Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 22, 2024 2:34 pm
Ander stows Trusty Sling, and sheathes his sword. He helps get his friends out of underdarkened caverns. Once all loot has been secured of course.

Friends, I could make great use of the venombane armor, of that I am certain. And, I would simply propose an even split of the coin. Is that agreeable?

It’s amazing, how polite and diplomatic our knightly fellow is. There is surely no known trope of a polite and diplomatic knight, anywhere, at all, ever. Lol
Last edited January 22, 2024 11:17 pm
Jan 22, 2024 2:55 pm
All makes sense! The veterans should get a greater take of it. And maybe the three folks who were already down here in the underdark when we joined. Grin likes things that look shiny and fun.
Gold is nice, but what’s that?! He points at the velvet mask. Aethereon might like that, won’t he, Veilstitch? Grinfletch’s cloak immediately alters to a black with velvet texture and silver trim.
Jan 22, 2024 3:02 pm
Hellish Gloves : When in the Nine Hells, the bearer has advantage on saving throws.
Skeeve points at the gloves and says, "I hope that I never ever find a time when those would be useful to me."
Jan 22, 2024 3:11 pm
Ishzu spends time checking others to make sure they are OK. Completely ignoring the gathered loot he takes a look around to see if there is anything interesting about this cave.
Do I/we need to roll to heal? I want to get and get everyone back up to full health is possible.
Jan 22, 2024 3:20 pm
BTW, before we head back to the manor, Skeeve now wants to spend a little loot to get a healing potion. There's nothing like a sure thing when you are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Just sayin'.
Jan 22, 2024 3:22 pm
Outside of combat, Psybermagi does not make us roll because we'd eventually succeed. So, as long as there are healers present, everyone can get restored after combat. It's only when time is critical (e.g. combat) where the rolls are really necessary.
Jan 22, 2024 3:45 pm
as daryen said, out of combat I allow rolls with focus and as there is no time limit at the present you can definitely heal everyone.
We will split the parties after the loot division is finalized. Remember your groups will likely not see each other much so you may want to keep that in mind with the loot division and how magic items are handled.
@Bunt We can handle searching for other materials, but with that roll you definitely get something good.
The artificer and wizard explain to Oliver that there is a growth of poisonous fungus north of where you fought. There is also a cave full of spiders that they suggest you not attack without a means to deal attacks to multiple targets as they are many and tiny. Then there is the Gelatinous Cube to the North East. Beside that there are a variety of minerals in the caves. However while the items are identified and appraised Oliver examines the Darkmangle bodies and manages to extract some glands with enough fluids for 3 alchemical experiments. Now all he need to do is spend some time to craft it into a usable form.
Darkmist gland fluid x3 : When removed from the glands this fluid reacts with air or water and to create dark clouds that are impenetrable to light. I may have other alchemical uses as well . . .

Valpip and Fiznik can appraise the items values and pay for then with gemstones if you want to sell them off, or just trade for what they have on hand. (See this post) Ander is currently borrowing the Helm. The other items are available to those who explore the underdark for the Expedition.
Jan 22, 2024 4:49 pm
I assume the "poisonous fungus" is the pink stuff? Yeah, that stuff sucked, though I imagine it could be quite useful to Oliver. If so, he should have an infinite supply ...
If Valpip and Fiznik have a healing potion handy, Skeeve will buy it from them. I asked for the ring because I think Skeeve is the only magic user, as Ishzu is psionic. And the bone dice would just be part of his part of the money.

I really want to see who asks for the backpack. That is so cool. The best part is that you don't necessarily have to cart it around with you, unless you're doing some kind of multi-day trip. And who wants that circlet ...
Jan 22, 2024 6:20 pm
WhiteDwarf says:
Ander stows Trusty Sling, and sheathes his sword. He helps get his friends out of underdarkened caverns. Once all loot has been secured of course.

Friends, I could make great use of the venom and armor, of that I am certain. And, I would simply propose an even split of the coin. Is that agreeable?

