping back and trying to evade any retaliatory strikes from you
Though your shout has little effect you can tell the exchange of damage is not too the giant lizards liking and it is becominmg increasingly less bold and If Sawen can continue to strike it you should be able to drive it off.
Sawen Attack - (3d6)
lizard claw - (2d6)
Oct 27, 2023 1:51 pm
Edair takes a deep breath and focuses his efforts into one strike, he swings at the lizard, hoping to inflict another nasty wound or a death blow.
Attack test with focus - (2d6)
Oct 27, 2023 8:03 pm
Edair slams hs blade into the beas, that stumbles from the impact and jumps back bleeding. The lizards hisses at your before turning to run.
Sawen fires off another arrow, that strikes the lizards flank causing it to stumble in its flight, before dropping down to talk. Shall we track it or let it go? You took the brunt of that and only you can say if we should press our advantage

Sawen Shadeflanks
LoL that is the way the dice roll. You don't focus and need it. You do focus and don't need it :)Rolls
Sawen Bowshot - (3d6)
Oct 27, 2023 9:33 pm
Edair grunts and huffs through the pain, "Let it go. I doubt it'll bother us again." he says while leaning on his great sword.
"Come on, let's continue our expedition." He puts his great sword on his shoulder.
"Come on, let's continue our expedition." He puts his great sword on his shoulder.
Oct 27, 2023 10:02 pm
You can rest 1 hour to recover 1 health. full health with a nights sleep > 6 hours4 hits took you down to 4/8 health
Are you keeping your helm light on or making due with ultra low levels of the caves luminus light?
After several minutes you come to another opening, this time in the floor. Cool air is felt emanating from the narrow passage leading further underground.
If you can give me a basic plan of action on how you want to explore, and actions you take while doing so, and how long you plan to explore then I can narrate past minor decisions, if you want.Oct 27, 2023 10:53 pm
Edair inspects the opening in the floor cautiously, he looks down, hoping his helm light will show the bottom of the floor.
"Let’s spend at least 3 hours down here, Sawen. Do you think you lift me into that hole there? After I inspect it, of course."
"Let’s spend at least 3 hours down here, Sawen. Do you think you lift me into that hole there? After I inspect it, of course."
Oct 28, 2023 1:13 am
The passage down is similar to the one you arrived by, varying in width and direction. Sawen looks around the large cavern. Three more hours seems fine. Perhaps leave the small windy passages for later? A slight shudder through his small frame as he says this reminds you he is an owlin not a batkin and though well adapted to darkness is more used to open air spaces. I may be able to slow our fall in the air but you are far too big for me to cary. But if you are talking about holding you on a rope then with the air of the artificers item it will not be a problem at all.
Choose your own adventure time (so you are aware of what I think of as the basic options)
1. Explore back the way you came
2. go down the tunnel in the floor
3. head out into the middle of the cave
4. continue onwards
5. other, describe please
If I don't hear back by monday I will assume you want to still go down the tunnel in the floor
Choose your own adventure time (so you are aware of what I think of as the basic options)
1. Explore back the way you came
2. go down the tunnel in the floor
3. head out into the middle of the cave
4. continue onwards
5. other, describe please
If I don't hear back by monday I will assume you want to still go down the tunnel in the floor
Oct 29, 2023 3:18 am
After a short survey of the area Edair and Sawen begin their descent. Using the Imobile staff as an anchor they are able to belay each other to help ease the climb down. The passage is often steep but most sections are easy enough to walk or climb. After descending for well over half an hour, you notice the air becoming noticeably colder and more moist. Another ten or fifteen minutes later and you come out into another large cavern. The passage ends in a cave mouth high on the cavern walls. The traces of light are barely enough to let you know that the cavern contains a massive subterranean body of water. As you look around the cave you spy a point of light drawing closer on the water surface. Watching a moment you can tell now that you are about 40 feet above the water level. Looking down you see a small shoreline or shelf of rock above the water level directly below you. The light on the surface reveals itself to be a ship with lanterns illuminating it and the water around it.
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