Descent into the Underdark

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Feb 28, 2024 9:03 pm
Bunt says:
Way to cleanse the world. Please avoid drinking water elementals at home. These are trained duende professionals with a solid stomach
Also, lol.
Feb 29, 2024 10:23 am
Before leaving Brewner using his shovel digs quickly grave for the dead guards.

" This guards died doing their job, trying to protect us, they deserve at least this, they are with theirs ancestors"



Feb 29, 2024 3:35 pm
The King says, "You probably ought to take the bodies up to the surface. And tell the wizard what happened."
Feb 29, 2024 4:44 pm
Ricardoi91 says:
Before leaving Brewner using his shovel digs quickly grave for the dead guards.

" This guards died doing their job, trying to protect us, they deserve at least this, they are with theirs ancestors"
Yes, we should take care of them. Well, what about their families?
Feb 29, 2024 5:23 pm
" You probably right" answering both the King and Grinfletch

"We bring them to the surface, but do we do it now or do we follow the rest of the goblins with the crystal?"
Feb 29, 2024 7:49 pm
"The goblins and crystal can wait. Let us take these heroes to the surface. Thank you, Brewner, your heart is truly in the right place."

Oliver pats Brewner on the shoulder.

"And your chess piece sounds wiser than most."
Feb 29, 2024 8:51 pm
OK, setting the stage ...

The goblins left using the Matrix Node. That means you can't follow or track them on the way out. However, you can try to see how they got *in*, since you know it wasn't through the Node.

And you wouldn't really be able to dig graves for them down here, as it is pretty much all rock.

So, the question is, what do you want to do now?
Feb 29, 2024 9:12 pm
OHHHHHHHH. I hadn't noticed the matrix node thing when reading for the first time!
"Let us go to the surface to give these guards a proper place to rest, and come back straight here to research the area. What do you say?"

Just then, Oliver noticed the pool of shiny water and smelled around to identify any riverside species that could serve him for alchemy.
Just so you know, Oliver has alchemy recipes which specifically require minerals, river plants or other stuff, so he looks for those kind of stuff when he's in the appropriate area. Right now I'm rolling with advantage because plants/flowers can be smelled, and Oliver has a trait of heightened smell (alchemy gives advantage to identify substances, which I guess means liquids, whereas the smell trait covers smelly ingredients)


Alchemy plant identification - (3d6)


Feb 29, 2024 10:42 pm
Bunt says:

Oliver pats Brewner on the shoulder.
Grin looks up at Brewner, winks, and gives him a big thumbs up. Right friends - shall we go?… wait a minute, where’s Ishzu? Oy, Zuzu?! How do we keep losing a big walking crystal?!
Bunt says:

Oliver noticed the pool of shiny water…
If you’re talking about the pool with the elemental in the other cave to the west, Grin will absolutely want to tell you about the scary water lord and his wish-granting experience.

Also, before we leave, we might want to hear from @Smiley about Ishzu’s experiences and plans.
Last edited Feb 29, 2024 10:44 pm
Feb 29, 2024 10:53 pm
Yeah, probably ought to have @Smiley and @WhiteDwarf check in before heading you all back up.
Feb 29, 2024 11:29 pm
I am sick with the flu right now. No energy. Ishzu is following along right now. Sorry.
Feb 29, 2024 11:42 pm
Smiley says:
I am sick with the flu right now. No energy. Ishzu is following along right now. Sorry.
Thoughts and prayers.
Last edited Feb 29, 2024 11:47 pm
Feb 29, 2024 11:46 pm
Sorry I am late. Yes, friends, let’s move forward. This…pool, Grin, sounds very enticing indeed! Perhaps we mark it on our map, and keep track of it for later!
Ander looks at Ye Ole Dungeon Map, which perhaps updates to mark the Elemental Pool in real-time!
Mar 1, 2024 2:05 am
Smiley says:
I am sick with the flu right now. No energy. Ishzu is following along right now. Sorry.
Feel better soon! We’ll make sure Ishzu eats his veggies while you’re out.
Watch out, Oli!!! That pool water will give you a tummy ache! And it is definitely NOT enticing. I say we mark it down with the note: DO NOT DRINK!… goodness, anyone can just walk up to that pool, take a drink, feel sick to their stomach, be grappled by a water lord, be granted a wish, and BLAM! You’re soaked through and face down on the stone! It’s unsafe I say! Hazardous!

Now, when you’re done looking for ingredients, Oliver, we’ll be over there preparing these corpses for transport…

He squelches off in his wet clothing, not quite sure why he’s feeling frustrated…
Last edited Mar 1, 2024 2:06 am
Mar 1, 2024 3:36 am
Smiley says:
I am sick with the flu right now. No energy. Ishzu is following along right now. Sorry.
Sorry to hear that! Hope you get well soon!

I'll describe the trek up tomorrow morning.
Mar 1, 2024 5:45 am
"Sure, sure, sorry. Let's go. Curiosity got the best of me, but it's bad timing."

And he moved back to the group to prepare the fallen guards for transport back to the surface.
Regarding the check I made to identify ingredients: was there anything worth identifying?
Mar 1, 2024 1:44 pm
FYI, Bunt, I’m not feeling frustrated - just being silly with Grin and trying to bridge what’s going on around the pool with what’s happening in the camp area. :D



Mar 1, 2024 2:41 pm
Bunt says:
Regarding the check I made to identify ingredients: was there anything worth identifying?
Bunt sees no life present in the pool. In fact, there is no algae or slime or moss or anything like that one might expect to see in an otherwise stagnant pool. It looks to be perfectly clear, clean water.
Do you take a sample of the water in a vial or flask? (It will quickly lose its magic, but you don't know that yet. 😊)
You, saddened by the loss of the lives of the guards and disappointed by the loss of your big prize, pack up the remains of the camp and use them to make a pair of stretchers for the fallen guards. With that, you head back to the Settlement. It is a very quiet hour as the fresh experience weights on you, and you do not engage in your normal banter in the walk.

When you reach the gate, the guards there quickly become active and ask what happened. The simple answer, "Goblins," gives all the information they need for now. They send a runner to get more people to manage the task at hand. They relieve you of both the bodies and the camp equipment and start the process of salvage and recover of the equipment.

"Thank you for bringing them back. Please check in with Tyren and let him know what happened."
Do you say any more to the guards present?
You finish the trek up into the warehouse and run into the Clerk.
What do you say to the Clerk? Where do you go next? (Fiznik, Tyren, the Tavern?)
Last edited Mar 1, 2024 2:43 pm
Mar 1, 2024 2:51 pm
To the guards: "Make sure their families know they die bravely, doing their job of protecting others"
I think i missed something why do we need to talk to Fiznik?
Last edited Mar 1, 2024 2:55 pm
Mar 1, 2024 3:00 pm
Thunder_Lungz says:
FYI, Bunt, I’m not feeling frustrated - just being silly with Grin and trying to bridge what’s going on around the pool with what’s happening in the camp area. :D
I kind of assumed as much, but took the opportunity to roleplay it a bit anyway. Thanks for letting me know though!
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