Descent into the Underdark

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Jan 31, 2024 4:24 am
Waiting for the perfect shot, Grin aims his flaming bolt at the cave mouth right after Ishzu emerges. In his peripheral vision he sees Oliver and Ander sling alcohol flasks at the cavern entrance and he says to himself:

Want to see a magic trick?

He fires the flaming bolt at the entrance right as the flasks shatter.

He then reaches into his pocket and grabs another alcohol flask, aims it towards the torch light coming from within the cave and hurls it.
Okay, last round for his one action after pulling Ishzu’s rope, Grin used focus. His free action that round was to light the cloth on the end of the bolt. So I think this crossbow attack is applied with marksman AND mastery, so any 3+ hits, right?
Also, I’m guessing the throw the alcohol flask into the cavern is at disadvantage…

How sick would it have been if I got 666!?
Last edited January 31, 2024 4:30 am


Crossbow (focus,marksman,mastery) - (3d6)

(555) = 15

Hurl Flask - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Jan 31, 2024 5:51 am
With a loud whoosh the entrance to the cavern is filled with flame and the spiders rushing at you begin to scatter. The cobwebs near the flames all shrivel instantly, exposing more of the caverns interior, but the smoke and flames make looking inside or getting near difficult. The combination of flames and webs quickly causes the oil tossed into the room earlier to also catch. The flames do not fill then entire cave and some of the spider form the cave flee it on the ceiling into your part of the cavern. . .
Jan 31, 2024 1:50 pm
A sense of dread washes over Grinfletch who quickly tries to think of a solution…Ishzu! What did your crystal mind see?!
Last edited January 31, 2024 1:51 pm
Jan 31, 2024 3:43 pm
Ishzu shakes his head "Too Many. Cave was a Blur of Life. Something seemed to connect to them."
Ishzu grabs another torch, lights it a flame, and starts using it to burn the spiders as they come out.
Is there any rubble or rocks around we can use to block the cave mouth?
Jan 31, 2024 4:22 pm
Do we have a window to do stuff right now? I'll roleplay away without doing stuff just in case.
"They are a... thrilling... form of life, alright."
Oliver is not amused by the swarm of little spiders.
Last edited January 31, 2024 4:22 pm
Jan 31, 2024 11:21 pm
As the spiders start swarming out into the main cavern area, our knightly fellow turns his attention to helping light ammo aflame. Trusty Sling, simply ineffective, it seems!
I got nuthin’ ol. Can I help light-up and load ammo for our crossbows?
Feb 1, 2024 5:26 am
The are some loose rocks lying about and while some of you move to prepare to block up the passage you pause as you realize the spiders are no longer moving in a cohesive manner and are simply scattering from the flames. But the little fuel you have tossed in the cave will soon burn out. As you watch the flames, squashing or side stepping the occasional spider that wanders to close.
Feb 1, 2024 12:07 pm
should we keep taking our turns? Are the spiders going to attack?
Feb 1, 2024 1:39 pm
The spiders in your area are unorganized and react like normal spiders and flee your approach.
No need for combat order at this time. The flames will only burn about 1 minute without additionnal fuel, but will diminish greatly fdrom the large initial flame as you only used a handfull of maller flasks, about 1/2 cup each. The keg of oil you got held about 16 cups so has about 10 left. I dont bother tracking things too much so just balparking it here



Feb 1, 2024 2:13 pm
The Knight says, "Feed the fire!"
Feb 1, 2024 2:45 pm
Well, if we can spread the fire into the cave and scare the spiders out, we might be able to find the thing that’s connecting them and remove it. If we don’t remove it, the swarm will come back.

Grin puts his crossbow on his back, and with an alcohol flask in one hand and his torch in the other, he rushes towards the cave entrance.
Feb 1, 2024 7:04 pm
Using his staff Ishzu pushes the barrel of oil into the cave and topples it so the burning oil spreads all around the bottom of the cave...
Hopefully this is ok.


Ishzu: Test - Push Barrel - (2d6)

(42) = 6

Feb 1, 2024 9:10 pm
good idea, it gives us time to figure out what’s inside there - maybe we’ll be able to see it and Ish can connect to it with his mind.
Feb 2, 2024 2:13 am
Taking this risky action as also having used "Focus"
You manuver the barrel of oil as closs as possible before Isuzu uses his pole to push it forwards then into and through the flames. He uses his telekinetic powers to keep the thing from tipping early then knock it over. You all quickly retreat and after a moment a loud whoosh is heard and the flames grow in brightness and intensity.

By this point the flames have drivven the spiders deeper into their own cave or perhaps out into the open? Either way you have little to do for the next several minutes as the oil burns and the flames slowly dwindle to mere traces. Still the heat of the rocks makes you wait a bit longer before moving towards the cave.
I will add more in the morning but feel free to actreact up to this point as I wil resume with you entering the spider cave
Feb 2, 2024 2:57 am
Sorry for not posting today. Just finished thesis. I'll get back to posting tomorrow c:
Feb 2, 2024 8:34 am
"Sure, Ishzu, take the keg, what are you going to AAAHH."

"Well, that will certainly... scatter them."

Oliver proceeds to retrieve and wrap up some cloth from the now-torn blanket he had bought around his nose and mouth, and offered pieces to his companions as well.

"Here, just so you take in a little less smoke. And no, I definitely haven't done this before."
Feb 2, 2024 1:02 pm
Grin gratefully accepts the cloth which he ties over his nose and mouth. Well, I’d say we’ve done a good job clearing out the spiders. When the flames die down, I’d like to get into that cavern and have a good look around. Something was keepin’ those spiders swarmed in there, and it wasn’t food…
Last edited February 2, 2024 1:04 pm
Feb 2, 2024 2:11 pm
The stench is terrible when you finally move to enter the side cavern. Though not wide or deep you ralize it is very tall. The light you saw from before is much brighter and far overhead. Most of the webs were destroyed by the fire but a few tattered remnants remain high above. The cavern floor and lower span has been burth clear of all webbin and not a single spider can be seen. The webs are too high up and the walls are smothed so the any attempt to climb will be difficult. You search the lower reaches of the cave and find nothing but a few chard spider corpses of various size. To solve this riddle you will need a way up . . .
Feb 3, 2024 1:28 am
Awww, phooie! That stench! Let’s find this thing that’s connecting the spider swarm and get out of here! He looks up.
… You don’t suppose it’s up there?
Feb 3, 2024 9:28 am
"There's nowhere to go but up, isn't there?"

"But something intrigues me. There appears to be an exit right there, to the surface. Maybe we could find it from the other side. It must be very well hidden if it hasn't been mapped already."

Oliver took out one vial of wine alcohol and of wine extract that he had distilled at Vaplip's and also took out some blanket cloth and an empty round flask.

"But we could - you know - sling a wine beacon up there and search the hidden entrance using this fabulous alcoholic circlet."

"That is, unless one of you is an extraordinary climber... or secretly avian."
I can't believe the blanket is so ridiculously useful.
Last edited February 3, 2024 9:37 am
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