It’s amazing, how polite and diplomatic our knightly fellow is. There is surely no known trope of a polite and diplomatic knight, anywhere, at all, ever. Lol
"Aye. Agreed on dividing up the coins evenly. As for the other stuff, well, we can each state a claim for something. If two or more of us want the same thing, then there will have to be a round of friendly negotiations. And if no one minds, I'll claim the backpack. He adds a wink.
Jan 22, 2024 6:23 pm
Here are the coins: 240 cp, 350 sp, 190 gp.

I think there's seven of us, so that's...

34 cp each with 2 cp leftover.
50 sp each
27 gp each with 1 gp leftover.
Jan 22, 2024 6:28 pm
Just a suggestion, perhaps round it up to 10 and let those that are new and do not get any gear take double portions? help out the poor new guys
Valpip and Fiznic have a few items and agree to sell at most 4 potions of healing and 2 antitoxin for 50GP each.
Drinking a healing potion as an action heals the character 2 HP
Antitoxin give advantage on poison Saves for 1 hour or removed 1 poison effect and allows ST with advantage on others in the system.
Jan 22, 2024 6:34 pm
daryen says:

I really want to see who asks for the backpack. That is so cool. The best part is that you don't necessarily have to cart it around with you, unless you're doing some kind of multi-day trip. And who wants that circlet ...
As on-theme as they may be, the Circlet combines SO badly with the backpack... or maybe not...
Jan 22, 2024 6:36 pm
Im thinking about the circlet and the chalice

Edit: Yup, Im pretty sure now. Will narrate it soon
Last edited January 22, 2024 6:40 pm
Jan 22, 2024 6:51 pm
circlet on one party member and backpack to another so one can track the other.
Jan 22, 2024 6:53 pm
Skeeve will patiently wait for others to buy them, but if a healing potion is left, he'll take it.
Jan 22, 2024 6:55 pm
Psybermagi says:
circlet on one party member and backpack to another so one can track the other.
Or, assuming you don't always drag the backpack with you into the dungeon or whatever, the circlet can guide you back home to the backpack.
Jan 22, 2024 7:00 pm
I've just thought some ideas for the circlet. Will keep em in reserve for now <3

I'm just gonna say it's the pinnacle of Alchemical instrumentation. Well, that reveals quite a lot
Jan 22, 2024 7:02 pm
Ealdwig stares at the huge stack of coin Blornvid hands him, with his mouth slightly open. I thought coming here would be good, but I never expected this. Wow! Good decision, for sure. Stammering slightly, thanks.
ForeverDED says:
"... And if no one minds, I'll claim the backpack. He adds a wink.
Beaming and chuckling, go for it! It's much too big for me, anyway.

Without even thinking about it, Ealdwig pockets a set of dice just before sitting down to count his newly found wealth, pretty much ignoring everything and everyone else.
Last edited January 22, 2024 7:05 pm
Jan 22, 2024 7:16 pm
Oliver was still contemplating the vials of darkmantle fluid he had extracted, as they swirled about, while the group was having a surprisingly-civilized discussion on how to split the loot. What handsome fellas we have come to meet.

A little spark of imagination then made the circlet capture his attention. Such alchemical wonder, truthfully, and so many questions it led to. What would be sufficient to make it alcoholic? What would be sufficient to make it a beverage?

His excitement was then slightly apparent. "The circlet. I I would. Yes, I would have the circlet... and the cup."

"Isn't magic a remarkable thing?"
Jan 22, 2024 7:28 pm
Psybermagi says:
Just a suggestion, perhaps round it up to 10 and let those that are new and do not get any gear take double portions? help out the poor new guys
Sure. But wouldn't that be 11 then? 4 new guys? But if Ealdwig is a new guy that would be 12. Doesn't matter to me really. Someone pick a number to divide by! And if Valpip and Fiznik are taking the magical backpack keg to sell to the tavern, that's ok too. :)
Last edited January 22, 2024 7:28 pm
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