"Well, it's time we set ourselves to business. Did I mention you two look very shiny? I think I can say the same thing about Grin as well now, haha."
"Now, before leaving this research camp, there is a little experiment I want to run. Shouldn't take long if you would be so kind to allow me to use a controllable flame, Fiznik. I promise that the outcome could be interesting to you as well."OOC:
For the sake of narration momentum, I will assume Fiznik said yes and continue from there. I can backtrack if @Psibermagi decides on a different answer.
Once at the research station controllable flame, Oliver adjusted the Circlet that he was already wearing and produced his alchemist gear, as well as the five ale vials. He moved them around to confirm that the Circlet properly allowed him to magically know the position of the closest vial.
"So far, so good. After all they are all alcoholic beverages".
"But what would it take for them to stop being beverages, or to stop being alcoholic? Pure alcohol is definitely not a beverage, but poison. And non-fermented malt is evidently not alcoholic. My hypothesis is that by distilling their contents we should be able to split each vial into the substance that causes it to be a beverage -according to the Circlet- and into the substance that causes it to be alcoholic -likely a purer form of alcohol-."
Oliver attempted to distill the first vial into both substances, making sure that the Circlet detected the substance again when they got mixed together.
I will assume that the experiment was successful. Correct me in case I need to roll.
After a while, Oliver reappeared with ten vials of substance in his hands. Half of them were nearly transparent, and half of them were more dense and brown. He handed a vial of each kind to Grin, Ander and Ishzu.
"If we're ever separated and you need to send a distress signal, mix the contents of both flasks, and I'll know where to look for you. Then, to turn the signal off, just drink the flask."
Last edited January 23, 2024 11:10 pm